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25X1' Approved For lease 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP79T00826~,~Q~5~OJ~~-9 DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM The Situation in Vietnam State Department review completed NSA review completed Top Secret 25X1 ~ ~ 30 December 1966 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP79T00826A001500010055-9 25X1 gpproved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP79T00826A001500010055-9 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP79T00826A001500010055-9 25X1 Appro d For Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP79T00826A001500010055-9 I - 1600 30 December 1966 HIGHLIGHTS :L. The Military Situation in South Vietnama No major contacts with the enemy were reported on 30 December (Para. 1). ARVN forces continue their large-- scale operation, DAN CHI 270/D, in the delta with favor_ #topeu 1 f~~ r' Kontum? (~ P'leiku? ?~an'Me Sh uo3 'An K.he ~~ w~i~Nh D n ti. _: ?., ,. ~;hian ~ta.n~g SOUTH VIETNAM 25 50 7S 100 Mdes 0 25 50 75 1 0 Kilometers 65284 12-66 CIA Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP79T00826A001500010055-9 App' I. THE MILITARY SITUATION IN SOUTH VIETNAM 1. US combat forces are participating in 12 of the 31 battalion-size or larger allied ground opera- tions currently in progress. No major enemy contact was, :however, reported in any of these operations on 30 December. 25X1 2. An eight-battalion South Vietnamese Army task force under the control of the ARVN 21st Division is continuing to press search-and-destroy Operation DAN CHI 270/D against large-scale Viet Cong troop concen- trations in the delta provinces of Chuong Thien and Phong Dinh. In a series of sporadic fire fights on 29 December in an operational area centered about 18 miles west of Can Tho, government regulars killed 35 Viet Cong and captured four. Friendly casualties were two killed and seven wounded. The action on 29 De- cember raised cumulative enemy losses in the five-day ground sweep to 124 killed, eight captured, and 42 weapons seized. ARVN losses have been minimal. 3. In northern coastal Quang Ngai Province, battalion-strength elements of the ARVN 2nd Division conducting Operation LIEN KET 78 south-southeast of Quang Ngai city were attacked on 29 December by a Communist force employing 60- and 81-mm. mortar and 57-mm, recoilless rifles. ARVN losses included four killed and 16 wounded compared to known enemy losses of three killed. 4. In An Giang Province, the Viet Cong have decided to replace troops in low echelons with those from higher echelons a reversal of their traditional milit:ar olic 25X1 This will e ac ie:ve , by sending district forces to augmen vi age guerre as, provincial forces to au ment districts. In addition, there have been reports that companies from battalions in cer a~n rovinces have been sent to work with district forces. The provincial units that have been mentioned are in Quang Tri, Quang Nam, Pleiku, and Phu Yen, 5. Although some provincial units are apparently being broken up, there are no indications that Main Force unit:> have been affected. No units subordinate to a region, COSVN, or Hanoi High Command have been reported disbanded. I_1 30 December 1966 Approv 25X1 25X1 Appro~ 25X1 . b. In keeping with a re-emphasis on guerrilla warfare and "grass-roots" political activity, cap- tured Viet Cong documents are stressing that re- newed vigor must be applied to troops proselyting. The traditional "three magic wands" of military activ:~ty, political activities, and troop proselyting are still seen as the key to what the Communists be- lieve is their inevitable victory. "/ . as indicated that there will be a mortar a ac on Saigon on 1 January 1967. This is the third report of this nature that has been recently received. Such an attack, although occurring during the New Year's truce, might be rationalized in enemy propaganda as a "retaliatory strike" in retrik~ution for alleged US strikes in the Hanoi area on 2, 13, and 14 December 1966. Alleged targei~s for the attack are Independence Palace and tie US Embassy. F3 .' The New Year truce is scheduled to begin at 6:00 P.M. (EST) 30 December and continue until 6:00 ~?.M. (EST) 1 January. Although. no allied mili- tary offensive operations are scheduled to begin during this 48-hour period, a full alert will be maintained. The level of Communist-initiated inci- dents is expected to be similar to the 102 recorded during the Christmas cease-fire. Those incidents were mostly minor and related to allied reconnais- sance activity. Weekly Review of South Vietnam Battle Statistics 9. The Week of 18-24 December compared with 11-17 December' I. Viet Cong Incidents Time At- Regimental Battalion