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August 1, 1981
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Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200120011-6 ? OPERATIONS ATTACHMENT FOR PARAGUAY MONTHLY REPORT, AUGUST 1981 1. Cruising activities for the first week of the month were dedicated to following the rebellion in Bolivia. Rebels in Santa Cruz maintained a "network" of which Santa Cruz Radio Grigota at 4830 khz, the main station in the network, Robore Radio Robore at 5312 khz, and Montero Radio Norte at 4940 khz were audible at bureau. Originally called "Cadena de Reordenamiento Institucional," the network changed its title to "Cadena de la Dignificacion Institucional," and, alternately, "Cadena de la Reivindicacion Nacional" after President Luis Garcia Meza resigned and the goals of the rebel movement consequently changed. Generally the network was heard with fair reception, but as the crisis wore on reception deteriorated, due in part to reported interference from La Paz Radio Illimani Network and to interference from a channel marker for a marine frequency, Buenos Aires Radio Pacheco at 4830 khz upper side band. Finally, on 8 August after a press conference by rebel leader Gen Alberto Natusch Busch, the network was disbanded. Cruising continued for several days thereafter with no further sign of the network. 2. Seasonal changes and Radio Moscow beam interfered with bureau reception of Santiago Domestic Service at 15150 khz. A new frequency, 15140, was located which provides fair-good reception at night. 3. Further cruising targeted against Peru was conducted. Cuzco Radio Tawantinsuyo in Spanish was heard with fair-poor reception at 6175 khz, upper side band, broadcasting in network with Juliaca Radio Qollasuyo, Abancay Radio Apurimac, and Quillabamba Radio La Convenci6n carrying a 45-minute newscast at 1130 GMT. Station will be added to emergency frequency list for Peru and checked as a further backstop for coverage. Tacna Radio Tacna has been observed broadcasting alternately at 9505 khz and 9484 khz. Station does not appear to be broadcasting in parallel. 4. Development of a program schedule for Sao Paulo Radio Ba,ndeirantes was further delayed by Bolivian events and by repairs to cruising position. 5. When Paris AFP apparently experienced transmission problems on 26 August and stopped sending, Paraguay was able to backstop by picking up the normally-redundant AFP Portuguese beam, which was transmitting normally with good reception. 6. Three magazines--the Argentine Weekly GENTE, the Chilean biweekly COSAS, and the Uruguayan weekly OPINAR--were added to bureau coverage during August. Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000 00120011-6 10 ENGINEERING MONTHLY REPORT Paraguay Bureau August 1981 1. Regional Engineerl paid a two-week visit to the bureau STAT during the month. Under his guidance several antenna tests were performed at the Bureau and at Antelco site. The BBH 160 Antenna was tested for MW in both places with negative results for Bolivian and Peru Stations. A temporary long wire Antenna beemed to Santiago de Chile was constructed at Antelco and tested for three days, including night hours. No significant improvement was found. The Regional Engineer will prepare a Report. 2. Complete rewiring of the RF patch was begun. This is to include the replacing of the TGR's multicouplers with the new Delta's. We will report periodically to headquarter on the performance of the new multicouplers. 3. ACCOUNTABLE PROPERTY Non-Expendable RECEIVED 1. 1 Hetrodyne Notch Filter, S/N 18,-from FBIS, Okinawa, $1000. 