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Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Nifisi"itarr SECUFtITY INFORMATION PROVISIONAL INTELLIGENCE REPORT PEVROLEUM IN THE SOVIET DUX C4,4' . . 4_11404i asticustummuna CIA/RR PR.17 . 30 (Inns 1952 DOCUMENT NO NO CHANGE IN CLASS. Li DECLASSIFIED ITS AEfl. CHANCr:J.) TO: 17.-E7, .7?Z ?N* 1 The data and coneldsions ta this report do not necessarily represent the final position of ORR and 'should be regarded am. provisional only ana sdbjeet to revisiOn. Additional data or comments Which may be available to the =for am solicited This material contains information affeeting the national defense of the United :States within the meaning of the eapionage law, Tait.1, USC, Secs. 793 and 7949 the transmission or revelation at which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Researdh and Reports Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 ( C 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 244133,-E4?c sEcuazTy ImraRmATIow N DENTIAI6 This report is one of a seriec of provisional reports pertaining to petroleum In the Soviet Bloc, The entire aeries is intended to cover all phasei of petroleum natural gang, and synthetic liquid fuels In the Soviet Bloc., These reports are presented ez an Intermediate step in consolidating pertinent Intelligenee on the oubject end got as a finished study, In the consolidation of the available infozilationo varioue reports amid dacuments repres ti researchbyotber Inteligenee agencies were utilised along with thereunite of reoearch and analysis by mashers of the Staff of CIA, It is intended that le series of reports will serve the following PurPo Represent a bee* for contributions and additions by CIA and other agenoiee actively interested in petroleum Intelligence b, Facilitate the selection of the'Speolfic and detailed gaps in intelligence warranting priority attention. Provide the basis for a broad stint. on petroleum in the Soviet Bloc and 1911710121, studies directed teuard specific critical prob. Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 11-5444-1 MIME Saleanarre 0 0 ? 0 0 6 4 0 6 0 0 6800$ 0 9 0 0 0 0 Rumania* Petroleum Productiaa Prior to 1951 ? ? da?9 9 0 0 Petroleum Iteeerves and Oil-firoductive Regions ? ? . ? ? ? ? . ? 4 Poat-ifar Oil loration and Paters Produotivity Proves:4a ? 6 5 Sedimentary Baal= and 011.Productivi Ragtag ? ** ? ? . ? ? 0 2. Designations" Locations* and Proclustive Ranks or Gil. Pro2uotivo Areas In Rumatda ? ? 4160 ? 0 0 0 6 9** 0 ?* 4 3.0 Table 2. Outline of 011.Producticsa Areas in Amnia * 4 ?di 0 13. Ploaati Region ? ? ? ? 4 4 * 0 9 0 6 6 0 0 0 6 is 6 6 11 Dusan Region ? ? ??????????????000 6 12 Belem (Noldovo) Reece . ? ? . . . ? ?0 6 4 0 A6 6 4 0 3.3 Table 2. Tammnian Crude Petroleum Productions Peroentage Yields from? Deelsomted Areas . , * ? 9 0 4 15 Petrelem Production tr Areae In fiumanie. ? . ? . . * 0 4 9 ? 0 22 Table 3. Petroleum Production bv Aroaa in Rumania ? 0 4 6 0 * 26 40 General Geology of the 011.ProchictItive Regions ? ?? i 4 * * ? * 33 5. General Physleal Features of Principal. CILIfielde 4 * 4 a 0 ? 0 33 6. POUNACIUEI RO awns In Rumania 0 * 0 4 a ? ? ? 4 0 ? ' 4 4 ? * 0 42 7. Recent Oil raploration ani Develgetent ? ? 6 0 * ? * ? ? ?0 0 44 8. Drilling Aetivitlea In Bussania 4 ? 4 8 J6'4'480**,419 51 Table 4. Pootage in Volla Drilled for 011 ? ??ooto ? ? 0 0 53 9. Total 'lumbar of 011welle in Itumania ? ? ? . 80 0 80 00 4* ?56 10. General Charactarlatios of Rumanian 011 . ? . . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 511 kikifeerfirt Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 CIAAR PR-17 (I1-8) (ORE Project 6-52) A-Fr2.--W4 SECURITY IVOBTIATION Rumanian Petroleum Production Prior to 1221. The earliest commercial petroleum production in the world is recorded in Rumania. This production began in 1857$ two years before, the Penneylvania-Drake 'well was discovered in the US, and two years before the Wallachia and Moldavia Principalities were combined to form Rumania. Not credited to commercial Rumania production is the oil obtained from hand-dug pits presumably as early as 1844. In productivity rank among the countries or other unit oil productive areas of the world Rumania has variously ranged from first and second place in the first few years to a rank as low as the seventh in later periods. Considering Malaysia and the Middle east to be unit areas, Rumania mas in 1950 in the seventh place in production. In this respect itims specifically subordinate to ten indiviaual countries, including 'our in the Middle East and Indonesia in Malaysia* The peak Rumanian production occurred in 1936 mith the country then ranking in the fourth place on a global beads; the 1936 Rumanian production is recorded as 8,7 million metric tons, equivalent to 3.6% of the corresponding world total. In 1950 Rumania produced an estimated 4.6 million metric tons of petroleum or about 0.9r, of the world total. In cumulative production prior to 1951$ Rumania has con- tributed about 1.9% of the total for the world. The Rumanian petroleum industry was nationalized in 1948$ and all foreign companies have since been excluded from operation in that country. Now the most important oil-producing satellite of the USSR, Rumania furnished a 1950 production equal to 1203 of that of the USSR, The following table shown an estimated breakdown of Rumanian crude production by regions, applicable to the calendar year (i.e., 1947) immediately preceding natioca. alization. Except for a trival yield (520 metric tons) on record from a small region (Maramures) reportedly depleted in 1927$ all priorRimanian crude production has been derived from the three regions still active. in 19470 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 a-Zrceilrl Pectinated Petroleum Produetion bsr Areas In flumenial 1947 Metric Wens Percent Area Quetit Rasva6.0chiuri 547.2 314.07 Gura Ocnitei 626.0 16.10 Moreni.-Ghirdeveni-Piscuri4oilipesti de Padure-Hargineni 65505 16.86 Floresti-Baipoi-Liliesti-Tintea 927.8 23.86 Boldesti-Paulesti-Itersa - 423.3 10.89 Ceptura-Urlati 399.4 10.27 -Other Ploesti fields 136,1 3.5o Ploesti Regionei 3,715.3 95 55 Duzau Region 119,6 3,08 Bacau Region 1-.37 RUMANIA 3,888.2 100.00 e comp .oes areas are esairgiWwly no nameeo er1aJQrocaiI field" within eacb exploited area, Data are not generally available for the Pummnianrsgiorial crude productions obtained under Communist control, Estimates for 1950 are as follows for the state- controlled organizations then handling the production.. Current 1952 intelligence data are reasonably conclusive in eAdence that Sovrompetrol has absorbed the other two state organizations here listed, There war some indication of the amalgamation by mid-year 1951p this being the period during which the teezt of the attached report vas written. Sovrompetrol is reportedly a joint stock company of the Communist Rumanian and Soviet Russian states, but in it the Soviet influence is inferred to be dominant. 2 1.144-24. Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 '-g-42-1`r1 Zat tat Petroleam'Produetion Tbaraant4 2950' Thmasand Metric uwo.,....--evormagr+.4,1,-sreet..slammemworanottou.,..arg.vemeard=1.11031%,KAVALttaaltaraVWZ., Produol:pc, 9.Ecap.ization Qliel itzPercent Taos Ploesti Region 2.077,7 martww.wasuera 62.6 Buzu Region ].123 2.4 Nuntenia Organization 22990.0 65.o Sovralpetrol Organiz,ation- a/ 1,564.0 34.0 iloldovo Organization 46.0 1.0 RUMANIA 4060d00 100.0 IriniraCTIWOMff p6MITorlItTfa-Erli75-1.76WITortriar'" over- and BEICall regions with the former colftributing nearly all of it. Noldovo activities are believed to have been confined to the Berm region, Cumulative Rumanian crude production in recorded and estimated as follows through 1950R Cumulative Rumanian Crude Production eriod 1857 - 19380 inclusive 1939 19/0 190, 1942 1943 19114 1945 1946 Thousand Ifestrie Toqa Produeltion 1150006 6,240 59834 51602 5,338 4,975 4,576 40662 4,252 1947 3,888 19148 4.0206 1949 49462 1950 -ILL6122 1857 - 19500 inclusive 173,641 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 2-11-11-21 Petroleum Reserves and Cil-Productive Responsible data provide a basis for the following estimate of proved Rumanian crude reserves, prevailing as of 1 January 19470 Lstimatod Petroleum aeserves in Rumania Basis 1 January 1947 Thousand Marie Tons .1MpinolmodposivioasumotioNicomx.Thuve.ammernata.31.4"," leteiesse~raangewegespwalteemorea.masirammarawean.a.moryalisteawsWv....lactiosa.21006.0........motoosommowd.repeoseallommouwouleamay,... Area Ochiura-Gura Genitei :lest kloreni-Gura Ocnitei East Utesti-Calinesti-Floresti Bid C Sala Bale Oi Pitig,aia-Campina-Runcu Pacureti Ilarginent Aricest.i Boldesti Cep tura-Or3en. Other 21oestl fields Ploesti .2egion 7ausau Region bacon Region ? Quantity 10:432 15:928 2,598 1006 105,99 210., 436 912 363 95,138 788 604 65f,404 2,196 L970 Percept 14099 22,89 3.73 1.45 15.75 8.97 0.6h 1.32 0.52 13.14 0.86 94.01 3.36 241 RUTIA/IIA 69,570 100.00 a TriFEZETZEFEE Pi6estramarmirmirmtreertrrarnmerornmul fieldso within each reserve areac, Similarly with a published estimate of 1 January 19510 In n 7,001 in addition to production (2947-19504 basis in responsible but obviou4y less definite data, a total proved reserves/was 45,333 thousand metric tons as of umerical values this :jvflects a net downward revision of in accounting of the ertimated 17,156 figure foi subsequent inclusive)* The lat,:ir estimate probabl doe I t include, 8 no however, any value in the proved status -0.'several new Communist oil strikes: reportedly made before 1951 but uncertain as to physical extent and productivity Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 An extensive eedimentary basin known as the Southern Carpathian contains the three major aurnanina regions previously established as oil-productive. This basin lies on the outer side of an arc of mountain ranges which roughly bound on the other or convex side of the arc the northwestern quadrant of Rumania. The three produc- ing regions are situated upon the flanks of the mountain ranges, and the principal (1.00, Ploesti) region lies in the central southern swear of the country, The Buzau and Bacau regions lie in the eastern sector with the Buczau area to the north of Buzau, The Southern Carpathian sedimentaries in total cover about 800,000 acres of Rireanian area, Prior to 1948 in a series of intensified programs resulting in exploration of the known geologic structures favorable for oil in this area, there were no discoveries of petroleum reserves of portentious extent. Rumania has other and more or less unteoted possible prospects for oil, however, in the Transylvanlan Basin and other western ,00rtions of the country, The T.ransylvanian Basin Iles on the convex side of the major Rumanian mountain arc, and in the southern end of this basin near the center of Rumania, northwerd across the mountains from Ploesti, prolific natural gas wells are exploited, yielding dry as but no oil* Post-War al aplora.tion and Future Productivity Px%L....mats. Rumanian interests became active in oil exploration altar the close of tiorld War II, and this activity has been continued and intensified under the Corinunist governmerxto Without the necessary numerical dsta provided to establish potentials sine the time of nationalization in 1948, but general-1V in the post-war period before and after the beginning of 1951, various new oil discoveries have been reported as results of the exploration, The exploration has been reported in the immediate areas of the previously established productive regions and also in certain prospect regions not formerly productive, Couunercial strikes have been reported in several of the latter prospects, and other reported ner oil discoveries have involved stepouts, field extensions, and deeper pays in the formerly established areas, In the period from 1926 through 1948 about fourteen new oil-producing acreages or "fields" were thus reportedly discovered as follows in the more western portion of the Ploesti region: it the Viforata-Rasvad-GcaTota.Doicesti-OloclieHa-Oonita district to the north of Targoviste; in the Edera-Cheboasa-Valea district to the 9.44:471ri: Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 north of Noreni; and in the Draganeasa-13rebu-Plaiul. Campine:l district on the outer or northern fringe of the older fields in the Campine eactor, A compilation of the reported values results in an apparent productivity potential of about 636 thousand metric tons per year by 1950 in these fourteen acreages. Reports also show that a new Tareoviste field was discovered by the Germans