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Publication Date: 
November 17, 1952
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C'! A S!~'IC"~TlON A~~roved For Release1&0 2ti I d --gi e ~Q457 15 00420010-9 COUNTRY T. n e :o a ~....._~.....~.._ -..1 P ti . { N 25X1 TOPIC;...' .. ~:. ? } ?""' T?,fntyma+. nn r wpm Pnt.ari ~m EVALUATION DATE OF CONTENT. 4 boxcarloads with 7 DATE OBTAINED,/------ LDATC PREPARED- REFERENCES PAGES.1 REMARKS 25X1 25X1 LACE OBTAINED DO N C!RCULA E A+ 9.30 a m on 21 October 1952 45 trucks officers.. and 150 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets and 2 boxcarloads 25X1 of amm'Nni:ion were unloaded at the Potsdam (N 53/Z 63) railroad station,. 2. The Ludendorff Kas'erne on I'Tedlitzer ::trasse was about 80 percent li;rhted in the 25X1 evening of i1 October. he installation had been reoccupied during the night of 12 Octobers entered the instal.lationo The Hohenlohe Kaserr:.e south of tine Ludendorff Kaserne was lighted about 70 percent. 25X1 II 3, .ENCLOSURES (No. & TYPE) 25X1 believed. this installation to have been reoccupied during; the same night?1 On 22 October., the Kavallerieschule in Krampnitz near Potsdam was occupied almost to capacity by 5,000 to 6,000 troops 0 assumed that all troops had returned from the maneuver area by that time. House =quartered the division headquarters and 100 to 150 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets., including some with motor transport insignia. The field bakery in house II has been in operation since mid-October:, On 7 October, two AA sheds. A military band led the column? Trucks which, since 9 October, were CLASSIFICATION SECRET,CONTROL m U6S. OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1 25X1 emplacements with canvas-covered guns and an observation post were seen in the area north of leitchen From 100 to 120 motorcycles with sidecars were parked in front of the tank sheds between Reiterdamm and ileststrasse on 8 October. On 9 October.. 40 officers and 350 EM wearing red-bordered black epaulets with tank insignia marched from houses to the tank 25X1 17 slovembex 1952 Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15300420010-9 Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457R015300420010-9 SLCR,.T/CQ1I+-'krSOL :_; U ,,S. OFFICIAL`; JULY daily seen hauling potatoes to the barracks installation were on the at-,hl ofiie ft ,-Ad on 16, Octobers were seen in the tank sheds on TJordstrasre, Thirty officers and 303 EM wearin,- red.. bordered black epaulets with tan', insit nia fell iti on the athletic field an heiterriamm on 17 October? A major with t ark i.nrignta, in cI: irge of this group, reported to a lieutenant colonr-l with tank insi-nia0 "t:veral soldiers were riven new enaul etc by the lieutenant colonel,. ,ipht roi;Yet launchers were noticed in the garar-.: farthest to the west of Husarenstras,'e,., Truck the qua e o till e 25X1 heavy tank unit in houses e On 18 October, 30 to 1o officers and about 300 I1 from houses . and a military band fell in on the athletic field. Zwentyrotwo master sergeants and MCOs9 each holding a saner in their hands, sto"d in front of them,. he unit subsequently marched in review past the sergeants and MCOs, was dismissed and again fell in, equipped with baggare,. -short time later the soldiers boarded 33 trucks the. troops left the barracks installation, soldier told 0 that these 25X1 FE had completed their three rear term of service and that they were [going back to the UR..,S I;,? He further stated that replacements had already arrived on 16 October? On 20 vctoher,, rocket launchers and,, chiefly,, JS-19 JS-2 and JS-3 tanks were seen in the tank sheds on both sides of IIusarenstrasse. On 21 October, tan'' parts for demonstration purposes and demonstration charts or. 25X1 the T-31, tank were seen in hou,e 0 and two model 37 mortars of 817-mm and an ainiri7 device in a tin box were ser.n on the floor of house _3 25X1 SECF''T/"CONTh ::% U, S T OFFICIALS OI':LY Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457R015300420010-9 Approved For RelDa6DT..21 /O31i;2t: ed hair. 19. On 3 October, the IRuinenberg Kaserne on the south side of i-a:reel Allee quartered LOO to 500 troops namely a signal unit with trucks with signal equipment motor vehicle driver school with vehicles personnel that wore red-bordered black enaulets, and another unit wearing black-hbgrdered black enaulets with undetermined '.ranch-ofaservice insignia. 