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October 1, 1948
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State Dept. review completed ~ ' ~ . ~ ~ . . For Distribution to U.S. Embassy Personnel only. EMBASSY OF THE U.S.A., CAIRO-EGYPT. THUIItSDi~~ ~;vcnin~ ~ept~rn~oer 3Q~h, ~.r~,:f3. ~'R1D~.Y ITorninu ,pctabq~ lst" ~ X948 R THURSDAY ~venin~ Soli 30th, 19~r8. ++1~~;~orica~s j~-:1',~assador d~.sctzsses wary cotton, 1c~:1 con- frontin~; ~:1c, Our cotton crop was vary bid this y-c4 r, Tho situation is bacl in the southern stincssr.:an and bccarlc intcrestccl 1:rorc in t11c f inen-- ~ial s isle of tl~c f ili:1 industry th~.n tlzc tccl~.nica l a ic,.c + , rcl,liec: the 1'~r:1'oass~,~Lor, sr Z+hc ~'~r:1cr is an c inorla'r Q "Udhat c:o you thinly of t'.-1c ,ositicn of t'1c ~~~:lorican cine~:~: in tho ti-rorlrl~rr~ l~ - "It is difficult for c.n garlcrican citizen to anstircr this r~ucstion. but T r_xay s^y that the U.S.~,. is in tho orc:,.ro~xt a.n this ficlcl~ o~ tl~in~ iah:ich ~;ivcs us much 1~lcasurc sccin that the cinei:la is the G~cst rlcans of s~~rcadin~ culturo t:ncl Approved For Release 2007/03/08 :CIA-RDP83-004158001300060005-5 Approved For Release 2007/03/08 :CIA-RDP83-004158001300060005-5 TFiURSDa,Y lJvcrin~ Sc?;t , 30th, 1948.. understanclin~ ai:ion~ nations . St is indeed ~ratif~; ink that 1;coplc arc able to sco 1';ricrican filrls r~~iich cost a:lillions of dollars to ~~roc~uc c i 'cy pa yin; a srlall char~c , r'Thc luro~,oan cineria" (~ -* "l~h~~.t clo you think of tho situation of the Burol~~an. car~c~;1a after the v~~ar?~ 'Can it seriously coi:ll~otc with tlzc l`,~ilcrican cincria? 11 - 'rNo. But we want to help industries all over tlic world. l;ricrica at' present leads tho ti~orld in this. field l.~ecausc of her tcchnic~l experience and thanks to tlzc cal~ablc i~cn ~~~ho served in the industry ~cncration after. ~.cncration", r'Sports" "His ~xccllcncy the 1'~7:i~~assaclor who is 61 years of arc is known to like sports . ',,11on ~ l,ro'aocl the sub jcc~t he saidz rYos I ar.1 font'. of sl~or~s * I like to -play Tennis d~ ily c.t Gc zira S,:,ort ink; Club ~ . He then c cr~c ludo d the intcrvictia ti~~ith ' the l;la~7fu1 rc7:iark; t gut I shall ta1Lc up golf i~rh~n I pct old } ", Approved For Release 2007/03/08 :CIA-RDP83-004158001300060005-5 Approved For Release 2007/03/08 :CIA-RDP83-004158001300060005-5 FRTDI~Y Octol~cr 1st, 1J4-8. The Pale s tine "National is s crlblyrr i:ZCt yesterday at Gaza, The' L,ra'oic ~,~ress ~ivcs vuide pu'clicity to the story that the so-ce~llcd ;,rab 1'alcstino "National 1;ssc.:lblyr' ~:ict yesterday at Gaza. Iil j",~irar.Z~s Gaza ccrresl ondcnt rcl~orts that the Tiufti, Haj 1~ri~n i. Husscini clrovc to the ~issof:~~~ly building o.ccoi:lpanicd by ~,i~:icd Hilo:1y Ps.sha uncl escorted '~;; ari:~ourccl cars . 3i~ croti-rc's lined the street and cllccrec~ tho T.iufti, says the l~a~,cr vrhich adds that slogans such as "Long live Iii?,; Farouk" y r'LonL;; Livo E~yl~t'r, "Loner Live Ialestine" vrcrc heard during the l,roccssion. Tho !~s s cr~bly l~