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2bA h .4bt to rr3n11,i4.0naldili 21c,era:obb . ? ? T.,.,::1y,..-),77m7:7--..7::::77, waxx,',:xrdr?-41. ? 2 . . . J.. ,..?..,'...,---?( 11- Nr. Schnee(para. 4) CONFIDENT:UAL ate DePit. review completed Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP70B00 / 38R0 3 020018-4 ' . Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300020018- riA. 111.01111. oOL ?,ACOiNG TELEGRAM inioic.XTE: 0 COLLECT PCHARGE TO Origin ."ACTION: ALL DIVW.AATKC IN1AxCorgaa KONU ? Mission CLipa 1.310 ' CPM C STATE 144245 qpcpw SC REF: Stat 140124 and 139924 .' ? SDBJECT: CIA fundin- of Studont end 0014 OraniP SAB .AF 1. Posts are advised to contiaue use 8uidance reftels a4d ? ARk ? EA ' pointins out in responso questions that whole subject under hih-1 . NEA ? review and.detaLled =meat thereforP. e inappropriate. , ,2. Interim report to President from Under 'Setretary tr4t=i USIA in Cirtol 1429&41r queptiNS on rffo- released for publication rot yet determined END I14.?? ' ??? U.S. press reac:ion 1?g:sinning to lose. harsh One. Considershle. Sli: E to ?ct that QT E It's not as bad , LAB ltd taessa:zes, 25 v 1 MG X1 4 25X1 tad allAddrissees 25X1 col dether?final report of.President's panel New orzanizations, foundations, etc. continue 135 25X1 as all that END QTE 25X' tole named in press; Ust now . tiurs. at1easti07(cee pare below for alphabetic list.) Moat den 'knowinsly receivins funds from W. National Student Association (NS exception. NSA however hasi it be kna eordins to pre s, that it . 25X qm to continue operations with new support umi4 Althoui,dh WE future 0.2 its overseas operation is still ia doubt DNQTE. Mg. There is possibility. th ? ? 1 25 recent press reports of U.S. labor and businoss on ,ctions with CIA (Feb .24 . T01. bit, 4954 Tolographic transmission and classificailon aptatuad bYt za-? INR-Mr George C. Dcnney CU - N. Canter ,.FORM 845 DS-322 G .Arath . Kohler (draft 1 Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP70600338R000300020018-4 to_ A"L..DII*LamAr, Pace of tciegrthn tr;:;61 CONZit DE.111 z.;.); .bACoACen}ION( K Dr4w rearson'Anderson coiuicn and Veb. 24 Wall Street Journal i';r y) Pziy touCh flurry,- a1though-:A2LICIO- '2rnaidCat:Mulyilas do. Jed.- 11 connectiOn his organization-.. Labor aspectrurthe-- discussed,septel.. 4,,, Althoug?OngressionalbilLa introduced- toLrovbe C ngresbiona ? thckig:pro,,, .cedurea,Senator.aDir4sen.and.Mansfiold and-. Rep Ford. state(16,Press 3?eb.,24.the was no need for special investigation of CIA.' Survey of posts' response t i 140124 indicates that critl igm abroad .c far. a. Suit QE revolatioas.VNQTE conerally Loderate.. Covert wriner of all zed fund' 1 is chief focus of criticism.- r'ather than fact of. ovt support.(wh oh many govts... . extend, as demonstrated. in CA-636",,en route all ' Dtsi1iusiocrnt, diriOi men,: cynicism, soma moralizing tharacterize many reactions, but sympathetic understanding Cold War problems ,also expressed.; Most posts believk. U.S. .program and voluntary al:eaeics,will.not be c-4eatly affected. However: there are Se indiyidusl exceptions to :this tatev.rat, and more mv appear:. 'Full rezetien . ? many posts deiayad'bec.use of slow comalunic ion cr.:A overch,dowing by local, prob- ,and further developmmts prominent citizels involved, covld intensify reactions. .Continued r if.:r2perted..tbroad .especially ...if. local groups. or .orting. of. Significant tea tions or ppinien trend- will 1-.1a apiA, elated. .6. yellowing list of organizations D:..,pt has noted in Washington area pess i,eports as connected directly or indirectly with CIA funds. List is for back& ground guidance of posts, and cannot be regarded as either auihoritative or qhauctive. Appearance of namk.: by 40 ria ns indicates truth of .allva ions mad Approved For Release&ajailig431A-RDP70B00338R000300020018-4 Approved For Release 2007/02/07: CIA-RDP70600338R000300020018-4 ; 'Page 3 ofthlegnun to ALL DIPLOMATIC POSTS; AmGonGen'llONG KONG; USML,sion GENEVA CONFIDENTIAL . African American Institute; African-Aulcnn Labor Center; hf-nrican Federation of Labor' & ConL;ross of industal Organizations (Geneva); Xnra. AmcrIcan Federation. of State, County & Mul ciDal 1:111Aoye WA:44 7.:/ar 4W1,1.7=Zr. .American Council for International Commission of Jurists; American Newspaper Guild; IMPLICYOMMTZMMTLIZE,T4 American Society for.African Culture; American Frictrids' .of tho.Middle East; American Fund for Free Jurists;American Institute of Free Labor ' Development; M.D.Anderson Foundation; Appalachian Fdnd; Asia Foundation; Asian Student; JoSephine & Winfield Bard Foundation; Beacon Fund; Berliner Verein; Broad-High . I . Foundation(Columbus); J. Frederick Brown Foundation; Burden Truat;fCanadian Union of Students,Ottawa; Geo. H. Capp; James