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Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-F DP89M00610R00010002 CONGRESS 4 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES 0 Mr. Wallop (for Mr. Goldwater), from the Select Committee on Intelligence, original submitted the following resolution; which was T::P 7r.4 LION Waiving section 402(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 with respect to consideration of Title IV of S. , which authorizes supplemental appropri ti.on oriuf n~cal year 1981 for intelligence ac 't;iatz rsas of the Uni~tr~ e That pursuant to section 402(c) of the Congressional 'Budget Act of 1974, the provisions of section 402(a) of such Act are waived with respect to consideration of Title IV of S. which authorizes supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 1981 for intelligence activities of the United States. Such a waiver is necessary because Title IV of S. authorizes supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 1981. Compliance with section 402(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 was not possible by May 15, 1980, because the amount of supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year 1981 which is necessary for intelligence activities of the United States was not known at that time. (Nom-Fi(1 in nil blank lines cxcent those provided for the date, nun- ber, and reference of resolution.) Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M00610R000100020017-6 139710.091 calendar ?To. __ ? 97th CONGRESS 1st session (Report No- 97-__) IN THE SENATE CF THE UNITED STr.}ES J May , 1981 mr. Wallop (for Y x. Goldwater) , from the Select Committee on Intelligence, reported the fcllcwing bill; which was read twice and placed on the calendar __-___-___- __.----- A BILL ? ? To authorize appropriations fcr the fiscal year 1982 for intelligence activities of the United States Government, the Intelligence Community Staff, the Central intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, and to provide certain personnel management authcrities for the Defense Intelligence Agency, and for other purposes. 1e it enacted by thy' Senate and Hcuse cf Re_resentatives 2 of ,.- United States of A,gerica in Ccrgress ?sser:~hle~ That 3 titles I through V of this Act may be cited as the 4 ''Intelligence Authcrizaticn Act for Fiscal Year 1982''. 5 TITLE I--IN'IEILIGENCE ACTIVITIrS 6 AUTHORIZATION OF APPPCPRIA TIONS 7 Sec. 171. (a) Funds are authorized to be appropriated fcr 8 the fiscal year 1982 fcr the rcnduct of intelligence 9 activities of the fullSwing departments, aoencies, and ctrer 10 elements cf the United States Government: 11 (1) The Central Intelligence Agency and the Director 12 of Central Intelligence. 13 (2) The Depc*_'tmer't cf Defense. 14 (3) The nef er,se ?r:telligence Agency. (4) The ';aticral Security Aaer,cy. roved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89MOO61OR000100020017-6 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M00610R000100020017-6 139710.091 2 Ppa~r_rrer:c ch (5) The Depart r..ent cf the ArnY. ?2 D- 1 2 ! avy, and the Department of the Air Force. (6) The Department cf. State. 4 (7) The Department cf the Treasury. 5 (8) The Department cf. EnergY. 6 (9) The Federal. 3ureau of investigation. 7 (10) The Drug Enforcement Administration. 8 (b) The amounts authcrized to be appropriated under this 9 Act for the conduct of the intelligence activities of the 10 agencies listed in subsection (a) are those listed in the 11 classified Schedule of Authorizations for the fiscal year 12 1982 prepared by the Select Committee on Intelligence of the 13 Senate. Such Schedule cf Authorizations shall be made 14 available to the Committee cn Appropriaticns of the Senate and the House of Representatives and to the President. The 16 President shall provide fcr suitable distribution of the 17 Schedule, or of appropriate portions of the Schedule, within 18 the executive branch. 19 (c) Authorizations of appropriations provided in this 23 Act, shall not be deemed to constitute authority for the 21 conduct of any intelligence activity which is not otherwise 22 authorized by the Constitution or laws of the United States. 23 TITLE II--INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY STAFF 24 AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS; PERSONNEL 25 Sec. 201. (a) 'here are authorized to be appropri?ted fcr 25 the Intelligence Community staff for the fiscal year 19E2. ?27 $15,400,000. 28 (b) The Intelligence Ccrrmunity Staff is authorized twc 29 hundred and forty-five full=time personnel as of September 30 30, 1982. Such personnel nay be permanent employees of the 31 Intelligence Community Staff or personnel detailed from other 32 elements of the United States Government. 