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Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP85M00364RO01502590087-8 Iq Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP85M00364RO01502590087-8 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP85M00364R001502590087-8 SECRET) L The Director of Central Intelligence b r DC2ows INTERAGENCY INTELLIGENCE ASSESSMENT 26 October 1983 GRENADA: THE CUBAN FACTOR Prior to yesterday's invasion, the Cuban contingent in Grenada was believed to comprise at least 400 personnel consisting of the following elements: -- a construction brigade housed at the Point Salines Airfield (350 personnel) 25X1. 25X1 -- a military advisory mission headquartered about a mile north of Point Salines (10 to 12 advisors) -- the Cuban Embassy staff and guard force located in southeastern St. Georges (at least 15) civilian technicians and advisors (including 25 medical personnel and 15 technicians at Radio Free Grenada) t at 350 Cuban workers at the airfield were safe and in their barracks. These men include many military reservists, some of whom ma have had combat x ri nee in Angola or Ethiopia. indicated they were armed 25X1 and may have been formed into squads or companies. Cuban Colonel Pedro Tortola Comes, who arrived on the island only Monday, was said by Radio Havana yesterday to be in charge of the workers holding out at the airport. This Interagency Intelligence Assessment was requested by the National Security Council Staff. It was prepared under the auSDices of the National Intelligence Officer for Latin America by o25X1e Office of African and Latin American Analysis, CIA. a ssessment was coordinated at the working level with the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, and the Department of State. Information available as of 0900 hours on 26 October 1983 was used in the preparation of this Assessment. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP85M00364R001502590087-8 This does not include any forces that may have been aboard a Cuban Naval which has been used to transport the Vietnam Heroico ship trainin d A , , g emy ca cargo and as a troop carrier that was anchored at Port St. Georges. 25X1 U 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP85M00364RO01502590087-8 SECRET The Cuban military advisory contingent is evidently larger than we had 25X1 25X1 nreviously estimated and could number as many as 100. Reporting 25X1 fighting at the Point alines` Airfield, firing on US helicopters with small 25x1 arms and a machine-gun, and making a stand against a ground assault near the fuel tanks north of the airfield. The Cubans who reportedly were encountered at Pearls Airfield and at the Radio Free Grenada site north of St. Georges may have included advisors from the military mission as well. 25X1 The Cubans could have landed some additional forces from the Vietnam Heroico without our knowledge, but we know that it loaded sugar, 500 tons of cement and other cargo in Mariel harbor before departing Cuba for Grenada on 1 October. There are accommodations on the ship for 240 personnel when carrying cargo. The cargo manifest and destination were declared on 29 August and it took one month to complete the loading. We believe that the cargo was delivered, suggesting that no more than 240 additional Cuban personnel could have been transferred to Grenada. The ship has bee or Just outside 25X1 St. Georges' harbor since the week before the COUP . We have received at least two reporf n ~On the other nano, a UJ Tie IU UU111IIWIUCI CD6 im w.+ . _z__ 0- 1 Grenada were facing the equivalent of two well-armed and well-trained Cuban light infantry battalions, which could indicate that some additional forces were inserted. A report yesterday that tanks and armor nel carriers were located near Pearls Airfield was-not corroborated 25X1 and CINCLANT Intelligence has disavowed the report. LJ/~I LZDAI The stiffness of the resistance thus far can be attributed to the following factors: -- Colonel Tortola's effective command of Cuban personnel on the island. -- The Cubans had warning of the likelihood of landings and had time to arm and disperse themselves for defensive action. They probably had a plan for deployment in case of attack and had the advantage of knowing the terrain. -- Heavy, accurate anti-aircraft fire from known Grenadian Army positions downed or disabled the majority of the Black Hawk transport helicopters early in the action, severely reducing the mobility of US forces in the St. Georges-Point Salines area. The only road leading from the airfield north toward St. Georges goes right past both the Cuban workers housing area and their military mission headquarters, where 300-400 armed Cubans were concentrated. indicated the Army had brought other reinforcements to area by truck. 