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Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 OGC 77-7825 7 December 1977 MEMORANDUM FOR: Records Administration Branch STAT STAT SUBJECT : Authority to Exempt Information and Material from General Declassification Schedule 1. You have requested a copy of a previous opinion of this Office to the effect that only officials granted authority to classify materials or information at the Top Secret level may authorize exemptions from the general declassification requirements of Executive Order 11652. I have been unable to locate such a paper and so provide you instead with this opinion to that effect. 2. Section 5(B) of Executive Order 11652 recognizes that classified infor- mation or material furnished in confidence by a foreign government or international organization, specifically covered by statute or pertaining to cryptology or disclosing intelligence sources or methods, disclosing any matter the protection of which is essential to national security, or which would place an individual in immediate jeopardy, may require classification beyond that provided by the General Declassification Schedule. It is specifically provided that [a] n official authorized to originally classify information or material "Top Secret" may exempt from the General Declassification Schedule any level of classified information of material originated by him or under his supervision if it falls within one of [these] categories. . . . No other authority to so exempt material or information is provided in the Order. The category of each such exemption must be specified in writing on the material as well as, unless impossible to determine, a date or event upon which automatic declassification may occur. These requirements, including the limitation of STAT .. . . , s T f are restated in Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 Next 6 Page(s) In Document Denied STAT Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY This Notice Expires 1 .Nay 1978 27 April 1977 SECURITY MARKINGS ON GRAPHIC MATERIALS 1. Recent serious breaches of security in the handling of graphic materials require immediate remedy. Such breaches are caused primarily by failure to indicate the required classification or control markings on graphic materials sent to Agency graphics and printing facilities for preparation and distribution. The result often is the dissemination of highly sensitive materials with no classification or control markings. ? Moreover, in the production of graphic materials numerous preliminary sketches or printings may be made before final selection. Without proper classification or markings, artists or printers who do not have appropriate clearances could be involved in the work, or unmarked drafts could be thrown in the unclassified trash. 2. Effective immediately, Agency graphics and printing facilities will not accept job orders if the materials do not contain classification and control markings. (If the materials are unclassified, they should be ? so marked.) The responsibility for providing such markings rests with the originator. FOR THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE: 0 ? ? JOHN F. BLAKE Deputy Director for Administration DISTRIBUTION: ALL EMPLOYEES (1-6) ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 STAT Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 #, 10~ STAT Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 Excer is Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 RECORDS MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE 1977 A REVIEW OF THE NATIONAL SECURITY (Assistant CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM for Information, UDA Good Afternoon Fellow Foot-soldiers, Being in the kind of work you are in, I am sure you are familiar with the Executive Order. Since the Carter administration is dedi- cated to openess in government, we are presented with a threat if we do not get on top of the classification program. Therefore, in the future, we need to apply classification properly and sparingly. Congress is on our back, the courts are on our backs, and the Executive Branch is on our backs; and we have to mend our ways. Even though the Executive Order is not good, it is all we have to work with. Every time we classify a document, we are making a long commitment of action we will have to take. In order to reduce the burden of classi- fication review, we need to reduce the number of classified documents. In order to protect our real secrets, we need to stop..protecting our non-secrets. What can we do., starting with you? You have to realize that your role has changed. For many, many years RMO's have been somewhat, if not totally ignored. Also, most of you have probably experienced pointing out an error in an office and have been practically thrown out. The last few years have emphasized to top management that we can rise or fall from records. The first thing for you to do is to use your clout. Don't let records mistakes go unchallenged. Go to higher management levels for attention if needed. It is important that you speak out and stand up and challenge and question. It is important also that you do your best to pass along any education you can. I think you all should go back and read Execu- tive Order 11652. What can the Agency do? It is obvious to all of us that the guidance reaches from poor to non-existent. We are going to set up later this year a classification management program. It will go to the ISAS by the end of the year and will serve the whole Agency. STAT Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 There are just two basic things I want to leave with you: 1. All of you have a very personal role and a very personal obligation to participate in the Agency's classification program. 