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Approved Relea''Se 2006/09/27 CIA-R DP64B00346R000200150006-1 AIRY P y q ~2' CO14GRESSIONAL RECORD -APPENDIX 'li lost has revealed in its news ~~? m ~?_ w----- --- iow the firm rushed the diiag into human to combat depression; now it does. Pro- of the Fifth Annual Convention of the testing after sketchy trials with animals motion stopped in late 1959. Sales were New York State AFL-CIO, which vas and omitted' from its promotion possibly officially canceled early in 1961 in the United held in New York City this week. clangerous effects' In- body metabolism. A States but it is still on sale overseas. of the exemplary and for- ?7.S. grand jury is now probing whether the Whatever criticism might be made of the Because ward-looking program put into aeff nd f firm also violated Federal law. A key ques- delay in stopping sales, it is a fact that Mar- tion. is whether the firm told FDA the truth silid's liver damage has not been duplicated the city of New York to assist and safe- about cataracts In test rodents and later in in animals. And there is the puzzle that no guard our labor force there, I believe the cgs hepatitis was laid to it in all the years of mayor's address should be given wide- In addition to withdrawn drugs there are TB use. Is there a protective factor in TB spread coverage, and for that reason I others still on the market which were ad- or a danger-disposing factor in mental ill- am taking the liberty of inserting it in vertised as unusually safe but which have ness? No one knows. the RECORD: the de- ell h d , ar s sincebeeii the subject of warnings of scat- Who is to blame for the REMARKS OF MAYOR ROBERT F. WAGNER AT tered severe damage. liberate effort to make every drug the drug? ANNUAL TION of SESSION NEw OF Yo FIFTH .Why are not such dangers discovered in Mainly the companies, of course, with vary- OPENING TATE AFL- advance so drugs can be kept off- the mar- ing degrees of guilt, But the doctor who CC IO, NTION SEPTEMBER NEw Y 10, TA Icet-or at feast so that doctors can be writes the prescription must take a share, be- ,warned? cause sources of evaluation do exist. The It is a great pleasure for me to wel- Part of the answer is some companies' AMA's Council on Drugs does a creditable job. come this convention to New York again. haste and carelessness. Part is within FDA, And for more trenchant judgments, there are You should, of course, feel very much at which has only 12 medical officers to handle the Medical Letter, an independent biweekly home here. With 1 million organized work- some 400 new drug applications every year. newsletter, and Dr. Walter Modell's biennial ers in this city, it is widely and wisely re- Part is the still rudimentary knowledge of "Drugs of Choice." Unfortunately, their sales garded as a labor town. We are glad to wear how drugs work. (We don't even know how are small. the union label. that old, old wonder drug aspirin does its Also importantly to blame is the yearning But when I say that New York is regarded job.) Part Is the immense variability of of the public to believe in a miracle and the as a labor town, it doesn't necessarily mean side effects. occasional unjustified enthusiasm of the what some might think it means. What it Dr. Ivr L. Roseilhelm a London specialist, Government. The history of the miracle does mean is that here the problems of work- recently gave a symposlum this six-part painkiller of 1959 is instructive. ing people are recognized as being of primary classification: In January HEW Secretary Flemming concern to the city government. Overdo6e eliects: 'D'amage may result from called in the press to make an announcement New York City cares about the welfare simple excess dosage, or "alterations in the which he said gave him "more satisfaction and interests of those who work for a living metabolic 'state of the patient may lead to than any other I have ever made"-the de- with hand or brain. With the help of the the normal ' dose producing an excessive velopment at the National Institutes of labor movement, among others, we have been effect." Morphine is more potent, for ex- Health of a new painkiller "10 times as effec- able to translate our concern into programs ample, if the liver is impaired. tive as morphine, 50 times as effective as of meaningful social and economic action. Intolerance effect: A "lowered threshold codeine" and with negligible addicting effect. But we still have far to go. And in these to normal [drug] action" 3s partly due to the The story of NIH-7519, phenazocine, was times of change, we must look ahead to natural. variety of humans, partly to enzyme widely told, with only Time magazine, in the tomorrow's problems, today. defects: y lay press', skeptical. Here in New York City, we have made an True side effects: "Therapeutically unde- Gradually, quietly, the various professional economic study of the shape of the labor sirable but unavoidable effects of the evaluations cut NIH-7519 down to size. In market as it will be in 1970. This was un- [normall action ` of the drug." The anti- "Drugs in Current Use-1982" Modell identi- dertaken by our city's own department of metabolites used to fight cancer are an. ob- fies it tersely as an "addictive analgesic re- labor. The results of this study constitute vio?]sexamplet the hope is that they will lated to morphine. No advantages * * * a challenge to us all. harm cancer &ells more than normal ones. have been established." First, it shows a growing need for the Secondary effects: Such as a vitamin de- Though few drugs get such a high-level training of workers in specialized skills ficiency or "'_Rsuperinfection because anti- launching, the NIH-7519 story is repeated because the demand for unskilled labor will biotics have'alter"ed the bacterial balance in- again and again. continue to decline at an increasing rate in side the bod' or an` 'UYicbtitrolled infer- On the basis of the examples in this article the years immediately ahead. tion because cortisone-lowers immunity de- and scores of others, the Medical Letter ad- Furthermore, this study shows that by 1970 tenses. vises doctors: our labor force will include more women, Idiosyncrasy: An inherent abnormal re- "Except in serious disorders where older more young people under 25, and more non- action apparently inheritable. An example and safer drugs are ineffective, no new drug white Americans. less By 1970, one out of every three workers in Is a hemolytic anemia, suffered to excess by should be employed in [private] practice un- Negroes given Primaquine (an antimalarial less controlled clinical trials and extensive New York City will be a woman. Today, .drug of Winthrop Laboratories) . experience have clearly established its ei- only one out of every four is a woman. One ypenerisitivlty: Conditioned by previous fec ivenes and safety." of the steps we must take to anticipate this exposure. This allergic reaction explains the "Most drugs clear FDA," the newsletter development is legislation requiring equal ited pay for equal work. I have favored this for a fatal shock reactions from penicillin and may went on, "on animal experiments, very lim- explain many blood oompIic&tions with other human toxicity studies, physicians' tes- long time. We must also take steps to create drugs. additional day care centers for the children Allowing for-the fact that animals are not timonials, and usually uncontrolled clinical of working mothers, under the terms of the men, most of the damage from overdose, true trials. Federal Welfare Act of 1962 which extends side effects ,and secondary effects can be an- "All promotion statements that a new drug Federal grants-in-aid for this purpose, but ticipated from animal tests if enough species has few, mild, or no side effects should be requires enabling legislation by the State. are 'used, if dosages are big enough and if ignored." By 1970, our survey predicts that one in care is taken at autopsy 'to' pinpoint the every five workers in New York City will be clues, nasubtl damage The other perils under 25 years of age. At present only one are virtually, possible to foretell. Address of Mayor Wagner at Fifth Annual in seven is in this category. This too repre- > lr. V. 13 Nlattia, vice ' president of Roche sent, a challenge. Laboratories one of the few drug officials Convention of New York State AFL- Every one of these young people should opubliaiy saga the these difficulties were CIO have his chance to measure up to his top a & good tlimg) ,stressed these ifTiculties when capacity for useful work. Discrimination on asked about Marsilid, the first psychic ener- the basis of race, in regard to both employ- gizer taken off the market last year because EXTENSION OF REMARKS ment and promotion, must go. We can't af- of deaths from hepatitis. OF ford the cost in delinquency and crime which It had been tested for 5 years and marketed BENJAMIN S. ROSENTHAL results when talent is frustrated and oppor- for 2 more as an a#ititulierculosis drug before HON. tunity is denied. it was marketed in 1957 as an antidepressant. OF NEW YORK By 1970, the number of Negro and Puerto ,_F h ear the company 'dot Its first IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Rican workers in our city and State will have s oho sibIy connected hepatitis and substantially increased. According to our sfay5'it immediately alerted the FDA. Early Thursday, September 13, 1962 projection for New York City, these groups