during world tear and that this field is a southward extension of the Guru Oonitei field in the western portion of the Ploesti region. While there was inference of considerable Targoviste field production under Cormiunist emploitation in 19502 there were other inferences that the potential reserves of this new field did not much exceed one million metric tons d By midyear 1951 new productions wore also reported from deeper horizons in the older Ploesti fields, especially in the Carepina sector and in the more eastern portions such as the Floresti-Baicoi-leliesti-Tintea. scoter. Sourourpetrel explo tion in the Bacau region was reported to have resulted in discoveries of new reserves equal to those in the Ploesti 'region? Among a number of Communjst. oil strikes reported to have established entirely new productive regions, the only one with fairly firm evidenee relates to the Settee Seaca field southwest of Targoviste. By 1950 the Communist exploitation of the Suta Seaca field appeared to be represented by only one well and in it the production potential was given as onler about 7,300 metric tons per year. At the time of writing the text of the attached report, mid-year 19512 intensive exploitation of the Romanian reserves was evident under Soviet guidance, without conservation teohrsiquee apparent. There was definite erideroe of pram:1.80u= drilling in tapping these reserves, Reports indicated that old and formerly abandoned mils were being reopeneda however., and while all of the kin productive Rumanian areas aepoared to be then on the decline with respect to potential., a probability still existed that the Communints would continue to obtain new or additional production from the established fields, by Dither stepouts from them and by more drilling to deeper pools within the producing arease reasonable confirmation of Communist su there is easein expaedene the Rumanian peoductione . 6 . Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 The 1951 production is estimated ot 6,0 million metric tons, capered to the esti- mated value of 4,6 million metric tons for 1950. There is also some current evidence that the Rumanten Communists are exploiting the fields more scientifically relative to the practice apparent by the beginning of 1951a and that more attention is being given to secondary and ont5matl ultimate recovery, Mich of the increased production appears to be coming frem three areas as folloes: the new Suta Seam region; the more reoently opened pools in the Targoviste-Teis-Doicesti sect= of the western pert of the Ploesti region; and the expanded Baena region4, While the most optimistic claims are still to be confirmed with reepeot eo the new discoveries in the Bacau ream, it is probable that this old area has actually advnnoed from its former minor status te a current rating of major importance.. In the generalized Buzau regiono likemiee an old productive area with minor rating in the pasta 2952 intelligenee further infers new discoveries rivalling the reported large discoveries in Dacauo Uowevera the reports of the new 3uzau discoverfees are at present little more than rumorsa similarly as were the reports of new Bacau disooveries by the beginning of 1952. It is quite probable that the Remanians are currently maintaining a rate of discovery of new potential oil reservosa at least eqtil to the rate of extraction The present evidence also supports a poseibil#y that the Rumanians ma,y be able to attain a goal formexly considered to be vury irprobablea and within a very few years iaereena the annual Rumanian production to the planned value of I? million metric tons (this value was projected for 1955 in the Thrrianian "State Plan"), Rumania contains a very large total expanse of sedimentariee favorable for ail nocumulation. While explanation of there sedimentarion has been extensive it has not been exhausUve. Bven though eoere has been no evidence of extraordinary discoveries attending the exploration in the pasta it is fully possible that huge oil deposits may be present in the Rumanian sedimentaries.,11,1.11/.111. VANIMINI.M.09.101.11011WWW...10, MP 17 dr.. Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 S-E-C-R-E.T Sedtmeatary 1320100 and 011 ProdafthniEteiglons, Tho major productive oilfields of Rumania are confined to the central southern portion of the country with email production also obtained from the eastern portion. These productive areas are situated upon the southern and eastern flanks of zountein ranges? formed by the Transylvanian A3ps and Carpathian l'Ibuntains. The Transylvanian Alps lie south of the east-west center line through Rumania, and the Carpath- ians :ie east of the north-south center line; the mountain ranges meet to form an are near the center of the coentry, and the oi/ffelds lie in an exteneive oedimentaey basin an the coaeave or outer side of the arc. The basin comprises the valley of the Danube River in the south and the valley or the Siret River in the east, Thin product:Ivo basin is the one known as the Southern Subear- parthian. It is the western-most basin in a major geosyncliee or chain of basins forming the southern portion o? the important Black Sea-Caspian Sea oil province of the USSR. The ooutharn chain extends eastward across the Mack Sea to include the Contheen Caucasia or Transeaueesia part of beteeon the Caucasus isthmus/the two eons, and tleneo across the Caspian Sea to include the southwestern part of the Turman SSR east of the Cmspian. In the USSR this southern chain includes the Baku oil eeeion of Trans- caucasia together with the productive region in Turkmen. While the Rumenian oilfie3ds are flew geologically related to those of Brom, the Rumanian 2ielde tre ?Pr from comperable with the Baku area in peoduetivity. About 8009000 cores of oedlmentary beds exist In the Southern Subearpathian Bain of Reeeria? Nxtraordinarily productive petroleum deposits are yet to be covered in the area. Prior to 1948 the well-established structures favorable for oil were intensively explored by Anglae&mericen interests without discovery of large deporits. The major ale-productive region of Rumania embraces the Ploesti fields, in the political Provinces (eludefiule, Counties or Districts) of Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 NOM odwO Nowa. llama. aM, Prahova and Dambovita. The Ploesti Region is located in central southern Rumania, in the upper valleys of the Dambovita and Ialonita Rivers, tri- butaries of the Dantike, The oilfields lie mouth of the Transylvania Alps, extending around the city of Ploesti from the west to the northeast. The Ploesti Region has accounted for about 97% of the past cumulative Rumanian petroleum production and it contributes about 95% of the current production. Two other areas are the only effective sources of the remaining current Rumanien production and these two areas have likewise contributed virtually all of the remaining cumulative production in the pant. Like Ploesti, the two areas are situated in the Southern Subcarpathian Basin; the most important of the two regions is in Buzau Province, while the other is in Bacau Province. The Daum Region is located west and north- west of the city of Buzau, east of the Ploesti area and southeastward from the Cerpathian Neuntain arc, in the upper vulley of the BUWIA divers a tributary of the Siret. The Bacau Region is situated southwest and west of the city of Bacau. It is northward from the Buzau area, east of the Carpetlians and west of the Sirat, and it lies about 300 miles northeast of the Ploesti fields? The only other commercially productive area on record in Rumania is a depleted region that furnished insignificant production in neramures Province. It is oust of the Carpathians near the Polish border at the northern end of the Transylvaala Basin, a second major expanse of sedi- nentaries in Rumania. The Transylvania Basin is on the inner or convex it stde of the Carpathian nbuntain arc, and/1s bounded on the west by a north and south trending Rumanian mountain range called Monts Apuseni. At the southern end of the basin there is a prolific natural gas pro- ducing region, devoid of oil,. At the northern end of this basin the Maranuras oil region was opened in 19190 and is said to have produced a trivial quantity of about 520 metric tone of petroleum, prior to depletion in 1927. - 9 S Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 SeEeftlireEeie 20 .....Erle!liamtE1122.412RI,..tuldg....E.auctive Ranks of OilProductive Ares! in Rumania. While conventional practice defines an integral area or a separate deposit as a separate oilfield, the matter is complicated in Rumania? In this country. a number of "oilfields", typically small, are sometimes practically contiguous so as to form a major productive area, where the oilfields represent (1) adjoining separate deposits i (2) fault blocks or other differentiated areas, contiguous in a given structure' trend or (3) adjoining areas separately named became) of original ownership, or because of other special features of exploita- tion, Data are sometimes separately reported for the separate "oilfields* in such a major area; the Area in sometimes designated in, part or in totall by applying the name or names of one or more separate "oilfields" Of major importance contained therein* Even in adjacent but actually separate oileproduoing areas the major oilfields are frequently (and variously) combined in the intelligence reports? For correlation of the data reported on productione 44 supposedly oil- bearing areas in:Rumania are designated in Table 31, "Outline of oil-productive areas in Rumanian, These areas are identified by names of the "oilfields" ordinarily described in theme This outline does not include a number of regions situated elsewhere In Rumania where there have been reports of new but doubtful oil discoveries made recently by Communist Rumanian eeplorations0 At least 91 separate Rumanian "oilfields" are listed in the intelligence records including a good rev areae that are minor or depleted* Possibly a score or more other "oilfields" of s1n:11er minor status have been inferred, Among the ones thus inferred are the Cerveni and Palanca fields, presumably in the Ploesti Region and possibly still productive, and the Voevesilor field associated with the MdrenieGura Ocnitei area, It is noted that adjacent but separate areas sometimes belong to a single structural trend* Inmost oases where a separate field is reported, the usual convention is followed in that the field is designated by the name of a nearby city, town, or village* 10 e Pe-fteReg,44 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 kfi4-E-fri Table 1 Outline of On-Productive Areaa in Rumania .0.111WWW, no,Tr- 4oeati Moreni-Daicoi structural trond, a, Nbroni-Gura Ocnitei area. 141.303*- Fields in !mbovita Teis Aninoali? Viforata; Rasvadr Tame- vista; Gum Ocnitei Uest. Fields in Dambovitav extending eastward into Prahovat Gura Ocnitei East, Mbreni; Noreni North, Fields in Prahova: Ghirdaveni; &mar Piscuri North; Piscuri? Ocolnita; Ditesti, Galineati. b. Daicoi-Tintea area. Fields in Prallovat Floresti, Paicei? Liliesti, Tintea. 2, Dambovita areas nnrth of Noreni-Baicoi trend. a. Ochiuri field and area, b. Gorgota field and area? .c. Doicesti field and area. d. Glodeni field and area? e. Ocnita field and area,, 3. Dambovita areas south of Mbreni-Dolcoi trend. a. Bunar,r1 eid and area. b, Suta Seaca field and area. 4. Prahova areas north of Moroni-Daicoi trend. a. Edera (Ederile) field and area. b. Oheboasa field and area. c. Valea (Valea Lunga) field and area. d.. Filiposti de Padure field and area, 5. Draganeasa-Runcu structural trend in Prahova. a, PitigaiaDraganeaaa area, Fieldst Pitigaia, Draganeasa. b, Oampina field and areao e* Plaiul Compinoi field and area. Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Table 1 (cont'd) ...M.ML610....merstanssommaravrte. Brebu. (Brebul) field and area. e. -Bustenaria ara Fields: Grausorg, Gannets Telagt, Dustenaria. f, Chiciura-Runeu area, Fields: Chiciura? Gropi? Tontw.ti, Runeu, Scortina? Bordeni, Rocca, Valoanesti, Poentreanca. Ilis/ea field and area. g. 6. Prahova ar.7as south of Noreni-Baicoi trend. a. ALrgineni field and area. b. Arioesti field and area. 7. Prahova areas in Teleajen River Valley. a. Boldesti area. Fields: Boldestig, Panlesti? Hama, Gageni, Sipotuo Seaeni. b. Ceptura area. Fields: Cepturag, Orlea# Urlati, Strehaia, Plavia (Flavia?), Seorus 0. Podeni Veehi field and area. d. Pacureti-/Intita structural trend. (1) Magurele area. Fields.: Ahlaesti Ikzurele? Gornetul Cuib. (2) Pacureti area. Fields: Pacureti? Matita? Atarnati. e. Sarani field and area. f. Vtrbilau field and area. g? Scales/ field and arer. h. Copaceni area. Fields: Copooeni? Opariti, 8, Early depleted Dambovita areas" Colibasi field, and areao b. nahil Rosu field and area. 1. Sarata field and area. 2. Hanteoru field and area. 3. Berea field and area. Arbanasi (Beciu-Beconi) area. Fields: Arbenasi? Policiori, Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 411A 'qv.. ow? own, -.roil non Table 1 " (cont) .tonnnnanninnonnwevaronnnnnvenonnwannnnennsonrennn .npunnnnonn .nnarnrininn Annanonnotonrant nskrnnrannonarantsternore VIIIA.A11,0111111.11.1101411141. 