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Approved For Release 2007/03/06_: PIA-RDP7~t344#afL,R000600120019-9 U4~ 16 6 ,?~' " Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 17 May 1972 Tom Korologos, White House staff, called in response to my call to his o ice yesterday to ask about the status of amendments to the Foreign Relations Authorization Act in which the White House is interested. I said that we had been in touch with Charles Ablard, General Counsel USIA, to try to get a date with Senator Howard Baker but without success and Ablard had sent to Baker's Legislative Assistant Jim Jordan the package of material concerning the "dissemination of information" amendment which Mr. I had prepared. I said that since the several other agencies affected by the amendment were taking no action I didn't think it was wise for CIA to "step out front. " Therefore, I said as far as we were concerned we would just as soon rely on the House, which had passed a clean bill with provisions acceptable to us, to take care of our interests in conference. Korologos agreed that this was the best course. I asked Korologos where we stood on the "ten percent personnel reduction" amendment. He said that Senator Henry Bellmon had complicated matters by introducing an amendment providing an exemption only for the Department of Agriculture. In response to Korologo's question, I said we were in touch with Ed Braswell, Chief Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee, and thought Senator Stennis would go to bat for us. Korologos seemed to think this was the best way of handling the "ten percent cut" problem. 6. Bill Woodruff, Counsel, Senate Appropriations Committee, called to say airman Ellender had some photographic work he would like us to do for him and asked if r I would stop by in t C1A next day or two. 7. I I Met with Mr. William Hogan, House Armed Services Committee staff, who told me he has received no word from Chairman Nedzi, of the Intelligence Subcommittee, or Mr. Frank Slatinshek, Chief Counsel of the Committee, since Mr. Maury's conversation of Monday, 15 May, with Slatinshek concerning publication of the transcript of 9 May. Mr. Hogan will advise me as soon as he hears anything. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000600120019-9 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 CIA-RDP74B00415R000600120019-9 JINTERNAL USE ONLY JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 16 May 1972 1. I I Called Representative Charles Rangel in response to his 3 May letter to the Director renewing his 27 April request, under the Freedom of Information Act, for several classified Agency publications on the drug problem. I pointed out that the Freedom of Information Act did not apply to the Agency, and that we could not establish a precedent of providing such publications to the Congress but were anxious to be helpful in any other way. I suggested an oral briefing in which we would cover the significant portions of the publications in question, after which we would be glad to provide Mr. Rangel with an unclassified roundup study now in preparation. Mr. Rangel said he appreciated our problem, but he had a problem explaining to his constituents why he couldn't get material that apparently was freely available to the press. He said he would look into our exemption from the Freedom of Information Act and indicated he would be back in touch with us. I said we were trying to be helpful in every way possible. 2. lIn the absence of Tom Korologos, White House staff, I left wor with is secretary that we had been in touch with USIA and State and thought if action were going to be taken regarding the dissemination amendment to the FO-reign.. Relations Authorization Act (S. 3256) we should move promptly. I recalled that Mr. Korologos had earlier indicated he would make a date for us to join in meeting with Senator Howard Baker on this matter, and said I wondered whether he intended to go through with this. 3. I I Called Bill White, Legislative Reference Service, Office of Management and Budget, to get a reading on the prospects for Senate passage of legislation, controlling Federal advisory committees (which could apply to PFIAB, NSC, USIB, etc.). Initially White felt that a new Executive order being submitted to the President would satisfy congres- sional critics but later advised me that the Metcalf bill (S. 3529) would most likely pass the Senate and that the conference committee should not have too much trouble in ironing out the differences between the Senate and House bill (H. R. 4383). The Administration is opposing both bills. 4. I I Left with the House Foreign Affairs Committee staff a copy of the China Atlassww -rich Mr. Roy Bullock, of the staff, can make available to Representative Donald Fraser (D., Minn.) who wanted access to an Atlas. INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000600120019-9 Approved For Release 2007/03/0 E1 74B00415R000600120019-9 ti . Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Monday - 15 May 1972 Page 2 0 6. 1 Mr. Chris Sylvester, in the office of Senator Milton Young, called to say the Senator wondered if we could confirm reports he had heard that a number of French prisoners were still being held by the North Vietnamese. After consulting George Carver, SAVA, I called Sylvester back to say while the picture was still extremely murky, there were several thousand French soldiers still unaccounted for from the fighting in the 1950's and it appeared likely that at least some of them might still be held in detention in one way or another. 