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Approved For Release 2006/11/11: CIA-RDP82R00025R000500260003-0 August 26, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL 'RECORD _- SENATE, , 21247 the Implications ~t of a trusteeship as it might along with the French Communist . pavticu. coerlatenoee their eater sty. 'Bair t~111 -. early Thoree, who is the "beet at the vet' D e Spain remarked th at the British had lost And a London newspaper. the Deity Halt, & en t ' Berens once through reliance on Indochina. announced in Its oontlneatsi adluca that member cadml01 f o Qeat at p " aMgn >vo/nlefaH It teas opinion that the British were sot the United Stops--n 4 Brit i R a n ar es d p dependable to pro eat this area. Be thought was responsible for preventing Di Gaulle f teerf.prWamy Indocetlnr- was a very Important area. from attending the Ill. T t3ermaaiy, Italy, H coming ree ocnf e t *_ ereno as h a BOuMralt *Pined, that the Iadoabtireee Yalta. ' a Valted Mates. Writala; 1Rsa were people at small stature like WJava- s, , Rim" VOMM draft iris alY ;r: R lisfa,t recce and Surcease, and not warlike. Be said Tax Dx aauu a 8iuar : PaauQ hn.u-. wou2A, . _-- tue of the natives since It had been a Trench (By Paul Martin) .;~.~_s, They President disclosed that De Gaulle had Wsasrrr+erow.-Pncideat Tnwmg . srho? out that Prance did not otp~ts t" partlcome o ;thew asked him foe ships to transport Preach succeeded Rooewelt, proclaimed the end of armistice agreements wit forces to Indochina. Stalin Inquired where the war in Hurons as May s. 19d. Bova e.. - De Gaulle was going to get the troops. P. Germany was divided Into tour oocupatfon Mdotow ow had quettim to". bases Gaulle said he was going to find the troops ions under the Americans, British, French, Part to discusidom lr ting to and Russians. An Allied Control Council Germany and Italy. but thought Fiance when the President could find the shi s Roo p - , sevelt replied. Up to the present. he bad assumed full authority over Germany on should be ascluded when peace tees ea nere - been unable to find the ships. June 6. Meanwhiw the war was still going considered for Hungary. Romania, sad Sol,. z sessions between the Big Three ~ ... r~ ' Bidault, came to Washington tee a meeting that while Vichy prance Lad not beet! at . Churchill pressed for giving France an oc- with the new President. Truman welcomed war with these countries, the De. Game cupatlon zone which would come out of hint, expressing a desire to strengthen trs movement was. American and British sectors, In no way ditlonal Pranco-American bonds of friend- That was not the point. Molotov Lod.. affecting the previously defined Soviet sons. ship. Trance did not participate in the are tau e.-+ The Prime )(mister predicted the German Bkfauit said Prance had case been great. agreements. occupation might last a long time. He was He hoped with American help she could be Men proposed amending the text to Built not sure the British Clo-erntnent could afford restored to her former position. Europe Membership to those countrhe which kA' the cost over an extended period; the Preach could not get along with only two great signed the armistice. Secretary at amts might be of some real assistance In this mat-. powers. Britain and Russia. A strong Prance James F. Byrnes agreed, ter. was needed In the best interests of all. Stalin opposed giving reparagdaa to Stalin suggested this would change triper- The French Minister observed that many !cane. Be said France bad signed an arts. tit* control of Germany. into four-nation Eumpean questions had been decided der- Lau" with Hitler, suffered no real awoepa,. control. serving as a precedent for admitting lug the war at meetings where prance was tiara damge. and that 160 Geraaan dtvfsioas other states. not represented: he hoped France could be had bean transferred from Francs to the 'C hurobill replied that If Prance got an included in the futon. Russian front. oeoupation Bone, she would be coin" part!