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November 10, 1982
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Approved For Release 2007/03/05: CIA-RDP83M00914R002700220043-6
New York Address:
Post Office Box 1095
New York N.Y. 10017
p 0. Box 272
'"irf * -, Virginia 22030
Telephone: (202) 638-5593
(703) 385.9025
Board of Directors
Haviv Schieber
Dr. Alphonso D. Chaurize
1st Vice Chairman
Ghazi Kankan
2nd Vice Chairman
Sean J. O'Reilly
Dr. Luis M. Barceio
Dr. Stephen Teracido
November 10, 1982
Dear Sir,
You arc invited to join other-distinguished
persons from th:,oughout the United States
as well as from countries around the world
at a conference to be held on December
4th and 5th at the Washington Hotel in
Washington,D.C. Together we will review
A interests in the
current basic its ofcU.S.policies in that
East and appraise the aims and results
I enclose the Call to the conferance so that you may become
familiar with our general approach, with those who are supporting
artici ate. In addition, we
this effort and with thoshfromwill
lsrael who are open to this
expect that important guests
approach will also participate.
Your attendance, hopefully in person, at the very least
through representatives, is required to assist in establishing for all.
a policy for the United States that is consistant with j
of the people in the area, peace in the Middle East and for the
whole world and, therefore, a policy consistant with the best in-
terests of the American people.
Havi(r Schieber
Approved For Release 2007/03/05: CIA-RDP83M00914R002700220043-6
Holy Land State Comm)ttss,
P.O. Box 272,
Fntrtax, Va. 22030
IIOW LONG C.1\ Wt: IfECii 'i:
(()I) :%N1) Ill .l.1N1'11
AN 1) st, RV I'll E?
Chrm., Holy Land State Committee
I Ho:: long can we demand that Palestine
be a Jewish state when the majority of Jews
not -.%ant to go there and thousands who
migrated there have already len or wish to
H. How long can we maintain that Israel is
a de:m~cracy when `iir 2j years it has
remained a police state without a written
iII. How long can we attack Communism
and Soviet Russia while supporting an
orthodox Marxist state of kibbutzim and
IV. How long canwecryout and proclaim as
non-kosher German and gentile atrocities
.- hile declaring as kosher and applauding
those of Israel against Semite Arabs?
V. How long can we dream of a
permanent existence for a state called Israel
when Israel cannot survive a single lost
battle and the Arabs can sustain thousands?
VI. How long can we demand from
Humanity sympathy and support for a
`'homeland" we abandoned 2.000 years ago
and in the same breath ask civilized men to
reject the pleas of recently routed
Vi I. How long can we continue to deceive
the Western world that Israel is the only
bastion of anti-Communism in the Middle
East when in reality Communist
Chechosiovakian arms helped establish the
State and Russia voted for the partition of
Palestine and was one of the first to
recognize the state.
VIII. How long can we lure innocent and
sentimental Jews with slogans of security
and a full Jewish life into the great atheistic
unsecured ghetto called Israel, where, in
truth, every principle of Judaism is
IX. How can we claim Zionism "solved
the Jewish refugee problem by relocation in
Israel when, in fact, it is the refugees who
rejected Zionist temptations that now live in
security and prosperity and support their
impoverished relatives trapped in Israel?
X. How can we delude ourselves that
Israel can continue to exist without
permanent peace and accommodation with
the Palestinian Arabs? Only by sacrificing
exclusive labels like "Israel" and
"Palestine" and drawing together in a free.
men-sectarian "Holy Land State" can both
these peoples find life, liberty and
Only thi creation of a demilitarized
Holy Land State in Israsl?Pafsstlne
will bring paellasip to the Middle East
and solve the Iree world's energy pro.
blerne. A demilitarized Holy Land
State wquld offer freedom for Jews,
CMabens and Moslems. To receive
ftf?f ttitl*rnil literature unfke any
other, sartd your eontribulion to cover
A group of American Jews and Israelis in New York, disturbed
by the dangerous situation in the Middle East and concerned for
the future of their co-religionists in Israel, met today to
estat:lish an organization to support the creation of a new Holy
Land State in the Middle Fast. Adopting the name of Cottaaittee
for a Holy Land State, they resolved to ask all Jews, Moslems
and Christians of good will throughout the world to join with
them to help in an effort to bring peace and safety to t)#e
troubled Middle East.
Hr. Haviv Schieber, an Israeli who was elected Chairman of
the Committee for a Holy Land State, said: "Only by uniting
Jews, Christians, and Moslems in a Spiritual Switzerland in
the Middle East can permanent peace and prosperity be brought
to the Middle East. We desire the participation and moral
support of men of good will everywhere, and will make every
effort to encourage the establishment of organizations
to further the concept of a Holy Land State throughout the
world, including in Israel and each of the Arab countries."
