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Document Release Date: 
January 24, 2006
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Publication Date: 
August 18, 1952
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GI.AS41 IC Tli lal.. S.~C :::T!coN aOL/rr.JFFIC1AM 0NNL SJR;CURTf l (' IATION. ._ , 25X 1 ;r~a4.rsr For Release 2006/02/02: CIA-RDP82FIWf80 160008-8 q,~rt Uilltary Irtfornati.cin frog, '.auertsdorf-Zosaen EVALUATION- See below DATE OF COMTENT t?ATE OBTAINED--, REFERENCES 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 .-ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE' .DATE PREPARED- 25X1 18 August 1~ 2 On 9 July 19,5?., the Panzertruppenschule at the intersection of Hi hviay Nc= 96 and Zehrorrsdorf?er Strasse3 ;luensdorfZo sen (N !3/Z 91), was occupied by about 3,000 to 3,500 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets. No training activity-was noticed? Marry officers and numerous uniformed women and women in civilian clothes were aeen4 On lip July, the Lutz K.aserne on Highway No 96 was occupied by about 1.,!:00 soldiers wearing black-bordered crimson epaulets,, Many officers and numerous woron were o On 11 July, the Hindenburg Kaserne on Highway No 96 was occupied by about 1, 200 soldiers wearing black bordered crimson eoaul.ete,, Only a faw officers and EM were seen. There was no training activity On 9 July, the Cambrai Kasorne, southeast of 11indenbi rg k aserne, was occupied by about i,,OO soldiers and guarded by sentries wearing red-1--ordered black epaulets. Numerous rotor vehicles were seen driving in the direction of Panzertru~~7enschale, (2) CLASSIFICATION --PLACE OBTAINED 25X1 SECRET/CONTROL/US OFFICIATE ONLY _ Approved For Release 2006/02/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13800160008-8 Approved For Release 2006/02/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO13800160008-8 25X1 .J ..cul l+.a,~VV1~I :LVL?~,.I..' 1'. I. V1?1I0.) 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 During the period frori 21 June to 12 July 25X1 ors, icn 1 ?::1 southeast of uos :efay and the camps cast and southeast oy i '.'J(;ro occupied '` ' 0eneral V0I0Chuikov's headquarters9 xcnera l Scot ,1,;anov's head quarters and the 5nersh 1.100 All Gor-:aans were denied access except for -Ior-mn craftsr >.n who are chocked twice before ontoringr; dare house set up a tea m orary store on a truck with trailer in the carip until a ~ rc. riatc space was avail pie Lieutenant Colonel .Pochovalov (a'nu) of i.s assigned to the smersh 'L..V) soction,, This unit aalle,--'idly was stationed on uilbre cl;t, c,tras e in #', Source caw a total o l' 12 generals entering or, leaving the ataxy:'1 ;or0 (3) 64 ` Tae Lutz Kaserne was occupied by the finance Section the office of :AaLL J 0 Toshchev., a number of -ass halls and kitchens and a'4us:_aan civilian .Jorkers. fro`";a 21 June to 12 July, (1) The rase::rc at of building No 19 which previously housed a : us,,Aan sully depot accor~r.oc1ated the laundry of the a' r?onicoralainatop :chile the first floor and the second flair house apartnonts of bank enployecs of the aovic`i, banko The hotel of hi; l-iranking sv. )l r officers was located in ~)uil laxn.; ,'Jo 20 while building No 21 housed the edn5nistration; buil _`:Ln-s 1;os 23 tad 24 wore used as warehouses and to store grain and wore adjoined by the bakery which is sopara tcd from building .1o 24 by a fence:, (a ) Dural,; the ;period from 21 June tii) 12 Ju_lyg I _j 25X1 IJo 37 of t e : az, ertru )ca a chute housed an offieors club buildings Tos 63 t'-lroni' i 77a housed officers' billets and trio officc?'s s clubs and oil e'i nn s A os 3 through 67 a taint, repair chop SAG. (1) Builriin .r rip z? rc .4 ,143 i.lecz wa?r ; has been repeatedly report d and was believed assigned to a trade or econolmr soc??ion of two Third Gds i:.ecz .Arny The transfer to Jraotcrbor.? of tilt'. o": icE t3;zS previously re",.x.rtE3d sd.arl ,, z (J F----Ii,, ca}." 1! on , s aoxri nistr a lice tier wor :utoys In the TTreceiver and dispatcher are both known fro::: tots dam, wile tk:o General Shtinenko (fnu) is reported for the first t i?::iti:o For location of i~%tlLdin No 135s sea s retch attached present. inform t f.o11 confirms a previous report on the : ocatioi't of Er i~ X 7s ue t o ' dono ale v'hcaikovo 25X1 i,~:~1..i.l vV~11 -1`Jl~ Uw+ V.t'i .i.~l .l.1ja] iJlj i,.~ e Approved For Release 2006/02/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013800160008-8 Approved For Release 2006/02/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013800160008-8 ` 11bCR ,F/G0ImT.t,,OL/US OF . ICIM b Oil;-, 25X1 C~1 1" u see the "Y'OLtj7 of bui IC%inff ,s"'t' l ored 12 on 'L 0 "nci- Cited OEEi3 PCiS that A:cch and the Potsdam Canstructia3 Office are Iocate ' i}cs"oo (12) 1 CIJCOIliiiOL/TJ i OF~'ICI.A:W ONLY Approved For Release 2006/02/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013800160008-8