- Acting Secretary of State Joseph C. Grew The British and Americans agreed to tabs cipate In the control machinery. As to other said in a Confidential memo to the president: care 01 France's reparations claims. nations such as Belgium and Holland, there "This Government has in the past been Bidault told the American Ambaeanior In was no question of a specific Bone, and thus held largely responsible by the French Gov- Paris his government was upset over the no part In the control machinery. ernment and people.-and by large motion& dam communique regarding reparations. Roosevelt favored an occupation none for of the Anierican people--for the absence of Bidault.later complained to Byrne.: Prance, but agreed with storm that Prance General de Gaulle from the Big Three "France had suffered damage twice = se- - should not take part In the German control meetings. tiotrs u ID the last war. It faamsdiateiy machinery. "I feel certain that this Government could after that war. the _ had received 611 percent The President changed his mind later. It take no single step which would be more ap. of the reparations. This tone a settUeeeat . would be impossible to give the Reach an dated by the Preach nation and which Was made without her even being pertain" area tt w ld d t d r a ou minister unless they th o more to Improve oultiih o psessnt any argt I were oner reaons wtumen.t was a a control commission. he said. Also. it .1r.t France than for you to eliminate from .their face." - ? Punch were represented. - - States which is preventing their return to a to inpiude France in the Allied ~tzoi Churchill brought up the gneetlon of free status of full equality with the major Allied Oceans! for Germany. the Council 01 . War elections In Poland. PDwors. sign Minister.,, and a new Mission to sit in Moscow reparations eaea- Stalin could a" little difference between Roving Ambassador Joseph B Davies ie - .1]eGaulle's position and the Lublin (Coon- ported June 12 on a private Interview with . Ambassador Jefferson Caffery to Paris munf.t) Poles-neither had been elected. Churchill in London : "bled Provident Truman that than . da.- Yet we all dealt with P. !Lull- -_ --- ."1Bia rawer a "rte saicsi- .chin... ...y was we rolish reg. , e0 different? P. Gaulle had done nothing to arouse popular enthusiasm. Stalin claimed. whereas the Polish Provisional .Government had carried cup a number cc popular lead re- forms. As to the war. Fran" bad only a dlvlaioaa, while Yugislawls had 12, and the Poles Is. On the heals of her contribution, etalfn Said. France could not expect to get reparations from the Allies. At a final dinner on February le, Churchill said he faced a dialoitit election to He envied Stalin. who bad to deal wt only .one party. Stalin admitted that one party could be a great oonvenienoe to a bead of state. Roosevelt recalled that In 190 there had been is political parties in Trance, and with- in 1 week he had to deal with three differ. Meeswhlis, the Amer1vaa AMhaeq 0s in Paris reported to Roosevelt at Yalta the tot- towing conversation with French, Foreign Minister Bidault: Bidault Indicated clearly that the Ides of a Soviet-dominated government on their frontier fills the French with terror. Bi- dault stated he Is trying very hard to get w-+r.Y eau peen w unaw"ukd he cannot act.arbitrarfly and lnoonatd..,ar r. wH oupceme Allied Command,. apes