3.4.1,1`940.5.(3.1. Alga-Sii2A3gY9.1.-kd92. J. Targul Ocna field and area, 2. Mbinesti area. Fields; Moinestylasacesti, 3. ZemosTazJ.m field avd area? , Solent oolorti?) field and area, a Stanesti field and area. 6. Tetcani (Tescani)(TescansiT) field and are2.6 ac= field and area, Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 The Gera Ocnitei and Ducsani fields were formerly the most productive separate areas in Darhovita? but Buosani later fell below the Ochiuri field in this respect; dominant rank in Dambovita is pro- bably now shared by the new Targoviste field, situated east of the city of Targoviste and actually an area extension southward of the Gura Ocnitei fields, on the southern flank of the Moreni-Baicol trend,, The Eoldesti field was fornerly the lrrgest separate producer in Prahova? but it was superseded by the Tintea field prior to 1939. The Ceptura and Ikreni- Piscuri fields have likewise becone major Ploosti Region producers, 3xcept for Tintea and the minor Margenini field, all imortant Rurrnian nroductive areas had pasaad their exploitation peaks by 1944# insofar as the areas bad been established as producers. Except for the Targo- 'mist? field no new major productive area is known to have subsequently has cone into existence in Rumania? Exploitation/exhausted reserves in all of the important Itumanian fields,even including Targovistemand without concurrent discovery of new reserves to compensate for this extraction the not results have been substantlal reductionsinthe remaining proved reserves of the country,, Table 2 above percentages of total Pumanian oil productions, for %be porlods and productive areas and fields indicated, While these data nay not be completely restricted to, or representative of, the major areas explicitly designated, they are t.:Ibstantillly applicaole to the respec- tive major arecs. Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 SECRET 114.6411 sm... MEW, Ina". Table 2 Rumanian Crude Petroleum Production: Percentage Yields from Designated Areas 2,222.1tOuggszt 22...OV.214 Rasvad field 3.7 Gura Genital fields 20.5 tioreni fields 11.4 Piscuri field 54 Bai.00i-Li1Jesti fields 1.7 Tintea field 17.5 Other cress in Ibreni43eicoi trend ZIORENI-BAIGOI TREND 61.5 Ochiuri field 4.3 Bucsani field 5.0 Drageneasa-Runcu trend 4.1 Boldesti field 11.1 Ceptura field 11.1 Other WOW in Ploesti Region . PLOESTI REGIM 98.6 22Alltioa_vatim Rasvad field 3.0 Gura Ocnitei field 15.3 1.1omni-1'iscur1 fields 14?9 Baicol-Liliesti fields 44 Tintoa field 27.3 Other .areas in iloreni-Bc loot trend MOREIT I-RA IC 0 I TIMM 65?5 -15- Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Table 2 (emit d) rormirtemapair.mgarg"...4* vtr Aree llregat Ochiuri field 'Bucsani field 3.2 Draconeasa-Runcu trend 3.7 Boldesti field 11.9 Ceptura field 7,8 Other areas in Ploosti recion PLOESTI REGION 9803 30 19.g..=012112Z4 Ochiuri field, Moroni-GI= Ocnitei block 40.5 Boicoi-Tintea block Ochiuri field ond Ibroni-Baicoi trend 64.,2 Bucsani field 3,1 Filipesti de Poduro field 3.8 .Dracpmeass-Rtmcu trend 2?7 Boldesti block 10.9 Ceptura block 9.8 Other are in Ploesti Region PLOESTI REGION 96?O gucla=agLIT711gLtka011s W.112944 Ochiuri field, tloreni-Gurc Ocnitei block 533 Baicoi-Tintoa block Ochiuri field and Moroni-13 lead. trend 62.7 Buesani field 3.7 Draganeasa-Runcu trend 12.8 Boldosti block 9.2 Coptura block 5.5 Other areas in Ploesti Region PLOESTI REGION 96.6 2.+2-kritirk Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Table 2 (cont) 5. 29.42? Mbreni-Ga Ctpitei block; Ochiuri & other fields- 47.0 Beicoi-Tintea block Nereni-Baicoi trend; Ochiuri and other fields -a2A2 70.9 Boldesti bloc 10.9 _Ceptura block 10.3 Other areas in Ploesti Region MIMI REGION 95.6 Includes Ochiuri, Filipesti de Padureo and Margineni fields. - 17 fr-rk2:41-11: Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 yen. 11,01.6 .11.0 SON t+.1.1. At least 20 separate fields have been dessribed in the two Q3 areas dosignat broni-Cura Ocnitei and Boicel-iintea (Table 3) situated along the nereni-Boicoi troll& Only a few of these fields have been of consequence as producers The Piscuri-Ocolnita-Ditesti-Calinesti fields are located upon a single structural reservoir. The two designated areas adjoin in the trend, at the boundary batreov the structural extensions of the Florosti field and the Piscuri-Ocoirita-Ditesti-Calinosti fields. The trend begins north of the city of Torgoriste, it the vic'nity of the vil- lages of Viforate and Rasvad? betueen the Drmbovita and Ialomita Rivord in Drbovita, The trend extends eastward across the provincial boundary Into Frahova, It extends past the town or village of Gum Ocnitei, and thence past the settlements called Moroni and Piscuri on the Cricova stream tributary of the Itlomi'ar, it reaches eastward beyond the town or village of Bricoi? to terminate in the valley of the Prahova River tributary of the Ialonita, in the vicinity of the villages of Liliesti and Tintea. On the northern flank of the :breni-Bnicoi trend, a fault serves to separate the Ochiuri field from the Gura Ocnitei area (Tells 1). Tho Gorgota-Doicesti-Glodeni-Ocnita fields are minor, uith Com-runlet Rumanian exploitation activity recently reported in them. The Gorgota field lies on the west of the Ochiuri areas, south of the villa-'e of the sane nano P northeast of Targovisteo, The Doicesti field is located on a hill to the oast of Doicesti village, northward up the Laloulta from Targoviste. Glo- deni village lice about 3 miles oast of a railroad line along the lolonita? about 11 miles north of Targayiste; the Glodeni field comprises tuo productive districts, one to the east of the villaoo, and the other, a new area, to the south of the Nomlet. The Ocnita field is situated abott nine miles northeast of Targoviste? in the vicinity of Ocuita village. 24-9,11.41, Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Tnrgoviste is a none for a new fields, apparently divided into dis- tricts, or fields, reerectively near the villages of Halmanaleleo Adaria9 Seconi, and Somalia, The Illocani field (Table 1) lies eoutheastuard does the Ialomita River from Targoviste. Southoentuard from Targovioto and about midway between that city and the toun of Gaeot1 a station on the Ukicharest-Pitesti railroad, the new field at Suta Seaca village (rablO 1)p has apparently developed only as a minor areas, although the original test wells, have produced some oil, DI the Prahova oras north of Noreni-Bricol trend (Table 1) tho Edera-Cheboasa,-Valea fields are other minor productive areas possibly subjected to recent Communist Rumanian exploitation. The first field lies In wooded mountains northeast of Edera (Ederile) village, about 5 miles northwesterly up the Cricova stream valley from Nereni village, and about 5 mile- northeast from Ocnita village0 The second field is situated to the south of Choboasa village, about one and a half miles northeastward up the Cricova from Edera. The third field is on the south of V'lea (Valea Lunga) village, about two and a half mills fuothor northwestward up the Cricova from Cheboasto The Filipesti de Padure field listed in this area is located just north of the Ditesti field, which is on the Nbooni-Daicei trend in the flbreni-Gura Ocnitei area. Faelds of the Dragneasa-Runcu structural trend (Table 1) contributed about 12.8% to the total cumulative production prior to 3947 in Rumania. Although they have been evidently declining in importance for several years, Communist Etunnian exploration - esploitation activities have been intensive along ,he trend. The Pitigala-Draganeasa block is located northward from the Filiposti de Padare field, at the western end of the Draganeasa-auneu trend. The Draganoasa field is more recent in discovery as compared to the Pitigaia area with Pitirpla the more western of the two fields. Three districts of the Draganeasa field are respectively on the west, eaot Ara southeast of the frirKetrill . Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 -village of Draganeana (Gura Draganeana, situated on the Provita stream tributary of the Prahova), about throe miles southwest from the city of C ampine. From the important field at Campine itself (Table /). mutably a fourth of the totel cumulative production from the trend has been obtained? Must of the remainirg past production from this tread has been obtained /from the Dustenarie ond Chiciura arms. W2st of the Doftana River trau- tary of the Prahova, four mrdes northeant of Campine, there is the village of Piaui Campinei? with a minor oilfield to the south. The two districts of the minor Brobu field are located about two miles east of Brebu village, east of the Doftane and northeast from Campine. East of Campine the productive Bustonaria area (Table 1) terminateo the Drsganease-Runcu trend on the oast, and the Chiciuri-Runcu block lies Immediately south of this tereinal area. South of the productive areas around the villages or Bus tenaria and Mince, another minor field has boon indicated, celled Mislea? located about 41 miles north of Tintca village. In the Prahova areas south of the "breni-Dricei trend (Table 1) the rargineni field is located sown of the Ditesti field, and it is probably at present in the stripper stage if productive at all. Situated eastward from the Dar ineni area, the minor Aricesti field 'JCS near depletion by l948. In the valley of the releajen River (Table 1) tributary of the Ialomita, the productive Boldest! and Ceptlra areas include the only oil- fields of importance within the entire Teleajen valley. The Boldest! area lies east of the Doreni-Baicoi trend, and the Ceptura area is east of the Boldest! area. Podeni Vechi is a minor area north of the Boldesti-Ceptura it in areas, and/situated about 5 miles north of Horse. village, The Pacureti- !Mita structural trend extends north of the Boldeeti-Ceptura-Podeni Vechi areas, along a line extending to the east from the much more import it Dragencaoa-Runeu trend., The Varbileu-Scaiosi-Copaceni areas extend from e. 20 "sq115 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: C - 79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 vest to east in the order named on the north of the Pacureti-Itttite. trend, and the Sarni field has boon inferred to exist to the north of theseo at a pont about 20 miles north of the city of Ploosti. The Scolosi field was practically exhausted prior to 3.948. The earliest comnwcial production of crude petroleum in the world Is recorded from the Boldosti field N'ablo 1), an area currently productive in Prahova? and from the Colioesa.field (Table 1), a Dembevita area abandoned as depleted in 1931, Colibasa village lies north of the .Glodeni field and northeastward from the Ocnita field, on the north of the Voreri-Gura Ocnitel productive block. In the depleted Meal Post]. field (Table 3) In a locality not at present identified, in Dambovita, the relatively unimportant Meow Samartian sands yielded about 4,800 metric tons of oil; in the likewise exhausted krernures region, the same formatim accounted for about 500 metric tons of oil. Elsewhere in the Ploesti Region itself, the 3:1mA/en Is reported to bear petroleum in smell quantities. In the Bezau Region (Table 3) the Sarata field is located in the - vicinity of S, rata village, south of the Buzau River, west of the city of aumau? and eantward from the city of Campina. The field and villa-e of Monteoru lie north of Saralz.? 'between Sarata and the Buzau River, The Berca field is situated of Mbntavoru, on the north Ilanic of the Buzau, northwestward up the river valley fros Buzau city. Northward from the Berea area, up the valley of the Stanic River tributary of the Buzau; there is an oilfield near Policiori vinage, and euethwesterly from Policiori* north of Deciu village and mar Beceni Ordmieni-Beceni) village there is the productive Arbanoei area proper, due wept of the city of rtmuicul Sarat (Ramnicul CTret Province). In Bacau Province (TaIAle 3) the productive region is situatod in the valleys of the Trotus-Tazlau Rivers. The Luoacesti settlement lies north of Moinesti village; westtrerd from Bacau city and north of Lucacestit'there are the Zones Tazlau, Solent and Stomata. fields, Those fields are 4. . Approved For Release 2006/06/24.:_CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 ge*Eratcf. Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 1-11-42-1 Mel snd proetiibly near depletiondare locatod in direct lino frai mot to east in the order given, to the south of Solent village on the Tazlan River. in the vicinity of Totcani (Toscani) village, between Bacau city and the Stanesti area, there is an oilfield of sow importance, at least former:17. Still another distinct oilfield has boon inferred in the vicinity of Bacau city itself,. Other villages (oilfields?) have been mentioned in the Macau produc- tive region ti-ms4 Prajesti? Slavic (?), DOA de Petrol, and Tazlcu 3crat de Sus (located on the Tazlou Sprat River?)? The Soviet-dominated Sovrom- patrol organization has recently claimod discovery or prolific but rather improbable now oil deposits in the T3acau Rogion. Among other reinns in which the Comuunist-controlled petroleum agencies of Rumania aro supposed to have recently discovered at least traces of oil, there it be mentioned the followingg (I) an area in the northeastern portion of flbranures Province; (2) an area in the northwestern portion of the Transylvanian Basin, woct of flararmres Province; (3) an aroa near Pitssti in Argen Province, westward from Tarrnviste, and another in the; south- western part of Olt Province, southward from Pitosti? whore these Pro ea ore contained along with Busau? Prahava? ambovita, and ad.jolning Provinces, in the former Ehntenia? or Great Wallachia region of what is now' Rumania; CO an area near Romnicul W.:1?6a In Vhleoa Province, southward from Pitesti5, In the former Oltenia, or Little Wallachia region that is presently con- ',mined in "Rmania to the west of Groat Wnlinchia; and (5) cm area possibly now containing exploited gas wells, in the foroor Banat region which has become the southueztern part of Rumania. 3. ..P2.tZ"PlrSD...12L,SK'...hlotio./U?Z.k.c.g4_g_ZL.R1--M=. 'Nible 30 gives r5ported end estimated production data for recent: years in Rumaniao by areas and in total.. The reported values ere presumbly firm and accurate prioi o 1948. Data are hero compiled fran TTable 3-kollgus on p. 26. 22 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 .1172:144 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 ?-fel-brel estimates for subsequent Rumania productions, These estimates are believed to be reasonably accurate, although they show appreciable variation from certain values recently publiohed, Reported productions include consider- able breakdown by separate areas prior to 1947. Available reports are restricted to consolidated areas for 1947,, Reenonaihle estimates for separate areas are not at prosont avail- oble for analysis after 19479 Tho lack of thoso details is not considered to be of much consequence for intelligence purposes. A summary analysis is given elm/hero in this paper (Section 7)9 with respect to what is knoun about recent Communist oil oxploration activities? and about the results obtained thereby. Now discoveries of real importance have not been indicated. The estimated Rumanian 194a production of about 4.2 million metric tons is a value generally accepted. The intelligence estimation have varied considerably for the 1949 production, and coraetihat more so in the case of the 1950 total. The first one-year "State Plan" was released in 19480 reportedly projecting a production of 4,75 million metric tone for 1949. Rumanian publications havo indicated that 95.5% of the 1949 plan was in fact roa1ized0 showing an actual increase or 8% ovor 1948? so that the 1949 production mould anoear to be about 4.5 million metric tons. Other intel- ligence has indicated that tho 1949 plan was for a production =wading 49 million metric ton, and eetinates for the actual 1949 production have varied from near the ronorted plan values, to a lou of about 3.g metric tons. Another one-year "State Pion" appears to havo projected a total production of up to 6.0 million metric tons for 1950. A current "Five-Year Plan" has been announced, and nem seers to bo little probability that the 1955 goal of 10 million metric tons can be realized. The Rumanian governmont has admitted that the 1950 plan itself was not fulfilled; estimates have varied from about 490 to 5.5 for the actual /950 production in millions of metric tone. *VIP alan, 000 : Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 . kokrefkirel not It is/known just hou the separate producing fields are divided among the throe State-controlled organizations nor in cbarge of all petro- leum production in Rumanim, Of these three ornanizatione; Sovrompetrol is a company jointly owned by the Rumnnian and Ruseian governments; it was organized 15 July 1945 to control 30% of the crude production; and was established by government decree 27 October 1947. Sovrompetrol has absorbed various small companies such as Croditn1 Linier, a smaller state-controlled concern; and 1949 anreemonts are indicated to have expanded the nou stock company. The joint-stock company is reportedly operated under strict control of the Soviets. All other komanian oil conpanies were nationalized imediately- after 11 Juno 1948, nPetroliferanantonian or nontrala nuntenian: popularly "Mbntenia Oil Centern; was then set up to absorb the major Astra-Ronnno (Shell) and Romano -Americana (Standard of Neu Jersey) concerns; along with most of the moiler Anglo-Amorican; French, Italian; and other foreign companies; the 9bIdovo (Oltenia) Oil Center", or nentrala Potrolifera Noldovo;" was set up to absorb various small companies in Bacau (Ibldnvia). The three producing organizations control the refining and other processing operations in Romanic.; while nompetrolu; successor to "Dietri- button; is a nationalized "oil center,' supplyinff 705 of the inland oil market. Most of the refineries were pooled In nuntenia; a concern with three principal departments; respectively designated for Fields; Wineries; and Administration. The Field.? Department has headquarters in Oampina; while the 'Wineries Depnrtment is centered in Ploosti; the Ihntenia general mcnagement offices are located in Bucharest. Together with Competrol and various ndning agencies; the three oil-nroducing organizations are under the authority of the Ministry for rdning and Crude Oil Production. Soviet influence is peodoninant in the Rumanian oil industry. A planned merger of Nuntenla and Oompetrol with Sovrompotrol has been recently reported, If 411161140444"EilmM Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 g II It, Security Information txue this would give the Soviets almost conplote control. Vormay roported Czech po, ticipation in nuntetia appeara not to hove become factual. IL/atonia has field operctiono in eight ualilling districts" with field adnInistretive officos sot up in the rain city in each district and probably also in Gura Ocnitei. The operations of Savrarpetrol have boon reported within two nrogionan. Although the Buzau productive region ap-ears to constitute one drilling district for 1lUntenia? It is not Imam hew the soparato Ploosti region oilfiolds are partitioned among the field operating subdivisions of 71nitenia and Sovronpotrol. Ilmtenia probably controls the Buzau productive rot.c7.on, with the renalning and najor part of it* operations confined to the Ploesti ;b3gion fields,, noldavo is probably restricted to the Boom) productive region p while 3avrompotrol also opervtos there. Major Sovrorpotrol operations are in the Ploesti fields. Table 3 shows production data for the three producing organizaticoe sine,- 1 '?to for the separate Muntenia drilling districts, and in ono period also separately for tho Sovrempotrol operating regions. Sovrempotrol produc- tion statistics are reportedly falsified and exaggerated, oven bofore the data are entered upon the company records. The values shown in Table 3 appear' to be conservative estimates. Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 54643 Approved For Release 2006/0921 : IA-R 79-01093A000200020004-1 Petrolenza ProduGt hitroas in I Area M4411. 41411. MM.". Qumll.t.z_ leand 1943 '%uantity Two Percent to Total Percent to Total Teis-Aninoasa 52.3 0.84 20.0 0.40 Viforata 22.3 0.36- 9.0 0 18 Rasvad 232.4 3.72 150,0 3,02 Gura Ocnitei 1,279.8 2051. 760.0 152? Moroni 710.6 L1.35 OWN Piscuri 337.6 5.41 Moreni-Piscuri 740,0 14,87 Bucsani 308.9 4,95 160.0 3,22 Clodeni 1.3 0.02 1,3 0.03 Ochiuri 266.2 4?27 21000 4,22 Baicoi 51.9 0.83 140,0 281 Liliesti 55.5 0.89 78,0 1,57 Tintea 1,093.3 17.52 1,360J0 27.33 Pitigaia-Gura Draganeasa 1202 0.20 20-.0 0.40 Campina 28.7 0.46 30,0 0,60 Bustenaria-Chiciura-Bordeni 117.6 1?88 Grausur-Calinet-Bustenaria 12.5 0,25 Chiciura-Gropi-Tontesti 62,0 125 Bordeni-Reeca 2.2 0.04 Runcu 97.2 1.56 Scortina-Runcu 56,0 1.13 Scaios1 1,3 0.02 0.4 0,01 Copaceni 14,5 0.23 Copaceni-Opariti 14.0 0,28 Magurele 1,1 0.02 4.0 0.08 Margineni 52.5 0.84 80.0 1.61 Aricesti 27.6 0.44 5.0 0,10 Boldesti 694,0 11.12 590.0 11,86 Ceptura 11.11 ?38620 7 16_ Ploesti Region 6,152,2 98.59 4,890.4 98.29 Sarata 64 0.10 Sarata-Monteoru 6.4 0,13 Arbanasi 35.3 0,57 Policiori-Arbanasi as, . JaA. 0.68 va.....**41?111 Buzau Region 41,7 0?67 40,0 0,81 Bacau Region 46.1 0.74 44.6 0,90 RUM IA 6.240,0 100,00 4/975.0 100100 9:409A+1. Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Table 3 (conVd) Slammed,o T 411146400.1PWAPIM?SUMIWYMNAMSKPAN.,*.em,..,,........0.W0,7,,,,... 0,.....o,,,,,.,..Ang"............,....,..., , ,,,....., M...att S oi,,,ra Cumulative Area Year 1946 :11mrall. 1946 of - Percent Percent D5G09WNZ IlYantlAY "12-k1A1 gMAPt117 to19,01 is Fiforitta-Resvad-Ochiuri-) Gura Ocnitei-Mbreni- Ghidovoni-Pineuri- Ochiuri-Wlea-Voovozilor) Pucsani Clodeni Doicesti tnithhil Rosu af,Floresti V./Bsicoi-Liliesti-Tintca Plliposti de Padure Fitigaia-GuraDraganeasa Campina Dustenaria-Runcu Scaiosi Copaceni /1.tgurole.4tilsesti -9/14atita-Atamsti M,rgineni Aricesti Boldesti-Poulesti-Harsa Ceptura-Uriti Other Ploesti Fields Ploosti Region Sarota-flonteoru Arbanasi Dorca Dunau Region Zames-Taz/au Stanesti-Solont Toscani Other Dacau fields Dacau Region almatures Region MANIA 1903 1933 1897 1912 1903 1943 1868 1910 1938 1884 1857 1930 1904 1938 1899 1935 1921 1922 1913 1,720.2 40.45 131.2 3.09 Depleted Depleted 71.4 1.68 955.8 22.01 163.3 3.84 16.2 0.38 27.5 0.65 69.6 1.64 0,2 0.01 18.4 0.43 3.2 0.08 32.4 0.76 1,9 0.04 464.7 10.93 415.9 9,78 83,344.6 5,794.7 80.3 12.6 4.0 130.4 14,534.1 975.4 134.1 40680.4 15,267.6 16.7 348.4 6.8 13.8 765.8 1,103.1 14,464.1 8)653.1 4,079.9 95.96 151,217.1 1869 3.7 0.09 530.2 1869 2.1?0 0.49 20321.7 1903 _24,0 ?1860 2860 1860 118.7 33.8 6.5 Depleted 2.79 0.79 0.15 Depleted 3,102.9 864-.1 697.9 135.4 A66.02 53.3 1.25 2164.1 1919 ..P.9.0.9124....142124.9.7tak1.5.. 4,251.9 100.00 _156,484.6 rno7iai-;;17e7Ta1le 3 follow on pc. 320 , 27 2 ItE-Eit.+1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 53.27 3.70 0.05 0.01 Negligible 0.08 9,29 0.62 0.09 2.99 9.76 0.01 0.22 Negligible 0.01 0.49 0.70 9.24 5.53 96,63 0.34 1.48 _2,46 1.98 0,55 0.45 0.09 1.39 100.000 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Petroleum Productico. by Areas In Ilmutta lapu 1947 Porcont PaR1442 19-1E41 Basvaci-Ochitirq 547.2 07 Gu.ra--00211 tot ibrerii-Ghlreloveni-Plociu"1.- ) 626,,0 16.10 Filiposti de Pcvduro-Itrginenl.) 655 ? 5 16.86 927,8 236 13o1des ti-Poalesti :nroa 423,3 10.89 Coptura--Urloti 399 10.27 Other Ploesti fie1eis jarza Ploosti Region 307153 95.55 Raz= Itogion 119.6 3.08 Bacon Region 1 3.483.2 PeIvicamirociv_latasa..kr_Statnizations ;iya Pro4uo:Ixtrr .jsz[jz Soirrompetrol I Anitonip, ib.1.13.ovo as. 28 100?00 Porcont .9,3t3Pai..ttY 1057 2"6 4,206 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Table 3 Patrellarm Pr07:0110,471^71 .1114e0m 41.1 P.""^"" v'gT1..,?(allatel* Pomo-A - .1.7..qtatAtIr. Svond 122,14farttz ..,"orcont Ciumtity tottg,? rjx,flukzu. Percent ourztity. GTt1Thj?OTt PlOGSti (rter A (.egicn 3:1)' ILA. IT P 124, 9 ,a,:i8,,r1 32.5 671 tota 3574 100,0 383,8 200.0 77.1.2 100.0 it7amIADLP7J414.S.149tISIAV. tirlrti 78.1 11.4 83.4 1.1,6 3.61.5 1L4 Domes ti 8?,5 12.9 89,7 12.4 178.2 12,7 Czvanina-xi. i 4,0?,,, 4,1 323 4.6 61.6 4,4 Datcoi 20/4...6 29,7 1.9", .2 26.7 397.8 28.2 Horeni 716.5 16.9 222,4 16. 238.9 16.9 Targovisto 46,2 6.:.7 62.5 sr, 6 1e8.7 7.7 Datil xri 201' 4. ...,15.41 lja-.J. ...211.5. lukisl ..),14,2 Fis)sati ilroa(.)6 ,5 969 696,2 96,?3 110362.7 96,6 Doren. (Buzau - 23;v1 _IA ...._2:61.4 ......3-1 ......21:..0 ___2.2,4 Total &V ,0 10).0 722. 