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May 11, 1971
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Approved For Releast~fI7 f1j73B00296R000200170078-7 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 11 May 1971 Page 3 25X1 25X1A 8. I I Al Tarabochia, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, called on behalf of ~\an unnamed Senator interested in whether Rennie Davis had met with North Vietnamese representatives in Paris last September. I told Tarabochia that, as he well knows, we do not keep track of the activities of U. S. citizens and suggested ;hat ra contact the FBI. 9. Met with Senator Clifford P. Hansen (R. , Wyo.. and Sam Marler and William Thomson, of his staff, regarding a response for the Senator to make to inquiries from the poet, Allen Ginsberg, concerning allegations of CIA involvement in Southeast Asian drug traffic. The Senator welcomed our suggestions for responding to Ginsberg, and agreed to try to obtain from the Bureau of Narcotics a statement which could be made public in order to set the record straight. 10. and I met with Representative Morris K. Udall (D., Ariz.) and explained our problems with the Ervin bill guaranteeing the privacy of Federal employees. Mr. Udall seemed to under- stand our problems, but offered no encouragement so far as our request for a complete exemption was concerned. 25X1A Mr. Udall asked us to check into an individual in Tuscan who had been involved in some shady activities, and who, according to the local press there, was suspected of being a CIA employee. (Se Memo for Record.) 11. Met with Thad Murray, in the office of Senator William pong, w au w ed assistance in responding to a constituent inquiry regarding allegations in the Jack Anderson column that the Agency was involved in Southeast Asian drug traffic. Murray accepted my suggestions for a response, and agreed to have Senator Spong ask for further details from the Bureau of Narcotics. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP73B00296R000200170078-7