his armies were supplied by his aswclates." French troops bad - retwed to Wakdrur from 1lblattgart and aorthwaBeern Italy unpr orders from Get. Dwight D. ieenhower. the Supreme Allied Commander. The United States had agreed at Malta on February 1 to rearm eight -Pteam dlvlsloas, to addition to several already provided (tor In north Africa. In this atmosphere, the Anal summit can- f.rence of the war was held July 17-Aug! t a at Potsdam, a suburb of Beetin In occupied y. It was a much different meeting from the two at Tehran and Yalta. It was the long- set conference. More was discussed, and less decided. The wartime . alllaao, with %lie idhesgenaatag to break up over Truman came Wmad with a ad- vicars and a brisk no-noossnsea u ude. Clement Attlee replaced Churchill as British Prime Minister midway in the sessions as a result of the British election. Only Stalin, as a head of state. participated in all three a t-tG the senior 8eelt(tot Qosmecticut and.? Hisde reference to ' fh&st report of a special caenntttoe P02W by the - -0 Sts*tes to 111TO igate the s tutatioo . DaMinIcan Republic. There was a01B s difelupce of opinion as to the QOmnAI. the special committee detailed to fig era Mt. 'In view of this. I ask unani s.C- s6nt to have printed In the RMCOM"M th4 Pertinent excerpts relating to this firpt report from the introduction to a tleih :, 1i0atim Issued by the Internal Security Subcommittee entitled "Organic of American State,, Combined Reports on Communist Subversion." I also ask Unanimous consent to have printed in the RlcO.D following that the complete text of the OAS committee's report as it Approved For Release 2006/11/11: CIA-RDP82R00025R000500260003-0 Approved For Release 2006/11/11: CIA-RDP82R00025R000500260003-0 $ CONGRESSIONAL: RE(X)RD-z--SENATE. August 26, 1965. wtis painted In the ivb~dt4eers pub- Pinar aaoa:-or m Sre ae CoRsmlU M lino to itsnb 1]ostege. cis 1prMl ~oo.aapi- licatl0n. I believe that thta will be of . Ts era ? ?t Cssnaasa~aoer tee deckled to tnatalt Resit tmcaedM is a 4 bb2no rsas or P oe Arvarm or ati'sl unwaisaaaibr ?isctsd so stns QNSITN a. War - -- - : CRQ (tgaat tt'wl-tA" be' fit 'et arhr" i? JA V& ~DrMi~s'the wtai am a" rWe.~ariiws001" a~y=00 l of as dipeamww carpe 7n.e our no rat nrxLv, tar cue pu.fn~w. ...vJ' ..+.a ??- grs se, rtes of tasd 'uN unolet the parting rood. Medicine. and p from doing beret" The persaa:. l,...t A&n IMLdrn to the Ample of the Andrb Rtvttee: my IIatt00altty ja CM Weaday m.rnlag, lay f. ttae swassbera sad Tesalemte A" 4lafMia 8tews/euP 1A the Orgaoalntlan of Amerlcad , ....w , e, d tsosp of the ~trits-riadpn C -~ United Staten had fstt It 060891004Y ti MW- and who .spoke Spaeth With L. TV ewfrssaaas 11firm SOCK new Usk a oospsaetafoations rmate, "A" OWL Jam foreign accent. The Ahem service. 'and the interviews had to command's tomes into two Parts IZI Sod an pres.noe of a umlformyd conducted by emissarlee of ss0 Of the lase th 'rho said he was part at *0 # the Arvid >bsvlla at, the arms nt In vM 4eaddit7 to b" the kAk of ??? '~ ??'? .? , - '"-~-- - - ' . l bd .40011 CC eometiun>cAUoaa.orridsar bat+av.en tM gnarl Ullitery ComUSS" to w me Col Fr.setam Caaaalto- Than interview. - its boundaries Ia ty - .ems; AA n f0[ Col. h"ratlda00 QaaOMAn My kind. e sequently. it had to use a W.D. Itsreae Oo"+ to come to alias with the interested peruse should be agreed upon or b040100- to ,go to Ban 1"- and than ask on a precise demarcation of the sone, tuciud- mtttee and the Interastionai Orast the dean of the diplomatic corps to take the therein ail the, diploguAw Min&oes, in the distribution of food and bledlelts.ditd flommltiN In his oar to the New C)Ity, wirer. oLug rder to prevent inddenta due to Igspranes the installation of hospital q ith the command then headed by the Dominican people without d t le 3h tie travel tlltnslglt the s~seeta -a:e Tbo -. Con- gaiety (b) The alms a[ the Sapeflial OommlttM eras don; and of the faculties ot? t t th Domfmcn to deet~r t1ltir n.