33 (c) Any employee who is detailed tc the Tnteilioence 34 Community Stiff from another element of the United States Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M00610R000100020017-6 139710.091 3 1 Government shall be detailed on a reirr?bur:sable basis, except 2 that an employee may be detailed on a nonreimbursable basis for a period of less than one year for the performance of u temporary duties as required by the rirector of Central 5 Intelligence. 6 (d) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c), the 7 activities and personnel of the Intelligence Community Staff 8 shall be administered by the Director of Central intelligence 9 in accordance with the provisions of the National Security 10 Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 401 et seq.) and the Central 11 intelligence Agency Act cf 1949 (50 U.S.C. 403a et sec.). 12 TITLE III--CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY RETIREMENT AND 13 DISABILITY SYSTEM 14 AUTHORIZATION OF APPRCPRIATIONS ?5 Sec. 301. There are authorized to be appropriated for the 16 Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability Fund 17 for the fiscal year 1982, 584,60?,000. 18 TITLE IV--SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION FOP THE FISCAL YEAR 1981 19 SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS 2 Sec. 401. In addition to funds authorized to be 21 appropriated for the fiscal year 1981 for the conduct of 22 intelligence activities cf the United States ^ovecnrrent, 23 there are authorized to be appropriated supplemental funds 24 for such fiscal year for such purpose. The amounts authorized 25 to be appropriated under this title are those listed in the 26 classified Schedule of Supplemental Authorizations fcr the 127 fiscal year 1981 prepared by the Select Corntnittoe on 28 Intelligence of the Senate. 29 TITLF V--GENERAL PROVISIONS 33 INCREASES IN EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AUTHORIZED BY LAS' 31 Sec. 501. Appropriations authorized by this Act fcr 32 salary, pay, retirement, and other benefits for Federal Increased by such additional or be 33 employees, may .. .. 34 supplemental amounts as ray be necessary for increases in 139710.091 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M00610R000100020017-6 4 1 such benefits authorized ty law- 2 ADVISORY CC1,MITTEES AND PERSONNEL Sec. 502. (a) The last sentence cf section 303 (a) cf the 4 National Security Act cf. 1,047 (50 U.S.C. 405 (a)) Is amended 5 by striking out "at- a rate not to exceed $50 for each day cf 6 service" and inserting in lieu'therecf the follc ainc: "for 7 each day of service at a rate nct to exceed the daily 8 equivalent of the rate of pay in effect for grade CE-18 under 9 the general schedule established by section 5332 of title 5, 10 United States Code". 11 (b) Section 303 (b) cf the National Security Act of 1947 12 (50 U.S.C. 405 (h)) is amended by striking out "281, 283, or 13 284" and inserting in lieu thereof '1203, 205, or 207''. 14 FIRExRMS AUTHORITY Sec. 503. Section 5 (d) of the Central Intelligence 16 Agency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C. 403f (d)) is amended to read as 17 follows: 18 ***(d) Authorize perscnnel designated by the Director to 19 carry firearms to the extent necessary for the perfcrmance of 20 the Agency's authorized functions, including but not limited 21 to the protection of classified materials and inforTiaticn, 22 the training of Agency personnel In the use of firearms, the 23 maintenance of security of Agency installations and property, 24 and the protection of Agency personnel and of defectors, 25 their families, and other persons in the United States under 26 Agency auspices; ant". 0 7 UNAUTHORIZED USE OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGE2.,Ci 1, E, 2 INITIALS, OR SEAL 28 29 Sec. 504. The Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 30 U.S.C. 403a et seq.) Is amended by adding at the end thereof 31 the following new section: 32 "MISUSE OF AGENCY NAME, INITIALS, OR SEAL 33 "Se-r-, 13_ (,=) tic person shall, except with the vritten 34 per.rissicn of the Director, knowingly use the words 'Central Approved For Release 2007/03103: CIA-RDP89MOO610ROO0100020017-6 139710.091 1 Intelligence Agency ',` the initials ? C.I.A. ', the seal of the 2 Central intelligence Agency, or any colorable Imitation of ? such words, initials, or seal in connection with any 4 rierchandise, imperson3 ticn, solicitation, or commercial 5 activity In a manner reasonably calculated to convey the 6 impression that such use is approved, endorsed, k ?authcrized 7 by the Central Intelligence Agency. 