2. 1 Hetrodyne Notch Filter, S/N 8, from FBIS, Seoul, $1000. TRANSFERRED 1. 1 BBH-160 Antenna, S/N 135, transferred to Key West, $3,000. EXPENDABLE RECEIVED 1. 1 File Cabinet, steel, 4 drawers, S/N 7110-242-5593. STAT -MIEF ELECTRONIC TECHN CLAN Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200120011-6 PARAGUAY BUREAU MONTHLY PRODUCTION REPORT FOR AUGUST 1981 LANGUAGE C'OUNTRY SOURCE PRESS AGENCY COUNTRY PUBLICATIONS SUBTOTALS ENGLISH Argentina. Be. As. HERALD Brazil R.Janeiro L.A.DAILY POST ? Brazil HERALD PORTUGUESE Brazil Domestic 810( 1,270) P. Alegre R. Gaucha 000( 100) P. Alegre R. Guaiba 000( 710) S.P.R.Bandeirantes 710( 650) JORNAL DO BRASIL 0 GLOBO 0 ESTADO DE SAO PAULO FOLHA DE SAO PAULO SAO PAULO VEJA USSR International fANISH Argentina Domestic TELAM NOTICIAS ARGENTINAS LATIN CLARIN LA PRENSA CRONICA 610( 2,390) 8,640( 2,510) 23,670( 22,780) 10,260( 32,250) 22,770( 9,490) 7,730( 13,330) 7,730( 13,330) 1,390( 930) 5,240( 2,620) 3,850( 1,690) 6,390( 5,120) 3,380( 6,020) 6,040( 15,690) 4,360( 2,680) 530( 000) 22,220( 32,240) 2,310( 1,840) 6,580( 9,790) 290( 320) 610( 2,390) LANGUAGE 'COUNTRY SOURCE SPANISH (Cont'd) `PRESS AGENCY ''PUBLICATIONS COUNTRY 'SUBTOTALS Argentina LA NACZON 3,980( 1,460) EL ECONOMISTA 260( 000) GENTE 000( 3,610) 78,760( 84,050) Bolivia L. Paz R. Illimani 14,980( 5,160) L. Paz Domestic 2,920( 5,590) Santa Cruz R. Grigota 7,110( 000) EL DIARIO 970( 390) PRESENC IA 2,010( 1,610) 27,990( 12,750) Chile Domestic 5,660( 6,830) 310( 820) EL MERCURIO 4,620( 000) LA 3a. DE LA HORA 60( 180) QUE PASA 1,770( 000) ERC ILLA. 30( 000) HOY 1,780( 000) 14,230( 7,830) ? Paraguay As. R. lo. de Marzo 360( 120) TV Canal 13 200( 000) ABC COLOR 5,180( 2,500) HOY 990( 000) LA TRIBUNA 1,890( 570) ULTIMA HORA 100( 360) 8,720( 3,550) LANGUAGE COUNTRY SCE; SPANISH (Cont'd) Peru Lima Domestic Lima R. America Tacna R. Tacna Lima R. Union MARKA EXPRESO ? CARETAS EL C OMERC IO OIGA Uruguay Mdeo R. Carve 000( 5,210) 50( 100) 1,470( 230) 540( 000) 530( 130) Mdeo Rk El Espectador 2,100( 4,390) Mdeo Domestic 890( 000) EL DIA LA MANANA France AFP USSR - International 3,360( 4,710) PRESS AGENCY 29,150( 36,040) PUBLICATIONS COUNTRY SUBTOTALS 1,220( 2,730) 740( 1,810) 820( 3,450) 290( 4,290) 000( 2,670) 5,130( 20,490) 140( 000) 620( 000) 4,280( 4,520) 29,150( 36,040) 3,360( 4,710) 50,940( 40,100) 8b,1bUk1U1,i6U) '/u,,34uw 0},v4v] 4u1 , U%,r-r-4,>FwI Nonpublishable wordage: Wirefiled program summaries commentary lists, roundups, FYIs, Admins SVCs, Cruisings, etc. GRAND TOTAL FILED WORDAGE: TOTAL ITEMS: 1158 53,630( 61,660) 261,050(286,180) Approved For Release 2007/05/08: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200120011-6 ? krortl 667.74 1. Coverage (Priority 1 and 2) a. Coverage daily hours of voice 16 b. Average daily hours of press service 116.42 c. Average daily hours of press (1/2 hour per paper) 2. Production (English) a Average daily voice wordage . b Average daily press service wordage . c. Average daily press 3. Production (All other) a. Average daily voice wordage (Span) 1,574.52 (Port) 68.71 b. Average daily press service wordage (Span) 2,279.35 (Port) None C. Average daily press (Span) 1,182.26 4. Total Average Daily Publishable Wordage 6,690.97 5. Total daily average wordage r .ultipaper, multi.language and/or multisource roundups, program stuurarics filed as continuing requirement; commentary lists; cruising messages:. 1,730 6. Total Daily Average Filed Wordage 8,420.97 7. Total number of E'TG Abstracts for Month None 8. Average daily number of items filed 37.35 116.61 None None 418.39