-i .l ?[ ey Pon! ' e~i fsant ens .ms rnfh tl Veftectton of - tog a+r c~ea nor I'tfat~,-. m i~aieettoit w sw sane,~..w ~r of the Tnitl,; 'a!'b- hennas for S M tolrirdo.o people, t9twAd eoawd at; >t}a~ 11IM M aliaquv" mac-?lf f'trVis I t 911" IS _ ? bhedi*wry neCoWnrs to yjaIll6k ice s ;'wu .dew isait M lien ar ~,oe - b *Lftd lieu i e. aiWet fret been a S4 mimes as 4M the nowAss of for they t i d$U$U a to tw eanstey everted __ ArISq sollmlaid ad laea~noei tar +aellterltLg an 1mnle- ~- tNatoe restptite+d flee paitfan by col >lr.ieal.eo a dtate ewe-ere,' for the VW of isfoesateg of th aereh..aa. mrYleg tae idlloirfap vela- spetift regoesta Tact- In am?8 eta04` the Ooandl at the ap ddl"10a. which . re- dpsi Petal: the new eeaas-flre egresseele er INEW amuse atteao " to the * +se-~lopmgot of (a) "else 0oomaet Nestled by 001. Fred- ageeem ent sponsored by WO 4%144W M000- oriole. ekes Oaass5o eosnptained that It had set mitts. be signed on ?bubalt 0C-11010 20"061 +aael-pti' ZdSerAlemey. the "MMOos or My bean consulted r.prding the establishment punts led by Colonel Ii.wt -;wil7Mf rTw. ks the city of Santo Domingo of a O4de quarters at flan Zaidro by .ay at guarded the Armed Forces of the United Ing seven generals: . ,x" blgtreeR ~nD~e'. J" A. We" guarded by 1. Caen. Miss w.sgtn y tthswa ~: ? >~ g ere"" eriMM 80 tes " ~ f> 'This eosnmaed believed that the 2. Gen. do ice Cantos Oasp4Asa- 3 r ~H3 of Ara 0. a Pr 8f ?" Armed Forew of the united States were, eon- t. 0.n. Belloarlo Psguero Cl meat between the estsge. a.i On ApS et e0, a he t two conflicting rn 7teaetlotree-ne dy asps ding this wane and penetrat- 4. Osn. galvador Augueto "rigewes, r rc r wasrfego Stated by Papal Kam- dean of Ing the city further and further. rely ~3Rf At" Luna a:. the =tie corp., on the following terms: (s) The flommamd believed. according to . fTbstj nf31 assurance Is stolen to revs the Dr. Z6~ dap.~aned words, of sthe~CPAA T. Gen. XWco CAmmodwo, v cm l'' .. wemsbft 1A los g of t e,8 paeoar, ion MW re deN even 18eQLag- Center of the Dominican Armed TW command handed by Ooi. 3ll-' olog~ tn0lereding of rho prisoners rrs end dos +'hMware . A are entering the city close behind CaamCAO emphatically and ap.alwe ltr ea- ' watch Tiara 'g. Thus on Clrgantratlaa of American the Amsriean troops:' eluded General Westin y -say Mates Coanlniadon shall agree to serve as er- (d) The oemmand attributed the incidents Undemanding whatsoever. bltrator In the contitet" {fmAllMed/V/O- that had occurred in the last few days to in the course of the Interview S. tit?.9b- 4--1119 ?(l 1Ish)1. snipers of General Weeetn'e forces. elseo Caamaf o and his compsnlons hssisb01 Nevertheless, in spite at this prslfsdnary (e) Above .11, the eammand wanted a additional information.. The freest of left agwstnent signed by the two cmaletieg tae,. dartflestlee tine a guarantee regarding the cownsand had taken &W prim asps Of the tics s, the situation on the afternoon of May some occupied by the Armed Forces of the combat fences of General 17/.OM Rssdn. S eontinwed very serious in the Dominican United States. These prtwaers were mainly sob4isrs ; and eapltal The Speed Committee immediately made Pallas agents. some o1 whom. aecwiing to Tide was the judgment of the ilpecW Coen- -01e following explaaatten to Oolonel Osemedo Cdoutl Caalasfio, wanted so Ssbt 1n hsM assn and to his spohesmsa: m[lts. Its