6 100.0 141O6 100.0 Moldova 14.2 R1J1NIA 1049.2 1.420,6 2,169, 8 29 frintriril Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release kiiiii*iirkIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Table 3 (cent 'd) Petroleum Production by Aroaa in Thinania Clo.60.11,01.100PXY1.0.40...-.111Er,*.4.1001W1 iliKAross lant,torittl:,,,P11,11-?,#(0),..tfArztetl Ur10,5.. Doldest:i Campine, Balcoi kXCCTLt Tt.a.vvi Ociduri. Moesti Arca &Tea (Buzau) Producing A:CAW-W.49A Ploesti Arca Buzau Area tinntenia iloldotro Sovrompetrol Ft Ifr1f _ Parcont ,guantiAty to Total. 1,362.7 62.8 , 2,P 1 410.6 65.0 80e0 I US....29.6.(2. or cont 145,1 172,6 64A 342,4 2151 174,8 21244 114333,5 1,382,3 100.0 10.5 12,5 4.6 24?0 15.6 124,6 lec-La 049L 18.0 __24.11Z 2v3A9,e 0,8 knQiiRIA2n. kg.911 Percent Sti,a42,tity. ip_total :i3p333.5 23,..922_11pc,(40,11.9,n ElIg.t.U4K Percent .9,PDAti.V tozi, 58.2 60.3 0.8 1o0 _31,2 o k_v__19/42 l'oreant gRAntl&Z 306.6 u..0 350.8 12,6 125.7 4,5 740.2 26.5 454,0 16,2 283,5 10.1 21,696,2 96.5 29792.9 100?0 1.9?kel Percent atcaLtily to too tp..1 2,696.,2 60.4 _242. 2,792.9 62.6 36.3 laala 4,462.,1 100,0 Pq&PE4 401. 2=1 Percont Porcent iitigpt4x, _ to tottg guantit,zr tall111 Dri-Wro. Digoziate, Cirlati 165,9 liolettN:sti 172.7 Carapina 6832 fticoi 385.9 221.4 Targovisto 215.8 Cchiuri 2.1.2 Plops ti Area 1 ? 443,0 Berea (Buzau) 1.4% ,6 21,1 11,5 4-6 25,7 14.8 14,4 96.3 100.0 3165.5 :1()7?40 62?6 378.f.3 :225.2 235.7 122a 1p434.7 491.4 11,1 4.2 25.4 15,,1 15.8 96.2 _1 100.0 - 30 - 1-?-2-e-kri 331.4 11..1 339,7 11.4 130.8 4.4 764?7 25.6 446.6 14.9 45L5 15.1 422,0 as_ 2?877.7 JZ2 2,990.,0 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 96,3 ...vorsOL7 loo,, Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 omi "14,o, 4tm Tmtk47i Petroleum _ Ailut1b !4o i ows.ramitnutosor. t.serohtiv,..........mmontmemtweate, gez,66..".4iii4F4441W. Pro4u0m_lip44g3.04 Ploonti Aron Biu Arm Nuntonia Total Sovromnetrol flbldovo RUMIUTIA 11=za 1857-1938, inclusive 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 - 1947 1948* 1949* 1950* 1857-19509 inclusive' Liffita-Ta---- 12-5.41-14 23871;1 2990?0 1,564?0 4,600?,0 OUATITITY 1150006 6,240 5-,834 5,602 5,338 4:975 4,576 4,?662 4,252 3,888 41206 44462 ----A4( /73g,341 l'orcorit tAlt-11Z Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 62,6 2 65?0 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 kkam.riqq Footnotes for Table 3 wea.agrassurzsmers.babm................rateraftrawas.........mternmaNsatwureownalonsawsamsmaotaziegaboameaftsesmain.pozracaanamclauudissowimasuommo*mek zo.aosiD The main Vbrenl-Gura Oonitel East sector was reportedly opened in 19031) while corresponding dates aro 1927 for the Ptscuri-Piscuri forth sectori, 1929 for the Gtrca Oenitei West sector, and 1934 for the Calinesti- Ditesti sector. Records indicate that oil was obtained from hand-dug mils in noroni .prier to 1855. Oil was possibly discovered in 3933 in noresti, but was presumably not e7mloitod until 1943. oft The first oil was poJoible discovered in 1860 in this area; the first exploitation appears to have been delayed until 1868? The first comlernial production in the world is credited to the Boldosti field in 1857, and this field is still producing; a minor field called Oolibasi (Dambovita Province) reportedly began to be exploited at about the sane tine, but Colibcsi is on rocord as depleted in 1931. Records show that oil vas obtained from pits dug by hand in oil seepage zones in the Boldosti area, as early as 1844. In the Pacureti field on a snal1_d tightly folded anticline structure in this area block, oil is said to have been first obtained from wells dug br hand in seepaos, br:ore the first commercial well ms drilled in 1904. Including 1948 productions obtained from areas, prior to the 1948 operation of the same areas by the designated State organizations after nationalization. gif The Ploosti (Campine?) operating region is reported to consist of areas at Baieoi, Tintea, Floresti, Plavia (F3.avia2)? Moldovo. The MOreni Operating Region is reported to consist of areas. at Moreni? Targoviste, Teis, Oehiuri? Buesarl. N.A. - data not available. - 32 - Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Ow. ma. elosa or. 4010.0 40 a,:zzaj_. GeolJim.s.L112,3 cjacti_z_e P,egjalt? True Tertiary sands 3onntitute the Important oil-emodHctive formations in the :Rumanian oilfields,. The forriations known as the lieotic and Dacic are by far the most productive, with the Dceic of less importance compared to the Meotic? Belov the overburden Pliocene Levantine forrsationt. the typical productive formations are as fellows, listed in order of :increasing are: Form:Um:11 Dacic (Declare) Pliocene PloestieBuzau Pantie (Pontiart) Pliocene Prahova iootic Pliocene- Ploesti., Buzau, Breen 3a.martion (Scrmatic) Illocene Ploestis, lbramtHres Helvetian Miocene Prahaval Donau Oligocene Oligocene Prahovas, Bacau Eocene Eocene Bacon Anticlinal folds are the featured productive structures in the Rumanian oilfields., The anticlines are emetimes .simplea but are often complex: they sometimes appear as diaper folds and in eome cases they have been reported as anticlinoriums,. Other reported data indicate trends to dome structures with que.quaversal dip.. The actual oil deposits .1:tky occur on synclines or .monoclines in certain instances... Complex faulting is quite comment, and another predominant feature is the presence of intrusive dikes or stocks, often associated witl, dieper folds. SemstraP,21ysical Fegtures elf The following condensed summaries are preparedsupon Icsis of a fixed pattern of intell.ience data,, Where items of the indicated pattera for a given area are omitted or are not mentioned in those starlarieso the 'perti- nent details are at present not available? ,33... 41PNI "Diri Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 In the .;31coi-Tintea area block of the toreni-Bricoi trona, the Mr.-1,t-oi-Liliesti-Tinten fields are sitrated o an anticline-syncline struc- ture. This structure exists along an ea't-west trending thrust fault through which salt, has Intruded and locqlly distended Itself,. The central area was thus broadened as a salt stock, with the thrust fault ?tending out from either end, Oil reservoirs nre found on both the upthrown and down- thrown sides of the fault; the most prolific areas are along the fault, on the oast and west of the snit mass. 'Lotto sands bear oil throughout the area,. Dacic sands are oil reservoirs at the eastern and western extremities, while local oil accumulations occur in the steeply dipping, violently folded and faulted Miocene beds below the Pliocone-ra,ocone mnconformity, With pre- vailing clay section arid complex distort-ion, the producing formations appear to offer poor prospects for deeper oil pools In those fields ,- Producing depths in the 600 to 90000 feet, with an aver Daico:1$4liesti-Tintoa fields rant-e from age pay thickness of at least 200 feet in the oil-bearing formntions,, Standard Oil intoreEts alone had drilled about 230 polls in the area prior to nation;lization. On / January 3946 the total pro- ductive area was about 850 acres (744 acres in Standard Oil holdings)., The Florestl field torrent% es the Baicoi-Tintea block on the vest, and it is an area similar to that of t;) BaLcoi-/illosti-TintotT fields, in that salt has intruded upwa.d along a t! 'rust plane and locally distended itself, but not as widely as in the more en tern aria, Pay sands exist on the south or under thrust side of the strrctin), below the northward sloping salt mass. fleotic sands are oil reservoirs with some oil also found in Miocene beds; no commeroirl oil has been rleorted fron the Opole, Producing depths range up to 9,000 feet; Standard 012)s interert was reltricted to 49 productive acres bore with actual Standard Oil participatton ix a total of only 5 wells. ? 34 Hrgriafirt 'Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 1-2-9.11-1F-2 The eastern extremity of the Westorr part of the hbreni-Baicoi ? trend? ie the Mbreni-Gura Ocnitei area, is in the Piscari-Ocolnita- Ditesti-Calinesti anticline, or syncIine-anticline, constituting a fold with thrust to the south. Local salt intrusions pierce the core of this and structure /diagonal faults of rinor character are present. In the easternmost (Calinent) and central (Ditesti) fields of the anticline, the Standard Oil interests had holdinr of only 49 acres in a total of 540 or more reported 1 January 19460 uith Standard oil participation in only 22 of the wells drilled prior to nationalizatloro Neotic formations are productive et depths of from 5,000 to 7,300 feet In the Calinosti-Ditesti fields, with average pay thicimoss of 50 feet; there are scattered shows of oil also present in the Niocenc beds? Together with the Piscuri North field situated outside of the anticline, to the north of the westernmost or Piscuri field of the structure, the entire P:v.scuri field comprises a structural high area of the lioreni salt block. In the Piscuri-Piscur:t North fields, the ?belie and Dade sands are productive at depths of from 1,000 to 6,000 feet. Standard Oil had interests in f)00 proCactive acres, and in a total of 91 wells drilled in the two fields. The Noreni-Gura Ocnitei fields are likewise located upon the general syncline-anticline of the 17oreni-Balcoi trend western area, formed as a fold with thrust toward the south. The Gura Ocnitei :1`ost-Moreni-Noreni North Zields locally comprise a thrust with salt intruded along the crostal portion of a separate anticline. These fields togethe2 constitute an eastern soctor? separated from the Guru Ocnitei Uest field by a diagonal fault. In the eastern sector anticline, the north flank is short and stoop while the south flank is long and gentle, The major pact of the oil deposits are prosent on the south flank. The Dacia and Ebotic sands are well-devolord in ? 35 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 the eastern nectar and l'ave bean pro:1111c oil reeenvoirs there, Moroni- Gura Ocnitei area production began on the southern flonk in this eastern sectors in shallow Docic wells drilled next to tzio salt mass, There was subsequent deoper Nettie nroductlon in the svm localitys following the Neotic formations down the din, Production since 1903 has spread out east and nest from norenly along the structural trend In the Moreni-Gura Ocnitei arca. Production depths mine from 1,000 to 7,000 feet in the Gura Ocnitei Fest-noreniericreni North fialdo, Standard Oil interests in that area applied to a total of 222 wells drilled on 493 productive acres. On 1 ;anuary 19460 the Morelli field was reported to consist of 3,700 productive acres s with an avezace pte:o thickness of 300 feet in the reservoir sands; for the timani North field the corresponding values were 1,100 acres and 90 feet of average thicknons; and for the Qum Ocnitei fields ltogether 1,300 acres end 150 feet of average thicnness, In the Gura Ocnitei Pest fie1d0 Standard Oil had interosts in a total of 43 wells drillod on 494 productive acres,. 