21. At 8:30 ax,m. on 18 October, 10 officers and 300 04 with 2 flats and an 15-piece band fell in on the drill grounds of the Kavallerie Schule in Kramnriitn. An officer addressed the troops, called over each soldier, and gave each one a certificate, while the band stranded a flourish. Subsequently, groups from 140 up to 60 men marched to the drill grounds from the Kavallerieschule, mostly sergeants and NCOs who wore red bordered black epaulets with tank, artillery and motor transport insignia. The ceremony was the same as the nrevioue one,, .he soldiers called had new uniforms and some carried suitcases. After the ceremony,, nany soldiers said farewell. An NCO told that these soldiers were f oing back to the UW6?'(~wll.4 estimated the nur:iber of dischargees at about 800. At 11, the soldiers who had fallen in mounted 30 truck: which individually moved out of the barracks installation,.3 .' ECFJ6T/C'O''TTPOL - U. ~y UFFICIAI 3 OII1X Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457R015300420010-9 25X1 25X4 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15300420010-9 SJJCR ,T?/CO''IT ;.OL - U .iJ. OFI'ICI ` IS ONLY 22(. In the evening of 22 October, all window: in the southern section ct the Delius Kaserne were lic?hted. F_ I the unit returned durin/- the nirht of 21 Octobero he entrance to the installation was heavily furrowed by tracks of track-laying- vchicles,,,_ Comment, Thr return on ?0 and ?l. October 1Q5? of units of th 31:th .rty Div was reported and confirmed 25X1 10 shipments for ots-dam were loaded in the Altengrahow area on 10 and 20 October 1?52a F_ I rice 25X1 unit.c came from the fall maneuvers of the Eighth Gds A.rr.7 and arc 25X1 believed to have moved into the Ilohenlohe Kaserne and Ludendorff Kaserne which were reportedly reoccupied in mi.d-October Y52. It is assumed that element: of the unidentified cur. artillery brigade of the division concerned moved from the southern section of the Delius Kaserne into the two afore mentioned barracks installations., as the Delius Kaserr..e-sued was ;probabl~ occuried to capacity by the division headquarters and the brigade, making- a total of about 2,00', men, The field. howitzers mentioned in naragraph 6 are believed to have been 1S2 mm gun howl t7 zrs, 30 0 Comment? According; to paragraph 129 the bulk of the 10th Gds Tank Div had returned to its quarters in the Kavallerie 'chule,, Krampnit?, by mid- October 195?? However, tend to indicate that, thus far,, only 60 to 70 percent of the division had arrived in Krampnitz.> On the other hand,, it is rossible that vehicular elements of the division, nredominantly units which,, in q shirmente, had been transferred for the rnancuver of the Fourth Gds 1'ec7, 'trmy in the area south and east of F'athenotr at thr end of Sentember 1859, had reached their rost by road upon 25X1 completion of the Paneuvero F_ I The trucks and truck column mentioned in paragraph 8 of the present report belong to the 10th Cds T'znk, Div, The present information identifies the 359th Cds A14J: Rent,, the 7th Cds AZtrcl )3n9 the 81st Cads Hv lank OP hej-t and the 2h8th Gds RL Dn of the division; it tends to confirm the units mentioned until 7, 8 and 20 Jctober 1952 re,:-pective],y,9 The reporting in paragraph 7 of 1100 tanks is believed to h:nve referred to the quartering; capacity of the tank sheds,, as the divi.sion is equipred only with about 270 tanks and OP guns. The report contains no new information on the personnel exchange program. 4. /C '01 CRETNTIOL ,u, U."-, OF;'ICIAIS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15300420010-9 Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15300420010-9 SECR.,:T/COIITRROL ? U0,W. ORIPICIAI 3 JULY -7_ 5, 1Commento A Soviet document of 1950 mentioned Gds senior Lieutenant Pakhomov as unit cortoander, Aecordjnr to the document described in ,ara-- he is in command of the reconz,ais: ante comparW of the 20th C ds Mtn hifIe 11 ept of the 10th Gds Tank liiv , Comment, Compared with nrevious info-,?mation, no client > s apreared to have occurred regardi.rir the occupation of the Kaserne Jildpark-yvest and Krierrschule,, it is believed that a new officer course wa;; started in the ErieM schule at, the end of October, after the previous of"iccr course had been completed at the beginning- of October 195?:. `ihe occupation of the Adolf Hitler Kaserne and h.uinenberr: Ka erne is not known. So far, it is known that the motor transport unit in the ..doff 'idtler Karerne bclow?s to th, GOrG and it is assumed that the unit.: in the Ruinenberg Kaserne also belong, to a signal component of the GOFG which had been carried there prior to the summer traininlr. jhe unit whose personnel wore black-bordered crimson eraulets in the Ldolf Hitler Kaserne possibly belongs to a guard unit of the komenciatura, while the assirrnment to the 31;th Arty Liv (US) o" the artillery unit is still doubted. S rR t r/COT 'ROL - U. S;. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15300420010-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15300420010-9 Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO15300420010-9