had opposed this IM40ONr tthat# mp aaand it turps was and shared by the de Ambaan of the (a) The none guarded by the Armed Forces might not be mid that it MW OIL We or. did C n of e the American w dt states s of the United States wan the same as the adding that if U10 drganifs i004tV Amewis~ and C Dom ngo. No of i that tortured ors referral to to the resolution adopted Mates wished to tabs charge d those p>aMad- Santo Domingo. No one ever that It vas, by the Oouncf of the Organization on April We be would accede to that, -as alre?7ib-whatso ie.oatbal two concllude an kgreement. e,0. 1966 IoEA/Ser.G/V/C-d-17{10 (mW~)1. ported that the earns waft bat aapRfuesd31 wther and bad the p~urpees darned in paragraph 2 tanks during the cwls. of the ag~ti.llt In more regime henaive than the earlier setae- thereof. winch womb as 1086". the any of Tonto Domingo t2ai se are On rep agreement The action of the Spacial ..m make an argent appeal to the same *U- the preesdtag days, oli::vf cfdmaattt+r. was boWW anticipated and thaitlee, political grouphwk and form an Tree additional Questtoes well efeiNtl fb accepted ~. been ate- both sides to permit the Immediate Miab- during this Interview with Colo Ut : Var I Ns ligament of an tnterfntlon.l astitrel noes? Of the aoe.ptano. by that comma" oreadlplst. ' Ns Sp iolsl Qp~mlttrle th" lost no time pause. tits geographic brit Of P oo to the .mb.arhe, with encompassing 112i.foAklnt aosttACt with #be two aonniatln;g the city of Santo Domingo Immediately war- went of the safety cone ntdotea J' 1 'ta- arts the llpies.tlsT effictions, -the r't did i the, 'New idrre was rounding the .enbesseee ofadtign govern- duds the premises of extremely dltticult because of the Islas as ete rants, the tnMai.bffity of which will be, is- sloes in the city of Santa Domfn r speet" by all a odpg fosses and within acceptance of the departure of tire- m7b.i ~M O laek ed?oo~n ualeaLtote In the city and b- which nationals shill counties will be given or-refuge" to the various a cionalista. The ooafennes btgrsl and was held in the pi.e.designated by that 7kxass. On bdNK of the eo:nhfan4 he et- was an inatruetor of froglle i who hs K- No. i58---96 . ne wife. with tW a ,l~ .gaUMa ." .. .~..~, -. ~. _~ represest the 'Comahde MOltar CeastitU- vision of a military police gnal'd Glade UP mm. Some information obtained -1911 t 11 sae -d men Item Oft wwa tare a and from U.S. sardine this soldier was to the effect thOf All. the t7asanslttee maabere Bad 04 Sot- Z?he Special CommlttM a homed to Dr. sad I am working in Santa ftwhl Approved For Release 2006/11/11: CIA-RDP82R00025R000500260003-0 ,20 Approved For Release 2006/11/11: CIA-RDP82R00025R000500260003-0 GONGRESSIObtAL; ;Tt8COW SENA 'E Awguat, 264 i955 rlvN M I5 Doainyo 4urei the 'hujtllo d VA-toiaitseyiseoee in ils>o ___ i n"Wy elutes. !or She distrllwttaa e1 lsBRl aaN- bad been bald w d.d . To M end. tine nine. sad sad . htauplMt geripaq~at The lataevlew ended with the prmise by totes view held Ow WS M M lfondad. May for fb. D:1 I-- -aa POOPW tool. Francisco taramano and his companleas a. It r.Q1./tad !~ 1Mcruatloa an the seat- le) t]aarealte.. for the -.Mai sW. -to 60006 the ansdistl.a ON tier "sew Com- ear tbak Qobl* Neao,t W Ok coeo.4aeo ce . Mee a the lea ~.. ?,=Ion o Ito T k .seem ?e CenetuhfatMn. C+u junto am #a b le6d aaaaw aueasa._. . , ?-= -- "-._ - - ' agssaaot ester Jssr nt thin eandlUoaee seed ^"" `"""` .a? ass w:wn/o t~trla strtiw ytum 1 trlhfdtrlMAN Y1r bay tiltlt,ll-u Mesa t~luso rr r arass.o. rd'. ths? ~M4' Junto of Ceiostd aaaesoa~ .g oat are sale r`..~. - . . 