'bale and Miocene (Holvetien) sands are productive in the Gura Ocnitei West field. An angular Pliocene-Miocene unconformity exists in the strata sequence of this field) representing a stratification discontinuity otherwise prevailing in the lloreni-Bnicol trend and in moot of the Ploesti Reeion sediments in senora'L. The salt intrusive does not penetrate the Pliocene in sone cases in the Gura Ocnitei West field in perticulcrs nnd the Meiotic (Pliocene) oil may have migrated upward from original accumulation in the inocone? hiocone production has been available in the field since 19380 but has been indicated to be none too satisfactory? The productive Helvetian formations are mostly confined to the central portion of the field where the Helvetian series contains porous bodes, 675 to 820 feet below the Mottle. By midyear 19480 154 wells were reported drilled below the neotic Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 ONO into the qi030ne; 78 of these wells were in good structural location, but of the 7e only half proved to be commercial Miocene producers. Productive depths have been reported to be from 1,300 to 5,000 feet in the Gura Ocnitel fields. The Gura Ocnitoi West field is separated by a fault from the Ochluri field, located on an anticline on the north. Production has extended westward from the Gura Ocnitoi fields into the Ragvad and Teis areas? with the Pliocene beds becoming successively thinner and less favorable in general oil prospects westward.. Tho Bucsant field is a domel and anticlinal fold featured by faultinn. A small area of salt Intrusive exiets beleu the Pliocene- Miocene contact in the structure,. The fleotic sands aro productive in the field, at depths of from 5,000 to 7,300 feet; the productive area was reported to be one of 3,900 acres on 1 January 1946 with an average thick- ness of 30 feet in the pay sands. Minor quantities of oil and gas are obtained from the crestal pertion of the structure. Standard Oil interests were confined to a total of 23 wells, drilled on 185 productive acres. The Dragenecsa-Rnneu structural trend is related, (a) to the regional Draganeasa fault, trending to the northeast from the west, and then eastward, and (b) to a shorter regional fault trending northeastward through the Chiciura-Runcu block so that the two faults intersect on the oast of the productive area of the trend, These faults were thrusts at lou angles, producing monocline fault structures? The Pitigaia field was listed to have 580 productive acres, pro- ducing from depths as shallow as 'TO feet, with an average pay thickness of 140 feet, 1 January 1946, fleotic and possibly Miocene (Helvetian) form- ations are productive in thwPitigeia-Dragneasa fields?. production was at first thought to be all from the hiocene, The final interests of the Standard 013 in the Pitigaia-Dragoroas- field consisted of five wells, kvirt4 wig ei Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Sea- saw drilled to depths of from 4,300 to 5,500 feet, on 169 peouuctive acres, The oil is accumuleted on the southeast or doun side of the thrust in the area, A minor thrust fault eelste just south of the naen eo 1 Januere 1946 the Busteneria-Ohiciuraeauncu areas were listed te heee 5,250 acre cAve? preductne at depths of from 100 to 2,500 feet, uith an ay eleee pay tUckness of 160 feet in the reservoir beds, Peeductien comes from the Dacia, otic, Oligocete and possibly Helvetian sends in the vrrious fields; Standard Oil interests controlled 4201 produetive acres it.. the areas, and had drilled 102 wells for oil by the time of nutionalizaticre The e'ereineni field is an anticline with gentle dip prevailing in tee beds, ereseed ter e number of nermal faults? The structure is bounded on the north by a high-angle thrust eavet,, flbetio and Mioeene (Sormation) sands are productive hut the Mbotii seriee is poorly developed., The upper and loeee members ei the Ebotic have produced gas and distillate, and seall amounts of oil have come from a basal thin sand in the neatic in a few wells, The eacic has also produced gas, Most of the largineni oil has been furnished by Miocene formations, The Miocene =min are well developed on the southern MIA wedge of the structure? and are productive in the southeeetern portion of the field, Miocene beds are eently disturbed on the southern flanker, they are only slightly steeper than the over/yine Ebotic strata, so that the latter truncate the Miocene beds, leaving the Miocene sands as reservoir. Meotic and Miocene sands are invaded by water on the northern !lank of the yeti- ciine. The Nargineni field actually developed as only a small producer, probably now exhausted. The cverage pay thiesness has been reported as 20 ;7est9 at depths from 6,000 to 79500 feet,, The final Standard Oil interest in this fold consisted or 31 wales drilled on 580 productive acres-, - 1-1-24-81-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 1-141-1144 TheAricesti reservoir etraoture ie a dem in coatour? with ealt stock an cemelicated faultina prevent,. The calt stock may ho a local intrusive in a aseerel anticline-syaeline structuee? coming in along a regional fault zone sietrierly as in the Moreni-Baicoi trend. The firicesti field was a minor productive area, however, and is probably now depleted&, leeetic sande are productbe in the field, yielding gas fram the upper members and oil from the lower. Productive depths are listed at from 4000 to 7,400 feet?, with avereae pay thickness of 30 feet. Reports show. 1,000 productive acres in the field on 1 Jmnuary 1946, Standard Oil had final field interest in 17 wale, drilled on 420 productive acres. The prolific ?Boldesti field is situated on an anticlire with strike east and vest, and with the aorth flenk under thrust along a fault simi1ar3y as in the Vargineni field, The overburden Levantine beds are ges-beering; gas is also obtained from the Dacia and the uppermost sande of the flhotic, Oil is accumulated in the lower three sand complexes of the Ileotie, On 1 janurry 19a the field was reported to have 5,000 productive acres, producing at depths from 500(X) to 90000 feet r from pay sands averaging 90 feet in thickness. Standard Oil -Interests had drilled 179 wells in the field by the time of nationalizations, on 10581 productive acres. The Ceptura reservoir structure is a prominent anticlinal fold in the sedinentaries, featured by a large thrust fault alona the southern flank. The northern flank has been dissected by minor nornal faulting after the oil had already accumulated. In the southwest in the Urlati area, there is thrust at the crest of the anticline, overriding the soath. Mbst of the oil comes fran the three sand complexes of the Mbotic; the Dacic is barren. The Miocene beds are much distorted, folded, and faulted, but they neverthe- less carry shcus of oil, especially in limeatones in the fractured crestal portion of the anticline. Reports show that the field had 2,100 productive 4"1"alE7414 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 2..-1-24fet acme ou 1 january 19461, producing at depths of from 2p400 to 5?000 feet, with avorae pay thickness of 110 feat in the reservoir beds. Standard Oil controlled 1,250 acres in the Ooptura-Or/ea fields? with 154 wells drilled for oil by the time of nat:tonalizat5rn, Tho Orlea field is on an extension of the Ceptura anticline. This anticline strikes eastward through the Orlea ,Ueld; the strike bends to the north- eastward on the east, passing through the Coptura field. The Paoureti-natita trend is along the Pacureti-Natita regional fault, trending east and west with thrust southward. The Pacureti struc- ture is a small, tightly folded anticline formed on the south of the fault, possibly by drag; this fold is underlain by another thrust, whore the lower movement occurred at low angle. Standard Oil intorasts developed practically all of the Paeureti field, with a total of 14 wells drilled on 279 productive acres prior to nationalization. Producing depths have been reported at from 2?000 to 50000 feet, with 180 feet average thick- ness in the pay sand, an unusually sandy phase of the Pentie. The Docio and possibly the Mootie have yloldod minor quantities of oil at the shallower depths. The recurele field produces from the fleotic? in a thrust foolt structure located southwestward along the main fault from Paoureti in the same structural trend. Oroditul thiar broueht in the Eagurele discovery well in 1938, while the Standard Or'. Neopetrol subsidiary appears to have cowleted another oell in the field at about the same, Ume. The n41eesti field lies at the western end of the structural trend vest of Ilacurole, Among the sevoral remaining ninor fields in the P/oesti Regtonv the Doicesti, Peden/ Vochi? and Sorani fields are located upon anticlines. A Valea Boului anticline is known to branch of to the north from the eart-west trending Peden/ Vochi anticline; the strike ia northward and to the east in 1.4-1E Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 .2-ifa3zur-U the Velea Poului structures situated between Podeni VecA and Pacureti- Nana. Still another anticline with northeastward trend lies between Coptura ar Podeni Vochi, It is an unexploited anticline known as Tatarul. Uith trends northeastward in fallts and anticlines the Sarani antielife Jo located south of a region's; fault having thrust to the southeast in Prahoval near the Buzau border northeastward from Pacureti? Suranl anticlt/a/ fold lios between the Sarani structure and the fault on the north,. A Soimari anticlinal structure extends across the boundary into BUZ7d, betw:en the Sarani and Pacureti fieldsp and a Laos Robesti anbielthe lies ii, BUZUU east of Pacureti. Tn Ueribovita the new Seta Seacl field may bo situated upon an anticline called Bratesti,trending met and west, The followf?ng minor Ploosti Region fields have been reported pro- ducing from Meotic ilands?, Filipoti de Padures Campinas Scalosio Copaconi, Doicestip and Gloderi, The Buzau Region fields apparenUy all produce from the Meotic? In the Toscani (Toscausiv or Tetcani) field of the Bacau Regions Standard Oil interests produced nearly 30,000 tons or oil from 35 wells drilled to Uficene (Helvetian) productive sands before abandoning the field. A test well nas drilled by Standard Oil in 1943, with good pros- pects indicated; deeper production was considered to be possible from Olicocene reservoirs., A cumulative production of 135,4 thousan0 metric tons of oil has been reported from Helvetian sends in the Totcanf! ;-Itanderd Oil had 299 acres or proved productive area in the field, repro- Dentin- 60% of the structure. Otherwise in the Bacau Region the Zenes-Tazlau and Stanetti-Solont field have been reported productive from Oligocene sands. The 14x.nosti -41.. 1+2444 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Pg+a.c."3"1*1101 field is currently the chief producing area in the region az far as knosn, producing fromJbotc? Oligocon4 and Eocene sands. Sovrompetrol has reported extensive new discoveries in the region, but the reality of this is questionable. On 1 January 1946 the Noinesti-Lucacesti ficlCs were reported to have "proved productive area of 275 acres,. containing pay sands averaging 40 feet in effective thickneasp producing at depths from 200 to 1,000 feet in an anticlinal emoturs. Based upon estimates made by the Rumanian corporation knoun as Romano-Amaricanao a former pperating subsidiary of the Standard. Oil Company (New Jersey),) the proved Rumanian crude petroleum reserves were reported thus as of 1 January 1947: EsTBIATED. nTROLEUMBETiavEs Area T.11 p ytweaboomanwacrearsbormr,fes.4.011........0 Ochiuri-Gura Ocnitei 1,:est Mbreni-Gura Ocnitai Zast ? Ditesti-Calinesti-Floresti. Buesani Balcol-Tintea Pitigaia-Campina-Runeu Pacureti Itrgineni Aricesti Boldesti Ceptura,-Orlea Ploesti fields Ploosti Region Buzau Region Bacau Region 1-14-1-141 ? ? irlajW41.0).?11(21 92Mtliq. trLL Percent 10p432 14.99 15,92C 22089 2,598 3.73 11,006 1.45 100958 15.75 6,241 8.97 436 0.64 912 1.32 363 0.52 9,138 13A4 6,786 9.75 604 O36 6%404 94.01 2,196 3.16 -24.27S2 69,570 Lai 100.00 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 140.4+14, In terms of peteentages-of the total these 1 Jnnunry 194i/reserves be were indicated tokontrolled by operating companies as shown EPTERAThl PIZROLMEE BERV4S. IN MEDIA- gpe_mang,Ssanany ciumz, Percent 12-12t21 Astra-Romano 21,1 Sospiro (Societe Anonyms de Petrol) Shell Interests 24,2 Steuna Romano Unirea 24.0 Other British Interests 21,1 Romano-Americana, Agentia Americana, Etc., 14.0 60spiro (Societe Anonyms de Petrol) Staneend Oil (New Jersey) Intereste 17.1 Concordia 9.7 Creditul Minter 8.6 Colobia 5.3 Prahova 23 I, R. D. P. Sovramostrol Group 29.6 state 0,8 Other Comnanies Miscellaneous Rumanian Interests 0, Although later reserve data have not become available for separate areas, the estimate for the current total- proved Romanian reserves has been substantially reducod?-not only by the estimated /7,156 ,bhousand metric tons produced from 1947 through 1950, incausivo? but also by an additional 7,081 thousand metric tons, to evel the currently published estimate of 45033 thousand metric tons for remaining proved petrolenm reserves in Rumania as of 1 Jnnuary 1951. This indicates a net loss in ultimWAs recovery of 7,081 thousand netrie tone over and above any new reserves oupposedly dis- covered since 1946. Of this net loss, 29526 thousand metric tons was applied as of mid-year 1948 by the Standard Oil Company uith respect only to thoso properties in which it had an interest. 