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Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP92-00455R000300020002-8 IB
T, -- r C >. r L:
1 L i'..J V:\:~ L I
SP t1V-C . G h
No Field Counterpart
~. Agency poi- cy requires that ll t
with 4 cr--D nor. s ccr:c
i p field 1assignmerits e Sri E ~Jr` t:
staff position assi~r. me n is t o TT.
,- - . -
~' - o e, O', c.Q"" E-'s Ei 2:e ire -L
It must be recognized,
}2019..1='Er, that f` cl'a ~ lc`i1l lty Ci S'-' -
able pos.itions cannot be guaranteec and sound personnel *^~~~_
r.:ent practices, e-.sur~n~
making inappronr; - e assi is `?-'-`': -
employees g--1 erl for
2. PeTSOPM-C~-'
resro7, F_'-2, e for _on2-ran ge F,1 a n
e;-ery _,,,nsi derat~on to no -
e plc mac- p e.
C: r
Cyr 4~:_ rea '71 men }pro E:Fsin
merits cann. t be de,elcn,:d
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T!-iis Vc :`1 a f c_. a~
sllC..~..ces , cr .. , a
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at esCG,.: .
p ay- r _ ....
Agency employees to assn
r 1%....
wi represen i ..ior, If east;
Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP92-00455R000300020002-8
Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP92-00455R000300020002-8
4. Effectile with e ruI cation: c s r.cz_
` r.
provisions concerning Ll'OP pQ"is} are as fall ws
a. When a staff elmp2 o~ee/spouse i~ accompan ing
an employee to a post as a ~.e-;ender -E, the- Spouse
be grante I.-~:~_
l _ c5 Eave wit pay _ e~
t e exnira___,. f a:c rued a-_rlual leave-
b f a osi _i o.Z T staff or Con tract, for
spouse not identified prto the exnirat1.C`?, of
a it
S o spouse
be cow , _ _ t2C o l'!~.~ contract status. ~.3 con ra t
act ons 1;i l he accomplishes at headquarters
co no1C._ t resnons i - Ie for tr field installation
tC ~ hi_h the sponso is bei. assigned riot to
departure for the field. the h''-,,E contract ma by
used by the field installation to empio; the snousF
at any subject to ::?ac: carters approval of
prc CSe.. rate of na,,' are Schedule of work to be
DCT fGr..__-. S a sta.__ I ,e converted to 14'A_
contract status without a break in service, the spouse
Cortlnu? to he C. ve under the Civil Service
R._ r emen _ 3\ t ej- ar_d accrue ci for Yeti reme
'D i-I Z,
de ucton5 will be made for hours worker. FEGLI anL
h: alth insurance ben is Continue 0T a i!?_n i1 11?,',.i--
cf one year stiith no emn ovee contributions.
LWO: followed by },'1;,_ Contract status to accommany 2r.
Ci+1i llvee Ll: -_ S _ _ _ea? ..c- r_ be [ive
_r er 4,, _o _ _ s _Z u.
wh t7._ sr?ons head'cuarrex; . .ei r _ t
t~ _ taff _ tat-wsMw-.1_ in _acme Career Service
f_ -__ - , _..-_ .,. i.?~ _ _ a r.o___n _. `
c' art_ _ et,. :. _,. r'osi ti .. oc._ :i sec `
a7-;C aCCC'; 5"iec a e
to u t\'. The el:^to' ee Ybe Yes on S "+., e for m
n z_7
.~ fu_??_ _-=r. -,7_4 to '' a-t._re for a ?. ,. as_ ignore-
The staff emm _CV ee~ sDou5E ill be ex et d'
`e to n
to work no llater tna_n _ 50 days aft r 're
t . return to the
headquarters area.
i'S ' ! I S ONLY
Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP92-00455R000300020002-8
Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP92-00455R000300020002-8
3 April
d. if the employee is transferred laterally-
to other field location z c Crouse will be gi' . %e`'
priority consjde~atior fo Carcjes for whit e.
qualified which may exist et the subsequent
posts of assignments . A
lateral assi(;nment does
not affect commitm;?rt to snc se for reir_state;,:e t
to staff status on re ..urn t he:
to ._ guar t-er:.. .
5 ? Employees who are c rrently on LIMP Or in contrac:
empl ogee status who were pro.- s ?d under the l.WOP provision
PI Ces-: o under the ne-,- -c;,
979. are also covered by the new po
licy but the r
c::rrent status wit 1 not be ,-e ;, d ur i t e next
they are transferred. Re , - __' e. e t 1 .,..__
q~es _ :r extension. o= `he cu -
g -
ran,-of Ljt'OP at
tributablF to r. _~L e
a ns1^,*I~ in e?. .?`'
e a r s a p o s ._ -
be> tours same _ - ateral transfers I- -
De ?ii = ro
ar .:c..~_--
ADM IR'?ST'RFT 1 - - INTERNAL USE Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP92-00455RONILY
Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RD fP92-00455R000300020002-8
Irene :
I talked this morning with Tom Douglass,
Technical Guidance Division, EEOC (631-6855).
He stated that an allowance,or other entitlement
that an individual would have been eligible for,
can be included in the settlement agreement adjust-
ment of complaint.
waft p.
Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP92-00455R000300020002-8
Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP92-00455R000300020002-8
Title 29-Labor
informed decision on the
hail, if available, be record.
c in the investigative file,
this subpart, the term in.
iiie" shall mean the various
and information acquired
investigation under this
eluding affidavits of the
t. of the alleged discrimi.
cial, and of the witnesses
of, or extracts from, re-
cy statements, or regula.
agency-organized to show
ice to the complaint or the
?ironinent out of which the
'rose.) If necessary, the in-
u'y obtain information re-
membership or nonmem-
a person in the complain-
by asking each person con-
eovide the information vol-
-, shall not require or coerce
rc to provide this informa-
)hector of Equal Employ-
r't i.nity shall arrange to
the person conducting the
n a written authorization:
-estigate all aspects of com-
iscrimination, (2) to require
es of the agency to cooper-
n in the conduct of the in-
and (3) to require employ-
agency having any knowl-
matter complained of to
imony under oath or affir-
iout a pledge of confidence.
commission may assume re-
for the investigation of
or all of an agency's com-
n the execution of a memo-
f understanding to this
the agency. The agency
use the Commission for all
b erred in connection with
c;ation. The Commission
d to the agency upon com-
ae investigation the investi-
and the recommended dis-
re agency shall adopt as its
sposition of the complaint
>sion's recommended dispo-
x within 30 days after the
rives the investigative file
fended disposition the com-
ceo informally adjusted in
With ? 1613.217(a), or the
notified the complainant
21 efC 1613.216
(b) If an adjustment of the com-
plaint is not arrived at, the complain-
ant shall be notified in writing: (1) Of
the proposed disposition of complaint,
(2) of his right to a, hearing and deci-
sion by the agency head or his desig-
nee if he notifies the agency in writing
within 15 calendar days of the receipt
of the notice that he desires a hearing,
and (3) of his right to a decision by
the head of the age..rcy or his designee
without a hearing.
(c) If the comolai;iant fails to notify
the agency of his wishes within the 15-
day period prescribed in paragraph (b)
of this section, the appropriate Equal
Employment Opportunity Officer. may
adopt the disposition of the complaint
proposed in the notice sent to the
complainant under paragraph (b) of
this section as the decision of the
agency on the conm.plaint when dele-
gated the authority to make a decision
for the head of the agency under
those circumstances. When this is
done, the Equal Employment Oppor-
tunity Officer shall transmit the deci-
sion by letter to the complainant, and
his representative which shall inform
the complainant: of his right of appeal
to the Commission and the tinr~e limit
applicable thereto and of his right to
file a civil action as described in.
? 161.3.2131. if the Equal Employment
Opportunity Officer does not issue a
decision under this paragraph, the
complaint, together with the com-
plaint file, shall be forwarded to the
head of the agency, or his designee,
for decision under ? 1613.221.
(Sec. 717 of Title 11 of the. Civil Rights Act
of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000e-16, Reorganization
Plan No. 1 of 1978 (43 FR 19807) and Execu-
tive Order 12106 (44 FR, 1053))
(37 FR 22717, Oct. 21, 1972, as amended at
37 FR 25699, Dec. 2, 1972. Redesignated at
43 FR 60901, Dec. 29, 1.978, and amended at
45 FR 24131, Apr. 9, 19801
? 1613.218 Hearing.
(a) Comlplaints examiner. The hear-
ing shall be held by a complaints ex-
aminer who must be an employee of
another agency except when the
agency in which the complaint arose
is: (1) The governrnant of the District
of Columbia or, (2) an agency which,
by reason of law, is prevented from di-
Chapter XIV-Equal Employment Opportunity Comm.
of its own proposed disposition in ac-
cordance. with ?1613.217(b).
(42 U.S.C. ? 2000e-16(b), President's Reorga-
nization Plan No. 1 of 1978, Executive Order
[37 FR 22717, Oct. 21, 1972. Redesignated at.
43 FR 60901, Dec. 29, 1978, and amended at
44 FR 40499, July 11, 1979; 44 FR 45623,
Aug. 3, 19791
? 1613.217 Adjustment of complaint and
offer of bearing.
(a) The agency shall provide an op-
portunity for adjustment of the com-
plaint on an informal basis after the
complainant has reviewed the investi-
gative file. For this purpose, the
agency shall furnish the complainant
and the complainant's representative a
copy of the investigative file promptly
after receiving it from the investiga-
tor, and provide opportunity for the
complainant to discuss the investiga-
tive file with appropriate officials.
If an adjustment of the complaint; is
arrived at, the terms of the adjust-
ment shall be reduced to writing and
made part of the complaint file, with a
copy of the terms of the adjustment
provided the complainant. An infor-
mal adjustment of a cc?m 1 in in-
clude an i` yf ha.r?lr rv ,, ' t. ,ornev s
fees or o per a.nnr ~nriate relief. Where
tie parties agree on a7 a ment of
the complaint, but cannot agree on
whether attorney's fees or costs
should be awarded or on the amount
of attorney's fees or costs, the.issue of
the award of attorney's fees or costs or
the amount which should be awarded
may be severed and shall be the sub-
ject of a final decision under
1613.221(d). The decision of whether
to award attorney's fees or costs or of
the amount to be awarded may be the
subject of an appeal to the Commis-
sion under the provisions of
?? 1613.231 through 1613.236. If the
agency does not carry out, or rescinds,
.any action specified by the terms of
the adjustment for any reason not at-
tributable to acts or conduct of the
complainant, the agency shall, upon
the complainant's written request, re-
instate the complaint for further proc-
essing from the point processing
ceased under the terms of the adjust-
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