Period tacks size size 11-17 Dec 23 0 0 25X1 A proved For Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP79T00826A00150001 25X1 Appr I. Viet Cong Incidents (continued) Time Company Period size Harassment Terrorism Time Sabo- Propa- Anti- Total Period tage ganda Aircraft Incidents 25X1 11-].7 De 18-24 De c 7 c 29 23 19 19 21 II. Casualties 3 8 6 7 54 57 VC/NVA GVN 1-17 Dec 18-2 Dec 11-17 Dec 18-2 D ec Killed 825 1038 190 203 Wounded --- ---- 446 477 Missing/ Captured 88 198 34 37 Killed 88 109 9 9 Wounded 429 571 15 29 Missing/ Captured 2 4 _0 0 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP79T00826A001500010055-9 Approvled For Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP79T00826A001500010055-9 I 25X1 III. Weapons Captured VC/NVA GVN 11-17 Dec 18-24 Dec 11-17 Dec 18-24 Dec Individual 252 Not 294 136 Crew-Served 21 Reported 13 2 25X1 Apprjoved For Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP79T00826A00150001005~-9 Approve II. POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS IN SOUTH VIETNAM 1. The US Embassy has confirmed that the port strike in Saigon has ended, and that dock workers were returning to work as of 8:00 P.M. (Saigon time) on 30 December. Unconfirmed press reports state that the dock workers' union accepted the US Army/ GVN offer to find immediate jobs at the main port for temporary workers dismissed from the US military- controlled New Port. 2. The walkout was ended after the Saigon Council of Trade Unions' call for a general strike in Saigon to support the part workers went generally unheeded. Only about five of the 120 affiliated unions fully participated, principally the more radical textile unions. Disruption to transporta- tion and public utilities was minimal. Neither the port strike nor the general strike call was endorsed by the top echeclons of the Saigon Council's parent organization, the Vietnamese Confederation of Trade Unions (CVT). Constituent Assembly Activities 3. On 29 December, the Constituent Assembly discussed the formal reply received earlier this week from the Directorate concerning the latter's refusal to accede to an assembly request that the Directorate modify its power of veto over the draft constitution. The assembly took no formal action on the reply other than to approve a proposal that the constitution be protected by the deputies after "we have approved it." The discussions clearly in- dicated that the assembly is not satisfied with the Directorate's position, and that the possibility of a showdown between the assembly and the overnment is not eliminated, only postponed. 25X1 assem y c airman an ac uu is s i wor ing on a possi- ble compromise formula he hopes to sell to the Directorate. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Appro ed For Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP79T00826A001500010055-9 Approve 4. In its morning session on 29 llecember, the assembly again discussed whether to provide for an inspectorate in the constitution, and ap- proved such a provision in principle. It, how- ever, deferred a vote on whether the inspectorate wou:Ld be a separate branch of government. The assembly also debated the role of political par- tie:a, and adopted three general constitutional principles: (1) that parties play an essential role in a democratic regime, (2) that a two- party system should be encouraged by the state, and (3) that the formalization of a political opposition should be encouraged by the state. 5. Premier Ky, who saw the press on 29 De- cember while on a trip to the resort area of Da I,at, is quoted by correspondents as having indicated that he would be a candidate for president in a future election if the public desires, and as claiming that a cease-fire for the lunar New Year (a four-day period in early February) may be canceled by the government if the Viet Cong flagrantly violate the 48-hour New Year truce. The US Embassy, however, re- ports that Ky's remarks were just. intended for effect and that he does not intend to carry through with them. 25X1 25X1 Appro ed For Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP79T00826A001500010055-9 Approved Forease 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP79T008201500010055-9 HANQI ~ ~__,F+Q~iaOg Yens ~ -~~ ~k Hon Gai 1 _ _.. - _...____ - _- - __ -E Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP79T00826A001500010055-9 Appr III. MILITARY DEVELOPMENTS IN NORTH VIETNAM 1. Analysis of communications activity among North Korean Air Force (NKAF) personnel on duty in the DRV provides a tentative breakdown of their organization and function. This group is known to include at least 20 pilots and seven ground controllers based principally at Phuc Yen Airfield. 