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April 12, 1971
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Approved For Release 2007/01/31 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100120023-3 Journal -Office of Legislative Counsol Pa?~~= ~ Monday - I G Ap riI I9 71 Met wi~:n Mrs. Oi.cLu~ Stc:.ic~;=~ , Executive Secretary, ~~cuse Arrr~eci Services Committee, a;zd rec~ivcc from her a copy of the Committee hearings for the weelz beginr~ir~ Monday, 19 April. g, Ir: meeting with M-r. A~?ti~ur i~uhi, Senate Foreign Reia';:ions Committee staff, he told me that heari.i/~"s are contemplated before the full Committee for 28 and Z~l 13,pril o.~ Government in~o-rmation programs in general which will includ. sorne consiaeration of the bi~l relating to Radio r roe F.uro"~c and Radio Li'aert,r. No schadale of wi"(,-zesses has been developed ws yet. 7, Accompanied OSI> who briefed Messrs. Edward :Saucer, George Murl ~zy w d Soyl-ooa1~ Shwiller, Joint Committee on Atcmic.;~nergy staff, or, two C~~.Cor=~ installations: the gaseous diffusion plant and the new -re'wc;or site. also res-oonded to M-r. 1VIurphy's earlier gaestion concerning reported that was not employed in any sensitive aspect of atomic energy g, Met with Mr. James Lowenstein, Sen~..te Foreign Relations Committee staff, and delivered to him the stuey requested on Soviet aid to North Vietnam, North Korea and Cuba. With -regard to the briefing discussed earlier in the day with Mr. Lowenstein told me that he and Mr. Moose could come to the Headquarters building or we could come to Mr. Low~nstein's office whichever would be more convenient. g, With reference to prior conversations with us, Dorothy Fosdickq on the staff of the Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations, asked if I would check on the accuracy of her adding to the statement on Soviet ASM 4esting the testing wit~nin t~ze last 12 months of "advanced improved interceptor missiles. " A-s'cer cizecking with Carl Duckett, I advised Miss Fosdick we would have real problems with such a statement and she agreed to drop it. ' Approved For Release 2007/01/31 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100120023-3 MELVIN PRICE. ILL. Approved For Release 2007/01/31 CIA-RDP73B00296R00010012b~~~c~~N KI:W 5? O. C. FISHER, TEX. WILLIAM G. BRAY, IND. CHARLEB E. BENNETT, FLA. HOB WILSON, CALIF. ]AMES A. BYRNE, PA. CHARLES S. GUBSER. CALIF. SAMUEL S. STRATTON, N.Y. ALEXANDER PIRNIE, N.Y. OTIS G. PIKE, N.Y. ~. ~, ~ou~e of ~,e~rQ~eTCtdtibe~ DONALD D CLANCY, OHIO RICHARD H. (CHORD, MO. LUCIEN N. NEDZi, MICH. ROBERT T. STAFFORD, VT. ALTON LENNON, N.D. COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES CARLETON J. KING, N.Y. WILLIAM J. RANDALL. MO. WILLIAM L. DICKINSON, ALA. G. ELLIOTT HAGAN, GA. { yy CHARLES W. WHALEN, JR., OHIO CHARLES H. WILSON, CALIF. ~[~~~JItT~tQtY~ ^~.~~ 20515 JOHN E. HUNT, N.J. ROBERT L. LEGGETT, CALIF. 6. WILLIAM WHITEHURST. VA. FLOYD V. HICKS, WASH. FLOYD D. SPENCE, S.C. SPEEDY O. LONG. LA. NINETY-SECOND CONGRESS C. W. (BILL YOUNG, FLA. RICHARD C. WHITE, TEX. BILL NICHOLS, ALA. F. EDWARD HEBERT, CHAIRMAN JACK BRINKLEY, GA. STAFF ROBERT H. MOLLOHAN, W. VA. JOHN R. BLANDFORD, CHIEF COUNSEL W. C. (DAN DANIEL. VA. FRANK M. SLJ\TINSHEK, ASSISTANT CHIEF COUNSEL G. V. (SONNY MONTGOMERY, MIS5. ONETA L. STOCKSTILL, E%ECUTNE SECRETARY MICHAEL J. HARRINGTON, MASS. April 7, 1971 HAROLD RUNNELS, N. MEX. LES ASPIN, WIS. MEMORANDUM FOR: Mld++iRERS, COMMITTEE ON ARMID SERVICES SUBJECT: Notice of Full Co~,mittee I~etings and Subcommittee No. 1 Meetings for Week Beginning Monday, April lq, 1971 The C~arnittee on Armed Services will meet on Tuesday, Wednesdays Thursday and Friday, April 20, 21, 22, 23, and 2~+, in executive session,, each day at 10:00 a.m (and in the afternoons when possible), in the Carl Vinson Room (2118 RHOB). The schedule will be as follows: Jl~iesdazv. Aril 20, 1971 Five reprogramming actions as follow: Army; FY 71-79 P~A - Tri-Service Tactical Communications FY 71-g0 P~A -Human Resources Research Organization FY 71-15 -Combat Pay Incentives Defense Agencies: FY 71-81 PfA -Studies and Analyses Air Force: FY 71-75 P~A - Increases to various FY 71 Programs Wednesday, April 21,._1.971 The full Committee will begin consideration of Title I, Frocurement~ of H. R. 381 , with the following Department of the Army witnesses Honorable J. Ronald Fox Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Logistics) Mayor General Fred xornet, Jr. Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (Programs and Budget) Subcaanmittee No. 1 will meet in executive session in Room 2212, RH08~ to begin consideration of the Navy Research and Develo~nent authorization request for FY 1972, with the fallowing witnesses: Dr. R. A. Frasch Assistant Secretary of the Navy (R&D) Rear Admiral E. A. Buckner Director, Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Office, Chief of Naval Operations Approved For Release 2007/01/31 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100120023-3 F . Approved For Release 2007/01/31 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100120023-3 Thursday:, April 22, 1971 The Full Committee will consider the SAFEGUARD program :Por FY 1972. The witnesses follow: Dr< John S. Foster, Sr, Director, Defense Research and Fyngineering Lieutenant General Alfred D. Starbird, tASA, Retired Former SAFEGUA'tZD System Manager (NOS: Subcoamiittee No. 1 will not meet on Thursday, April 22.) Fridays April 23, l9?1 The full Committee will res~ne consideration of Title I, Pracuacement, eF H. R. 381 , receiving testimony frc~n Army witnesses. Subcommittee No. 1 will resume consideration of Title II, Reseaach, Develo~aaents Teat, an va ua nn, recsiv~.rig testimony from Navy witnesses. f ~ r w. Hebert Chairman Approved For Release 2007/01/31 :CIA-RDP73B00296R000100120023-3