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Document Release Date: 
January 14, 2008
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Publication Date: 
November 3, 1981
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PDF icon CIA-RDP85M00366R000200080019-3.pdf99.51 KB
Approved For Release 2008/01/14: CIA-RDP85M00366R000200080019-3 ? SECRET 10 THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE NFAC #7043-81 3 November 1981 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairman, National Intelligence Council FROM : Major General Ennis C. Whitehead, Jr., USA Retired National Intelligence Officer for General Purpose Forces SUBJECT : Support to Policymakers (U) Attached are some initial thoughts on questions, not the province solely of GPF, that might fall into category of support to policymakers proposed by Charlie Waterman in his memo on reactive analysis. (U) Attachment: NIO/GPF Comments on Support to Policymakers Regrade to UNCLASSIFIED when separated from attachment Ennis V Whitehead, Jr. Approved For Release 2008/01/14: CIA-RDP85M00366R000200080019-3 Approved For Release 2008/01/14: CIA-RDP85M00366R000200080019-3 0 NI0/GPF Comments on Support to Policymakers 1. Reopening of Sino-Soviet Border Talks. The reopening of the border talks between Moscow and Peking could have long term policy impli- cations and portend alterations in both the political and military equation in the Far East. This paper would take a speculative view of potential changes in the Sino-Soviet relationship. -- the likelihood of a reopening of the talks; -- Soviet and Chinese aims; -- likelihood and implications of various potential elements of an agreement; -- potential for further steps toward Sino-Soviet rapprochement. Greek Withdrawal from NATO. The new political leadership in Greece criticized Greek participation in NATO during the election campaign. This paper would address the evolution of the Greek position within NATO under the new regime focusing on the key question of the likelihood and nature of a Greek withdrawal from NATO. -- what would be the political and military implications of a complete or partial withdrawal; -- what is the range of options for the Greek government; -- will Greece emulate the French, continuing a political role but disassociating Greece from NATO's military structure; -- what are the implications for the Greco-Turkish relationship. 3. Finland Under a New Leadership. The three leading candidates to replace the recently resigned President of Finland offer a spectrum of political thought regarding Finland's relationship with Moscow and the West. This paper would review the positions of the candidates and focus on long term political and military implications of each candidate's election. what are the political implications of a closer Finnish-Soviet relationship: for Europe, the US, NATO? what are the military implications of such closer ties: chance of increased military cooperation with Moscow, granting of Soviet base rights in Finland; Approved For Release 2008/01/14: CIA-RDP85M00366R000200080019-3 Approved For Release 2008/01/14: CIA-RDP85M00366R000200080019-3 NI0/GPF Comments on Support to Policymakers -- what are the implications of a possible move closer to the West; Soviet reactions? 4Poland: Impact on Pact Strategy. The crisis in Poland may well have led to a Soviet reevaluation of the role and reliability of Polish military forces. This question has been addressed in both NIE 11-14-81 and a NIC Memorandum. This paper would take a longer, more speculative look at the impli'cati'ons for Soviet planning for war against NATO. -- implications of reduced Soviet reliance on the Polish forces; -- need to increase readiness of Soviet forces; reduction of Pact ability to. launch attacks with short preparation time; -- increased warning time for NATO; -- with more limited conventional forces, increased likelihood of resort to nuclear weapons; -- alternatives to use of Polish forces, and alterna- tive uses of Polish forces. Approved For Release 2008/01/14: CIA-RDP85M00366R000200080019-3