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December 20, 2016
Document Release Date: 
April 20, 2007
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Publication Date: 
June 3, 1982
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Approved For Release 2007/04/25: CIA-RDP86B00885R000800990007-4 Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 NOTE FOR: Fred Demech Deputy Executive Director, PFIAB FROM: Executive Assistant/Executive Director FYI: Thought you and your source might be interested in the attached extract from John's open hearing. This was John's response to Biden that I mentioned. who walked into the hearing with John was Vicky Toensing, SSCI Counsel. Also, in case your source is interested in following up, the person 0 ILLEGIB STAT Approved For Release 2007/04/25: CIA-RDP86B00885R000800990007-4 1 [General laughter.] 2 The Chairman: When you appear, you sit over here and 3 the witness, if he is getting off a little bit, just pull 4 your socks up. 5 Senator Biden: Or else slide your chair back. He used 6 to just sort of slide it.back like this. Approved For Release 2007/04/25: CIA-RDP86B00885R000800990007-4 Mr. McMahon: If I may comment, Mr. Chairman, and also to Senator Biden, I think when.the Director hears or reads 9 of the perceptions that you have, he will certainly move to 10 allay your fears and correct that, and I think he will do 11 that personally in any future testimony. 12 I will certainly be very sensitive to the comments of 13 the Committee and make sure that indeed you have the proper 14 and correct information. The Chairman; I think the time has come to vote. Will you call the roll, please? Ms. Roberson: Senator Goldwater. 18 The Chairman: Aye. 19 Ms. Roberson: Senator Moynihan. 20 Senator Moynihan- Aye. 21 Ms'. Roberson: Senator Garn. 22 The Chairman: Aye by proxy. 23 Ms. Roberson: Senator Chafee. 24 Senator Chafee: Aye. 25 M Roberson:::. Senator. ?Lugar. ALDERSON REPORTING COMPANY, INC, 400 VIRGINIA AVE., S.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20024 (202) 554-2345 Approved For Release 2007/04/25: CIA-RDP86B00885R000800990007-4