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP85M00364RO01502590087-8 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP85M00364R001502590087-8 T 25X1 SECRE 25X1 -- The strongest units of the Grenadian Army -- at Fort Frederick 'and in te-Grand Anse area nort F h h nf the airfield -- ha ve probably _= requen t e been stiffened by Cuban advisors. 25X1 We believe that the arrival last night of additional helicopters and troops of the 82nd Airborne at Point Salines, the reported Marine armored force landing north of St. Georges, and continued heavy supression of anti- aircraft and artillery positions in the Fort Frederick area will lead to a F_ I collapse of organized resistance today. POSSIBLE CUBAN DIVERSIONS any diversion sufficient to alter the outcome in Grenada. 25X1 As President Fidel Castro has publicly admitted, the Cubans are incapable of reinforcing their forces in Grenada. Nor are they likely to risk a direct attack on US Naval forces off Grenada. Cuba's two FOXTROT submarines were observed in port on Monday. Castro, however, may be angry enough to order sabotage against US forces, bases, or embassies elsewhere in the Caribbean Basin or in the continental United States, using surrogate forces or Cuban operatives employed in such a manner to provide plausible denial. While some isolated Cuban retaliatory acts may occur, we do not believe Havana can create Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP85M00364R001502590087-8 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP85M00364RO01502590087-8 SECRET ANNEX PEOPLE'S REVOLUTIONARY ARMY (PRA) Commander: General Hudson Austin Size Equipment 1,000 - 1,200 AK-47s, RPGs, heavy machine guns, mortars, recoilless rifles, BTR-60 and BRDM armored personnel carriers, ZU-23, ZPU 4 AA batteries, and field artillery. Comment Headquarters at Ft. Rupert with camps near St: Georges and at Calivigny. Groups of junior officers NCOs trained in Cuba. Some Cuban advisors on island provide basic training. Officer Corps probably loyal to Austin. People's Revolutionary Militia (PRM) Commander: Winston Bullen (deceased) 2,000-4,000 AK-47s, small arms, Created by Bishop as his personal possible heavy machine security force. Several hundred guns and light members reportedly trained in artillery Cuba. The Militia reportedly was disarmed last week by PRA with Bullen subsequently executed. Loyalties unknown. Grenada Police Service (GPS) Commander: Major Ian St. Bernard 300-500 Small arms. Consists of Prison Service, Coast Guard Immigration Service, and. has four small Coast Guard. Some police British patrol boats received training,.including provided by Libya. political indoctrination, in Cuba. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP85M00364RO01502590087-8 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP85M00364RO01502590087-8 INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY STATEMENT 26 October 1983 ATTACHMENT TO GRENADA: THE CUBAN FACTOR At approximately 0130 hours on 26 October, Cuban President Castro made a public statement and answered questions from the press in Havana. When asked how many Cubans are in Grenada, Castro responded that there were more than 700, including some 550 construction workers. At 0945 on 26 October, we received a report stating that the Cuban Foreign Ministry was informing is Missions overseas that there are approximately 1,000 Cubans in Grenada. The 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Previous reporting has indicated a basic complement of 350 to 400 construction workers, although approximately 200 additional workers were introduced late last year -- presumably to replace construction workers already there -- but we were never able to confirm their return to Cuba. If they did not return to Cuba, this would account for much of the discrepancy with our previous estimate of 350 construction workers. Vietnam Heroico could have brought in om 200 - 300 more personnel, accounting for the remainder of the discrepancy. 25X1 In view of the conflicting reports and the lack of good independent information, we estimate that as many as 1,000 Cuban personnel could be in Grenada, although an estimate of 400 to 700 still appears to be a more credible range 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP85M00364RO01502590087-8 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP85M00364RO01502590087-8 25X1 =.` .y SECRETI SUBJECT: Grenada: The Cuban Factor DISTRIBUTION: 1 - 7 DDI 8 - D/ALA 9 - ALA 10 - DCI 11 - DDCI /1"L - ER 13 - C/NIC 14 - VC/NIC 15 - D/OCPAS 16 - C/PDB 17 - D/OGI 18 - C/LAD 19 - LAD/RR 20 - NIO/WE 21 - NIO/USSR 22 - NIO/EA 23 - NIO/GPF 24 - ILS~- 25 - EO/NIC 26 - NIO/LA 27 - NIO/LA 28'- DDI Registry 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/01/29: CIA-RDP85M00364RO01502590087-8