7. I Charles Ablard, General Counsel USIA, called to say that he and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations Marshall Wright, would like us to join them in a meeting with Jim Jordan, Legislative Assistant to Senator Howard Baker, to discuss amendments to the Foreign Relations Authorization Act (S. 3256) tomorrow morning at 9:15. Later the Senator's office called to say they would have to cancel the meeting and reschedule it. 25X1 8. Dave Brunell, Administrative Assistant to Representative Donald ieg e . , Mich. ), called to say he had a luncheon STATOTHR date with of the Soviet Embassy and wished us to be advised. I told him we had no jurisdiction over such matters and recommended he notify the FBI. at the suggestion of a mutual friend and asked to speak to someone on the Agency's Latin American desk sine e he had some important information relating to Chile. I suggested that the contact be made through DCS. that orb aen-a i W report pres ve illiam Cramer (R., Fla.) had called him . 9. ( DDI, ca11~TAaOTHR E E Approved For Release 2007/03/0 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000600120019-9 LUl`fll- 1 ENh AL Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000600120019-9 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Friday - 12 May 1972 Page 2 6.1 1 Met with Representative Joel T. Broyhill R Va.) and accompanied him on a tour of the OTR facilities on He spoke briefly to the Senior Seminar and he seemed favorably impressed with the personnel he met and the facilities that were shown him. 7. Left a message at the office of Representative Charles Rangel (D. , N.Y.) that I had tried to get in touch with him and I vo uld appreciate his calling me on Monday, 15 May. (This is regarding his renewed request to the Director for copies of several Agency reports on the illegal drug traffic. ) 8. Called Tom Korologos, Deputy Assistant to the President, to say that we had been unable to find a suitable position for his friend, Korologos thanked me and said there was no need to pursue the matter further. In response to his question about "where we stood" regarding the Foreign Relations Authorization Act (S. 3526), I said we'd been in touch with Marshall.Wright, of State, who we understood was trying to made a date with Senator Baker (R, , Tenn.) to meet with Korologos, Wright, and me to discuss the matter. He said the White House had problems with the "end the war" provision of the bill and might try to filibuster the whole thing. 9. I I Called Charles N. Brower, Deputy Legal Advisor, Department ot Si, in response to his call to Mr. John Warner, OGC, concerning Chairman Fulbright's request of 14 April for the 1969 special study done by the Agency on the Radios. I told Mr. Brower that the Agency has no objection to release of this study provided certain identified pages are deleted. I also told him we would assume that the Department would want to note by the Chairman that the pages in question had been deleted. I further advised him that a letter would be coming to him the first of the week on this matter. He was most appreciative. Mr. Houston, General Counsel, has been advised. 10. Delivered a China Atlas to the office of Senator Gaylord Nelson (D., Wis.). Warren Sawall, the Senator's Executive Assistant, had requested the Atlas, saying that it was for the Senator's direct, personal use. Approved For Release 2007/03/06: CIA-R P '4B00` 000600120019-9 Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000600120019-9 i_I JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 11 May 1972 1. Left with Bill Woodruff, Counsel, Senate Appro- priations Committee, a memorandum from responding to 25X1A a question raised by Senator Young at the Director's briefing of the Senate Appropriations Intelligence Operations Subcommittee on the community budget last Friday. 2. I I Representative Gilbert Gude (R., Md.) was unable to make our scheduled appointment and in his absence I talked with Miss Barbara Bingley of his staff about a personnel case in which the Congress- man has expressed interest. See Memorandum for the Record. 3. Accompanie of the DDS 25X1A staff, on a visit with Mr. Sam oldberg, in the office of Senator Charles McC. Mathias (R., Md.), on a matter in which Goldberg had requested our assistance. 4. 1 j Met briefly with Ed Braswell, Chief Counsel, Senate Armed ervice ee, who complained about a lack of coordination ents by that Senator Senator action Be on llm the on State Authorization bill I m the mentioned White to Braswell House in handling had introduced two amendments d along the lines which we had suggested regarding the 10 percent personnel cut which would be imposed by section 504(a) of S. 3526 except that Bellmon's amendment would provide specific exemption for Agriculture rather than CIA. I mentioned that if a number of departments and agencies were seeking similar exemptions there would be merit in combining their efforts in an attempt to defeat section 504(a) entirely. Braswell seemed interested in this possibility. 5. I I In response to an earlier request from Judy, in the office of Senator Gaylord Nelson (D. , Wis. ), I called his Executive Assistant, Warren Sawall, to determine if the Senator himself has a need for a copy of the China Atlas, explaining that our supply was depleted but that if the Senator cannot wait for the GPO publication we would try to locate a copy for him. Later, Mr. Sawall confirmed the Senator's direct, immediate interest. SECRET Approved For Release 2007/03/06 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000600120019-9