will account for almost 3 out of every 10 in 1858 a west fi 1Vfarsdoctor publicly blamed Mr. ROSENTHAL. Mr. Speaker, workers within 8 years' time. It is in our a hepatitis cteatli'oon ilmd-something he under leave to extend my remarks I common interest to see that these new couldn't actually know from one case since all d amage fothe Ifver rooks a lot alike. would like to include herein the address workers are not left on the fringes of our made by the Honorable Robert F. economy. To do so is to invite social and , " fatal hepatitis cases among Aespite '3 some 450,000 treated, the FDA left the drug Wagner, mayor of the city of New York, economic dangers of major proportion. } Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP64B00346R000200150006-1 r"'41iQ14 _My adlr1nistration has, I am, pleased to cotton 8i+. taken textiles by imposing an import domestic textile manufacturers if the several st..ridee forward . maa+ re onsibilities. I am sure I need not tell woovia now ui foreign coSSOn procucts is not you what we are going to do about minimum- export subsidy. otherwise stemmed, wages-$1.25 now and $1.50.1 year from now. To extend statutory protection to our There have been other important seg- And we will have the broadest coverage under: textile industry and its workers is par- ments of American industry which have any minimum wage law on any statute books ticularly urgent at this time because, of been threatened by ruinous foreign com- anywhere fm the country. By thus elevating the shocking and unexpected unfavor- petition arising from inequities in pro- our wage minimum, we shall bE attacking a? able decision by the U.S. Tariff Commis- duction costs and failure to impose rea- root cause of misery, crime, and injustice. lion on the equalizing fee for cotton sonable and adequate limitations on im- In this attack, we must succeed imports. Too, one of the principal in- ports. Some of those industries have In this city we believe in the right of col- ternational agreements for the limita- not survived. actiona. Under r an bargaining. an We poi; executive out order- of of mineante. tion of foreign textiles into the United I think none would seriously debate action. tv'hich has earned the title of "Little Wagner States expires September 30. It is to be that the great textile industry is vital to Ae," we ;guarantee to more than 100,000 hoped, that a new 5-year agreement will the economic health and the security of employees of city agencies directly under"the- be reached before the end of this month, the United States. The time to insure mayor's jurisdiction the right to organize but there is no certainty that it will be its continued existence and to aid to- and bargain collectively. Thousands of city done, I am informed. ward permanent health and workers have availed themselves of the right _ growth is - ?" seritation. for a longer term than the present 1- Nor do we willingly tolerate abuses which. year agreement is reached. the textile in- jurisdiction. Thus, we have just enacted a would bring. It would certainly encour- I EXTENSION OF REMARKS local law prohibiting the recruitment, trans- age modernization and expansion, and it portation, or employment of professional of would act strikebreakers to replace employees who are as an. insurance against on strike or locked out. fluctuating rates of imports of foreign HON. STEVEN B. DEROUNIAN "These are some of the steps which we In textiles. The President has assured the of NEW YORK New York City have been taking. And I industry that he intends to keep the im-? IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES don't see why what is good enough for New port rate at 6 percent, but it has been at Wednesday, September 12, 1962 York City :is not good enough for the rest of 8 percent during the term of the present the State. _agreement. Mr. DEROUNIAN. Mr. Speaker, it is I know that since this is a State conven- The American textile industry is and hard for the American people to under- tion, you will be giving thought; to the ac- will be at a great disadvantage as long stand why Mr. Kennedy refuses to tions which can be taken in Albany to as it must pay high support prices for face the facts on Cuba. Everyone else achieve a better life for the people of this American raw cotton which foreign in the United States seems to realize that State. I offer you the example of the city of New manufacturers can obtain for 81/2 cents the shipments of military men and ma- Establish tYcrkhe . $1,50 Consider this minimum wage program: a pound less. This price advantage, terial to Cuba are a danger to our na- ont a Statewide basis in 1963; (2) overhaul the coupled with lower wages and often low- tional security. Our President fumbles Condon-Waadlin Act; (3) extend the right of er taxes, provides a ruinous competitive about and says he has no indication that collective bargaining to employees of non- position for our domestic industry. these arms are going to be used offen- profit institutions; and (4) ban the importa- This session of Congress approaches sively. Since when did the Communist tlon and recruitment .of strikebr,:akers. adjournment, and if there is no protec- stop his offensive? You mig'nt use this program as a test to tion available against a flood of cheaply In yesterday's New York Herald Trib- separate those friends of labor who pay lip- produced foreign cotton products, our une both Roscoe Drummond and David service to the cause from those who are really own industry faces a highly inequitable Lawrence elaborated on Kennedy's a willing to work for the betterment of the p- conditions of labor, and dangerous position in its home peasement of Cuban communism: I am surf` that in any event yoe r delibera- market' THE BASIC ONE DESCRIBED: MoxxoE DOCTRINE tions will. result in a challenging program- The textile mills of the Far East, BROKEN a program keyed to the needs of our times, Europe, and the Middle East are among (By Roscoe Drummond) the world's most modern.. In many if WASHINGTON.-If we are to have a fair .-not most instances.,- this modernization chance of lifting Soviet rule-not just Castro ? . -? - ;has been made possible through Ameri- rule-from the backs of the Cuban people, Cotton Import hills can aid. To now deny the American the first thing we must do is face the facts. to dan- textile industry a measure of protection We are not doing so yet. There is a gerous tendency to blur the facts in order to order EXTENSION OF REMARKS while it modernizes to meet outside COM- avoid facing the consequences instead of of 'Petition would be, in my opinion, ex- looking the facts head on in order to deal HON..A. PAUL KITCHIN. disastrousshortsighted and economically with Let me illustrate. OP NORTH CAROLENA There is, as you know, now a case be- president Kennedy says that "the gravest IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fore the Office, of Emergency Planning, issues would arise" If Cuba provided Russia In which it is sought to have the textile with a "military base." Thursday, September' 13, 1962 Can anyone seriously question that all of industry declared vital and necessary to Cuba is today -a base of Soviet power and Mr. -KITCHIN. Mr. Speaker, because the national security. If such a finding that Moscow will determine how that power of my deep concern with the 'welfare of is made, the President would then have will be used? The fact is that the "gravest the cotton textile industry which is so the authority to take measures to protect issues," which the President suggests "would vital to the economy of my own district the domestic textile industry just as the arise" if something happened in the future, and to the national prosperity, I have mandatory ail imports program is op- have already risen. It has happened. To - Introduced today two measures which, erating to protect, to some extent, the assume it seems that to ther the e he m issues ost grave pone" ou selyawishsh- if enacted, could mean continued Sur- domestic Petroleum Industry. I have no ful seems thinking. They are here now. vival and growth of a basic manufac- assurance, of course, when and if the ,'airing enterprise, and the stability of Office of Emergency Planning will make THEORY IS ASSAILED numberless jobs of textile workers. _ such a finding. Meantime there is little A nu o from mber of "facials are taking comfort e The first of these bills seeks to limit 'outside of the Prospective international sive flow of eaponsi theeSovi t Union is the imports of cotton textiles to the vol- agreements which offer the prospect of pouring into Cuba does not show "any sig- ume imported in 1961-the base year of a reasonable amount of protection. nificant offensive capability." the short-term Geneva agreement by the If statutory protection for the textile ' can anyone seriously argue that Soviet major textile-producing nations. The industry is not provided by this Con- control of Castro's Cuba does not confront other is 'a joint resolution which would gress, it might well be 2 years before such So with epo gravest issues" now be the Soviet weapons do not yet look "sig cause iflcantiy equalize the competitive positions of for- legislation could be made effective Such " , offensive ? The fa, eign and domestic manufacturers of a period would prove_catalztrophic to our issues" are upon us. Approved For Release 2006/09/27 -.CIA-RDP64B00346R000200150006-1 Approved For Reffrease 2006/09/27: CIA- RDP64B00346R000200150006-1 CO1 ~ g f.