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25X~CQLAC ED P?XJATE OF INF ACQUIRED proved For Release 2006/*1/13 rCIA-RDP83-00415F2002000050009-4 `CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT Germany (Russian Zone) Status of the Superphosphate Industry in the Soviet Zone THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT SO U. S. C., 31 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- HIBITED BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. HOW. EVER. INFORMATION CONTAINED IN BODY OF THE FORM MAY BE UTILIZED AS DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE RECEIVING AGENCY. DATE DISTR. 25 January 1949 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATkgN FOR THE RESEARCH USE OF TRAINED INTELLIGENCE ANALYSTS N The attached report concerning the superphosphate industry in the Soviet Zone is sent to you on loan. Kindly return it at your convenience. STATE LARMY 'D V-01 EXPLOITED By IR CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL, LOAN DISTRIBUTION f -1 TT F-77- I 1Tf ITT Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP83-00415R002000050009-4 I.. FORM.yO, NOV 1948 SUBJECT 25X'PLACE ACQUIRED ~.0 51.61A'- Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP83-00415R0620OO650009-4 4 CLASSIFICATION .CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT F Germany (Russian Zone) Status of the Superphosphate Industry in the Soviet Zone NO, OF PAGES 22 June 194' NO, OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) 25X1JATE OF I ACQUIRED THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTINC THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT 50 U. S. C. 31 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- HIBITED BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. HOW- EVER. INFORMATION CONTAINED IN BODY OF THE FORM MAY BE UTILI'_ED AS DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE RECEIVING AGENCY. SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. c-A A/osr- The attached translation of a report concerning the superphosphate industry in the Russian Zone is sent to you in compliance with your request. CLASSIFICATION CONFTD it'- NSRB DIS I 00N vn V11 69 JI, Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP83-00415R002000050009-4 r :Approved For Release 2006/11/13 ; CIA-RD ONHHDENTIAL 7 -n :Ti o t ono o ? 000 u7);at' of the- e are five oiler ati onal surprrphosph::te '7lsntc ': i_t} e 1--o, ink c=arnacities: / 100.,0' WD idcid . orks i ertilia Corp. , Coswi v tone per u.. ntn P'-"0'5 it " if it " tialz-vedel " Organa " Fahlber;-List Corp., .' SE .-a~;debu.r L 650 65C TIC lr' Factory owned by State of Saxon?%-8nhalt, forr..erly Chemical forks Iir,rcr: itz- euden ! 350 ere 0" Julius Grosse, Oschersleben-;'_611,z 350 ~~ The actual production of these n1art 3u s c te 20,000 tons should cover requirements for thrce to four -onths. Besides, the-.-?e i.s a erve of shout E., CC ton; of 'r:E.t, roiiutec, mixe.. o-ozrh-te at Piesteritz. ah . sche?u.le for 1`;l,9 calls }o::' of 1( i~,r'.:II to'1'. of C'_'l]Sle to co -4 - _..~. - , .. __,..~ no`,oti. L u._o f ns :-...e C2111'J fo ~`', 1?. :fl r "i7incer ort., s~_:.rica s:nd. the Little i 1,.:.0_..n about ti-,c rr'ice : f the ~oor'F'F'd pho; ?~72 tos, ;i since c. ::orth ,A ~"xic.? n i,osrha:`es a_?e i_a ort'. cl. exclusively key ba.'ter., nartialiv for oot toes, Vahile t'_=e L'o'a a pi,; are i.,nterrel1u Ch.^..' ed irin:''t :171C?U 'r 11 nroduc t,:iQn of the Soviet zone by the Soviet .,dLini:tr?=:7tion. 1 E: production plants ar?e still re uhj ect to t~-:e re. -u1 t nn that they shell not char, ed more t.h;.e.n ,, as being char ?ed for the same production in Y-0. The foreigh trade acco^.7.nting office thus ch arges the. si_rner- phosphate plants th.e followw~in prices fo,-r"crude rnhosph-ate: North nbosphc-t:,es aver=7.'_;e Di;; -5 per ton, fret, of freight chars; Kola concentrates a.verore DigFad to 30 per ton, depending unon the P20 content. 't present, the crude prosphstes are itnrortec exclusively through th.e tort of Stettin. Contrary to ag_rieultura.l products, the prices for sunerpl?.osnhate urere os'i_:;in .7.,1y set on the basis of the price ;che_?ule vs1i:' fozr 19 9. ;o :aver, ~.,he enforce price reduction for fertilizers ordered. by- Goerin; nrThr to 1939 hE;s. ccn cance&l.ed, ;:chile the rr'icec for SL:7er-C,1 oL-,)hats-e h=ave '_r-1 `E'n y 2 over the 1939 t7 ices bu , th.e cup r'l'?.o_TJ~1':'tf r1roduCe7'S are raid. :=.; 4 '. nor to7_ of ~'2Cr b; ',:'_. c ic,tributin _- . =-0nc- t'.- ,tr, .fee of ;.:..r:: '?ti,~ c i,'r'-:?? '~..Ll ^SZl~..: ei y o C--.E.2C per ton of ^^x 7 .,: -to be pu yr, t e ~ 'ud.. c1 s of t:,hC Mates. '. fe;, s ,c, o,' ever, the Soviet =i1_it, d-=.nie.t ut nn decided to ' :1 ,, ? ~zr t_. e- r , bpi c, t'?^l~.cti , pt 1e ;.