8 f"(b) Whenever it shall appear tc the Attorney General 9 that any person is engaged cr about tc enrage in any acts or 10 practices which constitute cc will constitute conduct 11 prohibited by subsection (a), the Attorney Ceneral.may 12 initiate a civil proceeding in a district court of the United 13 States to enjoin any such acts cr practices. Such ccurt shall 14 proceed as soon as practicable to the hearing and 0 determination of such action, and may, at any time before 16 final determination, enter such restraining orders or 17 prohibitions, or take such ether acticn as is warranted, to 18 prevent injury to the t'nited States or to any person or class 19 of persons for whose protection the action is brought. A 23 proceeding under this section shall be governed by the 21 Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.". 22 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE F.GENCY PERSONNEL ALLOWANCES, BENEFITS, 23 AND TRAVEL 24 Sec. 505. (a) The Eirector of Central Intelligence is 25 authorized to pay to Central Intelligence Agency officers, 26 employees, detailees, and assignees, and their dependents, 7 allowances and benefits authorized by chapter 9 of the 23 Foreign Se_rvac.. Act of 1980 and other allowances and benefits 29 granted by any other provision of law to the Foreign Service. 32 The Director of Central Intelligence may pay additional 31 allowances and benefits, hhether or nct authorized under any 32 oth=r provision of law, as rray be necessary to meet the 33 special re ;uiremenr.5 of work relEtel tc intelligence 34 activities. roved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100020017-6 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M00610R000100020017-6 139718.891 1 (b) Notwithstanding any other, provision of law, the 2 Director of Central ?ntel)igence may prescribe regulations S authorizing the travel of Central intelligence Agency 4 officers, employees, assignees, and detailees engaged In the 5 performance of intellice-:ce functions. Such regulations shall 6 reflect the requirements cf the Agency not taken Into account 7 in the formulation of Goverment-wide procedures and shall 8 provide for payment for such travel. 9 NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY PE??SONNEL ALLOWANCES AND BENEFITS 12 Sec. 506. Paragraph (1) of section 9 (b) of the National 11 Security Agency Act of 1959 (50 U.S.C. 402 note) is amended 12 by striking out '"paragraphs" and all that follows and 13 inserting in lieu thereof the following: "chapter 9 of the 14 Foreign Service Act of 1980 or under any other provision of law applicable to the Foreign service, or by the Director of 16 Central Intelligence to personnel serving in similar 17 circumstances; and"- 18 UNAUTHORIZED USE OF NATIONAL -SECURITY AGENCY NA?jE, IFITIALS, 19 OR SEAL 20 Sec. 507. The National Security Agency Act of 1959 is 21 amended by adding at the end thereof the following new 22 section: 23 "MISUSE OF AGENCY NAME, INITIALS, OR SEAL 24 "Sec. 12. (a) No person shall, except with the written 25 permission of the Director of the National Security =.oency, 26 knowingly use the words "National Security Agency', the 07 Initials 'N.S.A.', the seal of the rational Security Agency, 28 or any colorable imitaticr, of such words, initials, or seal 29 in connection with any merchandise, impersonation, 30 solicitation, or commercial activity in a manner reasonably 31 calculated to convey the impression that such use is 32 approved, endorsed, or authorized by the 1'a.tional Security 33 Agency. 34 ""(b) t7hen_ever it sh.i1 appear to the Attorney General roved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M00610R000100020017-6 139712.091 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100020017-6 7 1 that any person is engaged Cr about tc engage in any acts CL 2 practices which constitute cr will constitute conduct S prot.ibited by subsection (a), the Attorney Genera? nay 4 initiate. a civil proceeding in a district court of the United 5 States to enjoin any such acts or practices. Such court shall 6 proceed as soon as pp=cticabie to the hearing and 7 determination of such action, enter such restraining orders 8 or prohibitions, or take such ether action as is warranted, 9 to prevent Injury to the United States or to any person or 10. class of persons for whose protection the action is brought. 11 A proceeding under this section shall be governed by the 12 Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.''. 13 CRYPTOLOGIC LINGUIST TRAINING 14 Sec. 508. Section 1r?