--, ' ul _ &ptember 13 Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP64B00346R000200150006-1 - iro be comforted by the theory that ile ington Government that it must not do any- In Congress, Members of both parties are of eriaS. to bq? ingstl defensive-a defense government's policy of acquiring Soviet arms. Y against the Cuban people?-is to ignore the The claim is reiterated that Cuba is arming -meaning of what is happpening. The sig- for defense. President Kennedy thus has niflcant fact is that Mr. Krushckev is now --given away a propaganda advantage by ap- in charge of Cuba. If we blink at this fact pearing to accept the Castro and Soviet and wait until his weapons are pointed at arguments that the supplying of arms and Cuba's neighbors, not just at the Cuban the sending of "technicians" are simply for people, then we are neglecting the danger. "defensive" purposes. "To pretend otherwise," writes Washing- It is a puzzle just why Mr. Kennedy ,ton Commentator Robert G. S ivack-and i hcooses to forfeit the initiative. In propa- believe he is profoundly right-"is to un- ganda. Time was when the American Gov- derestimate the dimensions of Soviet ambi- ernment uttered its protests through formal tionJude, to misread o misre ,abou Comtmtheunist t h istor tor y aonfd de- diplomatic channels and made them public lude l ress." e in situations comparable to the present con- lia ce chiISo troversy over the Soviet buildup in Cuba. s easy ro alk about the Monroe Doc- The action of the Moscow government not trine and how the United States is just as de-' o affects the Monroe Doctrine as a policy termined to implement it as ever is bun- but , is directly related to America's own combe. The commitm_ ,elit of the Monroe security. To place missile pads and missiles Doctrine is that no noln-American power in Cuba, which is just 90 miles away from should be allowgd to. colonize or .obtain} our own shores, is an act that can becon- control anywhere in the Western Hems- strued as hostile to the United States, Yet sphere. The fact is that under the stat- the administration prefers to say nothing by sites of the , Organization of American way of formal protest. States, the United States while as CO - ADMINISTRATION FEARS mitted as ever to jibe purpose of the Monroe The seriousness of the situation is not Doctrine, has struck from its own hands n certain means Qf applying it. The guarantee diminished but actually increased by the against "foreign intervention"' in the West- failure to make any protest before the world. - longer upon the Unfortunately, the Soviets may come to be- unllaetai te,r4l poowweer o of the United rests States. It lieve that they have successfully bluffed the has been made the itm nt of the United States into silence and tey may take American ey states7-wlth the the, so further chances in the cold war. Moscow that nieinto beingo by proviso a in its latest outburst even hints at a nuclear t war if the United States does anything about two-thirds can vote brought 9f all the governments. vo How, then, can we say that the Monroe Cuba. Doctrine is being used to shield the Western The impression in Washington is that the Hemisphere from foreign intervention when administration has all along been afraid of there is no means of invoking it without a "increasing tensions" by saying anything to two-thirds vote by the Organization of Amer- Russia about the Cuban buildup. Still, the lean States? People say it by pretending Soviets do not mind increasing tensions by 'that the facts are, different than they are, their propaganda statements. These could They say that the Monroe Doctrine will be be regarded as of little importance if they assuredly invoked if Khrushchev's Cuba turns were merely part of an exchange of words its guns against any other American state between the Soviet Union and the United or even threatens to do so.. States. Unhappily, the propaganda is cir- CLEeft PIIVCIPLE I -. culated all over the world, The peoples of TIE to believe thtrles. can, United , bes influenced as. neutral How escap1st can we get? The clear, un- that the e United deviating, historic principle of the Monroe, State's is afraid to speak., out and is being Doctrine is that it was to protect against the shoved into a corner by he aggressive pro- setting setting up of a foreign power anywhere on no uncements of the Soviet Union. the two continents, not, to wait until a for-, The administration has known for a long elgn power had acquired a hemisphere time about the Soviet arms buildup in Cuba. stronghold and then try to shield the rest On September 2, United Press International from the consequences. In a dispatch from Washington said: What are the facts? The facts are that the "A State Department spokesman said today 'Castroregime now rests on Soviet guns aimed that the Soviet announcement of arms aid to at the Cuban people by Soviet direction. Cuba 'merely confirms what has been going Cuba is g a on in recent months.' The spokesman said: _ Soviet satellite many, FIuungy, n ary Czecho sl telliteovakia as are East Gee Soviet n `The announcement doesn't seem to rep- satellites. ,.Castro ha5_as much to say about resent anything 'new. We've been saying his country-and what is to be done, with, right along that the Soviet Union has been it-as Ulbricht akwut. Ee t Germany. sending military equipment and technicians T.he fact is that?the Monroe Doctrine has, to Cuba.' " been. successfully breached, and many are But the American people were not told offi- still tfalling as though the gravest Issues cially about this until about 2 weeks ago and were 401MgFherq_ in the fptdr@. not in the there is no public record, that the United urgent present. States has flied any protest with the Soviet oyensuq the Soviets woulde arms building. SOVIETS 11, ss fi'UBAN HA.Y_W,IILF~ UNITED Naturally, construe this as ( y'lavid Lawrence) crease their military-buildup-in Cuba and be- in to s nd th t e arms o o er parts of Latin WASHINGTON,- S arly 2 weeks have passed America which they are planning to infiltrate since the news, was given, out that the Soviets, through agents already on the job. had begun an arms buildup in Cuba. The THUrinroNn 'COMMENT United States .so..far lrnown, has sent no, protest to the Soviet government against its Senator STROM THURMOND, of South Caro- flagrant violation of the_llj:onroe Doctrine.. Tina, Democrat, referring to some of Mr. Ken- Meanwhile, the Soviet Qovernment has nedy's recent statements, said the other day taken advantage of America's silence aad in, the Senate: has filled the broadcast.-waves of, the world, "The President's comments indicate with 'one propaganda blast after the other, strongly that the Monroe Doctrine has re- characterizing President Kennedy's callup cently been reinterpreted with major omis- of Reaerves , as ,A~ provocative Action. The_ gDha, t2_the_ extent that the Monroe Doc- ?latest accusation actually turns the tables trine is n4 longer a bulwark of U.S, foreign pn.the united Mates and warns the Wash- policy which, it was for over 100 years." restive and uneasy about the apparent sur- render of the initiative to the Soviet Union. Authority to call up 150,000 reserves has been overwhelmingly endorsed, but this does not overcome the feeling in Congress that the United States is being portrayed over the airwaves as afraid to stand up to the Soviets. Paul Nitze, Assistantecretary of Defense for International AgE rs, in a television in- terview over the ABU network Sunday, really summed up the situation. He wasn't try- ing to be critical of the administration and, in fact, was endeavoring to defend it. But he unwittingly stated the case against the administration's policy of silence when he said: "I think the grounds for concern are, first of all, that this assistance the Soviets are giving Castro makes it more difficult for the Cuban people ever to restore their freedom and, secondly, this helps Castro consolidate his position in Cuba and thereby might in- crease the possibility that Cuba could be used as a base for Communist infiltration into the rest of the hemisphere." Yet nothing has been said officially for the last several months to the Soviet Govern- ment in protest about all this. How To Save Your Life on the Most Dangerous Weekend of the Year EXTENSION OF REMARKS of HON. FRANK W. BOYKIN OF ALABAMA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, September 13, 1962 Mr. BOYKIN. Mr. Speaker, under unanimous consent, I include in the REC- ORD another timely and wonderful article by our great U.S. Secretary of Commerce, the Honorable Luther H. Hodges. I had the pleasure of putting another one of his great articles in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, which goes to every part of our beloved Nation, and have had so many wonderful letters from every end of the country congratulating us on what Sec- retary Hodges had to say in his article. It seems to me that this article is even greater than the last one, and I believe all of us appreciate the great work that Secretary Hodges has done, is doing and will continue to do in the Cabinet of President Kennedy. Secretary Hodges is just a genius in so many ways. He has brains and ability and such an under- standing heart, and you will always find him, in my judgment, doing the things that will help all mankind. This article was a timely warning and we know new, since the Labor Day has passed and we have the record, that it was the most