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f:.4 fj G~.r,f~ approved For Re1easflj24Q't14107 : CIA-RDP88-01314 13 December 1976 Bumper crop- 'Gays, omethina for Everyone ' '."Robert Sclinayerson (formerly of Mar Inc.'s successful People. But it sprang to . any stripe. "I'm fed up with publications York Times Co., and Times executive "At.last,"says the advertising blurb for a slick new monthly appearing on news- that appeal to our worst instincts," he stands this week, "a magazine dedicated says. "Let other editors drag readers vice president Sydney Gruson claims the 90,000 copies achieved a healthy news- I stand sale of 69.6 per cent. (lolling Stone growing special interest in the world! _ terested in people as they really are- four weeks ago enfolded a sampling ofits 2 YOU.".Not surprisingly, the magazine is and could become: planned outdoorsy Outsicl a kind of called YOU-and it is typical of a fresh Magazine publishing is not for get- "National Geographic for this genera- and not-so-fresh new batch ofperiodicals -:- rich-quick schemers. The average profit tion,"- according to publisher Joe Arm- angling for a slice of a burgeoning mar- margin fora general-interest magazine is strong Jr., who reports that the start-up I 1 ket. The magazine industry is moderate - 5 per cent. But it is an "easy entry" field, financing of "several million dollars" ly bullish this year: total circulation is . up requiring little initial capital, and by one came from Stone's assets. : -2 per cent, revenues an average 22 per trade estimate some 400 new magazines. Other new magazines hope to tap into- cent. But while the surest audience grab- of all descriptions have started up in ready-made mass markets. Working "_bers are'specialty publications catering 1976, nearly twice as many as last year. Woman targets an estimated 38 rritfTicrn to arcane tastes-from backpacking to Stephen Kelley, president of the 11aga- wor0ng mothers, wives and single worn- bondage--ambitious new entries, like zine Publishers Association, attributes on for the sort of survival-manual fea- YO U, :are pitching .for- general reader: -.the current growth to an improving econ--- tures it has dished up in its first two ship. And even the specialty magazines omy and "perhaps, and I say this guard- issues. ("Dos and don'ts for working U seem-convinced that. they offer some---- edly, some. TV disenchantment.on the mothers Don't expect a perfect child. ' thing for everyone: _ ^ part of advertisers." And its true enough Don't expect a perfect household. Set up al month Ty aune ed last July, available and lower-priced than time on. -(named for a United Min eWoikers or =mosexu nN `: bills itself optimistically, as "The Gay TV. Even so, there is aproblem in selling ganizer) began last. January as a succes Magazine for . the' Whole Family. A No-- a magazine that does not yet exist and = sor to the defunct Ramparts, and is play-`ember arrival,'' _ -Aitii The ; National once it does exist, in getting it off the ing to this decade's descendants of the!'-' Magazine for Italian Americans, features. ground.. Christopher Street has been counter-culturists who kept Rampnght Italian success stories,Italian cars, Italian leaning heavily on excerpts from literary .:` going strong in the '60s.. a first-issue spread on gar works in progress to fill its pages, be- NoBounds:Thenewpublieationsmt lic--but hopes ecumenically "to bring a cause it has not yet built a contributor's do well to emulate the verve, if not the ,: bit of the Old Country to our non-Italian roster of its own. Siiver_Faxes, a glossy portentousness, - of their promotional I-AM already has, a ca-ethnic monthly "For Men And Women, " is evi- . copjy. CT ayseditorReynolds I7odsonin. competitor, Ide'ntit ,.which, despite edi dently reaching too few of either. After an introductory message, "is a panorama tor Raffaele Danato's claim to have com- five issues, the magazine has laid off : ofpeople caughtin the mainentafchange piled "the- first pure Italian-American most of its staff. attuned to the inner feelings and mailing list'..`. (around 1.1 million names), A ls: The more promising infant emotions we all share.- A blurb forYOU : promises to be a nonchauvinistic_"hu- magazines are those born of wealthy declares it is "filled with all the discav manist magazine in the specific sense of' parents. Quest/77 is funded by the Am- - ery, anxietyand body-tinglingsensuality i being concerned with people." - r bassador International Cultural Founda- of getting close to someone you really i appear- next spring+ calls. itself simply the Fundamentalist Worldwide Church bounds. "It relishes life and challenges I to themost exciting, fascinating, fastest through cesspools of mediocrity. I'm in- "The ~biagaz.ine of I:xc i1ence: " it will of _uoci. nigh-powered test mailings despair,' writes' editor Schnayerson. i= offer inspirational text and pictures for have already brought in 175,000 sub- "Those ofus whose privilege it istoshape :--affluent adventurers by1 Fbr lelgt Oif k7f 064,1 TT rl i'3t~ 4! 9061 } 1dO fit]- are barely able=to