43 ? i?refrall Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 1-14.141+1 The published estimate of 459333 thousand metric tons of proved petroleum reserves for mUrAnnia as of 1 January 1951 is leas than one-half of one percent of the corresponding total world reserves. There iz general evidence thot this estimated valve in veamomblv correct. ri 7. Recent Oil Exacration and Develfrompt j Spveral minor new oilfielas? but no new fields of conse- quence except for Floresti, were opened up in Rumania after the close of World War I/ and before the nationalination of the oil industry. Available details for some of these minor new oilfields are summarized as follows. These data were generally current 1 Jonuary I9490 The reported density of drilling is extraordinarily high an one of the acreages. In the western or DLmbovita portion of the Moreni-Gura ()coital area block in the Noreni-Baicoi trendrimediately west of the Onra Ocnitei fields, a now flasvad field had a productive area of about 30 acres in 1948, This new field Is inferred to be distinct from an older and larger productive area also wiled Rasvad. The new field is located in hilly country between the villages of Rasved do Joe and Rasvad do this, with the latter hamlet situated about 5 miles northeast of Targoviste, After prospecting in 1946, a well was completed in the spring of 1947 in the field:, producing from a sand at a depth of 3,900 feet. Ten Imre wells were started in the spring of 1948, with four of the wells completed as producers by the end of the year. Potential annual oil production of about 146 thousand metric, tons vas then reported from tl!,s, A test well in 1r,145 reportedly identified a new noilfield * distinct, from the older productive area generally called Viforata. This new field is situtted on the southeast of the village of Viforata? a suburban settle- ment just one mile north of Targoviste proper, on the banks of the lalomita. The 1945 discovery well in this new Viforata field VW noted to have a flowing potential of 150 tons of oil per hour (?)p with oil struck at n - 44 - itteg-E4rxi Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 4.4 depth of about 2,500 feet. Seven more wells were supposed to have been started in /946 with drilling equipment supplied by the aaviets. The pro- ductive area of the new field in 1948 wan reported to be about 640 acres* The Gorgota oilfield of Dambovita was indicated to comprise 20 acres of productive area in 1948. The discovery well of the region was completed as a prodvcer at a depth of about 4,000 feet in the fall of 1947. Seven welle vere drilled in r,he new field by midyear 1950 (three dry and four producers),. By the ene, of 1948 two wells had been completed as producers, while the otheravewells were then scheduled; natural flow potential from the two wells was reported at that tIme to be about 44 thousand metric tons of oil per year* Oil was discovered in a best well at 2,500 feet in the Doicesti field in 19430 but the first productive well was not completed until 1945. sixteen other wells wore drilled in the new field by March 1946, with a potential annual oil production of about 73 thousand metric tans reported* No additiorsl drilling woe indicated in the field prior to 1949c, The field then had c productive area of about 10300 acres* Oil was discovered in 1947 in the new field at Glodeni, in distinction to the older field alreaCy alrploited. This new pool was at a depth of about 30000 feet. Additional drilling was being carried on in the new field by the close of 19480 with one productive oil well conpleted at a rated potential of about 7,500 metric tons per year,, The Edora oilfield was prospected in 1945, with oil-bearing sands identified at depths of 40000 and 4,600 feet. Twenty-six producing wells were completed in the new field in 1946 and 1947, giving an annual potential of about 110 thousand metric tons of oil. The new Cheboosa field produces from sands at about the same depths as at Edera. Choboam was prospected in 1946. ExploraVon wells were avilledin194(10 and sevon exploitation wells were put down in 1947, - 45 Hereit?lt Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 resulting in a total annual rated pctential of about 26 thousand metric tons of oil. The 0heboosa productive area was reported to cover about 13 acres In 1948. At Valea Lunga another now oilfie16 was reported to have about 76 acres of productive area in 1948. 1945 prospecting had indicated oilsands at a depth of 59250 feet in this field.. Exploraion wells were drilled in 1946? and six exploitation wells were drilled during the owner of 1947. The latter six wells were all completed as producere, accounting for a rated potential of about 15 thousand metric tons of oil per year. The three sectors or the Drageneasa field were discovered in 1944. In 19480 the eectoc to the ueot of the village had a productive area of about 23 acres; the sector to the southeast of the village, about 8 acres; and the one to the east of the village about 36 acres Producing formations were found in the sector first mentioned, at a depth of 20300 feet; and in the second and tLIrd, at a depth of 5,600 feet. EXploration wells were drilled in the first sector In 1946t rwenty exploitation wells were completed by 1948 hut only six of these were productive (total potential at about 11 tholsand metric tons or crude petroleum per year). Exploration wells -wore put dour in the second sector in 19460 with soto of them becoming: producers. Five exploitation wells were drilled by 19480 but only three of nem were CO Trieted as producers (total annual potential of this oentor is about 9 thousand metric tons per year),.. Exploratten voile, e which some were productive, and oIx eltploitation uells9 4.productive0 wore completed in the third sector in 1947. The sector had a yea/lj potential of about 11 thousand metric tons in 1948. T'oe new Plata Campinei oilfield had a proved or productive area of about 25 acres in 19480 viscovory unz made in 1945 '4th oilsand reported at a depth of 0 feet. Thirty wells were completed in the field prior to 19489 with 17 of these productive, accounting for a potuntial or about 73 thousand metric tons per year. 46 1444?Yel Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 400 LP ?74 r410+1. "rjle.? The more western sector of the Brebu oilfield was discovered in 1945, with oil-bearing formations found at depths of from 3,300 to 3,950 feet; the more eastern sector was diacovered in 1946, with oilsands found at the same depths, In 1948 the productive area was about 30 acres in the eastern sector,and about 35 acres in the other? Exploration wells were drilled in both sectors in 1947, and some of these came in as commercial producers in the western sector0 Production wells were then put down in 1948? At the close of 1948 four wells were productive in the eastern sector, while 14 smeller wells were producing in the western area ,? Each sector then had a rated potential of about 55 thousand metric tons of oil per year? Other wells were being. drilled in the western sector in 19480 Fourteen new oil-productive areas of minor extent are thus indi- cated to have been exploited in Rumania in the period from 1945 through 1948, These 14 areas were reported to show a total potential annual oil production of about 636 thousand metric tons, omitting the unusually large and probably erroneous value inferred for the new area called Viforata. Twelve of the areas were indicated to have a total productive or proved area of about 2,236 acres; acreage values for the new Glodeni and Mere fields are not available0 Most of these new areas are not indicated to be effectively productive prior to 1948, and their productions are therefore not usually reflected in the statistics before 1948, Upon proved areas held by Standard Oil interests in June 1948 no undrilled locations were considered to be available. For deeper pools and fields extensione in the productive holdings of this cozpany, the prospects were coreidered to be mostly poor, and at the best in a few cases, only fair In extensive exploration carried on throughout the sedimentary basins since the time of nationalization of the oil industry, with this prospecting done by Red Rumania and doviet itussia agencies, the only important and certain new .47 alieria?1. Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 oil production has been confined to the Targoviste field, an extension of the Gura Ocnitei fields A new minor productive area may be in the Suta 3oaca fields. and the Gormunists hRve recently announced that prodigious but quite improbable new reserves have been discovered on the Yoldavia plains near Becan Other purported new discoveries have alread, been mentioned, in the Maramures, Salaj (northwestern Traneelvania), Arges, Olt, and Valcea Provinces as well as in the Banat Intensive Communiet petroleum weloretaons have been reportedly con- centrated in the Provinces or Judetal3 of Bacau, Botosani, Iaranures? SalaL Ciuc, Odorhei, Arges, Olt, Valcea, Gorj? and Bihor. Various new oil dis- coveries have been reported in these Provinces? in audition to those above noted. The new Targoviste field is indicated to be within an exAoretion area of lbout 15,000 acres, although the unknown value for proved area is evidently much smaller since the field is reported to be about equivalent to Bucsani in reserves? The productive Targoviste area may be in four sectors, with each in the vicinity of a village The Targoviste field was originally dis- covered by the Germens during 4orld ;;ar II; 5ovrompetro1 began teeting. the field May 1946, after discovery of German records, and began exploitation Parch 19/4.7 Me:or development of the field did not c)cur until after June 1948. The Comnunists thus did not actually discover the Targoviste field, but merely began developing it; they proved that more reserves than the Nazis suspected were present, and that earlier Rumanian wildcatting had not been deep enourh? In the uta Seaca field Sovrompetrol apparently had one well producing prior to 1950 with a rated potential of about 7,300 metric tons per year0 tour other wells were supposed to be then drilling in the field with plans reported for further exploitation. Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 L3ep.A.4mr4. Soviet interests appear to favor the Bacau Region for exploitation, possibly because of proxileity to the US31 Standard Oil Tetcani field holdings in this region were abanuoned after 1945, The Soviets cleim dis- covery of new Baceu oil reserves equal to those of the Ploesti Re; ;i..r1, with the productive potential of the &loan Region now 80 Limes that of 194t.', equivalent thus to about 34 million metric tons per year considerable known eeoloeic ,!ata do not support tlis claim although deeper orouuction has been indicated to be possible in the area, All known productive areas of Rumania are on the decline with respect to potential, It is probable that the Soviets will continue to obtain some new or additional production from these fields, by further stepouts from them and by more drilling to deeper pools within the producing areas ? The Tareoviste production was obtained in this manner, and it is not known that the Corerunists have been able to appreciably increase the numanian pro- duction in any other way, Intensive exploitation of the Rumanian reserves is evident qnder Soviet euidance, without conservation technioues apparent The reserves are being tapped by promiscuous drilling Old and formerly abandoned wells are being reopened. Lajor exploitations of some of the older fields have been specifically described in reports as summarized below. The only significant increaee in production in 1950 was in the Tar- goviate-Hasvad-Teis area, Considerable development is indicated in the Teis field, in the 3'iocene oilsInds discovered in 1947 The iJoicesti field appears to have become quite producive by further exploitation under jovrompetrol, the organization that is said to eontrol the field. 