dangerous weekend of the year. God bless Luther Hodges and give him strength to carry on the great work he is doing for this, great Nation as Sec- retary of Commerce. The article follows: HOW To SAVE YOUR LIFE ON THE MOST DAN- GEtoff6-WEEKEND OF THE YEAR (By Luther H. Hodges) I am addressing this article to you, Mr. and Mrs. Motorist, in the hope that you will not be among the thousands killed or in- Approved -For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-R DP64B00346R0002001 5000-1 Approved For Release 2006/09127: CIA-RDP64B00346R000200150006-1 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD APPENDIX Septembe All sign(point to the fact that Labor Day 1962 coil be the worst holiday for traffic deaths n the history of the United States. That's the grim assessment of our U.S. Burej'li of Public loads, which recently com- pleted a study~of accident records. Over the years, it wiis discovered, Labor Day week- exad has beeelt the most dangerous holiday of all. This gel#r's Labor ]Jay is even more omi- nous because it will be the only long holi- day eekend in 1962. ' Every other major hsiiday falls in midweek. That means ;thousands of Americans-perhaps you too- 'have been, Waiting all summer for Labor Day to hit the highways. As Chairman of President Kennedy's new Interdepartmental Highway Safety Board, I've been directed to throw the full weight of the Government's scientific and engineer- ing resources into reducing the staggering annual totals of auto deaths. DRIVER REGISTER 3TARTED Were working, for example, to build into the great new Interstate Highway System lifesaving features that will prevent 2,000 deaths in 1962 alone. And we've started a driver register, a permanent list of drivers whose licenses have been revoked. If a viola- tor tries to get a license in another State, authorities can ask us for his record and act accordingly. We're sure these new programs will help. But in the last analysis, safety, _is still your job. You and your fellow motorists are the only ones, who can reduce the number of Americans killed and injured next weekend- now predicted at 60,000. To help you help yourself, we have selected the following 10 watchwords for safety from the research findings of the Bureau of Public Roads. These are the most important things to do. Read them; check yourself against them. Then use them on the road this weekend. Before you start: 1. Safety-check your car. At the very least, make sure your tires, brakes, and lights are fully serviceable. I've put eafety belts in my own car, and advise everyone to do so. 2. Plan your trip. Get good maps and in- formation; lay out your trip thoughtfully. Estimate realistically how far you can go each day by staying within the: speed limits. Plan to drive not more than 8 hours a day; If that is impossible, include plenty'of rest stops. 3. Safety-check yourself. Too often driv- ers take better care of the car-than. them- selves. They'll run themselves ragged try- ing to clear everything up at the office and at home, staying up much too late the night before leaving. While en route: 4. Stay alert. Some tips: eat lightly so you don't "become drowsy. Abstain com- pletely from alcohol at least until you've stopped driving for the day. Stop periodf-- cally to stretch your legs. 6. Obey the speed laws, Serious accidents innprease drastically at speeds above 65 miles p~'r hour. High speeds liay Off poorly for the risk involved. On the New Jersey Turn- pike, for example, you can observe the legal limit of (10 and travel its length in 118 min- utes. If you gamble and go 70 the most you'll save is just 17 minutes. '~`'6. Use judgment. The ]aw sits limits, but within those limits you have tcuse common- sense. On a good, dry, 60-mile-per-hour 8. Exercise self-control. We all know the "big George" type of driver who weaves in and out of line, cussing everyone else on the road, Remember you're traveling for en- joyment. Relax. 9. Communicate. We must cooperate with other drivers to stay alive. Let the fellow behind know what you're going to do. Use all four kinds of signals-not just left turn or right turn, but "slow down" and "pass me," If your car breaks down, warn other drivers by tying a handkerchief on the traffic side of the car or, at night, keeping dome and tail lights on. 10. Be imaginative. Imagine yourself in that other car in the next lane, for example. Think what you would do if you were its driver, and guide your own car accordingly. Of course, you can't anticipate everything; expect the unsuspected and be ready to act promptly. - Every driver can and should add items to this list. But I guarantee that if each of us concentrate on these 10, we'll soon make a change in the present intolerable situation, where it's al least 50 percent more dangerous to drive a car than to ride an airliner, where almost 5 million people are injured each year-equal to the combined population of Los Angeles and Philadelphia. Labor Day is a time to work for safety. Let's put these 10 watchwords into practice then-and ,very other day too. Edward E. Ting, Native American of Chi- nese Ancestry, Flees 13 Years of Cap- tivity in Red China Through Aid and Assistance of High School Classmate, Samuel L. Cutler, of Springfield, Mass. EXT! NSION OF REMARKS HON. EDWARD P. BOLAND OF MASSACHUSETTS IN THE f:OUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, September 13, 1962 Mr. BOLAND. Mr. Speaker, my col- leagues are fully aware of the profound gratification that comes to a Member of Congress upon the successful resolution of casework, particularly those cases we handle involving human beings. I had such an -experience recently when a na- tive American of Chinese ancestry, Mr. Edward E. Ting, who grew up in my home city of Springfield, Mass., managed to flee from his Communist Chinese captors after living for 13 years in main- land China under Red oppression. I had worked for several years on this case with Mr. Ting's high school class- mate, Mr. Samuel L. Cutler, of Spring- field, in an effort to establish Mr. Ting's American citizenship and the fact that lie had been issued an American passport to travel to China in 1928. Mr. Cutler is to be commended for his dedication and persistence in trying to help out his old boyhood friend, and his devotion to this flight to freedom from Red China by 1'I r. Ting: TECH HIGH GRAD Is HOME AD3'ER FLEEING RED CHINA-EDWARD E. TING REUNITED WITH BOYHOOD PAL WHO HELPED FREE HIM FROM TYRANNY (By Foster L. Spencer) "I learned in my college days that he who holds your money, holds your freedom; and whoever holds your food, holds your life. Well, my money and food were held for more than a decade by the rulers of that Red hell." So said Edward E. Ting, a former Spring- field resident and Technical High School graduate, who arrived in this city just re- cently after 35 years in China, the past 13of those years in what he aptly calls a "Red hell." Mr. Ting arrived safely in the United States from Hong Kong, after a harrowing and dramatic escape from the Communist- held land behind the Bamboo Curtain. AT CUTLER HOME Now again in the land of the free, this Chinese-American is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Cutler, 79 Eckington Street. Mr. Cutler, a teacher at Technical High School and a close friend of Mr. Ting during their high school days here, is the man most responsible for Ting's return to the United States. Ever since the Commu- nist takeover in China, Mr. Cutler has made continuous efforts, to get his high school chum out of China. And his unflinching perseverance was duly rewarded when Mr, Ting arrived in Springfield via bus on Au- gust 9. Mr. Ting's story is one of resolute deter- mination and bravery in the face of depriva- tion, starvation, tyranny and death. But today, at age 61, Mr. Ting actually is living a dream which taunted him for many years when he worked 16 hours a day at forced labor in Red China. AGAIN IN PARADISE "I'm once again in paradise," was Mr. Ting's comment on his safe arrival in the United States after enduring incomparable hardships at the hands of the militant, ruth- less Red tyranny. But let Mr. Ting tell his story-a story which needs to be told to freedom-loving people everywhere. It's a dramatic and heart-rending story-but more important- it Is a firsthand report by an American citi- zen about a land where Americans have been forbidden. ESCAPE FROM RED CHINA "Repeatedly since the Communists con- solidated their position in China, I made ap- plication to leave the country for Hong Kong or Macao, I first applied for permission to leave when I was a civil engineer with the Canton and Hankow railroad, stationed at Hung Yang in 1950. My application was denied and so were succeeding applications, until r was finally notified by the Red bu- reaucracy that a"person must-be at a port city in order to emigrate." Grew old "When I learned that I must go to a seaport to apply for emigration, I knew that I wouldn't be permitted to leave Hung Yang without some excuse. "It was then I decided to 'grow old.' I grew a long beard, wore a long, drab, black habit, carried a cane and crept around while at work. I luckily developed arthritis in one hand as time went on. After I had let my- self appear sufficiently old and useless to the Communist bosses, I asked permission to leave for the seaport of Canton, where I said I knew a doctor who could help cure me. This was over 2 years ago-in 1960. "The authorities eventually allowed my request, and I left for Canton, where I im- mediately petitioned to leave the country. I was told that I must establish residence in 40 is actually dangerous. But on a wet road Cause has paid off for Mr. Ting is now at night, you should stay under the legal back living in Springfield in Mr. Cutler's speed. 