11eua in tlisiawbH..the situation to tb. espltsi was diso.der tbaf prert)w Is 1O.v{~al?' sibs p in ted by cc the k W--- _ _ sMMA the 'Ieog bseamtod more saute sad Wee taring as the ocwUry had L. h$ ` se o In "?? a'""'e ion in order to peeper. the o p[ Poeb reached the C.mnatUse - +rpaa!diip head.- tO.We dtpiaa.att..sluslsras and foreign per- ovescasus Mats thnt retch ao Its rdtereenry, soon and eatltise In smarm. Coiood >taaa/t said tie .ah1ifs. si . aolesioa of the ambaeafee rdd.4 that tae had etoetved ao wpnt nudist tb d .sean of Saw aaee.dit.d M canto Doaaad -pn urn bsoosslaap twain tba dtplamattc JDJ4110ea. for proteagea ' non atw the chief. of alawaa ., anxious for prompt ratUAaatian if the .ease.- that be was not able to provide, ... ~.__ sR aanaany slay a. That aw do . ac eaa C4amtttee and tW unli ww? C~01 s ,. N ? ~K of tie. ooaveesa"s, wttA' Me S ter! Junta hM a AMas '1! d. Iraeisxxab-e,? SOW Iowa. ties on tai. matter, sad A" of tine. "406ft it, by Us aarmba.: an .. P00 edro t ad ikbe Xartololo6 Di>r.iib X?siondi " had real "d from the Mewoltas gr4lM~lklr- JUVA& A+aa. It .l0. flea ec- ldnlsterr of d apM tas- OU lialsnt Of the JUA*k Ooh. ??Quu "Ts Arxaes or ass DaQnsa 9aa:Br, A. . barrio Srtadtet and nvy avy Capt. Olgo It "U2. Se8bOW, Quested than to provide a alit, Of NW&A JOW n Car During the pa o Dominho rod mopess to order to A r , Wnnne -Santo w. loam of the evacuees. s fs~ilt~ip:.I s tis.ssnt, M the request of the committee. earlier my ration it the tepee a.xmattttaa,t;tlra~n[al Th1 ft*" Ccanmittse. In the presence !fuss are iinda I wish to add that o fa began o to m if this dean of the dtplaenatb Oar" and of dleoeder make It ooodtttaos of pu pubtilic c %be departure of re refuge" the amt Pae+abte to provide ads- wished to leave under der the Amsrio Stairs. opeedn the IBtervtia tong Qualm pr'otection' I theaters ask yau for Crpratssttaa of Amerloaa BlatleL ~z Ale ON" way and In the .sine tease as the.. teaaytora~ latervsotios~ sad asU+Kaooe lb, te- + IlW st(MU tansd with am 00Wmrad of Colonel Caaaaia6o: C order In We coulary. termed of Lbe lImminen afrtt~l if -nuty Foam t. that . by ra[ereSos to the resolution of May "Pesao BNSoaoa boa. tearn" medicine. and food XVVPGN .,. 1. 1906. of the lhnth Besting al Consults- C bow as an &baeft ho 17t+1dt do in bexwis Yttiter from d li ~ n a on May I We en and to the ooaoan oaseed t it h th oayee. abaft of the attire in Banta Doeulaiio. " k ` ?s - that many asplan and raupw. the Ga to. pt Thee litlitary Junta directed by Colonel The result of tb1. Interairw was . pr d left for ttra that o taa try on y ths Srata ? urIft. pr Benoit Is taetnlled at the base of San Isidro, made by the Haticare s-...c. .,...... e woe ?hseaft.,.. o of S ehe -- rr. ? c-R.- Colonel fit. CxaL Qaeado k Are Ofiderable of ism of tou"ary part of the U.H. military forage &W Navy Capt. Saataaa Carrasoo. and the 3 ttoept the to m t a e r onn a fjo a e a c ceo oaivfdt be was 9000405L i w - aan TbYTJem t the Interview its p ooldent. ma for the the ti 4poew an Camisyebi pet- None a" to tersngs p b t eft ail cad aa0.layahie taw- h tt t ar is. WK the United wads i. k n Col noel " .poke on behalf at the KW- pass at obtaining a asaae .dre. tary junta. while hi. two -companioaa n- I ounce, OW dataft of the at d _ The Spdel OROMItW* Informed Oekmel u WM~1111 d"" esoopt the mambo= at. lb. Junto was of the dsi4a ci for ?a? was completed and the as a on Gum - clue. that _M. I began to Pyre seed p asant Coina.a es....e.-.... Initial: objectives to Into the most e:lb W need for obtaining e and 4 m a In eem reeaettaa it te ' p e warily ae with >ihe resatutieo netsutlf xedod . -ers oope the mlutaw apss>rat ]i "24id as M&i I. low y 'f4 2%0 ai r lull i ea 3T -?fr~l last control d tba ...A V.