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December 5, 1976
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Approved For Release 2007/07/05: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100020017-4 ARTICLE APPEJIRF-D ON PAGE-.2- 7 THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE 5 December 1976 Nick r '1i t~tai e =; t. -how cluttered coinmlltees and, the- buy: reaucracy"can get.;.':.... Wt'ASIIINGTON-During, his confirma? tion hearings, George Bush was thumbed - -down. by some. liberal Democrats as being too political for the CIA direc-. tors job, and now, this able, versatile man is high-minded enough to announce his resignation early . sw.his successor can he installed.that;mrch.sooner: Bush's decision' should. make - those worrywart senators. eat- :Crow,' humble pie, peanuts; or wrhatever politicians are - supposed to eat these. days to admit they were wrong. A . year ago, Sens. Frank Church, ? Patrick : J.- Leahy; and Gary Hart, sitting ,in judgment, praised Bush but didn't trust him: The Senate finally confirmed Btisli In January, and he has Made. a good re= cord as CIA director. Nary a peep out of Church & Co. Bush kept a low profile and performed well. Then, on Nov. 20, 'he had 'a. six hour ? mee`ing with Jimmy Carter that went well enough that speculators-and , this tow=.n is rife with them-wondered if Carter might keep Bush on BUSH PUT that on'eclo;vn by 'resign- ing, effective Jan: 20, 1977. "I wanted too' clear-the air,!"he told'me in'his office.: "I am damned sure. that. this position.`: must be filled soon. This.giveS 11r. Cart- er more time to make his selection. Access and"confiderce`in the director, by Congress, are, more important then- ever.". .... : , Bush took ' over: the . CIA! just. after had gone through ? is .months- df lnvesfi- '.gation . and it `was_'hardly-..a :candidate.:{ for -a - government,: Academy - .Award. ' President Ford's executive order to t* organize ' t :is ' agenc, -making At more responsible to Congress; was new. Agen=': ,cy' morale was' ally Taira' and some con- gressnien still had their. knives out. The The reorganization:_is *'fully impte- menteil, but better'at.tbe CIA..' since Bush took over.. Congressional' con .fidgnce has been 1argely, restored.'.Jh' fact, -there 'are-?so?'riiany; congressional' -. oversight' cotinittees iiow dealing .with'': the CIA that - are 'as complicated as. the celebrated agency::; ?.,1..:. ~.:..; ".. }`It. would be_ best';Bush.says,to: have one --joint.' congressional:, oversight committee, or- at 'the. most one for the.: IIcuse and one *for' the Senate.": Spoken like a man who served Iti Congress and.I tho executive, .branch,. and ' appreciates :! election-, Chur?eh agreed with ~Yill's COW, elusion .that. George us - at their CI 13 h A t t , wr kind "th f ld w - ong o e. guy a wou be wrong place at the worst possitle time; ~ : : Tut;' f ut All thesegent5 w e r e se ing; 'watergate'-goblins Scn, Leabby's :site ~, could;.'not have tieeh disturbed 3y ' thoughts~of: Bush's work at'-the C14- if the' Senate:doesn't do- its job- on ie%vrr ing.the. CIA, Sqn' Church-should know. it :wasn't'Bush's,' fatilt,..?but perhaps'-th'e ?cozy- . relationship .-some "old ~,oys"; in s ? Washington -hRve with ';'"'old-. boy', sena . tors.: And George will's. 'theorizing- : ap', ?pears trivial when one looks back at,the ; actual factors at work.irt the 1976;presi-) Approved For Release 2007/07/05: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100020017-4 STAT recruiting -young people for the CIA; i 'tcneest- tirade against Bush.. He found tlvities section . The CIA . is even wel- `+ fishng, -and; implored , the : committee The agency had- a rough time main- reform - the ;CIA " Though Bush was taming its liaison with.securitp agencies :not,aspiring.`for ti-c vice presatt~ney, of other 'nations'during. the ti}'atergate. Ch~1tCh and other Democrats tf' ti'~ht h + period, but Bush says, ' They still look to might, and Clieirch saki,;"it ra Wrecg for q lli= t i t d b n e es the CIA as the strongest an him to --.'vane both positions -even m a' f_._.. ._`.,. ?.. th rld Some noun: - .. `k "Z e ncv e wo tries worried 'what all.-'the. disclosures , Church loaned on' he dsof colurh would do to our relationship with them. nlsts- to- make his stand'against Bush:-At ~; They. are not culturally adjusted to the one point he quoted a?:George \Vill eof,4 nshine ' th te i t e su n opera way we mus , umnd_laying -out a scenario.. wherb?.tlhi "The Soviets capitalized on some. anti-. CIA would be used to'make an adrninis CIA publicity,. and even blamed is for tratiott look good during ?a presidenfl the Legionnaire 's disease ti "But-. I am sure they are grateful to . learn ',what ,their wheat- crop is going to :James `Reston Is : on .vacation.: be 'after our: economic tntelligerce unit ) makes -nit estimate Ear; morg -ace irate l ?than.theirs ",.` r,'; ! Bush became, chairman of.t:he GOP in late 1971,: bad luck for-him becausethe Watergate scandal. broke _ a few months later, But he-had endured difficulty. be- fore as,:ambassactor. to. the;:Unlted-.Na' tions; U. S.?.:''representative in - Peking ff and as =a Republican -fn: Texas: He. was: an amiable and fair-minded roan in all: , these roles r _l STILL;. DURING the kconfirmation~ `.hearings;-Son: Leahy. Wondered' whether i.Busfr~ as a-Republican ,partisan,-,'would be strong ' enough . to'. tell the President: 1 "that, he.1s. Wrong, if that ;:b~came? nee I essary:"? Leahy said be wad: niora tfoti -bled by the Bush appointment 'than* Any-'--" he had considered as ti-!'member of the _? Senate Armed Services Committee: ,'-..;' -`'?,