The new Committee for a Holy Land State will hold a
meting at the Church Center for the United Nations, 777
United Nations Plaza, New York City, at 8 o'clock p.m, on
Friday, May 31st, at which Israeli and Arab speakers will
eAdress Arabs, Jews and others interested in seeking permanent
peace with justice In the Holy Land.
MAY 2T---I%8
Draft for Comment and Suggestion) that all three inin together in
This proposal has evolved from building to the Glory of God - a
a basic concept put forward by true HoiU Land Sts e.
Jews, Moslems and Christians of PROPOSAL DETAILS
good will who are disturbed by the FOR A HOLY LAND STATE
suffering and death of their co- Territory: The Holy Land State
religionists in the Holy Land. shall encompass the area of the
Certain common tenets we hold Palestine mandate.
a) irrespective of form of war.
ship, we each acknowledge and
revers one Supreme Being;
b) the roots and traditions of
each of our faiths lie in an area
we all call "The i Land'' at
the eastern end of the ed tar-
c) although worshipping In di-
verse forms. our allegiance to the
some. and sole, (Sod renders us, If
not brothers, at lust cousins;
d) In the light of this kinship
the selfish, cruel and callous In-
dignitiees we have. In the course
of history, repeatedly inflicted
upon one another can only be h-
pocracy and blasphemy to the eyes
of our Creator. - -
After 20 centuries of Inhumanity
towards one another, have re not)
grown to the spiritual and moral
maturity to cease squabbling over
our Religious Homeland, to put
"Ids each 'group's egomania for
exclusivity and bring peace and
dignity, through sharing, to that
land where God chose to reveal his
Therefore, we entreat that:
A) Christians set aside their
Crusade psychology longing for re-
constitution at the 81nydom of
b) Jews forego the . political-
geographical recreation of a Bib-
Deal Israel,
e) Moslems resign ttelr-etaire
to rs-establlah the land of the
PhAiatlnas (Palestine).
ration shall
each faith.
shall' be so constituted as to -IS
cognize the different legal tradi-
tions arising from the different re-
-Police Function': Shall be car-
ried: out by an interfaith unit to
Territorial Integrity: The Holylinsure equality of law enforcement. 90
d S
tate s
be guaranteed byl Legislative & Executive Compo-
international compact with any sition: A balanced, rotating assign- - small peace-keeping police force torment of executive po..iticns sbai!
be interfaith in character. There; be a ablished to guarantee that
shall be no national military estab-'
liehment. Christian, Jevv rah and M-:sleet ,eg-
manta of the popu;at:on all. have u
Constitution: There shall be a!hand in national o:erauons. A :r:-
written constitution adopted by the! partite balance isma?ig-, the thre:?
people of the Holly Land State. (InIfaiths shall b ema?nt..ened in ap-
preparation of this. due canaidere-lpartienment of ttg;stative saga,.
tion should be given to the seam-i Prorerty Right. Kc+etti,rmert. 0
e o
ons as Le
anon and}Rc+tituti"ti:
Switzerland in achieving a balance a) Those
who is :h.? ti-met: if
of rights and owes among dif- the list 2 years have k.-t q'h~ R
ft-rent groups.) ^nd /or lands, s h a f I be mean-
Included should be: Freedoms of pensed and returned to a satih`y-
Religion, Speech, Press; Opportu- iris and productive life.
pity b)'However, in providing for -
Citizenship: Guarantee of uni- the rights of insured parties i.t
vernal citizenship Including provi- Part (a) (immediately ubove) ""ear,
aiu:. that: who has lived in property or labor-
Ili i,,ny person who holds or has ed on land once held by others.
held Israeli cite a hip shall be as, ...hall be made destitute in redre,s-
sured full rights in the Holy Land ins the earlier inequities.
State. It is recognized that the Proper, v
b) Any person from the encom- Rights section will require a high
passed area, previously dispossess- order of statesmanship for succes-
ed or deprived of citizenship, shall, ful implementation. We suggest
be returned to full and uncondi-'that an International Commi,-iinn
tional status. be established to oversee adjudica-
c) Future immigrants from any tion of all claims. that an Inter-
country and of any religious per- national Aid Organization be set
suasion shall be freely adihitted up to provide both technical aa-
and all shall have to meet a singleteistance and funding, that 'govern-uniform standard to achieve full mnnts currently supplying military
citizenship. aid to various countries In con-
Official Languages: Arabic
frontation in the area cease such
brew and -any other as the legisla-'aid and provide comparable monies -
turo shall decide: to solve the resettlement problem
Education: There shall be uni-, and that the charities of the three
vcreo! and tango,-,., secular educes- faiths be directed to his same . put.