-,- Coosultatio ,and on the W'. Sam bow pw.: .. OW sutbartt , and w witlthani power at any moos bees with tt~. two fooldons - t)n4- Thrr+stare. d l otaof stated, the I the 'good'ok UM 9WOW Odams iM or d ~ ? {cam Bier movaneat lb" was &Anad at bakh ok, te th* Or r. 8forr- - whtel a B the tc0elQttteO. p reddest of the TewflL wtii`j . ?..l theta! wish ftalsl6M was a fraught Bas espaaeike br e - ---I home pro. wlt9t dewier and, tb t sea s pump To fret - * nd. W sou plara?w' iki, ra ce The ooBana tta ,yapq{pi } ..tutioal. ruMetauatatf... or >s>rf ! too. at aanauttagoara-Ilhrax' 1dv -Una awn" Ualowiss, 4RK,~40, not MW ow ;wpm 1111a ab. lMa a an ci W - 1o soak at W > -stilly tlanto 1)amtapiq wbotg lb. fatale aeaeataaxdsd aerit8. -.~-!m a- Una Utond apifard,fa. wprmp by Colo el OnamaSo won 4.00640C out at sae- loan: ~ d ettaaRtrlts ` spect for the hype at lanWossta$. paeans. ti) of as "S am wottll' ' entateV buslase, eltleseB7anl , but that ha had e90u0 farce. to do s.-m, pg the eeafl-mil eveswA te 10181" 160 .weer mu.efing ,r ern' it d 1f19a, whets the .phit d it trod the salad amens, be .AAted that fie junta an April $0. w be beaded ecaspted the security awe. with (b) 4aCUttaaae'tK a lrietp bee alj~epd VA" abo nioaa %, o expLvsim ac It so as to intuit sit tt* dlpia- of within the liaatfe that "no- Iii matte aats.imr as measures eaumti acalk* Bated In r xaes r w l f ttl tt p a a a J r: - n.4 ar . .. . ? rps to ~7 fao~jh the Protection it t11a.1 edi on. In Santo Pub and' tppa>dM to em W& a'0~f6" M ' '-e sib am extaftsim at out sione; (e) laced for th c ow suffiew 106. e .atsty sow shin r ttl f x.wlw. Snout. In Widerto puarantas_ at adequate No Poolectlon for any . }er"'~ fib of ood and mediates and ttni ~t persons. within jbat? aorta. W rpldiemfoe Bbd .tutee telaartties taart a do a oon as ettsatloa d OW lxeaaabttteea twpdu of teWth teamg id) PncUtttes B.edea by 4be The Spacial Committee todeavared to as- Bed Cross, at the Inteiaaticn- a am, mace dtdlenlt, . ? certain whether it was true that the action nated by the Organisation of American OcLoweti c Chser"wan of the Oommut". Approved For Release 2006/11/11: CIA-RDP82R00025R000500260003-0 Approved For Release 2006/11/11: CIA-RDP82R00025R000500260003-0 Au* $6, 1965 CE IE.SSIc*4AL REQORD 6- S NA' we have womb" Mat-the aleeiing of, Asm,- suitetton approved a resolution an this soft- tor. based as, 00 Atsosaatte tee pe ere Of the Special Ocrsmttte.. vr. sOaatr en 0.Tla 1fzRrnse Or On May 4. 1pdp. ; the D,peatal Committee reported .to %be president of the Teatb Meeting of Oonsultatian 'concerning the statue of negotiations for ing upon the oeree-tyre and Teptied to a t ep>~erde message teao tt aeaeral eooreterIM In W.ttfingtoa concerning redoes aspects of its labors. 'lie as ire from the 't 1b- tes to .t4 Piasidettt of the *sWb Meeting of Oonsudtattoa mentioned abuse reads: -Sanyo "DowMfto. M iffy. ">Nobiasador' Owsctsaso llh+fe a Sadw. "President of Ma Tenth M eteng of Conwaeo tofion, WW*t"pean. D.C. ?Ruaiber, Two. "Pepgtag telephone communications se- calved today, I wish to report the following: "Fist: ,LU cent ote have been made with prow repes.oted by the fallowing persons: Oonagtutiona) Military Command: Col. Pfanctaoo Camm )o. Lt. Col. Manuel 1W rtes Arache. W. reketor X. Lacbapedo D1*4 Mr. Siotor Aetety, Ma). Pablo C. Restano, Lt. sot. Auguste Jlmfsew. and Lt. Cot. Pedro Alvaree Cttgain. Members of the Military Jamta: COL Pedro Sartolomb Pena% Pfeldeat; Coy. Marigpe A. Cwdo: Navy Capt. Olga. Manuel Santana Carraeco. and Caen. Miss; H. Wesatn y Woodn. Director. of the Armed Ponces 74'Mbing Oenter. IJkewiee, with members of the diplomatic corps, *"*daily an those of Laelra America, the Papal Pundo. and the Ambassador