7. Make courtesy a habit. Psychological h0useh4ld. studies show that accident iepeaters tend Mr. Speaker, under unanimous consent to be overly aggressive. Don't work off your I insert with my remarks the very mov- tension on the highway. You'd do better ing human interest story by Foster L. to tell oil' your boss-it could cost you your Spencer that appeared in the Springfield Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP64B00346R0002001_50006-1_ Approved For Release 20.06/09/27: CIA-RDP64B00346R.000200150006-1 196.2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE maintain t4eace7 Second, can we op ncommuni? . now today we are going to talk AT . about the third great issue or challenge- Can we maintain this country economi- cally healthy? Or, in other words, can we maintain a sound economic system? Of course, we 'cannot 11 do that if war should come, nor would we be able to do it if we were "taken over by the Com- munists, So we have got to make sure that we win the two previous issues. Now the third one is most important, and calls for, the best thinking of all Americans, The cold war still continues. The de- mands on us `to make our contribution to contain war from erupting in other places, plus the tremendous cost of be- ing adequately prepared, required up- ward of $50 billion or' more. Now, as someone has said, "that's not peanuts." Then, beside that item we , have the in- terest on our national debt, our veterans pensions, the "oversead cost of Govern- ment, and so forth, and so we get up to a total close to a yearly need of $100 billion. Of course, we are a nation of 186 mil- lion people. We have within our borders half of the market of the world,` but we also are faced with tremendous chal- lenges that we did not have a few years ago. I mean foreign competition. With our Marshall plan, and other aids, we have built up the manufacturing plants of other nations where-labor . is cheaper. We have now got to see that the markets of America are not flooded with these foreign goods. At the same time, we have got to maintain our trade, wh h provides quite export-import emort Then, of course, the farm-program is with us. During the war we said to the farmers, "Produce, so we can feed the world." And they did. Now, we have surpluses in practically everything that the farmer produces. How to handle that problem has not yet been solved. We cannot ignore the fact, either, in considering our economic welfare, the turbulence in the new nations, where the people are just coming out of their sleep. fact that We just off our shore the is Cuba,' which is a Communist satellite, and China, with its more than half a billion searching, seeking human beings which Mao Tse-tung may cause to erupt at any time. Now, let us' discuss the meaning of a sound economic system-bearing in mind we must keep, the free enterprise Besides protecting, our economic phi- losophy, we have our political system to preserve.. I mean the great freedoms that we are trustees of. 'heCommunists have no appreciation of these jewels of great price. Yet, in some of the Com- munist countries the yeast is in ferment. The goal of maintaining a sound eco- ncnh C,, system is, as, a goal; something none of us w" ` argue about. we know that a sound economic system is ab- solutely indispensable to the welfare of our own people and the peace of the world. But there are, in my opinion, two aspects of this subject that will merit some discussion: First. A brief consideration of what constitutes a sound economic system; and Second. Some guidelines as to what we, as a nation, must do to assure that we will continue to have a sound economy. We can start by recognizing that the main function of any economic system is to permit the optimum satisfaction of man's physical and, yes, his spiritual needs as well. With this criterion, we must agree that our American economy has over the years performed with re- markable effectiveness. When we con- sider the fantastically involved complex that our economy has grown into, and how it usually performs its myriad func- tions with minimal friction, we may rightfully have great pride and faith in it. We hear a great deal about the grow- ing intervention of the Government into the affairs of businessmen and the de- cline of individual freedom. I do not deny some element of truth in this charge. But let us also remember that the overwhelming day-to-day economic decisions are those made freely and with- out governmental coercion by all of us as producers and consumers of the goods and services needed by over 186 million Americans. In no other land does the economic system function with as much freedom of choice as in America. De- spite the growing powers of government, of big business, and of organized labor, it is still the consumers of America who in their freedom of basic choices play a pivotal role in the economic process. I, of course, do not mean to suggest that we should complacently accept our economic system as it is, even though it is basically superior for us to all alterna- tive systems. Each of you will have no difficulty in pointing to areas where change, change for the better, is urgent. And to strive for such improvements, promptly and with vigor, is necessary if we are to preserve that freedom of choice and the freedom of action in our econ- omy as we know it. When we talk about a sound economic system, we clearly mean to reject any thought that such a system can be static or rigidly fixed. We must focus our ' at- tention on an economy that grows as the needs of the Nation and its people grow. I do not intend to get into the idly specu- lative game of percentages of economic growth and whether we should or should not have a rate of growth greater than that of Britain or Germany or Russia. There are so many ways of measuring economic growth, and the rate of growth is so dependent on the base period from which the rate of growth is measured, that any single percentage figure, such as a growth rate of 3 percent a year, is rather meaningless. Furthermore, there is no merit in growth just for the sake of growth, any more than sound reason to keep onin- flating a balloon higher and higher. We want not just economic growth, but that particular kind of economic growth that is needed to cope with our growing 18265 population, our technological advances, our expanding needs. We want the right kind of economic growth because we know that our Nation will be stunted and stifled if we permit our human re- sources to lie idle and fail to harness the talents and imagination of our people to the goals we cherish. Thus, perhaps the paramount eco- nomic need of the Nation today is to take steps to solve the nagging problem of excessive unemployment in today's labor force. As Senators know, in the past 8 years, the rate of unemployment, even at the peak of the business cycle, has been creeping up. Today, after a steady improvement in most economic indicators over the past 16 months, unemployment-seasonally adjusted-is still, as of June 1962, 5.5 percent of the civilian labor force. It went down to a low of 4.9 percent in February 1960 and even further to a low of 3.9 percent in March and April of 1957. There are, of course, many reasons which have been -given to explain this disturbing trend. Many believe that the rapid advances in automation and other technological developments have cut so sharply into the employment of major industries as to more than offset increas- ing employment in other, newer indus- tries. The relative satiation of con- sumer demand for many durable goods that were in exceedingly short supply at the end of World War II, coupled with a slacking of investment in production facilities for such items, is also con- sidered a major factor. In some indus- tries, such as coal and iron ore, deple- tion of resources combined with high la- bor costs, has caused serious unemploy- ment. In certain industries rising im- ports have been a factor. Thus, it is obvious that there can be no single, and no simple, solution to the exasperatingly persistent unemployment phenomenon that confronts us today. But there are certain basic approaches that may help us in thinking about the problem. First, we can stand on the basic premise that the primary respon- sibility for the employment of America's potential 'workers rests with the busi- nessmen of this country. The American businessman has throughout our history shown great resourcefulness in provid- ing consumers, directly and indirectly, with the goods and services they call for, and, as we know, through the many media of advertising has done much to stimulate and magnify such demand. They have, as a result, been the moti- vating force behind the employment of American workers and will continue to be so. But it is clear that there must be a reasonable prospect of profitable opera- tions before an enterprising business- man will invest in plant, buy materials, and hire labor for expanding production. And it is precisely in this area that the Government shares responsibility with private enterprise. It has always been the function of Government, now as much as ever, to assure business of a so- called