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1NTELLOFAX 21 PUNTI KU. 51_4AA FEB 1952 INFORMATION REPORT REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY SUBJECT Pao ,:o Ctccul 'don Service, Bucharest 25X1 DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS Approved For Release 2006/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15800260005-8 THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. SECRLE'l G0'Ti?QL ~ U.S. OFFICIALS OI',TY SECURITY INFORMATION DATE DISTR. 9 195,3 NO; OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1, The Co xrc is vd %:e Di.fuzry.re a Preset (CDPg Press Circulation Service) is c 7nltroli.ed 25X1 25X1 17r the 1 d i tar':' Presa Si. fif'uzi? . (EPD: Publishing,, Press and Distril:nft on ep rt ent}~ wthhi_c:h. is attached. to the Prime Hinisteres Office and ,n er the si perv .:io :K of Joseph Kisinevschi. CDP has branch offices in the prof r+c;e c pi,i =ls and gencies in all important centers, l'l,.e re.enl c? ~:fI:'ice of CDP9 l,csc ,.zted at 3 Strr da Ote ,(;l esanul Bucharest nd. ?;rj_zi . l C. 00 people., has the following departments.,he ;?+~ , aT;i or s Office., w&r ,;-;}~ s in constant touch. with the Executive Cer'anit.tee of =h P .^tv No decisions are, made without directives from the Fececc'uti;re lie 'Th 'c, w F rrrr.k I. 1)epar`L1,,ient,, for the political supexv-ision of the 1pat t-.?_enlar . careful in this office; the staff is spied on and r #: _ ~ r,s :re frequ.e:. t'~;y dismissed e c:. Department., responsible for determining the number of co z to be printed of each paper and for their distribution. This also prepares the subscribersa list for Scarrbeia., the official F Irg.'i ape?3 which is nr rrted in 80C 000 copies daily y asa 5c zntea.,a,, The, `a= Iitel a is modeled on Rrnvda, and about 30 percent of its contents ~; ro i r art a.i l.an f x c~irr P7 "vd.a and ofier Soviet nma spapers b The Pa r L r plat r,4- ~aa~l?s.ti' L I rd l.:, a.t the c.sposal o.f Scante'Nia. This department is badly organized. J. The t ?r ~ r "t %.sing Dep !.rtn;ent, exist, only on paper as the press no longer Bc.s^ r t , yrer t i sa.rig from private persons,, and official organizations Y?e ( `!1ire 'nj,,i ad sing, Th "aeo-unts Department, which is coml_lete7y disorganized, Balance sii oust. containing; arproxii -,te figu es, `~BCR T~C0NTROL?o~U S. OFFICIALS ONIA NAVY NSRB DISTRIBUTION A I R F 8 I )LIVLy . 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15800260005-8 Approved For Release 2006/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R015800260005-8 25X1 U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY: 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 ? rt n.~: :: rew the work of the branches and :agencies that? ibuiing Sc rteia, A large number of inspectors are s :rr~~ ?l, r r 4: L0 r tribZ.tions in the provinces, T9 0 (T'Ie jd{tzar odn ~;ia ,iispcsa,s of -wi t hin an how , a rentjT` copies eati'..J1 but these are nc I About tern. Ii, nga: 7?s Lndas T Utyri, t, of Hungarian 'tE3t? r, :rran?'ed. . The C7"i~.7Lt.t>t17 p; j I.locIe a e; t and i t->. TY ,"O,N-t ( ~: L rig Peace, is printed in five languages in on is very much encouraged. are not ad-qritted,, . tit:. to Rumania by the Soviet State Publilhi'ag jlger1, y -!_:teati : abroad to addresses fun-Z,-shed by the 1:i~ e;rs ~ and super-is ed by a certain Ciupr?in,, a rr,.embc, r L .a material arrives by air and has to be at the ;;,-,J~ as mearabers of the gover?ranent and Central Cornrd.tteea is negligent in its work and mistakes often occur. nrr~ and Prace are received from Czechoylovakiagq rs are received by CDP, of which the most widely read ryner, These Hungarian papers are modeled on. their of the, Hungarian minority in Transylvania the reading rzcotyr .aged, and a 30 percent reduction in price is ?;:r?e 1aio~in x We; :or, CDP. Radtal. e s eY u Gi..sella ~.:.r Ire Personnel Department. 1 ' the Distribution DepLxbnent. Advertising Department, cf.E' the Aecouuzting Department. the department controlling the 'branches and agencies. C/CONTROL, -U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R015800260005-8 ,rich (fa`.._,)