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Document Creation Date: 
December 20, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 18, 2007
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Publication Date: 
August 2, 1982
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Approved For Release 2007/05/21: CIA-RDP88-01070R000100290004-0 RADIO TV REPORTS, INC. 4701 WILLARD AVENUE, CHEVY CHASE, MARYLAND 20815 656-4068 PROGRAM The Daily Drum STATION WHUR Radio Pacifica Network DATE August 2, 1982 6:00 PM CITY Washington, DC Marilyn Monroe and the CIA FLOYD DONALD: A theory that actress Marilyn Monroe was murdered by the CIA and was not a suicide victim, is coming to the fore again, as we hear in this report from Laurie Lerner. LAURIE LERNER: Mario Spreglio [?] says he's convinced Marilyn Monroe did not commit suicide but was murdered because she was about to tell what she knew about CIA-backed attempts to kill Castro. Spreglio, who spent more than a decade investiga- ting the death, says recently demoted LA County Coroner Thomas Naguchi [?] ignored evidence pointing to murder when he conducted the autopsy in 1962. MARLO SPREGLIO: There is a diary that was last seen in the coroner's office on the date of Marilyn Monroe's death. The following day it just disappeared and it was stricken off the inventory. It makes a lot of references to the Kennedys and people involved in what we believe to be a murder-coverup. LERNER: Thursday marks the 20th anniversary of the death of the sex goddess, and Spreglio plans to hold a news conference on Wednesday demanding that the case be reopened. SPREGLIO: When I first entered the case approximately ten years ago, I believed that Marilyn Monroe did, in fact, 'commit suicide. But since my lengthy investigation, I determined beyond all reasonable doubt that Marilyn Monroe was murdered and did not commit suicide. SPREGLIO: We believe that she was murdered by a vashion [?~ of the CIA. OFFICES IN: WASHINGTON D.C. ? NEW YORK ? LOS ANGELES ? CHICAGO ? DETROIT* AND OTHER PRINCIPAL CITIES Material supplied by Radio N Reports. Inc. may be used for file and reference purposes only. It may not be reproduced, sold or publicly demonstrated or exhibited, Approved For Release 2007/05/21: CIA-RDP88-01070R000100290004-0