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Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 54~970 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE' AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT S-E-C-R-E-T NOFORN COUNTRY Czechoslovakia SUBJECT Uranium Processing Plant of the IXth Inspectorate of the Jachymov Ngnes at Nei dek This material contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States within the mean- ing of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) Auglist .._ ~5 1 report describing the location and layout of the p t and plant equipment of the uranium processing plant of the IXth Inspectorate of the Jachymov Ndnes at Nejdek (N 50-209 E 12-45). The report includes six sketches with legends, S-E-C-RAE-T NOFORN STATE X ARMY X T NAVY X AIR X I FBI AEC (NOTE: Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".) Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT Czechoslovakia SUBJECT Uranium Processing Plant of the IXth PLACE ACQUIRED Inspectorate of the Jachymov R'hnes at S-E-C.R-E-T NOFORN This is UNEVALUATED Information THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) layout of the p3mt and plant equipment of the uranium processing plant of the IXth Inspectorate of the Jachymov Ines at Ne j dek (N 50209 E 12-45). The report includes six sketches with legends. S-E-C?R-E-T NOFORN STATE X ARMY X NAVY X AIR (NOTE. Washington distribution indicated by "X"; Field distribution by "#".) X FBI This material contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States within the mean- ing of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. 25X1 REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. REFERENCES AEC Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 1. The U. Iaspsctorats is situated northeast of Nssdek. The plant lies by the eastern side of the highway and the railroad line Nesdek < live Hatay and 25X1 faces the V eoka Pee railway stop. The main building of the plant is in the former paper-mill. The plant extends along the railroad line about 500 asters and is about 350 asters wide. Refuse material is being piled in the southern direction . towards le3dek. 2. hSoad to Q w "A The plant is enclosed by double wire fence, approximately 21 meters high. The space between each fence is about 150??180 centimeters. 1. 'Entrance and gatekeeper's ledge. Ilhoden building, 8 x 20 meters. 2. Railroad spar. 3, Reeeiviig store for soda (Na.2 0 ). wooden building, 60 x to asters. From this store the soda is f erred into the Soda chamber. 4. Store for hydrochloric acid in bottles. Tw4ixoodean buildings, 10x12 asters. 5. Tank for hydrochloric acid. The tank is protruding above the ground approximately 3 asters and holds about 209000 liters. 6. Pampa and conveirer belts. Oroundfloor masonry building, b.ehapsd, 50 x 10, aM 10 z 12 asters. In this building are located the water pVAPs and the manipulating machinery for conveyor belts. 7. Main building. Former paparmill adapted to present purposes. The walls are 120 en thick. The building is approximately 190 x 200 asters large. In this building all stages of processing of the uranium ore takes place. 8. Mixing basin, Wooden basin, 12 meters in diameter, about 5 motors high. Th. basin is hermetically closed. The material is being stirred by a rev.lying arm. 9. Muting basin. This basin has the same measurements as the miring basin. Bare the material is diluted with Blear water and then floim under pressure into the Soda chamber. 20. Three tanks containing liquid radioactive material. Metal tanks, each about 10 meters in diameter and 840 meters high, From these tanks the liquid material is pumped into the cistern-ears, 11. Stores for iron bars and steel. Two wooden buildings, 30 x 20 meters and 8 x 8 asters. Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R00530042 NOFORN 12. Transformer. 13. Compressor hall. A groundfloor masonry building, 30 x 10 meters 8 compressors are installed in this ha14 lh. Water tower. There are two water towers in the plant, one is next to the compressor hall and the other is situated outside the plant's area. 15. Gateway. TVo?vinged gate, wooden, barbed wire on top. This gate is closed and is opened for driving out by a pla*ts. guardman. 16. Store of empty sacks. . 