` of the National Security 7 encv Act. of 1959 is amended by redesignating the present sectifcn 17 as 16 section 10 (a) and by adding at the end thereof the following 17 new subsection: 18 "(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of chapter 41 of 19 title 5, United States Code, the Director of the National 20 Security Agency, on behalf cf the Secretary of Defense, shall 21 arrange for appropriate language and related training of 22 military and civilian cryptologic personnel. in the exercise 23 of this function, the Director may-- 24 "(1) provide for the training and instruction to be 25 furnished, including functional and geographic area 25 st eci ;:lizations 27 "(2) arrange for training and instruction with other 28 Government agencies and at nongovernmental institutions 29 that furnish tr=fining and instruction useful in tre 30 fields of language and foreign affairs; 31 " (3) sups opt, through contracts, grants, cooperation 32 with educational institutions, or through other rr:e-ns, 33 ppcyrz^s t _u rnish necessary language and language- h 34 ..,.~ - related skills; Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100020017-6 139710.091 G (4) obtain wittcut regard to th? Service :or:uLccL Act cf 1965, by appoir.tnent orscontract (subject to the 2 3 availability of appropriations), the services of 4 individuals as language instructors, linguists, Cr 5 special project perscr.nel. An individual whose services 6 are obtained by contract shall be considered an employee 7 for purposes of subchapter III of chapter 83 of title 5 8 if such individual gives notice in writing to the 9 National Security Agency of a desire to become subject to 10 such subchapter and, consistent with section 8332 (k) (2) 11 of such title, deposits an amount equal to retirement 12 deductions representing any period in which the 13 individual was previously so employed by the National 14 Security Agency. A ccntractor or contractor's employee 15 engaged under this provision may not be provided access 16 to classified information, as defined in section 304 of 17 the internal Security Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. 834), unless 18 such Individual meets the standards ccntained in such 19 Act; 20 ??(5) pay all or part Of the tuition and other 21 expenses related to the training cf current and former 22 military and civilian cryptologic personnel who are 23 assigned or detailed for language and related training, 24 orientation, or instruction; 25 "(6) pay benefits and allowances to current 26 personnel and former military and civilian cryptologic 27 personnel or other individuals in the cryptolcgic t reserve assigned to training at sites away from 28 -lin^_uis 29 their normal duty station, in accordance with charters 57 3e~ and 59 of title 5, United States Code; 31 "M provide without regard to subchapter IV of 32 chapter 55 of title 5, United States Code, special 4- .'e , , cent i VeS to ercour=cp civiliar 33 monetary or oth, 34 cryptologic personnel tc acquire cr retain proficiency in Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M00610R000100020017-6 139710-Z91 ? 9 L #Tc no o!icll by foreign languages c the National Security Agency, including special rronetary incentives to former or retired civilian employees and military cryptolcgic personnel or ether qualified Individuals who agree tc retain proficiency in such languages or abilities and to return to active civilian service with the National Security Agency during periods of emergency need as determined by the Director; (8) provide to family members of military and 16 civilian cryptologic personnel, in anticipation of their 11 assignment abroad or while abroad, appropriate 12 orientation and language training, including the payment 13 of the expenses of tuition or other necessary costs of 14 instruction at a public or private institution in the 15 United States or abroad (in the case cf individuals 16 abroad), if such instruction is directly related to the 17 assignment abroad; 18 "(9) obtain an agreemeht from (A) current employees 19 pertaining to continuation of service and repayment of 20 such training that is consistent with the provisions of 21 section 4108 of title 5, United States Code, and (B) 22 former or retired employees pertaining to repayment of 23 expenses of such training and return to service when 24 requested; and 25 ?'(17) waive in whole or In part a right of recovery 25 under paragraph (9), if it is shown that the recovery 27 would be against equity and in geed conscience or against 25 the public interest. 29 ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS RELATING TC THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF 32, INVESTIGATION 31 Sec. 509. (a) Chatter 33 of title 28, United States Code, 32 is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new 33 section: 34 "S 538. Special authorities for foreign intelligence and roved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M00610R000100020017-6 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100020017-6 139710.091 10 1 foreign counterintelligence 2 ? ? (a ) ?