Carlisle TrUst;. Catherwood Foundation;Chezapeake , . FOundation (Baltio..);Committee of Correspondence, me.;?Comtte for Self-Determina, ? tion; 'Communication Workers of America; Conference.of.the Atlantic Contaunity; .Cblargess ? ? Congress pour la Liberte de la Culture(Paris).; ? for Cultural Freedom (Paris);/Council of European National Youth Committees; Council ? for Tnternational Programs for Youth Leaders and Social Workers;.Croasroads Africa; Cuban Freedom Commission of the Christian Forum Edsel.FUnd; Cleveland H. Dodge Founda- tion; Fairfield Foundation (New York); Federation for Youth: and Student Affairia; Florence Foundation; Food and Restuurant Workers Secretariat; Foreign Policy Az oc;, Foyeit41 Policy Research lastitute.(u. of Peana.); Fri?nds of India Committee ::rust; 1TUnd for International Social &Economic Eduaation Fund (Phila..);Gbia National Youth . Council; Granary Fund (Boston), Grothan Foundation; Guyana ,Assembly of Youth; Andrew. Hamilton Fund(Phila.); Heig4ts Fund; Hobby Foundation (Houston).; Hoblitzelle Foundation .(Houston); Hungarian Students in North America;ZmakilmtmaHistaldexSudii4x2si ztreLyaLs.,`,# at,noy.,z2.2muuzicxxg,,,izzflzIxazz&zzxtrearamty,x7ixzLI'dzilaolxP""'" ? Suatmairiviy):pr.Ztuz:gyzsan'zisxrAVEtnz.,tx.tultwaexzgrainttm; Independence Foundation (Boston); inependence Research Service; Institute .for Comparative Study of POlitical Approved For Release 2Q2cO9?MES18-RDP701300338R000300020018-4 I telegram toilL_L DIP1,01WfC Pn",;q1)_taConCon, norG 70PG' CONFIMTIAL rESA 11011 Syst'ems; Institate for CroSs Cultural riosorixch; Intute diUstoire Socia; Institute CA International Education; Institute of Intornationill Labor Research? Inc Yo,,,k); Institute. of Public Administration, Inc. (how York); In -American Cter of Economic , . Social Studios. (formerly Institute of'Politioal Education)(Sarito DominZ0);* inter Am4iCan Rezional Labor Or6anization; In Roscarch.Conpany;? International ' InternationaI.Confedgation of Free Trnk UntonslICKUVriternational Cooper4ivq Develop - Com 4_47.134iists-;/Tztcruational ...t-DeVa".ox=c4 Foundation; InternatiPna;.. mentFun ? ? ? Federation, of:Commercial Clerical and Technical Eaiployees;Interantional Federation 0 Journalists; International 40,nxxlm04 Federation -of.Petrolow4, Chemical liorkers (UPCW); International Marketin3 institute (Harvard); International Student. Conference (Leyden); International Union of Socialist Youth; Internatio41.Union "of Yonnz Christian Democrats; International Youth. Center; 14. Alton Jones Foundation; JoneS.4,'Eonnel Foundation; J.M.Kaplen Foundation; Natlin Foundation;Kentfield Fund; Kenya Federation a Labor; Xaickerbocker Foundation; Franz Lieber Foundation (.nn..); Lucius TX. littaner Foundation (New York); Marshall Foundation (Houston); McGrezor Fund; 2ichigan Fund;'MonrOe Pun.; Mount neezant Fund; National Council of Churches; National Education soCiation; National Federation of Caaadiaa University Students; Natio al Newman Club ' Federation National Students Association(a); National Student Christian Federation; .National Students ...Press Council(ladia); Aaron E. Nerman Foundation; Nornan Fund; .North craft Ed.ucation Fund;O'Donnell Foundation(Dallas ). i?n Oficina Rslacionadora Ioi m.entos Estudiantiles Uaiversitarios; Oil Chemical?. ',Ind. Atomic Workers Union; Operations' Inc. TTI . (Secretariat for Post Telearaph Telephone ..UniOns); Paderewski Foundation; Pan Amorican Foundation (U., of Miami); Pappas Char able . .,..ast(,74oSton); Pax Ilomana, International Secretariat; Pax Romand, North American FP:oDle to People; PracGer Publisbinz CO.; Price Fund; Project Hope; Public Approved For Release 2007/06WidiA70B00338R000300020018-4 Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300020018-4 telegram to ALL DIPLOAATIC PO.W3; hiConGen HONG KONG; USMissi'on GISZIA CONFT.01,3,NTI.Als., rii International,Inter-Anorican Affairs Branch; Sidney & Esther Rao th/J4taide Foundation; Radio Free Europe; .Retail Clerks Internationza Afi3ociation; , Leni1.1n OJonthal Foundation; Rubicon Found.o.tion; San Jacinto FOundation (or Fund) Iblieton; ? Fund; Victoria Strauss Fund.; Synod of Bishops of Russion Church Oitci4 .Rus6la; John G. Thornton Trust; Towar Fund; US Students Press Association; U.S. Youth gm .Council; United World Federalists; University of Southern California (fOr Maeijirelo Digest 'Vernon Fund; Warden Trust (Cleveland); John Hay Whitney Trust; Chu.. Pryco Whitton Trust World Mser.ably of Youth'' . . Williford-Telford FundiWorld, Council of Churches; World University Service; Wynewobd 'Fund; Young Christian Workers; Young Women& Christian .Association (YWCA). . End. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2007/02/07 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300020018-4