economic climate in which the profit motive has a fair chance of oper- ation. Thus the entire fiscal program Approved For Release 2006/09/27 CIA-R DP64B00346R0002001.50006-1 Approved For R elease 2006109/27 : CtA-ROP64B00- 46R00020b150006-1- 15266 CONGRESSIOPIAL RECORD - SENATE -September 13 of the Government is immediately in ment is In a position to promote or pro- for our children, but for. all of us, those volved, We think of the tic burden tect essential activities in the national wishing to learn a new trade. and those which individuals and corporations have economy with greater effectiveness than who want to continue to expand their to bear. There 'is no doubt in my mind other groups. So we have a Federal intellectual and social horizons. This ,that substantial changes in our _tax farm program to help assure farmers of will keep taxes, especially State and lo- structure are called for. Not only has adequate income; a highway program to cal taxes up. But I can think of few the tax structure been modified piece- facilitate movement of people and goods dollars that are more important than meal again and again over the past by motorists, public and private truckers, those that help provide more and better decades, resulting in many complications and buses; arid Federal Assistance to the teachers and educational facilities. and inequities, but the entire tax bur- aged. I have sketched for Senators a few den is now so high, on both corporations Thus far, I have spoken of how the of my thoughts on what we need to do to and individuals, as to raise serious con-_ Government can help private business assure ourselves of a sound economic cern as to its effect on the economy. solve the unemployment problem by pro- system in the years ahead. It is a task It is quite possible that incentives for viding, in various ways, a more favorable that all of us share. It is a responsi- ,business investments may have been al- economic climate that will encourage the bility of the Federal Government to see ready affected. I amin accord with the expansion of business and therewith the that private enterprise has the oppor- President's pledge of August 13 to re-. employment of more workers. I have tunity to function freely and fairly. But duce tax rates in January, but I am not thus, dealt with stimulating the demand it is even more important for private en- entirely convinced that an earlier tax for labor. We should also take a few terprise to take advantage of its rights cut, might not be more desirable to stim- minutes to look at the supply of labor, and potential to provide the goods and ulate both consumption and investment because part of the answer to the unem- services we and our country require. before a possible downturn in the econ- ployment _ problem, particularly in the Finally, we should recognize that we omy reaches such proportions that more long run, lies in the abilities of those in should never consider a sound economic drastic cut's may -prove necessary. and those corning into the labor market. system as a final goal in itself. An eco- The new depreciation schedules issued This phase of the unemployment prob- nomic system exists solely to serve the last month by the Treasury Department lem is currently crystallized when we needs of the people. A sound economic should, in themselves, provide some contrast the disturbing unemployment system will help us to maintain peace. stimulus to investment, with further Im- figures I cited; with the fact that our ma- It will helpus in our dealings with other petus to be provided by the investment- jor newspapers contain page after page peoples of the world. It will make pos- credit bill reported by the Senate Fi- of help wanted advertisements, but ad- sible greater understanding and appre- nance Corrunittee. However, I believe vertisements almost entirely for engi- ciation of the myriad riad talents and inter- it important to recognize that tax cuts veers, physicists, designers, sales execu- ests o our own people. It is an find s- should be geared to the stimulation of tives, computed programers, and other pensable tool for progress. But it can both consumption and investment. It highly skilled personnel. We have un- never take the place of spirit of liberty, is idle to stimulate investmnot alone, employed miners, but a crying shortage of patriotism, of human sympathy and unless such investment will he shortly of engineers. Textile and leather work- understanding, which is the essence of transformed into higher levels of con-. ers, are pounding the pavements, but we worthwhile living here and now. sumption. And, notably in the lower in-' have far too few doctors, nurses, and come brackets, any increases in dispos-_ teachers. S HUSH-HUSH GIVES REDS TIME able income resulting from a reduction This points to an educational crisis S. TO SET UP BASE IN CUBA in personal income taxes can be expected that is becoming more serious every to be transformed almost wholly into year.. Here, too, the solution is not sole- Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, the spending for immediate consumption. - ly a matter of private or of public con- Milwaukee Reporter, a weekly newspaper The amount the Government -takes in cern. Businessmen will undoubtedly ac- which will soon be converted Into adaily taxes is, of course, important to -buss- celerate the training programs offered by newspaper, is attracting much attention nesslnen and consumers alike, But no many concerns in the major industries of as a new newspaper. -Particularly in- less important are the expenditures of the country. Private schools, training teresting have been the special reports Government, and that includes 'State centers, colleges, and universities will by Mr. Edward Hunter, the author of a and local as well as Federal expendi-* certainly expand. number of books on Communist brain- tures. Too often these expenditures are But there is little question that the washing techniques. I ask unanimous viewed in almost completely negative_ =Xiajor responsibility for a citizenry consent to have printed in the RECORD terms, in terms of what they drain out trained to meet the vocational needs of an. article by Mr. Hunter printed on the of the private economy. 'We too easily tomorrow will be in the hands of our front page of the Milwaukee Reporter forget that they contribute~ much to the public school systems throughout the entitled "U.S. Hush-Hush Gives Reds economy as well. Nation. Time To Set Up Base in Cuba" on Sep- The largest segment of public expendi- The problem of adequate schools and tember 7, 1962. tures goes, as Senators are, well aware, colleges is doubly acute due both to the There being no objection, the article for national defense purposes. Although rapid accele:cation in the number of was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, there will Always be controversy as to the school and college age boys and girls, as follows: relative merits of various military weap- and to the more advanced training some U.S. HUSH-HUSH GIVES REDS TIME To SET ons and military strategy, w(e will, all of it requiring expensive laboratory and Ur BASE IN CUBA agree that unless our Nation is protected other .equipment, Which the. needs of to- (By Edward Hunter) from potential aggression, economic day's and b>morrow's technology and WASHxricroN. The same hush-hush that freedom and a sound economic _ system economy make essential. It is this need provided Fidel Castro with the protection become little more than a hollow shell Qr which must receive the highest of priori- he needed to capture Cuba for the Reds is a distant dream. We want our defense, ties among public officials in all levels of now giving Moscow the time to make a base dollars spent wisely, but we know that government. It deserves the most sera- for space war out of Cuba. In both in- unon this defense rests our hones for our nits a.ttentinn of n.ll of nc ac nrivntc nits- stances, this protection was provided by the chosen way of life, for survival itself, zens. whatever the motivation, Red success in Many, if not most, other public ex- It is a -farr.iliar economic axiom, that this maneuver can make American defense penditures are intended in one way and while man's resources are limited, his in decisive space war practically impossible. another, to help provide particular bene- needs and desires are virtually limitless, The recent Communist success in placing fits, to our people, benefits which are not, in any case far outstripping the re- two manned satellites close to each other or cannot be as readily provided by pri- sources, natural and human, available in the heavens was a military measure, vate enterprise. Here again, we will find for filling these needs. We must make tecl:miclans linked sent to mission to the Cuba a by the the Soviet Sothe Red opposition to the farm programs, to the choices. We must decide as citizens Destruction n of a rocket -bloc. ght highway program, to proposed,programs_ what we shall insist on and what we does estr not between il it fliand of aid to .the aged, but in each case, the will do without. One thing we cannot another require rocket. t. The e contact destroyer does r d not have ave people, through their elected representa- do without is adequate educational op- to come any closer than the second space- tives, have determined that the Govern- portunities for our children, and not just ship sent up by the Communist Russians Approved