~otwithstan^ing any other provision of law, f cr the 3 purpose of collecting foreign intelligence and foreign- 4 counterintelligence authcrizea ry law and pursuant to 5 procedures established by the Attorney General, the Federal 6 'Bureau of investigation, in a manner which conceals its 7 identity or role if public knowledge that the Government is 8 involved in the activity could reasonably be expected tc 9 inhibit or otherwise interfere with collecting such 10 intelligence or counterintelligence, is authorized to-- 11 "M lease, rent, or otherwise contract for real 12 prooerty, personal property, and personal services within 13 the United States, the Bistrict of Columbia, and the 14 territories and possessions of the United States; 15 "(2) purchase property, buildings, or other 16 facilities and construct or alter such property, 17 buildings, cc facilities as may be necessary; 18 "(3) establish or acquire proprietary corporations 19 or other business entities to engage in any activity 20 which may be engaged in by the Federal Bureau of 21 Investigation, including all activities describes in this 22 section, and operate such corporations and entities on a 23 commercial basis; 24 "(4) use the proceeds generated by an activity 25 authorized by this section to offset necessary and 26 reasonable expenses incurred in such activity, with any 27 remaining balance to be deposited in the Treasury of the 28 United States as miscellaneous receipts upon the 29 completion of the activity or sooner if the same can be' 30 accomplished without risk of compromising the activity; 31 and ??(5) deposit appropriated funds and proceeds derived 32 33 from `'n activity a_uthcrized by this section in banks or 34 other financial institutions. Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100020017-6 139710.091 11 1 ''(b) Whenever a corporation or cther business entity 2 which was established or acquired pursuant to paragraph (3) 3 of subsection (a) and which has a net value in excess of 4 $150,000 is to be liquidated, sold, or otherwise disposed of, 5 the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as much in advance as 6 the Director or his designee shall determine is.^ racticable, 7 shall report the circumstances of the intended liquidation, 8 sale, or ether disposition to the i_ttcrney General and to the 9 Permanent Select Committee cn Intelligence of the Ecuse of 10 Representatives and the Select Committee on intelligence of 11 the Senate. The proceeds from the liquidation, sale, pr other 12 disposition, afters all obligations and costs of such 13 corporation or entity have been met, shall be deposited in 14 the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts. 05 -(c) This section shall not be modified or superseded by 16 any provision of lax enacted after the date of enactment of 17 this section unless such provision expressly modifies or 18 supersedes this section.". 19 (b) The table of sections for chapter 33 of title 28, 20 United States Code, is amended by adding at the and thereof 21 the following new item: -538. Special authorities fcr foreign intelligence and foreign counterintelligence.". 22 PROTECTION OF INTELLIGENCE PERSONNEL 23 Sec. 510. (a) Section 1114 of title 1?, United States 24 Code, is amended-- ?26 .. y,, 2.1s'; 27 (2) by striking cut "while engaged in the 28 performance of his official duties, or on account of the 29 performance of his official duties," and inserting in 30, lieu thereof " or any officer or employee of any 31 deeartment or agency Within the intelligence Community 32 (:s defined in section, 4-207 of Executive Order 12036, 33 January 24, 1978, cr successor orders), not already 25 (1) by inserting "Cr attempts to-kill " after Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100020017-6 i. I Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100020017-6 139710.091 12 covered under the terns of this section,"; and 2 (3) by inserting before the period at the end trerecf a comma and the following: "except that any such person 4 who is found guilty cf attempted murder shall be 5 imprisoned for not more than twenty years'`. 5 (b) Chapter 51 of title 1~, United States Code, is 7 amended by adding at the end thereof the following new 8 section: 9 " g 1118. murder, manslaughter, assaults, threats, 10 extortion, cr kidnapping of persons given entry 11 into the United States for permanent residence 12 pursuant tc section 7 of the Central 13 Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 14 05 - kills Whoever kills cr attempts to kill a person given entry into the United States for oermanent residence pursuant 16 to the previsions of section 7 of the Central Intelligence 17 Agency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C. 403h) shall be punished as 18 provided under sections 1111, 1112, and 1113 of this title, 19 except that any such person who is found guilty of murder in 20 the first degree shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life, 21 and any such person who is found guilty of attempted rurder 22 shall be imprisoned for not more than twenty years. 