17. Observation towers. There'are 6 wooden guard towers, about 5 meters high, 21 x 21 meter at the. base. Each tower is managed by we VS (Interior guard) guard who carries hine gun, The towers are interconnected by telephone, and y with the plant -and the barracks of the VS. 18. Stairs. Along the southern side of the plant, from the road, are stairs leading to the billets and kitchen, 19. Road along the.-southern side of the plant, .:Signs are displayed here ""Pruchod pause Jen bee sastavenis`( thoroughfare only .. no stopping allowed). 20. Coal store. 21. Pipes for refuse material. Fetal pipes of about 60 cm in diameter, leading from main building outside to the heap, 22s Roofing to protect the pipes and repair shop for cast01ron boards. It is narrow wooden shed about 5 meters wide. am 60 meters Long. 23. Store for electrical material. A building adjoining #22, wooden, 8 z 8 meters. A few meters apart there to another wooden-building housing electrical material. 240 Fenae. Barbed s r double fence. Space between the fences is covered with white sand. On the inside fence there are electric lamps placed, apparos. 30 meters apart' from' one another, 25. Bar-racks for VS guards. A wooden building, 40 x 20 meters where are about 50 mean billeted. 26. A wooden shed for parking of motorcycles and bicycles belonging to the plant-Is employees. 27. Time clock. At the entrance to the main building is the time clock used by all employees except the Russians. Two women are controlling the time.. /sic/ 28. Zh'afting hail. A twostlrey+ed building, about 16 x 10 meters. 29. Plant,r+s first aid post. A groundfloor buildiing, masonry, 12 x 10 meters,. NOFORN Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 r3< 25X1 30. Water supply canal,. !'rose the brook which recur between the higlrray and the pistil towards the western and of the pleat, leads a concrete canal. of about 8 wasters width, 2 asters deep and about 80 asters log, 31. Water works, 32, Storehouse for carbide and soda. A wooden building, 100 a 20 asters. 33. laboratory of the OrL. Only Russians are working in the laboratory. mttry is guarded by Militia non. It is a two*storsysd building (resideso of the forcer owner of the paper-mill), about 10 x 15 asters. 3!. Storehouse. A large wooden building, 50 x 40 meters, used for storage of wooden francs and boards for the filtrating presses Piw>aprr and Roraalo 35. Sorehouse. your wooden bats, appraoc, b? x 12 asters; storage fort maters, filtrating (si.lon) cloths, cabsis, castiiron frame and boards, working clothes said siailar material. 36. Washrooa for filtrating cloths. A wooden. building adjoining the main building. There we two washing machines installed for washing out the filtrating cloths. 37. Chiniwy approx. 30 asters high, brick. 38. Billets for workers are in i t and in Tysoks Pee. One of the building is about 60 s lb asters in which is aeoeabdation for 65 persons. 39. M-inistratiive section. A wooden building, k0 x 10 asters. 1&0. Garages and Fire station. A groundf lour building, wasonry. bl. Brook. Ls pad to rt "CM: Description of the groundfloor of the main building. 1. Garage. Space for 3 trucks and one passenger car. 2. Repair shop for machines occupying 6 roams. 3. Basin for special water. There 6 basil aash for 1.000 fitters ?/. b, Storage of radioactive nay material. 5. Compression chamber. There are 3 camp asors, 6. Pecking section and w.ighlsg of radioactive matsrri,al, 7, gall housing.illtrafiltr Special amasses. There are 6 presses. 8. Doilsrkouse. Thee $ boilers in this r+ram, (2 asters in disaster and 6 asters long. Purpose of these boilers is not kawn to Source, 9, Nall, where are, 840 identical boilers as in #8 room. There are also 6 pwaps in this heU. Purpose mnhewn to Source. NOFORN Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R00530042000 Y JVOFORN . -5 10W M111s. Here are 3 spheric Mille equipped with electric motors. 11. Suction chamber. 12.. "Sodna hemora? (Soda chamber). Here are 18 basins, wooden filled with material which is being mixed with Soda. Each holding about 20,,,000 liters. 13, Chad al solutions section. Here are 9 basins, each for 2,000 liters. The basinsare joined by pipes and contain-the special water mixed with some chemicals unlmosn to Source. Here are also placed 3 electric motors of 1,000 HP9 which drive the wills. Ih. Pressure pumps and pipes. 