For-Release 2006/09127-_: -CIA-RD P64B0034.6R0002A0.1-50006-_1 -- Approved For Release 2006/09/27: CIA-RDP64B00346R000200150006-1 1.V0Z , CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 18267 came toth their first one, if Soviet claims are relations to it are bound by neutrality foreign ideology to move into the Americas, anywhere near accurate on this point. Even provisions. supported b foreign not, , the came near enough in the pp Y g power, because this con- If Y present This is "asking for it" in colloquial lan- constituted a danger to American survival. . stage of military_ preparation. guage. Will we never learn, until It is too This was the Monroe Doctrine. Both of those ,rockets were sent up by the late? President Kennedy answered yes, the Mon- Kremlin, which maintained them under its TECHNICIANS MILITARY MEN roe Dictrine still meant what it always did-- constant Control. The problem the Reds President Kennedy used double-talk In his nobody denies this-and then, as an ex- face in confronting the American _ defense press conference when he was asked about ample, said that we were working in the Or- prograin is that the Kremlin would not the reports that Communist troops from East ganization of American States "to isolate know the exact details of orbit by our sky Europe had been brought into Cuba. He said, the Communist menace in Cuba." This is vehicle. ' No, there was no evidence that they were not how the Monroe Doctrine is supposed to That is, if the Reds do not have espionage troops. Yet he knew, and so do many in operate. It is not an alliance, it is U.S. agents to handle this part of the maneuver Washington, that this reply was misinform- Policy. for them. We certainly, know they make ative, because the technicians are mostly EXTENDING RESPONSIBILITY every effort under, ssuch circumstances to military men. The modern military officer is This is extending the responsibility, which plant such agents. Our hush-hush on in- primarily a technician. They had been sent has always been our own, to others. We quiry into communism in the United States, into Cuba for military preparations, not to wonder, with such displays of weakness, why and official disco}iragement of anti-Commu- build sugar mills. nist activity, can only help them repeat their Consistently, these others we oefuse co accept the re- re- previous successes as in the theft of our , for several administrations, sponsibility we no longer accept. A-bomb specifications. the American public has been deceived in Data in the offices of a number of Con- A satellite tracking station in Cuba would this semantic manner as to the true world gressmen and Senators in Washington has st axis in situation. Censorship is now being used provided firsthand information o give the Moscow-Peiping icn the abro- give gicx Bis retaliation exactly ioh what for would needs to against the American people, not as it tradi- gation in Cuba of the Monroe Doctrine, and an, attack. under Baer is required on the tionally was in the past, to keep the enemy the establishment of a foreign-armed, for- Initial atta flight k. path ofd a saserequ from knowing security matters. This was eign-run military force in that island neigh- The Cuban tracking station could obtain proven by the testimony in the recent Senate bor. The same suppressions are now im- th for tba tracking Mscow know in hearings on the gagging of Pentagon officers. posed on the Cuban people as are inflicted this thetly as the second spaceship it A subtle change has been imposed, without against the East Germans, where they are no permission of Congress, or the knowledge of made visible for all the world by the wall of sent up came close to the first one, a rocket the American people. could be dispatched, with or without bein This has gone hand in hand with rse, f The shame is ours Reds, letting wall manned, to go close enough to one of ours the de- rise, for on the side of the Reds, the wall velopment of an anti-anti-Communist policy constitutes a defiance, demonstrating power to destroy it, or at least to push it off its in so-called prestige newspapers, that collab- and the will to employ it, with utter dis- track. This would be. equivalent to shoving orate in such distortion and suppression of regard of human rights. a pistol off target. the news. This is the primary danger in a if anything will bring war and destruction Rocket ships are so delicate that only a one-ownership press in any important com- to the American people, it will be a con- slight reverberation is required in space to munity in our land, irrespective of the politi- tinuation of hush-hush and distoration in send it onto a different path, off target. cal leanings of the proprietorship. This is information allowed to reach them on such Moscow's whole military strategy for ag- why we had a traditional check-and-balance, fundamental matters as the creation of a gression is built around the knowledge it ob- competitive system, now being destroyed Red military base out of Cuba. tains from us, of our developments and ac- simultaneously with the rise of a new politf- The American people can be trusted to tiros, and our announced policy of never cal approach, falsely called liberal, that maintain a rational balance in what they ex- striking the initial blow, but sitting back favors centralization of power in a so-called pect of our leaders, and to be willing to ac- and waiting to be hit first, with all the en- "elite" in the Nation's Capital. cept whatever sacrifice the occasion requires, emy can throw at us. I The American public, understandably wor- if provided the truth, without it being FIRST BLOW IN GAMES red by such developments as the absorption clouded over, or distorted, or- made into a lie Perhaps in harmless children's games, one of Cuba Into the Red military network, is by semantics and doubletalk. This way of permits a first blow to be landed, but not being lulled and deceived by the doubletalk- trust and frankness in our people, and this in any fight for keeps, that is, if one seeks by those who have become inflated with way only, can the American public provide survival and victory, and isn't distracted by power under a government by the elite their Government with the support and the a fantastic no-win policy. The probable en- Ideology. strength that alone can save us from war emy has to be let known without any doubt Only Congress, safeguarded by the Consti- and destruction. that he would never be given an opportunity tution, stands against such kidnaping of Before this can come about, the "govern- to land an Initial blow, certainly not with Government processes. Congress can only meat of the elite" mentality must be erase menthe decisive d a o s, bat ythat the-mo- furml its esponsibilitiiess+ifRbacked+by a de- 4 from our political minds in Washington. . he Such a sane approach would require much petitive press is essential for a public to be ( THE CARACAS RESOLUTION OF 1954 more realism in. our. intelligence services. Properly informed to be able to be vigilant AND THE MONROE DOCTRINE Isn't this what they were set up for? What and exercise its sovereign powers . else can be anywhere nearly as important as The people are sovereign in the United Mr. SALTONSTALL, Mr. President, data. on such matters? States, certainly not the appointees in high earlier today the well-read and Well- But exactly as we let the Communists Places in Washington, who act as if they informed columnist Arthur Krock pub- know a dozen years ago, that we were de- were rulers. lished an article which I think is ex- know g south Korea of sufficient weapons to The Monroe Doctrine provides the United tremely pertinent to the discussion defend itself, thereby inevitably bringing on States with every right it requires -except about the Monroe Doctrine and the the Korean war, the Reds have been invited the will-to safeguard its existence against to design their war strategy on the basis the incursion of any foreign ideology into Caracas resolution of 1954. Mr. Krock of our declaration that we will take the the New World. The threat against us that points out clearly and conclusively that first blow Maximilian d . pose in Mexico in 1864 was It is still the right of the United States All the Communist war machine has to nothing compared to the peril in which we to enforce the Monroe Doctrine, unilater- plan, therefore, is to make any American have been placed by the incursion of inter- ally if necessary. retaliatory blow ineffective. Hence the sig_ national communism into Cuba. nificance of Cubain the Red MO R~ I ask unanimous consent to have the military plan- ,UVrKINE IGNORED article printed in the RECORD at this ning by Khrushchev and his coexistence co. The Monroe Doctrine was tossed into the point. conspirators. scrap heap of history by If the Kremlin can find out at once about wigs not too long ago. TheWashington rorbig- ld There being no objeed in, the ECOR, any retaliatory blow that we might attempt, minded they forgot about America's safety. was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, it .w ,11ld have the advantage it needed for At President Kennedy's press conference of C CA folASws: victory, A satellite tracking station in Cuba August 29, when he was asked several times would RAC6 RESOLUTION 1954 AND THE MONROE go far, to provide just this strategic about Cuba, and finally specifically about DOCTRINE CT crRlxE military inforla,_ the Monroe Doctrine, his answer was weak- (By Arthur Krock) The flow of 'Com1111st military techni- kneed and misleading, one of those "inter- WASHINGTON, September 12.