2. You should realize and accept the fact that you have new roles, and you should exercise them fully to make this contribution. It is my opinion that the RMO will have to do the police action. Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 ANNUAL RECORDS WNFERENCE 4 May 1977 ''REVIEW OF'THE'CLASSIFICATION'SYSTEM Why a Review? A.', New Administration philosophy B. Watergate legacy C. Lessons of FOIA 1. Publish policy guides 2. Set-up,training program Role of Records Officers 1. Records Officers have clout - Importance of Records 2. Function to monitor compliance with Ex..Order STAT Classification/Declassification'as 'Records 'Function A. Declassification Program B. Classification Management Officer in ISAS Prospect for Changes in Classification System A. New Executive Order 1. Expanded definitions 2. Shortened time frame for exempted material - 25 yrs. B. Paragraph classification - Agency & Community initiatives C. Sources & Methods -D. 5tat u+oc j C -1ssA. Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 EML:4/19/77 Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 feature SECURITY CLASSIFICATION CONSCIOUSNESS RAISING Do you know why seemingly innocuous memoranda and purely administrative doc- uments, like this copy of Exchange, require national security classification? Do you know what "E2 IMPDET" means at the bottom right corner of classified docu- ments? If you aren't quite sure, you are not alone-probably many Agency employees would hedge their answers to these ques- tions. Over the last few years the need for education in the use of national security classification has become a stark reality. With the amendments to the Freedom of Information Act in 1974, the Agency began reviewing documents for release to the public. This intensive search and retrieval process has surfaced the widespread abuses of the classification system commit- ted over the years because of a lack of Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 Progr Special with the establishment o levement and Except complishme awards serve wards in May ecogniz exceeding job requi or spectacular achi value; an excep ational activity, brillian 63 ally p al Ac- 4. These performance ; a brilliant job uctive oper- a comparativ chnical breakthrough 'chievement. Since 1974, a to ards have been approved totallin 5,225. (UNCLASSIFIED) Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 training. In retrospect, it appears that Agency writers suffered from 'secretitis,' stamping nearly every document produced SECRET. And now, the review of these so- called "classified" documents to determine the legitimacy of the classification consumes enormous amounts of time and effort on the part of 30- Year Review many Agency to be established this year will involve a review of all 30-year-old classified holdings to determine the necess- ity for retention of national security classifi- cation beyond the limit set by Executive Order 11652 on national security classifica- tion. The volume of this material which must be reviewed prior to transfer to the National Archives for historical preservation is esti- mated in the thousands of cubic feet-and that is for 1947 records alone. If Agency classifiers had been more judicious in the past in the application of classification, the task of reviewing this material might not be so mammoth. And, if we are not more judicious today, the problem for the next generation of officers will be even more monstrous. The Directorate of Administration is taking steps to develop instructional programs to meet the needs of Agency employees, particularly classifying officers, in the use of national security classification. Although the element of sound judgment can never be totally eliminated from classification deci- sions, guidelines are a necessity. So, to ease the decision-making process, the Director- ate plans to gather, consolidate and publish Agency guidelines, incorporating Intelli- gence Community directives and the unwrit- ten policies we've used in the past into a reference handbook for classifiers. Another classification consciousness-rais- ing effort is a briefing program. An officer whose specialty is national security classifi- cation briefs new employees and authorized classifiers on the proper use of national security classification. Additionally, arrange- ments are being made to include similar briefings in regularly scheduled courses so as to reach the broadest possible audience. She is available to brief others who feel their offices require updating of their knowledge Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 25X1 25X1 and responsibilities vis-a-vis For further information contact the system. on extension) The Directorate takes seriously our com- pliance with the spirit of Executive Order 11652 to classify less. One aspect of compli- ance in which we have been somewhat negligent is the requirement to classify documents by paragraph. To remedy this situation and bring us more into conform- ance with other agencies, a regulation on paragraph classification has been circulated for coordination. Hopefully, this procedure will force writers to stop to reflect on the classification they assign to paragraphs of documents and common sense will prevail over the automaticity of classification. If you can't answer the questions at the beginning of this article, perhaps you are guilty of classification by rote. The four Rules for Classifiers are meant to increase your classification consciousness: ? Challenge classification decisions you feel are not correct. *Classification. decisions should be made consciously, not automatically. ? If you are a classifier, remember it's your number that appears on the documents. So, be sure you under- stand the rationale for the classifica- tion. ? The concept of individuality applies; every document is classified on its own merit. (UNCLASSIFIED) Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2007/07/09: CIA-RDP86-00674R000200050005-1