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October 18, 2006
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i Approved or R I~ 40~f 4 ,;F ?:88 Q1.314RP1 0.1005 INW, ! ~, , '' - HnXl-Qe.sga D1l1ZaT10i1 sounding.' jobs 'as "political analyst, By John D. ' Mal; ks Department of the Army." Identifying. American 'military-intel- ligence personnel abroad is even WASHINGTON,--Now that President Ford has-publicly asserted 'that the United States has a right to "de- easier. In countries where there are no United States forces stationed, most stabilize" foreign governments, other of them are simply called defense countries might ` consider 'whether to attaches. permit entry to America's agents .of C.I.A. operatives under "deep cover" Intelligence Agency butt also as newsmen, missionaries, and Tjiese people, after all, engage-: in students-=?-would be more difficult to covert activities that the Director of spot than their "diplomatic" brethren, Central. Intelligence, William E. Colby, but a government coald.handle many" recently admitted would be crimes if of these by announcing that any cor- committed in this, country. poration knowingly.'concealing a C.I.A. Why should any sovereign nation man would be subject to expropriation. stand for that sort of thing, and, more Certainly not all United States'intel- important, what can a country do to ligence operatives could be discovered, protect 'itself from C.I.A. attack? but such tactics could seriously disrupt Foreign governments could inform C.I.A. operations. Nevertheless, even the State Department that employes the most determined and clever gov- of the C.I.A. and other United States ernment- could, probably not stop the spy agencies are:. not :welcome; and flow of. secret C.I.A. funds of the type must -be withdrawn immediately-if the that President Ford has admitted were United States wishes to. continue dip- secretly paid- to Chilean ,Opposition lomatic relations. leaders and newspapers. -As long,as there are citizens willing Admittedly, Britain, Canada and ? to accept the laundered C.I.A. funds, South Africa would probably not expel ' the agency.will contrive ways to. get the C.I.A. because the agency operates money to them. in these countries mainly to exchange For example, in Greece the C.I.A. has intelligence data and maintain close over the years recruited thousands of liaison. political, military, police, labor,.news Similarly, the Soviet Union almost media, and academic figures. Now as certainly would not want to expel Greece restores democracy and moves C.I.A. operatives, since the United away from America's' alI?encompassing States would surely retaliate with embrace, there is real fear in the similar action, breaking an unwritten Greek Government that the United rule that. both powers have a right. States will act to stop what Washing- to spy on the other. ton policymakers perceive as a left- But allied and third-world countries ward drift. . that have -no, wish to infiltrate our Government or to "destabilize" our democratic institutions-as the C.I.A.. While the. Greek. Government could. did to Chile's--might declare them probably identify and expel most. of selves . espionage-free ..zones. They the. C.I.A. operatives-60, according to could make clear that their refusal to one newspaper. report-the many allow the . operations of the C.I.A.. Greeks.'already in the C.I.A.'s employ (or K.G.B., or any other foreign in- would remain as potential fifth colum telligence service) should not be con- nists to which the agency could pro- sidered an unfriendly. act..... vide assistance. Since all C.I.A. personnel are abroad Perhaps the way for Greece to rid on false pretenses;- finding them- in 'herself of the C.I.A.'s pervasive influ- order to expel them would be a poten- ence would be to declare a general tial problem. but one greatly simpl- amnesty for all citizens who are with fled by the C.I.A.'s standard procedure the agency. If genuine forgiveness were of sending most of its operatives promised in return for immediate co- abroad as bogus State Department of operation, and stiff penalties promised ficers. for those convicted of staying on the Over 25 per cent of. the people who . C.I.A. payroll after the amnesty period, are listed as working'for the depart- enough of the C.I.A.'s Greek contacts ment overseas are actually with the might provide sufficient information C.I.A. And by cross-checking two un- to enable the Government to start un- classified State Department publica- raveling the agency's extensive agent tions, the Foreign Service List and the network. Biographic Register, most of the C.I.A. The point is that foreign govern- operatives, 'normally' listed as Foreign meats do not need to stand by idly Service Reserve officers, can be dis- tinguished from America's real diplo- iwhile the C.I.A. attempts to "destab- tinguished the Foreign Service Officers. ilize" ize them. While there are ? Reserve Officers John D. Marks is an Associate of the i who do not work for the C.I.A. those Center for National Security Studies Ca (b51, W:`(ff~, I cr 'c~v A S at k A-F'a, Z- -A VSs2 1 . - ( / 3 . O 1 3 5oC O/. I 1=m~~E ~e~lc V i C'e L r-S T ajRlrCD who'do are conspicuous by incomplete in.. Washington and co-author, with i } biographical data, which usually in- Victor Marchetti, of "The C.I.A. and cludes lore service in such vague- the Cult :~f Intelligence." Approved For Release 2006/10/19: CIA-RDP88-013148000100520036-9