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Document Release Date: 
April 7, 2008
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Publication Date: 
August 12, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/04/07: CIA-RDP91 B001 35R000500900054-0 4- WILLIAM V. ROTH. JR. DEL, CHAIRMAN O L L CHARLES H. PERCY. ILL THOMAS F. EAGLETON. MO. TED STEVENS. ALASKA HENRY M. JACKSON. WASH. 83-1925 CHARLES McC. MATHIAS, JR., MD. LAWTON CHILES, FLA. WILLIAM S. COHEN, MAINE SAM NUNN, GA. DAVID DURENBERGER, MINN. JOHN GLENN, OHIO WARREN N B. 8. RU RUDMANMAN, N.H. JIM IM SASSER. TENN. N. JOHN C. DANFORTH, MO. CARL LEVIN, MICH. lunitEd estates V$Mate THAD COCHRAN, MISS. JEFF SINGAMAN, N. MEX. WILLIAM L ARMSTRONG, COLO. COMMITTEE ON JOAN M. McENTEE, STAFF DIRECTOR AND CHIEF COUNSEL GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS IRA S. SHAPIRO. MINORITY STAFF DIRECTOR AND CHIEF COUNSEL WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 August 12, 1983 The Honorable William J. Casey Director The Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. 20505 Dear Mr. Casey: The Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs will hold a hearing on September 13, 1983 on National Security Decision Directive 84, issued by the President last March. At my request, Senator Mathias will preside at this hearing. As you know, one of the issues addressed by the President's directive is a requirement for pre-publication review of certain writings by former government officials. While we are not asking your agency to testify, we would be most appreciative if you could provide the Committee with the following background information, to assist in our preparation for this hearing: 1. Are there any instances within the past five years in which former officials of the C.I.A. published classified materials without securing the permission of the department? 2. If so, please provide a description of the episode including any communications with the former official and any damage assessment of the unauthorized disclosure. (If a full response to this question cannot be made public, please provide as detailed a response as possible, and indicate whether a more complete answer will be provided in a classified annex.) 3. Please describe the current procedures for dealing with publications by former officials. For example, have such officials voluntarily submitted manuscripts which contain information which they believe may be classified? Does the C.I.A. monitor the publications or speaking engagements for former officials for compliance with pre-publication review procedures? How are disputes about deletions of material resolved? What is the volume and nature of materials which the department reviews? E~ " ~, `1') b ~ Approved For Release 2008/04/07: CIA-RDP91 B001 35R000500900054-0 Approved For Release 2008/04/07: CIA-RDP91 B001 35R000500900054-0 The Honorable William J. Casey August 12, 1983 Page 2 4. In your view, are there flaws in the current system which prevent it from operating in a satisfactory manner to protect the national interest? If so, what are those flaws? 5. As a result of the President's directive, have any changes in the pre-publication review system been put into effect? In this connection, I would appreciate receiving drafts of any proposed contract which officials will be asked to sign and which provide for pre-publication review, as well as copies of any documents explaining the meaning of any such draft contracts and any documents describing the views of the C.I.A. on what should be incorporated in such a contract. If you have any questions concerning these requests, please have your staff call Link Hoewing of my staff, on 224-4751 or Steve Metalitz of Senator Mathias' staff at 224-5617. I would appreciate receiving your response before the end of this month. Sincerely, William V. Roth, Jr. Chairman Approved For Release 2008/04/07: CIA-RDP91 B001 35R000500900054-0