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June 30, 1964
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Approved For ReleaseSEI (421 : 40676R000200040043-1
(CLASSIFICATION) : ?9- 37_2120
Deputy Director (Support)
SUBJECT : Policy Guidance for Preps
Fiscal Year 1966 Budget
Action Memorandum No 399
80 JUN 1964
ation and Review of
L. During FY 1964 the Agency has taken a number of important
steps in complying with the President's admonitions for economy and
efficiency. No vital operations have been impaired, productivity has
been improved, and the over-all oncduty strength reduced. In FY 1964
there has also been considerable reprogramming in the Agency, both
within and among Directorates, and some elimination of marginal
programs in order to accommodate new higher priority efforts. With
the requirement to submit the Agency's FY 1966 budget, there is pro-
vided a farther opportunity to take the kind of hard program look
requested by the President.
Z. 'Within the next few days the Offices of your Directorate
will be called upon to prepare their FY 1966 budget estimates. It is the
Director's wish that each Deputy Director and Office Bead personally
review these submissions with the utmost care to insure that they represent D
a sound allocation of resources against highest priority objectives.
3. The Director has instructed that the budget reflect a decline
in overcall Agency personnel strength to by June 1965. Within the 4i
.Agenc totals the peroonnel ceiling for the DDiS will heL.. n FY 1965 25X1
and I i FY 1966. The personnel ceilings includel Ipositions for 25X1
the Career Officer Training Program and propose no change in communi
cations support levels. These two ceilings are not to be reduced in
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80601676R000200040043-1
Excluded from antemati,-.
downrading and
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CIA/ill. I
adjusting the position allocations within your Directorate's new ceilings.
Requirements for additional ceiling to meet an expanded role in the
National Communications system will be provided for if pending proposals
are approved. Dollar target ceilings to accommodate your programs
for FY 1966 are million. Dollar ceilings for the FY 1965 Financial
Plan are now under review in the Office of Budget, Program Analysis and
Manpower. However, prior to the issuance of allocations it will be
necessary to provide SPAM by 15 July with the new office break-out
of your Directorate's FY 1965 manpower ceiling.
4. The achievement of these goals will require all of us to
demonstrate our management ingenuity in reshaping and reassigning
current assets to meet future demands as we see them. New priority
programs must go forward and other less important cones dropped.
Deputy Directors and Office Heads, in concert with my office, will be
expected to reprogram and effect reorganisations 4. necessary to
accomplish the FY 1965 and FY 1966 objectives.
0/BPAM/JMClarke: vgd 28 June 1964
orig and 1 - addressee
1 - ExDir-Compt
1 - D/BPA.M
(signed) Lyman B. Kirkpatrick
Lyman B. Kirkpatrick
Executive Director-Comptroller
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BPAM 64.0633
MEMORANDUM ir0i4.: Deputy Director (Support)
SUBJECT FY 1965 Position and Fund Allowances
REFERENCE : Action Mein* 399 dated 30 June 1964, subject:
Policy Guidance for Preparation and Review
Of FY 1966 Budget
1. The attached schedule contains yew FY 1965 position and dollar
ceilings by office for inclusion in the FT 1966 budget estimate.
Z. The distributien Of positions within your directorate is in accord
with the breakdown furnished by your office in response to Action Memo
399. The total dollar ceiling is the planned allocation for your directorate,
subject to Congressional approval of the Agency's budget and apportionment
by the Bureau of the Budget. The office breakdown is the result of budget
reviews and hearings by OBPAM but may be adjusted within the total for
your directorate, in consultation with ?SPAM, if you determine such
steps appropriate.
3. It is anticipated that the Federal Employees Salary Act of 1964
pending in Congress will be approved so the 1965 allowance includes an
estimate of for this added cost. The detail of this breakdown
has been computed in persona' tie:vice machine runs furnished to your
BudgetiFiscal officers.
4. In addition to the 1965 data, the attached schedule lists the FY 1964
average employment and actual dollar obligations by office for the 1964
column of the budget. The dollar obligations accord with Agency records
as of 30 June 1964 and cannot be changed except for comparability adjust-
ments between Wiese.
Jr:0 P.It-17f!
,o; 3?A
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5. The referenC. also latithlished for FY 1966-personnel ceilings
and dollar target ceilinas for vour directorate. That dollar ceiling is
hereby revised from to accommodate estimated 25X1
pay act costs. You are requested to provide ()SPAM with budget
estimates Within these ceilings as prescribed in the Call for Office
Estimates FY 1966. dated 6 July 1904.
.; B. Kirkpatrick
Ptecutive Director -Comptroller
Orig. gz 1 - 'Addressee
1 - ER I,/
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