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February 10, 1969
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Approved For/please 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP791300314100700060003-6
Weekly Surveyor 10 February 1969
Soviets Continue Research on the Electrical Field of the
Human Body: Leningrad University scientists at the physiological
cybernetics laboratory under the direction of Pavel Gulyayev have
registered and measured the electrical field of human muscles and heart.
An electrical field is induced in the air around the human body by bio-
currents generated by all living tissue. A recording of the field is
called the "electroaurogram." It was found that the field's maximum
strength Coincides with the contraction of a heart's muscle. The
strength of the field is increased by physical exercise and emotional
stimulation. The complicated nature of the field is correlated with
shifts in body posture and even when a subject contemplates a motion.
Besides the human, measurements have been made on the bumblebee,
mosquito, grasshopper and other insects. A device was developed which
can detect very weak electrical fields at a distance up to 25 am.
(Summary World Broadcasts, Second series SU/W501, 3 Jan)
Comment: A first account in TASS of P. Gulyayev's electroaurogram
was reported in mid-September 1967. At that time he recorded the human
heart at 10 am. from the chest and frog's nerve impulses at 25 cm.
from the skin surface. Gulyayev predicted, at that time, a future
development which would permit. a recording of the electric field
attributable to the action of the brain (EEG). The present report
indicates that the Leningrad group has not only enlarged upon its
electroaurogram recordings from an increasing variety of living forms
but also there appears, to be an increase in the sensitivity of the
recording apparatus permitting an extension of intervening space from
10 to 25 civ. when recording the human heart electroaurogram.
Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP79600314A000700060003-6
Approved Filpelease 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP7913003.000700060003-6
Soviet Investigator Records Brain Waves Five Meters Distant From the
Subject: Dr. G. A. Sergeyev cl-dms that he cpn make wireless
electroencepholograms (EEG) of subjects located Fvt a remarkable distance
from the recording equipment. His results, presented pt the First
Moscow Session on the Problems of Parapsychology (Jun 68), contradict
the traditional assumption that it is impossible to measure emanations
of brain waves beyond several millimeters from the head. Swegeyev
also noted that his techniques can be used to aid in the selection of
persons for telepathic, training and in their classification as ESP
"emitters" or "receivers." (00B-321/00222-69, 28 Jan) (C/CD/NDA)
Comment: It has been noted (Surveyor, 28 Jan) that Pavel Gulyayev,
of the bio-cybernetics laboratory at Leningrad University, reported
electroaurograms (wireless) of the human chest. In 1967 he predicted
that brain wave recording without direct electrode contact with the
head would become a reality with advanced recording apparatus. There
is some evidence that Dr. Sergeyev worked with Gulyayev in Leningrad
and recently transferred to the Moscow group headed by Edward K. Naumov,
Chief of the Department for Technical Parapsychology.- Sergeyev has not
been described as an authority on parapsychology but rather as a neuro-
cyberneticist who is investigating the physiological behavior exhibited
by subjects during the transfer of information by telepathic methods.
This report appears to be the first claim of brain wave recording some
15-20 ft distant from the subject and without contact. If corroborated
it is quite a breakthrough for one theory of telepathic information
transmission. I. M. Kogan reported in "Science and Technology, USSR"
(1967), that the most widespread Soviet theory for Psi transmission was
the excitation of the electromagnetic field by the biocurrents which
accompany all forms of nervous activity. (C/CD/NDA)
Approved For Release 2006/11/13 : CIA-RDP79600314A000700060003-6