23 "(b) whoever engages in conduct proscribed by section 24 112, 878, or 1201 of this title against any person described 25 in subsection (a) shall be punished as provided under those 26 sections. ". is 27 (c) Chapter 51 of title 18, United States Code, is end 28 amended by adding at the end thereof the fcllowinc new 29 section: 30 ""S-1119. murder, manslaughter, assaults, threats, 31 extortion, or kidnapping of persons present in 32 the United States under intelliigence auspices 33 (a) whoever iciiis ci: attL _el_m,p..~tS +-/1 k i l l a parson " 34 certified by the Director of Central Intelligence or his Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M00610R000100020017-6 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M00610R000100020017-6 139710.091 13 1 designee to be present in the united states under the 2 auspices of any department or agency within the intelligence 03 Community (as defined in section 4-227 of Executive Order 4 12036, January 24, 1978, cr successor orders) shall be 5 punished as provided under sections 1111, 1112, and 1113 cf 5 this title, except that any such person who is found guilty 7 of murder in the first degree shall be sentenced to 8 imprisonment for life, and any such person who is found 9 guilty of attempted murder shall be imprisoned for not more 12 than twenty years. 11 "(b) Whoever engages in conduct proscribed by section 12 112, 878, or 1201 of this title against any person described 13 in subsection (a) shall be punished as provided under those 14 sections. ". ?15 (d) The table of sections for chapter 51 of title 18, 16 United States Code, is amended by adding at the end thereof 17 the following new items: "1118. "'under, manslaughter,rassaults, threats, i-nto extortion, or kidnapping of persons given United States fcr permanent residence pursuant to section 7 of the central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949. ??1118. :,under, manslaughter, assaults, threats, extortion, or kidnapping of persons present In the United States under intelligence auspices., ? 18 TITLE VI--DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 20 PROVTSIONS S CRT TITLE 21 Sec. 601. This title tray be cited as the "Defense 22 Intelligence Agency ?erscnnel Management Act of 1981". ? 23 CIVILIAN PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 24 Sec. 602. (a) Chapter 61 of title 12, united states Cede, 25 is amended by inserting the following new section after 26 section 1586: 27. `' S 1587. Civilian personnel managerrEr.t in the Defense 28 Intelligence Agency 29 ' ' (a ) ( 1 ) The Secretary of Defense (or his designee) ray, 32 without regard to the provisions of title 5 relating to the Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89MOO610ROO0100020017-6 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100020017-6 139710.091 14 1 establishment of (and appointment to) positions in tre civil 2 service-- ?3 ` ` (A) establish such positions for civilian officers 4 and employees in the tefense Intelligence Agency as may 5 be necessary to carry out the functions of such Fcency, 6 and 7 ?`(fl) appoint individuals to such positions. 8 "?(2) The Secretary of tefense (cc his designee) shall 9 fix the rates of basic pay for positions established under 10 paragraph (1) in relation to the rates of basic pay.ccntained 11 in the General Schedule under section 5332 of title 5;f or 12 positions subject to such Schedule which have corresponding 13 levels of duties and responsibilities. Except for positions 14 in the Senior Defense Intelligence Executive Service, no 5 officer or employee of the tefense Intelligence Agency ray be 16 paid basic compensation at a rate in excess of the highest 17 -rate of basic pay contained in such General schedule 18 ""(b) (1) Notwithstanding subsection (a), the Secretary 19 of Defense (or his designee) may establish a, Senior Defense 20 Intelligence Executive Service in the Defense Intelligence 21 Agency comparable to the senior Executive Service established 22 under subchapter II of chapter 31 of title 5. The Secretary 23 of Defense (or his designee) may-- 24 "M adopt administratively those provisions of 25 -title 5 that are necessary to administer the Senior 26 Defense Intelligence Executive Service, 7 *(B) appoint individuals to positions established 28 within the Senior Defense Intelligence Service, and 29 "(C) notwithstanding any limitation on compensation, 3-0 pay individuals appointed according to the pay 31 pres=cribed by title = for the senior Executive Service. 