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Document Release Date: 
June 2, 2006
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Publication Date: 
January 4, 1976
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Approved For Release 2006/06/02: CIA-RDFD11314R000 J '~/ J i :l ~2?d"~~ 1 D J9 -a te :7 I. aT'ff;~11,F`~SD` x r ' Lr~ By Jim Adams . Associated Prc' A co-editor of "Counter- Spy" concedes the publica- tlon of CIA staticn chief Richard S. We'ch's name could have figured in his assassination in Greece, but - he denies any direct con- rection. - The co-editor of the quarterly, Doug Porter, contends Welch was so widely known in Greece to be the CIA station chief that the assassins did not need news disclosures of the name to get it, But he said in an inter- view that publication of 1"rr'elcli's name last month by the English-language Athens News could have led to his assassination a week later. t 'And it's conceivable: COUNTER-SPY is pub- 'lisped by a nee rofit group called Fifth Estate Sacurity Education, set up ? three years ago by former intelli- gence agents and Vietnam war protesters. The 13-member advisor hoard inciua s Chicago- e,endant avid Dellinger and Anthony Russo, who was associated with Daniel Ellsberg in the Pentagon Papers case. The paper is produced by a staff of about seven, in- cluding Porter', a former editor of a San Diego coun- terculture Ilewsr.nner -1- supplements his income now by tending bar three. times a week. - He said Counter-Spy's in publishing t h names of senior CIA agents, including 1, lelch, in nearl ico y countrie lt sas the) (the Athens News) - -year was to expose and could have gotten it frcrn - neutralize covert political us," Porter said. operations. Despite the no- toriety the once-obscure PUT HE INSISTS even publication has received that would not link Counter- ~r n since t".e,I,,h s death, Porter Spy directly to Welch's NO said ai?.l "Counter-Spy" will inn because it had only re- continue publishing CIA primed Be fact that lie was ngen*e names, about 70 in CIA station chief in Peru. the next issue in February, Porter said the quarterly f`ot that inforrnati , h fresh, a " IEI; Tr So'.I':h American u:';;sprtper lu'Ha `~, A lot O and r' t I` i h S'i t a 1927 directory pub- Yle feel uneasy about it. lished in Germany. But we're still going to do .., ..'~,e didn't Wen know he i, . was in Athens until he was Agents' lives are not ' 'killed,' Porter said. "If endangered Porter con- tlhey got it from. us they ' tended, because the guar- would have had to Mn uit, to terly only ? reprints names gethe_ with something else. already publicly exposed. "It's a really sad thing l.,,- said the mimes, in- that he was killed," Porter - cleding the first 100, are said. "We're not promoting only' of agents under light terrorism." Cover. lie said "anyone \Vclch, who was shot with a third-grade cauCa- down by three masked gun- ticn" can pick these r.anhes men in front of his home in out of U.S. embassy tcl- Athens Dec. 23, is to be h^ books t, bun Tu,_sd:iy :i in I, A:'iil:g- po si'ii ns nsrr-iaiJy tlel by CIA ---rents against the StetC ~Dc nartment blo phy t`-at stows what kind of work they have done in the past. - THE QUARTERLY will not publish names of agents under "deep cover," Porter said. He said Fifth Estate waists to expose covert po- litical operations but agrees that secrecy is nee red to protect agents who gather' military, economic and nail tror12 contril,.~tio:i~ other types of. intelligence. mail fund appeals and lec?` Lure proceed;;. In the issue carrvinc, the " Asked if Fifth NOW I.ac 100 Hanes, former CIA ever received rno ;.rp iror., :. age; . and author p':'t:l> a known Communist tg-o y ~ Agee said an article By any group that 1iuli!iciiy "he most effective and advocates overthrovi of t c irr portarlt Systematic cf.. g O V e r n Me n t, Porte forts to combat CIA that replied, ''No rind v- con be undertaken right. wouldn't accept that kind of . now are, I thin':, the identi- money. ' ficSio:h, expcsure and new ' tra':izatcn of its wort:! g abroad." Vii` - e said CIA people cal Vb> ,7tified and ex- posed through periodic bulletins d'issemi:lated to SubsCri`iers, Particularly r%('i , and l''rgarn