of the United tars. UA eoud: Committee, dw, addition to In. tsrriews mentioned above. has bees In eon- stapt touch with the aforesaid groups. and at present, the Committee Is awaiting the formalisation of the potnb that have al- ready been accepted by both parties. which are: Otctination news-lira demarcation and enlargement of escurty sons to Include an umbaretes. evalaupon of asytees and ra fugesrt sad distribution of, food, medicine. and medical equipment to all sectors of the population without reps4 to parties. We bale t~sae far encountered a good attitude on the part of bath partfM: ' ... "Thud: Oommittes will return as soon as 1t ? ebtatns the results: of. the negotiations It in comdnattng. readily tomorrow. "Fourth: both parties leave accepted the enlargement of the Security some to inside ads - &&1n American embaesiw and we are working to Ax a boundary for 1st. , ILS. toss established an aooew oarridat etween Dart Isidro and the security sosio. "Path: We oattsider that It would be use- ful, rq Order to aid tai brtgtg a return It the Dominican situatra to bclmaliq. Ass, the miseeber vests that marl fa a poMtion to do so ,to establish a eosbined Intar-Axose- lo" OWMary lam under Gogsalsiatka t Auwxkan states to scbleve the DbJeadves that are set by the Meeting a COnsultatlod. "Sixth: With Warsaw $6, the Satb.aador , o! Co b$ the oply caNbi. of receiving ?Z~a Y the OW Son The streams. 1;6itfi in under the auttho ity d the Milita .tenth pre.lded over fly tlotossl 88OWL ~y ~Aymbeatsda?s~~Cecooatsah.. ?U. ACT or Oa)" soitiweD M a result of the .onvereaaona bold by the Commits.. with the parties an agreement was finally reached referring to the points ocierad in this report. The teat of the document known an the `Act of Santo Domingo," signed on dti mu,basfot w.: -dcf gj Santo Donau"- -The Parties owning betw w i1eh..wVr+. ', " ". aid on-pap feline 19, a[ 'this, etsea+arite~k =ameodswtt. aftg 1pecgrem" "is takes Mtn or- )' lir. President. I move that the Sonata ocseur in the amendments of the Horne to the amend- Mont o[ 1ba-MsoalalydYl-:bULt R ;saet?++:i. bwatcl4* The" 'Was aifewit I sod..Iw sa i+sest.AlJ ig Oro ' elDd elespatr in #brlt Oe~s * of `f ' %~tie,~ 0 effort am dwim- wait on the political and embo s'e isv- el----ha6 heat .b ared and. . owed by the uaoke of bate. I feel that we must 7ONie s iv that the people of South Vietaas ?Rfs^il!>a06 are aware of the fact that We aft or d' - ternalned to aid In the fI1148wst'ctU t aeotai rerolutba for''rel -vW',e ' t, hlt `Vietg ate'oacon 1; that we are as a ascots cc oollsriftt afrasst pbs into eternal slevere- ,,T. 11-77 saes and also to sake that hodepcndt+ses mpf fol. We mud Sts l-sod a$eia remind oursehtree and thebetld-thatbr mllttilry efforts we flog as and In*" Pelves, but only the n? at Vletnanmeee people to achieve ... Press.llepgrts out at, W h gto4;#he last few days ~{tndlc at`e, tat t6rre is as Mr- of cPtfttM W mg-VIVefaa to ve w" 111shest . *Mdabt.. the and the other satlaw a ilse b m14.. =C-W& Nertb4nm6 eaodr: nd Communw Cunew Is mpg 1 4b@*) we .+eur mb not t o h *o ampamoism This detftumba>iom so ran_thti-ht o e( Hilt smejt~~o~riatl~ey~.- elf negotiating peace. ,r 71S' ~q are accred, food t at ~w. if>AS:,do~iei pn How ener, . I feed that than Ia4a -etlpraft this optimism over the E dm*&d 19i? e[,Tct. tfi beftlflt frr~ MWsos. Mod, w i t h ol hibrf?anttu mgs- omstuUy wage this warm ae0sitafi>9 saw pniittoal >ttadeaoaeils'" fafttlne to .eafsa the calssde?oi 01 Vbfsiati- ? ' 'i7 .eeiisl Into the cutting edge ' of -thielfr' ciao;wer against the people of South Vistaafa. The highest otcials of our Gov"' t Approved For Release 2006/11/11: CIA-RDP82R00025R000500260003-0