32 Any provisions so adopted shall be subject to the same 33 11 U1 .-L l.lvi"J !^;^,^,5~_ by the ccrn arable rrovisions cf title 5, 34 including the limitation on aggregate pay under section 5383 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100020017-6 139710.091 1 (b) of such title. 2 (2) (A) The secretary of Defense (or his designee) tray S establish not more than 27 positions (and appoint individuals 4 thereto) in the Senior Defense Intelligence Executive 5 Service. 6 '' (E) in addition to the positions establish'd under 7 subparagraph (A), the Secretary of Defense (or his designee) 8 may establish and appoint individuals in the Defense 9 Intelligence Agency to-- 10 '?(i) professional engineering and scientific 11 pos=tions'prirnari1y concerned with research, evaluation., 12 and development activities; and 13 professional positions in the physical and 14 natural sciences, medicine, and military intelligence. 05 Such positions shall be in the Senior Defense Intelligence 16 Executive Service. 17 "(3) (A) (1) During any fiscal year, the President, is based on the recoiemendaticn of the Secretary of Defense may, 19 subject to clause (ii) and subparagraph (D), award to_ary 20 Senior Defense Intelligence Executive Service appointee the 21 rank of-- ??(1) heritcrious Defense Intelligence Executive for 22 23 sustained arcornpli shfent, or. 24 ''(1I) Distinguished Defense Intelligence Executive 25 for sustained extraordinary accorrplishrr:ent. 26 " (ii) A Senior Defense Intelligence Executive Service 9 27 appointee awarded a rank under subclause (I) or (II) of 28 clause (i) shall not be entitled to be awarded that rank 29 during the following four fiscal years. 30 ''(s) During any fiscal year-? 31 "(D the n: her cf Senior Defense Intelligence 32 Executive Service appointees awarded the rank of - tr,2y not exceed ~ 33 "eritcricus Defense Intelligence _ ~x-cutive 34 5 per centum of the Senior Defense Intelligence Executive ? Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100020017-6 139710.091 16 1 Service; and (II) not more than one Senicr Defense Tntelligence Executive Service appointee or 1 rer centum of all senior Executive Service appointees, 4 Defense 7_ntelligerc' 5 whichever is greater, may be awarded the rank of 6 Distinguished Defense Intelligence Executive? 7 ??(C) (I) A Senicr Defense Intelligence ':xecutive Service 8 appcintee who is awarded the rank of Meritorious Defense 9 Intelligence Executive or Distinguished Defense intelligence 10 Executive shall receive a lump sum payment in the amount 11 specified in section 4507 (e) (1) or (2) of title 5, 12 respectively. 13 11(11) Any award under this paragraph shall be in 14 addition to basic pay or any performance awards. 05 ??(4) The Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency 16 may, in accordance with the provisions of section 3396 (c) of 17 title 5, grant a sabbatical to any Senior Defense 18 intelligence Executive Service appointee. 19 ?'(5) Annual leave accrued by an individual while serving 20 in a senior Defense Tntelligence Executive Service position 21 shall not be subject to the limitations on accumulation 22 imposed by section 63'4 cf title 5. 23 "(6) The Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency 24 shall submit to the Permanent Select Committee on 25 Intelligence of the wcuse of Representatives and the select 26 Committee on Intelligence cf the Senate at the time the ?27 budget is submitted by the President tc the Congress during ort on the Senicr, re 28 p each odd-numbered calendar year, a 29 Defense Intelligence Executive service. Such report shall 30 inciude-- 31 J ??(F) the percentage of senior executives at each pay 32 rate employed at the end of the preceding fiscal year; 33 ? ? (3 ) the number, distribution, and amount c f 34 performance awards paid during the preceding fiscal year; roved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061 OR000100020017-6 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M0061OR000100020017-6 139710.091 I and (C) the number cf individuals removed from the Senior Defense intelligence Executive Service for less 4 than fully successful performance. 5 "(c) The Secretary cf ref ense (or his designee) As 6 authorized, consistent with section 5341 cf title 5, to adopt 7 such provisions of such title as provide for prevailing rate 8 systems of basic compensation for positions in or under which 9 the Defense Intelligence agency may employ prevailing rate 17, employees (within the meaning of section 5342 (2) (A) of such 11 title). 