150 ..Soda store. Here the soda is poured from-the outside into the store and from the store the soda is forced though pressure pipes into individual basins.' 160 Reservoire. Theses supply with water the rblok, h"e It is not kmm to Source whether they contain special or ordinary waters.. .17. Pressure pimps. ' These papa are used for tightening of the presses.:. 18. Boiler house Here.ere 4 boilers each of 12 atmosphere, type Siemens. From here stea ' is being supplied to the plant. 390 ' Chimlr used, by boilerwouse 20. Boilers to supply-higl preasured stems to the furnaces (Varrq). 21. Motors repairing shop, . I,eAentd to plan "Dr: Description of the 2nd floor of the maim building. ~!'-~~~ w1?oY '..'tom s epo 4w4" s Op-._ Here Are 6 Eompresso s for the Piomrr presses r function is to close the presses,, Presses Piowr, NorM and Normal. Here are !t rows each consisting of 8 presses type Pior6tr (36). 'T'hese are -used for the first stage of processing the uranium ore? Then there. are 214 presses type Norm for the second stage of processing. Tor the third stage of processing are 4 presses type Normal. (Host of these presses were installed l n' June 1955. ) 3 Press `hall (Stara lisctm). -Here _..are 38 presses: 16'Pionyr presses, 16 Norse presses; and .4 Normal presses as well as 2 Ultrafiltr Special prresses. Varga I. -(Fur ceSere'are 18 wooden basins, embedded in concrete, each = for -2,4110 liters, , Here Is being boiled the special water with ore ' which was previously mixed with some chemicals and soda and then the substance testediwith'litaua pspera (The material is prepared for deuces II ). 'Varna fl (Furnace II).'Here are lh'wodden basin (same measurements as in furnace I). Into each basil 1 w2 barrels (one barrel contains 70 fts) of $frdrochlorio acid is added. The basins have underneath some heating.: devices (probably steam) and tag. mixture is heated to certain temperature 102= to :Source. . Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 F_ Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 405 TUArc"r:hr 6, Shifting basins. In this section are 21 basins belonging to the Pm-wee, II; 5X1 There are also 2 sup~ar~r basins with spacial water, and one basin sontaiaiog sass ehe teals for parposs to bring the mixture to proper liquid. 7. Basins with special water* gore are 9 basins containing special water. 8. Here are a few high>p'essnred booms for nnlmswn(to 8oerce)pnrpose. 9. In this section are 7.* basins for further mixing of the radieaetivs materia]o 10. !leers of spars parts to the Normal and Noma posses. 11. Pressure pipes ? not in use. 12. Transformer station. cl to Plan "B"s Description of the 3rd floor of the saio building. 1. Offices. 2. Ventilation system, From here ventilation in furnaces, press halls and others is being sanipnlated. 3. Basins containing the material for processing In the presses. 4. Pressure peps. The.. pampa transfer the aixtere from furnace I. into the fusses no S. fiction turbines for presses Piei r and Norma. 6. Boilers for the main boi].erhouse. Has are also 6 automatic furnaces. 7. Boilers for Furnace II. There are 6 boilers of 12 atmosphere. 8. Noters of the votilatiaa system for Soda ehaaber and Tomes I. I,eaerd to &IM "F's Description of the basansnt of the main bui]disgo 1. Pr.s nru.c saber praps. Here are loaatsd 109s fir transferring the material into the mixing basins. 2. The rubbing mill base and suction systas leads into the basement. 3. Special eater tanks. spesial water. Hans are 12 tasks seek for 2.000 lifers filled with 4. Pressure chamber. 54 Carbide chamber. NOFORN Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 25X1 PLAN F SC4LE 1.2000 Plan: b. Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 PLAN E SCALE 1:2000 Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 11 10 12 PLAN D SCALE 1:2000 Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 25X1 0? 15 14 21 20 16 12 10 1 9 2121 2 13 17 PLAN C SCALE 1 2000 Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 NOFORN NOVEL HMRY SCALE 1:25.0001 SHEET 3849/4EI 40 Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 17 34 Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5 PLAN.A U SCALE 7-20(7' 32 11 29 n 3 39 38 22 6 38 f 19 17, 21 25 Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP83-00418R005300420001-5