rt?n?l ?pD?'ty y'IZalt;iotu educ.lposa
Call of a Founding Convention
for the Creation of a Holy Land State
Haviv Shieber
comes more ohsiuus
tale passage of e,~, ~<
concept of
tack in 1947-48, this co
a holy land state was vi
President Truman and m
eace. he
staff as the solution to p
awed by most of his would war. After
of other
feared, as did most leaders
nations, that a Jewish state
only lead to perpetual w
peaceful solution; 2) the
most of
the Middle East, including
at the
the Jews, would rejoice
the daily
prospect of removal to
threat of war from their Everyone would agree
that the
is a nice
Holy Land State concept
the HLS
dream. What follows is
dream a
program to make that
This program is on
the Holy Land Party in
the Holy Land State Committees
peoples of lives. two levels: ommitteesers under and we are tubers who run a slate
in the United States.
The Holy Land Party
Negotiations have be
way for- six months, an
a Holy
now at the stage of forming
now have
Land Party in Israel. We
a nucleus of trusted me
seek to
will organize the Party, register with the government
recognized as a
political party, and to r
Registration Information:
Registration fee $10.00 (Students and unemployed, $5.001
Hotel accommodations at the Washington Hotell $40.00 per person (two js..w-ni (double total
Banquet $35.00 per plate
(Registration, hotel accommodations for two nights. banquet. information packet all for S12S(XII
For registration and hotel Information, conBCU
Holy Land State Committee
P.O. Box 272
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
If It k not possible for you to attend the confe-once, a contribution to the Holy Land State Committee ,r[11
auks others to be peasant
Work for real democracy in h
Attend the Holy Land State Cot
Washington, D.C. Dec. 4-5,198,
DECEMBER 4. 5-Holy Land State Committee
conference. Topics: Israel, Holyland Betrayed;
Zionism, Judaism Betrayed. Washington Hotel,
Washington, D.C. Contact: HLSC, PO Box 272.
Fairfax, Va. 22036; (703)385-9025.
ova- -
Approved For Release 20
3ve? ell
redse e
the Middle Ea" R
ms Jews in Israel are'a with two
alternatives: to leave the country,
as many have done in recent years;
or to integrate themselves with the
Palestinians according to the Holy p
Land State program. The latter
alternative would lead to peaceful
cooperation with their neighboring
Arab countries..
? 1982 Communications international. Inc.
..' fjirb aorta , eto~ anb Vietu
of candidates in the next election.
If the party is registered, the HLP
will organize. politicize, and cam-
paign to build a coalition of Jews
and Arabs.
Alternatively, if the Party is
refused registration, the Party will
be organized outside the occupied
territories. They will draw a con-
stitution, elect officers, form a
government in exile, and seek
diplomatic recognition. Subse-
quently, they will seek to replace
Israel in the United Nations, and
carry on all legitimate governmen-
tal functions such as issuing pass-
ports, granting citizenship, and
even printing money.
The Holy. Land State Committee
The Holy Land State committee
U.S.A.. will support all the activi-
ties of the Holy Land Party.
More importantly, however, will
be the organizing of a core .of
-In Liberate the United States from the domination of Zionism
-to promote enduring peace in the Middle East based on justice
for all its people
December 4th and 5th
Washington Hotel, Pennsylvania Ave. at 15th Street,
W aslington, D.C. (One block from the White House)
(202) 638-5900 (800) 424-9540
emu etw
Tally the Pales-
tiniat 'recognize that pro-
longed?bltiodshed will not help in'
achieving their aims. It could very
easily trigger a global conflict
which could be devastating to all
abs and, indeed, to all mankind.
It is only the American supplied
ilitary weapons that keeps the
nkrupt Israeli. leadership in
wer, and it is because of this
wer that they will oppose the
oly Land State solution or, for
at matter, any other solution.
oncerned citizens to counter the
ionist lobby by: 1) forming Holy
and State Committiees in all 50
tates; 2) producing a newsletter to
eep these concerned citizens in-
ormed; 3) keeping the spotlight of
ublic attention on the agents of
he Zionist lobby, those govern-
ment officials, and members of the
media whose first loyalty is to
srael even to the detriment of the
.S.; 4) to form a legal study
roup to determine the legal
emedies available to question the
ax exempt status of Zionist
rganizations, and to seek the
pplication of the Foreign Agent
Registration Act to Zionist
activists; 5) devise and implement
a fund-raising program which does
not violate the Holy Land State
Committee policy of refusing to
accept or seek funds from foreign
governments or their representa-
DECEMBER 4 & 5-Holy Land Slate Co
ference, Washington. Hotel Washington.
break the Zionist control of American institutitx:
Topics: Israel's anti-Christian laws; the relatio
ship between Israel and the Soviet empire; Isaac
Threat to World Peace. Contact: HLSC, PO Bt
272, Fairfax, Va. 22030; (703) 385-9025.