-For some cians into Cuba is directly connected with pretations" that replace aboveboard speech time now, beginning with the indispensable this program of the Peiping-Moscow axis, in the Nation's Capital nowadays. U.S. support of the U.N. military offensive While Cuba's Red bosses have frankly de- The traditional American position regard- against Katanga as required to preserve in- clared they intend to help in every possible ing the Monroe Doctrine, until the State De- ternational peace, a certain phrase has been way to bring about the destruction of the partment's so-called lower echelons perverted reiterated by officials of the Kennedy ad- United States, we officially go on the premise it, has been as definite as anything has ever ministration with an air of confidence that that it is a friendly country, and that our been in our national life. we did Approved For Release 2006/09!27: CIA-R DP64B00346R000200150006-1 Approved For Release 2006109127 CIA-RDP64B00546R000200150006= 18268 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE ;eptemger i has been under strong critical fire. fn - 1icy, the 'United States has committed wvSchoi l. he study will be-financed by addition to the U.S -U.N. Congo policy of itself to do the same. waging peace with the implements of war, 2. Unlike the infiltration and subversion Mr. Folsom is now director of Eastman these critical targets include two others in of Soviet Russia in Cuba, the purpose of Kodak Co.; Dr. Flemming is president of Unt- particular. They are the failure of the this Nation's bases and troops around the versity of Oregon. Other members of the administration to lay before the U.N. Assem- periphery of Russia is to prevent the spread task force are: Dr. Dickinson W. Richards, bly India's violation of the charter by seizure of these activities of International commu- emeritus professor of medicine, College of of Goa; and the administration's role in nism, not to expand the American govern- 8 hysic Winslow Carlton SurgeonsNew York , Columbia health Don- Indonesia's blackmailing operation in Neth- ing system, erlands went New Guinea. Any high officials or Members of Congress sultant; Thomas Tierney, executive vice The phrase in constant public use by who may dispute this rebuttal are not likely president, Colorado Hospital Service (Blue Cross), Denver, Colo.; Dr. Vernon W. Lip- want a full-scale alcritics of t ucle policies to do so publicly. pard, dean of Yale Medical School; Dr. officials is, ' oyouhere against W, ?" g t this world ~.--- Arthur Larson, Duke University, former Di- not a matter that this single rector of USIA; Russell A. Nelson, director, Wana iv is not e: import al fact established beyond of judgment but HEALTH CARE TASK FORCE Johns Hopkins Hospital; John C. Leslie, vice But Cuban situation shas of doubt. Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, the prob- president, Pan American Airways, and chair- another, Cuvprivately uttered, her phrase spawned lem of health care for the aging will con- man, Committee on Aging, Community Serv- DrDixon, president, Society Anof New York; Dr. t Antioch College OhioJames aimeda, at and those very er who contend. contend tha t Soviet aimediet Rus- time to come before the Congress until ice Rus- sia has clearly challenged the Monroe Doe- a practical solution is provided. With sell Lee, Palo Alto Clinic, California; and urine there. This expression is, "The Mon- the percentage of the aging in our popu- Hubert Yount, vice Clinic, C Liberty and roe Doctrine is dead." To make this state- nation continuing to grow and costs for tual Insurance Co., Boston, Mass. ment in .public would raise E, tornado of medical care continuing to rise while Senator JAVITS said the task force will in- public protest, would echo a similar ap- their retirement and other incomes re- vestigate and report on such matters as: praisal by Premier Khrushchev and con- 'o. reaffirma- main relat'.vely static, it is obvious that 1. Financing the program: Is the social tneof President ne. So It recant surprising assistance must be forthcoming if these security system the best way? that the t ion tthe few s o who who say that, that, , an rid rot su support rprising it millions of Americans are to get the 2. The private sector option: How practi- with the following arguments, specify they health care they need cal is it? Are its terms workable? Are pro- vendors of health re is for eligibility Its terms are talking strictly off the record: Many questions were raised in the Sen- care, and of insurance carriers, sound? 1. When the 10th Inter-American Confer- ate debate on the Anderson-J&Vits bill 3. Benefits: Are services provided by the ence of 21 nations met in March 1954 at last July, and I have therefore invited bill deliverable? Caracas, it adopted a resolution urged by a health flare task force composed of 4. Cost estimates: How valid? State declarat of that Dulles. file principal some of the best minds in our country Senator JAVITS said the task force will also institutions declarati on of was any Amerkrical:an state the e by y inter- - political on this problem to go into the question study the growth capabilities of the present Kerr-Mills Aas related to health care re- that communism, or any extension of of the best way to provide health care a renss Act the aging. - that system to this hemisphere, would con- for our se:lior citizens. This task force qui of stitute a threat to the Pan-American con- Will, it is expected, bring in a report and STATEMENT BY DR. ARTHUR FLEMMING tinents, and would be met by immediate recommendations seasonably so that we i am delighted to respond to the request consultation and action under existing may have the benefit of their thinking of Senator JAVrrB to participate in the work of treaties. early in the next Congress. the health care task force which he has DELEGATING POWF TO OAS - - - I ask unanimous consent to print in taken the initiative in bringing together. As 2. The actual and practi tical effect of this the RECORD the text of my announcement a result of my experiences as Secretary of resolution-approved 17 to (Guatemala made in New York, September 12; the Health, Education, and Welfare I am con- alone voting "no," Mexico and Argentina vinced there is a genuine need for the de- abstaining-was to turn Over enforcement statement by former Secretary of Health, velopment of a positive program to assist the of the Monroe Doctrine to the Organization Education, and Welfare, Arthur S. Fleur- aged in protecting themselves in advance of American States as a multilideral proposi- Ming; and, the news stories which ap- against the economic hazards of illness. tion. Thereby the United States delegated peared in the New York Times and the I feel that the establishment of this task to the OAS its historic position that it could New York Herald Tribune, September 13. force by Senator JAVITS reflects his contin- and would enforce the doctrine unilaterally There being no objection, the an- uing determination to provide the leadership sibefore, when in its judgmeno the a emi- nouncemEnt, statement, and articles in this area that will substitute action for on e a became foreign a meof ftfar.ts. this hems- were ordered to be printed in the REC- talk. I look forward to working with the sphere a matter a distinguished group of experts that have re- 3. Hence, unless and until snuch ited an States eaten- as ORD, as follows: sponded affirmatively to his invitation. I sion was evaluated by the United SENATOR JAVrrs ANNOUNCES FORMATION of sincerely hope that we may be able to come a solid threat to its security, this Nation MEDICARE TASK FORCE up with findings and recommendations would abdicate enforcement cf the doctrine, Senator JACOB K. JAVITS today announced which will be of real help to the next Con- and ment o details of enforcemer..t, to the judg- .the forma'ion of a task force on health care gress when it once again faces this very im- nt of the OAS. for the aging to conduct a full-scale study portant issue. 4. Consequently, the historic Monroe Doc- of the Anderson-Javits health care bill In - trine "died" at Caracas in 1954, and the only preparation for the 1963 drive for enactment. (From the New York Times, Sept. 13, 19621 basis for forceful United Slates measures The task force is comprised of a group of AGED-CARE STUDY SET UP BY JAvrrs-12 Ex- toward Cuba is an evaluation by the-Presi- outstanding health care experts, including PERTS ON HEALTH To MAKE INDEPENDENT dent that the threat posed there endangers two former Secretaries of Health, Education, SURVEY national security. and Welfare, 'Marion B. Folsom and Dr. day that JAACCOB pr K. o JAVITS minent health announced au yester- ester- A supplemental argui:nent-advan6sd for Arthur Flemming. Senator this thesis is that unilateral invocation of Senator JAVITS said the task force will ties would make r independent study of the the doctrine by the United States would be analyze the major objections raised by ap- best way to pakeide medical independent for the aged. repudiated by world opinion, because of the ponents of the Anderson-Javits bill this year best said the d m ica would stf with d. He an ring of our military bases acid armed forces around the U.S.S.R. when it Was defeated in the Senate by Only analysis of objections that killed the Ander- four .vote