12 "(d) Officers and employees of the Defense Intelligence 13 Agency who are citizens cr nationals cf the United states may 14 be granted additional compensation, in acccrdance with 05 regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense, not in 15 excess of additional compensation authorized by section 5941 17 (a) of title 5 for employees whose rates of basic is compensation are fixed by statute. 19 " (e) Nothing in this section or any ether law may be 20 construed to require the disclosure cf the organization or 21 any function of the Defense Intelligence Agency, of any 22 inf crmation with respect to the activities thereof, or cf the 23 names, titles, salaries, cr number of the persons employed by 24 such Agency, except for that information required by the 25 Congress to accomplish normal authorization and appropriation 26 functions. 027 '.(f) (1) Notwithstanding the personnel management laws 28 under title 5, or any other law, the Secretary of Defense 29 may, in his discretion, terminate the employment of any 30 civilian officer or erplcyee of the Defense Intelligence 31 Agency whenever he deems such termination necessary or 32 'advisable in the interests cF the United States. 33 "(2) Any termination under this subsection shall not 34 affect the right of the officer or employee involved to seek roved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M00610R000100020017-6 139710.091 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M00610R000100020017-6 18 1 cc accept employment ',itt any ether department or agency cf 2 the united States if he is declared eligible for Sue;,3 employment by the Office cf personnel Management. 4 1,"(3) The Secretary cf refense may delegate aut;h:crity 5 under this subsection only to the Deputy Secretary cf !`efense 6 and the Director of the Lefense Intelligence Agency. T.n 7 action to terminate any civilian officer cr employee by 8 either such officer shall be appealable to the Secretary of 9 Defense . ". 10 (b) The table of sections for chapter 81 of title 10, 11 United States Code, is amended by inserting after the:;item 12 relating to section 1586 the following new item: 0 3 14 SERVICE 15 Sec. 603. (a) section 8336 of title 5, United States 16 Code, is amended by redesignating subsection (k) as 17 subsection (1) and inserting immediately after subsection (3) 18 the following new subsection: 19 ',"(k) A member of the Senior Defense Tntelligence 23 Executive Service who is removed from the Senior Defense 21 intelligence Executive Service for less than fully successful 22 performance after completing 25 years cf service cr after 23 becoming 50 years of age and completing 22 years of service 24 is entitled to an annuity.". 25 (b) Section 8339 (h) cf title 5, United States Code, is W26 amended by striking cut "section 8336 (d), (h), or (J)" and 27 inserting in lieu thereof "section 8336 (d), (h), (7), or 28 (k) ". 29 VETERANS PR EFERENCE IN THE SENIOR DEFENSE INTELI-IGENCE 33 1587. Civilian personnel management in the Defense intelligence .gene:'. ". EARLY RETIREMENT IN T'4F SENIOR DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE EXECUTIVE EXECUTIVE SERVICE 31 Sec. 604. Paragraph (z) of section 21 P.P of title 5, 32 United States Code, is attended by Inserting the Senior 33 Defense Intelligence ExecutivP Service," after "Senior 1397113.091 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M00610R000100020017-6 TECHNICAL ANr CONFORMING AMENDMENTS Sec. 605. (a) Section. 5102 (a) (1) of title 5, United 4 States Code, is amended- (1) by striking cut "'or 6 (viii); at the end of clause 7 (2) by inserting ?'cr" at the end of clause (ix); 8 and 9 (3) by Inserting the following new clause after 10 clause (ix): 11 '? (x) the Defense Intelligence Agency, 12 Department of Defense;' 13 (b) Section 5342 (a) (1) of such title is amended-- 14 (1) by striking cut " or " at the end of subparagraph r 16 (2) by inserting " cr " at the end of subparagraph 17 (J) ; and 18 (3) by Inserting the following new subparagraph after 19 subparagraph (J): 20 "(x) the Defense intelligence Agency, Department 21 of Defense; ". 22 (c) Section 7103 (a) (3) of such title is amended-- 23 (1) by striking cut "or" at the end of subparagraph 24 (F); 25 (2) by inserting " cr " at the end of subparagraph 26 (C); and (3) by inserting the followin^ neu subparagraph after 28 subparagraph (G) : 29 %"(:) the Defense Intelligence Agency;". 32, EFFECTIVE DATE 31 Sec. 606. The amendments made by this title shall take 32 'effect on the first day cf the first pay period which begins 3 after he 3 lh day OilCiN1!!r 1. i= date o l e =1)0 Litl~nt 1.1 34 this pct. Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP89M00610R000100020017-6