144414.4 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 New wells have been drilled to a newly eiscovered pool at depths of from 7,800 to 89200 feet in the southern end of the Floresti field, with good production obtained. Annual potential of nearly 35 thousand tons per well has been renorted from this horizon, ra,lor runtenia exploitation has been reeorted in the Baicoi-Liliesti- Tintea area, Good production has been obtained on the north flank of the Baicoi field at a depth of 6,6u0 feet; 60 wells were drilled to the deeper pool by 1950 h new productive zone was found in the Tintea field, at 10,500 feet below the surface. The deep Tintea pay W3S struck near the villae of Hirsa. In the spring of 1949 fourteen new oilwells were completed in the field north of Campina, west of the main road from Ploesti to 3razov These wells were said to have increased the Campina field production by 151 The 6ovieteRumanian firm called Creditui Linier, now in Sovrempetrol, had by ellen brought in oilfield elliement from the Kuban-Kaikop area of the 113:5H, Approximately 30 wells were completed to the deeper pay at 5,2u0 feet in the Canpina field by 1950. About 26 thousand metric tons per year were pre- viously produced from shallow zones in the field_ The !umanian Coemuniet regime has a Five-Year Plan in progress, covering the period 1951-1955 in the joviet pattern,. The 1955 oals include a crude production of 10 million metric tons with a total of 4,1 million feet to be drilled in oilwells durine: that year. In the interval, the plan pro- loses a wide application of secondary recovery techniques in the failing itumanian oilfields; 30 extensive sec)ndery recovery practices have been actuallY indicated in the fields to date. Bev thorna/ and catalmtis conversion charge capacities. Catalytic conversion units are nevertheless not at present kame to exist in Rumania. Purtherp a pipeline 132 miles long vas plannod to carry nethane as from the Transylvnnia &wino over the Carpathimullmatains to the Dacau Region. Irrprovenents 'Ind expansions more plmined ia lubo oil manu- facturing facilities4 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 It is evident that 6oviet Russia is r,pidly aainin!; absolute control over the Rumanian oil induotry, even if this is not alraaty the fact The 3oviet-domin ovrompetrol organi_ation is flourishing at the expense of all other petroleum acencies in Rumania, The 2untenia :roup and Rumanian nationalist resistance are currently bltmed in Soviet propaganda, for the oresent poor progress In augmentin the Rumanian crude petroleum production -ives an account of a joviet threat to Lake nvor the entire oil industry of .iumania through the a-ency of the 6oviet military milslon in Aicnarest, unless the production status raniuly improves in the country" The joviets have rePortedl;' ordered the Rtananian government to reduce lo all nationalized refiring in Rumania, and ship the crude to a new refincrj constructed by the Soviets in Batum, with a crude charge capacity of -,wo million tons per year in this plant. Orillina activities in Rumania, 1Jri)led footaae st?ti.0,ics have been reportel in some detail for patroleum developments in Rumania.. The rePorted data for recent years are sumarized in the following table" The Rumanian Communiots are indicated to have ov-rcome equiament shortages and other evident handicaps, sufficiently to achieve significant increases in thefootaa,ea drilled compared to forner times Rad ;Inr:nia hal attained new annual records in both the tatal and exploration well footares drilied The ratio of exploratory to total drilling has been much increaaed, and in view of the poor showinErs in the lroductian and reserve increaaes attained to date, this expanded explorttion would seem to indicate but araall prospects for future large petroleum discoveries in -51- Eft-fet-fri Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 t34.4-11,402 Rumania According to the current Five-Year aan Red .4umania has set an ambitious oai for drillin,T, in 1955 far above what mif.,,ht be inferred to be possible, considering the present limited facilities correlated with the results of the past:, in 19519 2,500 onwells were reported to be 7)roducing in "umaniapcovering an exnloited (probable) area of about 1,2 million acres in an exnloration (possible) area of about 5 willion acres. Known data indicate that it is not posible, however, for the proved oil-productive area to cover more than a small portion of the robbje expanse of sedi-. mentaries, On 1 Janury 1946 the proved or productive area of Rumania is supposed to have included only lbout 26 thousand acres within the most :Important fields, Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Tau? 4 rootam it Iloilo Drinod rev Oil Ai* Year stii.r*.1.19aiirreople ca.usestrotaant, Foot' e Drilled Total Exnloration Ex91oitation 1936 1,679,000 1937 1/ 1,292,000 1938.i 213,000 732,000 945,000 1939 . 840,000 1940 771,000 1941 830,000 1942 1/ 1,128,000 1943 .1?120,000 1944 482,000 1945 82,000 433,000 515,006 1946 43,000 400?000 443,030 1947 125,000 407,000 532,00)0 1948 q 361,000 720,000 1,001,000 1949 f/ 1,714,00J 1950 (Plan) 2,214,000 1955 (Plan) 1,804,000 2,296,000 4,100,000 124L3 ..econd rootlace Drilled First Second First Or--Inization Half HAI Total half Half Total Sovrompetrol 322,000 65?000 387,000 322,000 ' 331,000 653,000 Iluntehia h/ 458,000 142,000 600,000 480,000. 581,060 1?0.61000 Moldovo 1,/ 26,000 - 26,000 - Gth.-rs ......(223.M. - .68,09., _ 874,000 207,000 1,081,000 862,000 912,000 1?714,000 Fotnotos Tablo 4 follou ortp. 54e 53 .- k-i-a-a-frE Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 2-144-1 Foatnotos for Tattle 4 These values presumably exclude footage in the wells primarily drilled for gas. The 1947 and earlier values are compiled from reported and recorded statistics that show some variation among themselves. The later values are based unon reported estimates, with considerable variation present in these data. 1957 was the year with maximum total footage indicated prior to nationalization. 1938 was the year with maximum exploration drilling on record before nationelization. q/ 1942 wes the yeer with maximum footage drilled by Lazi occupetion agencies. ei Estimates for the total 1948 footage have varied from about 984,000 to about 1,094,00U hstinateu have indicated a footage of 38r60t, in all gas wells drilled in the Transylvania Basin during the yeer., f/ Estimates for the total 1949 footage have varied from about 1,575,0w to about 1,771,000 The 1949 plan apearently projected a total drilling footage of 1,456,000 with 597,00) for exploration and 859,000 for exnloitation. It is evident that at least the total plan goal was exceeded; estimates are not available for the footages separately attained for exuloration and exploitation. Ei Estimates are not available for the footages actually attained ia 1950. The 1948 values include footages drilled by companies before these latter were reeeectively absorbed in the indicated nationalized concerne, Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Senerp.n.reell Cermunist Rutania a-peers to continue to have acute shorta:es in oilwell drilline and other petroleum industry equipment. This is especially ree for units In good repair, and for apparatus of modern types, 6hile Red Rummia evidenti:r has sufficient capacity in the present refietne and other proeessine insallatiens such as they are, there has been sustained effort, at least formerlye on the par-, of the Communist regime to obtain petroleum industry eeuipment from non-Commuaist eeurces. The oilfield equipment in Rumania has deteriorated and the indastrce has been limited in procurement of new iters. At midyear 1950drow 80 to 100 drilling rigs were reported to be operaeing in Rumania. Included among these there were eresumebly several rotary rigs, repr-senting the more modern eeui ment successfully int oduced into the country by Anglo- American operators after 1920, Yost of the Rumanian drilling ries were, how:ver, of the cable tool tepe, brough in from Russia and other Orbit countries, and at least in the case of some the older apparatus still in use, from the "West", Also included arLoa: thass ries there were reportedly some 20 to 30 old type steam units of Rumanian manufecture,fabricated by the Resita and roncordia plants, Although some intelligence reports assert the contrary, oilfield equipment is probably still manufactured in Rumania with a large part of the outeut sent to Russia for "reparations" umania reportedly manufactures spare parte in limited quantities for the drilling rigs used in the country, of both Rumanian and foreign meke, humanian-manufectured items such as the following are being shipped to 4Luesia for the so-called reparations, in accordance with recent reports: drilling bits, drill pipe, t al/cling and crown blocks elevators for drill pipe and tubing, rotary drill tables or rotary machines, casing, tubing, derricks liner hangars, rotary swivelsp and other drill rig parts. It is apparent that but little of the Rumanian- manufactured equioment is left for use in Rumania. 55 r 4" ? Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 s.1.441,44: 9. of Oilwells 5 Rumania, For gas and oil in :tumenia in total, in areas onclusive of the regions in which gas and no oil is known to occur, with these gas producing regions constituted chiefly by the Tr-u1 :inres (Transylvania Basin) and subordinately 'tnesti (Prahova Province) gas fields, it I. estimated that about 10,200 wells were drilled prior to 1943. This estimated number includes 8,050 productive oiluolls, 1,750 dry holes, and 400 wells produc- tive of flis only. :.ithin this period of tine prior to 19480 the Standard 011 (New Jersey) interests hnd accounted for more than 11,5% of the total petroleum produced in Rumania; the Standard Oil subsidiaries had, as of 10 June 1948, drilled about 11175 wells primarily for oil in Rumania, with this number probrIly represented by 925 productive oilwells, 200 cloy holes, and 50 wells productive of gas only. As of January 1, 1945, 1,831 wells were rerorted to be producing oil in Rumania. By 1 January 19460 the correspondin7 number was reported to be 10994. The avnrane production rate pr uell is evidently decreasing in the old oilfields of Rumania and by 3 January 1951 it isletimated that about 2,500 oi3wells were producing in the country, including a larger p-,r- centage of small producers in comparison to former times. The latter estimated number includes 600 flowin_ wells, 1,350 wells on pumps, and 550 wells on gas lift. Of the annual Rumanian production in 19470 the Standard Oil holdings contributed about 14.75 and as of 1 January 19480 the Lumnien Standard Oil productive oilwells anpear to have been about 365 in number* consistirr, of 90 flowing Trolls, 200 wells on pumps, and 75 wells on gas lift. While a 6reak-down by separate areas is aVailable for the Standard Oil company wells, giving the total drilled and the ones still productive at the time of nntionnlization, the known data are insufficient for .56- 244reteirt, Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 estimating a similar break-down of the other wells by areas. The correorondino data have become scattered and fragmentary since 1947. In the Rumanian oilfields in 1944 the following well completions were rerorted 98 productive oiluells, 8 gas we/ls, and 13 dry holes, a tote]. of 119 wells, In 1945 the correso)onding total uar one of 91 wells completed, consisting of 73 oiluells, 10 uells, and 8 dry holes In 1947 there were similar:1y but probably incompletely reported only 64 well completions (59 oilwells, 3 gas wells, anl 2 dry hl3es). Versus 160 wells supposed to have been completed in the fields in 1949 under the Communist regime, the number of completions is reported to have dropped to 98 in 1950. The Soviet occupying authorities are said to have placed blame for this decrease, equally upon eouipmnnt shootar:es and upon sabotage by workers, Reports have persistently indicated that Rumanian nationals are in considerable number opposing the domlnation of the Soviets with the resent- lent exhibited indirectly in this fashion, Although the Soviets are clearly vigorous within certain limits in their attempts to expand the petroleum production potential in Rumania, it is evident that the reserves are being exploited without much regard to conservation. The Soviets are virtually confiscating the oil products so as to make rigid rationing necessary in Rumfnia, In the construction of /moil pipeline from Ploesti to Odessa in the Ukraine, a project the true status of which is still open to question, reports have? for instonce? indicated deliberate sabotage inspired by Rumanian natLonalists, The completion of such a pipeline would carry still more oil and oil products away from Ira-mien, Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1 Evair?T ? 10, General CharacerLgtictl_g 4unalIiqp .Q11, The 1939 Aumanian petroleum production WO reported to consist of 60% paraffir base ty7e, 32?- 4301?Iin gravity9 and of 40% mixed paraffin and asphalt base type9 330- 390 API in gravity, Ave.once?API density data for the productions from the more importcnt separate areas have been recorded as follows: ProduoI4m1roll Avergft_0./pi Bcicoi-tiliesti-Tintea 39 Ploresti 39 Piscuri-Ditesti 33 Moro-)i-Gura Ocnitoi 33 Buosani 38 Ooicesti 39 Glodeni 38 Mahil Rosu 37 Filiposti de Fadure 43 atirala 41 Draganeasa 36 Campina Bustenario-Runcu 41 42 Marg:ixeni 39 Aricesti 35 Boldesti-Paulosti 37 Ceptura 34 Malaosti-Magurele 32 Paeureti 52* Scaiosi 40 Copaconi 41 Sarata-Montooru 38 Berea 38 Arhanasi 39 Moinesti 43 Zeines-Tanlau 43 Stanosti-Solont 43 Tetcani 43 4761ATTIA6r-- 58 ....auroft-rwelf _ Approved For Release 2006/05/24: CIA-RDP79-01093A000200020004-1