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Publication Date: 
November 30, 1956
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Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600660001-4 Next 5 Page(s) In Document Denied Q0' Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600660001-4 +k;- ;- I IAIC\/AI I IATCI"1 I.-.F...-.v,.,+~...-.~ Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600660001-4 A R M Y Order of Battle I N F O FIRST CHPATER ARMED FORCES SECE1 Unknown Inf. Unit stationed in LESKOVIQ An unknoon Army unit has been located in LESKOVIQ from many years; the men of this unit wore infantry uniforme the strength of this unit as 300 men. 25X1 25X1 3-4 Arty guns(type unknown) and about 6 trucks. Furthermore the unit had about 50 mu- les. Unknown Inf. Unit stationed in ERSEKE An unknown & my unit has been located in the barracks of Erseke since 1955; the men of this un it wore infantry uniforms. the strength of this unit as 25X1 about 400 men. 25X1 N A V Y Naval Bases and Pores Naval unit at the cane KEFALI (DK-071582). A naval unit of 30 men under a Sgt has been located at the cape of KEFALI since the autumn of 1954. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600660001-4 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600660001-4 Minis t-y of Interior Troops and Para Military organizations Border Guard &9ervice o er posts w c are subordinate to the Border Guard Unit of LSSKOVIQ: Post of AREZA (DK-740556. St t : About 50 men, commanded .by a Lieutenant. Every summer it moves to DK-754561). Post of GJERNIEN (DK-740556), which has a strength of about 20 men commanded by a lieutenant . Post of XHONXHI(DK-754594), which has a strength of about 20 men, commanded by .a lieutenant. Observation posts day observation posts: 25X1 25X1 25X1 Post of KANENIK (DK-754513) which consists of 3 men dispatched every morning from the border post of GJERNIEN. As soon as it gets dark the men of the observation post return to the building of the border post. Observation post of 3 men at DK-744568; they are dispatched from the border post of AREZE. Each observation post has a sniper's rifle. A patrol of 2 men is dispatched every evening from the border post of Gjermen; at about 24.00 hrs this patrol is met with that of AREZE at DK-7325. After that the men of the patrol return& to the post following the route DK- 728528 - DK-732524 - Dk-732544; on their way back to the post the men of the patrol perfomm many stops 25X1 Fences 25X1 A fence about 2 m. high, consisting of w ooden poles and dry branches of trees was constructed in 1955, which connects the post of XHANXHI(DK-754594) with that of AREZE(DK-740556); the said fence runs along the border line, within the Albanian territory, about 300 m, from the border line. Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600660001-4 ?~ 'r'~ I 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600660001-4 25X1 Early in Aug. 1956, begun the construction of another fence, extending from the 'post of AREZE up to the foot of the mountain KAMENIK(DK-755515). at a distance of 200 m. from the border line. This fence runs through the forest and it is constructed as follows: They cut a big tree,and they arrange the trunk to fall parallel to the border line; then the side branches of the tree are cut4off, leaving the vertical branches to extend above the fallen tree". so that they can be used as poles. Then the cut-off branches of the tree are inserted between these poles. The said fence is about 2 in, high and 0,60 m. wide, and it was expected to be ready on Sept. 20, 1956. mines There are no mine-fields, except one extending between DK-748509 and DK-752510, which was placed in 1949 and it consists of mines against personnel. The width of this mine-field is about 20 in. Signs have been placed to indicate the position of the mine-field. SECURITY FORCES & SPECIAL UNITS State Police Police Station(Post) innLUKOVE(DR_0796) In LUKOVE there is a police post of 10 men under a M/Sgt. Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600660001-4 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600660001-4 THIRD CHAPTER COASTAL DEFENCES 25X1 25X1 SECRET Arty Group located at the cape of KEFALI DK-071582) Till the summer of 1954 there were 6 Coastal Arty guns located at the area of the cape KEFALI, from DK-077188 up to DK-.07a94. The said guns were serviced by 50 men commanded by a Lieutenant; this unit was subordinate to a bigger unit stationed in SARAIDE. In the summer of 1954 the guns of this group were replaced by new Russian guns of The old guns were place outside the barracks located at 25X1 DK-080190, covered with tarpaulins, and remained there until April 1956 25X1 During the winter of 19L concrete -constructed 'works were built at 25X1 25X1 5X1 WTI-AIRCRAFT DEFENCE Location of A.A. Guns During the winter of 1954, 1955, and 195 in the area of KEFALI 25X1 (DK-075180), he heard A.A. Machine gun and A.A. Arty guns firing against airplanes of unknown nationality every time they used to fly above the cape of KEFALI. Location of Search lights A search-light was installed at DK141138, in the summer of 1956, which used to check 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600660001-4 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600660001-4 INTERNAL POLITICAL SITUATION ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION &. DIVISION OF THE COUNTRY The Executive Committee for the Rreth(sub-prefecture) of Sarande was transfered from 88 SRANDE to DELVINE, and now it is called Executive Conmittee for the Rreth of DELVINE25X1 The Recruiting office of Sarande was transfered to Delvine too. FIFTH CHAPTER ECON0NIC SITUATION F a r m i n g The farming production of the village NIVICE consists of wheat, corn, tobacco, cotton, potatoes, olive oil, and vegetables. 25X1 the produ- 25X1 ction was sufficient for the population. The farming production of the villages GJERNEN(DK_7253). AREZE(DK-735555), and SHALES( DK-7155) consists of a little wheat and 25X1 corn. The population of this area mainly live on wood-cutting , for woods occupy vast area in that part of the country. Cooperatives village of NIVICE. After cons- 25X1 tant pressure of the competent auhtorities, only 50 famLli.es, out of 170 living in farming the village, accepted to join the cooperative. About a month later,23 families pre- fered to quit from the cooperative, although they had to lose ownership of the ccllecti- vized property. these families were claiming their property and tried 25X1 to get it back. The reasons which urged them to abandon the cooperative were,the bad working conditions, the poor share they received from the cooperative, and the partial 5X1 distribution of the crops. 5X1 ox1 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600660001-4 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600660001-4 25X1 T a x a t i on 25X1 Taxation dosed on stock-farming products The following taxation was imposed on independent stock breeders who owned sheepi un- til Jan. 1956: a)Owners of 1 up to 100 sheep, were required to pay 150 lek yearly for each sheep. Besides that they were obliged to deliver the following stock-farming goods to the government payable in prices fixed by the government: 800 grams of wool for each sheep, sold to the government for 37 to 50 lek per kg, acco- rding to the quality. 5 kgs of meet for each sheep, sold to the government for 9 .- 11 lek. 5-7 kgs of milk for each sheep, sold 10 lek in summer and 13-20 lek in winter, according to the quality. b) Reduction of the taxation In Jan. 1956 the taxation imposed on stock-farming goods was reduced Pasturelands For each pasture-field,the stock-breeders are required to pay 5 kgs of milk per sheep for a six months period. Due to the fact that the best pasturages are given to government stock-farming briga- des, the flocks of the independent farmers very rarely could reach production standa- rds allowing them to face the taxation. In order to face this situation, the stock- breeders were forced to sell their lambs and kids(young-goats), sometimes their old-aged sheep too, in order to complete the sums necessary for the taxation. Stock-farming cooperatives Since 1954 the independent st ek-ob aders ., ,re forced by the competent authorities to join the cooperatives, but the stock-breeders are not inclined to yield. /d Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600660001-4 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600660001-4 -Their refusal resulted additional oppressive measures;.the government authorities r cooperatives only. SIXTH CHAPTER GEOGRAPHIC SITUATION Info concerning towns and viUages The village of NIV ICE(DK-1223) has about 170 houses, inhabited by an equal number of families.Water is received from we!-7.s; kerosene lamps are used for light. 25X1 25X1 The village of GJERMEN (DK-7253) has about 30 houses, inhabited by an equal number of families. Water is received 25X1 from fountains; kerosene lamps are used for light. The villages of AREZE (DK-735555) , and SHALES (DK_7155 ) are X&&& almost like the village of GJERMEN. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600660001-4 25X1 25X1 informed the independent stock-breeders that pasture-lands will be given to the