2. The pattern of flight activity that has been observed suggests that the Korean ccntingent is com- posed of 16 operational pilots and at least four senior officers. Four groups of four pilots each have been noted performing 174 of the 182 Korean sorties detected to date, All o.f these flights appear to have been performed in MIG-17 aircraft and have consisted of navigational training, interairfield transfers, ground-controlled intercept practice, and defensive patrols. The Koreans have not engaged any US aircraft in combat thus far, though the nature of their activity indicates that this may be their ultimate role. On 19 December, a flight of-NKAF jets was in the vicinity of a clash between US and North Vietnamese fighters, but a ground controller at Phuc Yen instructed the Koreans not to engage the US planes. 3. The NKAF ground personnel stationed at Phuc Yen have been detected working in nearly all phases of the airfield's ground-control operations. Serving as intercept operators, direction-finders, tower personnel, and airfield controllers, the Koreans apparently employ an organization and communications procedure which parallels the North Vietnamese fighter control system. On arrival in the DRV in November, the Korean ground controllers and pilots appeared to be using the Vietnamese language in voice communic a- tions; current communications, however, are chiefly in Korean. Approved For Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP79T00826A00150001005~-9 25X1 25X1 Appro~red For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP79T00826A001500010055-9~ 25X1 port:. 1. There is nothing of significance to re- 25X1 Appro ed For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP79T00826A001500010055-9 Appro~ V, COMMUNIST POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS 1. Party first secretary Le Duan has warned the people of North Vietnam that they must prepare themselves for greater hardships and sacrifice in the coming year. He assured them, however, that defeat of the U5 was certain despite increased dif- ficulties. His remarks were made in a recent speech to a Hanoi antiaircraft artillery unit and were broadcast over Hanoi radio on 29 December. The full text is not yet available, but AFP has carried a summary, 2. Le Duan warned that the US would escalate the war in the coming year and he pointed out that an increase in US troop: strength in the South could be expected. He also raised the possibility of an invasion of North Vietnam by the US. Le Duan as- serted, however, that the US will be defeated, pro- claiming that "even atomic bombs" cannot save the US. He reminded his audience that both China and the US5R are capable of retaliation in the atomic field. 3. The party first secretary held up_the Viet Cong as an example for the northerners of fortitude under: continuing pressure, He told his listeners that their life was easy compared to life in the South, where units, "hunted by the enemy, do not eat for four or five days " 4. Such a relatively bleak and realistic state- ment of the Communists? prospects over a long term is unusual, although not unprecedented for Hanoi leadership. The aim of such pronouncements seems to be to prepare the North Vietnamese for hard times while: at the same tune indicating to them the de- termination of their leaders to press on with the war, 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP79T00826A0015000100~5-9 25X1 Appr ved For Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP79T00826A001500010055-9 25X1 Peking Pressure on Hong Kong as Leave Port 8. Peking may be mounting a campaign to curtail the use of Hong Kong as a leave area for US forces in Vietnam. Peking radio raised the issue on 3D December for the first time since the formal Chinese protest to the British last February. The broadcast declared that the Chinese and their "compatriots" in Hong Kong and Macao opposed the US turning the colony into a "US military base" and warned that if the British Gov- ernment persisted "in such suicidal foolishness" it would be "c:ourting disasterm" 9. The Chinese Communists probably believe that their recent success against Macao gives them increased leverage in dealing with the British. However, Peking is not likely to support its campaign with anything more than minor harassments. 25X1.. Approved For Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP79T00826A0015000100~5-9 25X1 gpproved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP79T00826A001500010055-9 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP79T00826A001500010055-9 ~q~gv~~rease 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP79T00826~Q,p01500010055-9 Top Secret Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP79T00826A001500010055-9