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Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Terrorist Attacks Against US Business A statistical overview of international terrorist attacks against US business personnel and facilities from January 1968 through December 1981. Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Terrorism: The threat or use of violence for political purposes by individuals or groups, whether acting for or in opposi- tion to established governmental author- ity, when such actions are intended to shock or intimidate a target group wider than the immediate victims. International Terrorism: (a) Terrorism conducted with the support of a foreign government or organization. (b) Terror- ism directed against foreign nationals, institutions, or governments. International terrorism has involved groups seeking to overthrow specific regimes, to rectify per- ceived national or group grievances, or to undermine international order as an end in itself. Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 i erronst AttACKS Against US Business The number of international terrorist inci- Trends dents against US business personnel and facilities increased steadily from 1968 to From January 1968 through December 1974, declined slightly in the mid-1970s, 1981, 30 percent of all international terror- rose again in 1978 primarily due to attacks ist attacks against Americans were direct- in Iran, and subsequently declined (see ed against businessmen or business instal- figure 1). These attacks resulted in 15 US lations. We recorded 953 international businessmen dead and 62 wounded. Figure 1 International Terrorist Attacks Against US Business Personnel and Facilities 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 1968 70 75 80 Total Attacks: 953 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 International Terrorist Incidents Against US Business, 1968-81 Kidnaping 0 0 3 3 2 17 6 7 5 5 3 2 5 3 61 (6.4) Barricade-hostage 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 5 (0.5) Letter bombing 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 7 (0.7) Incendiary bombing 0 0 6 27 1 8 18 4 17 5 27 15 3 7 138 (14.5) Explosive bombing 5 34 24 23 47 42 72 52 32 35 53 28 24 29 500 (52.5) Armed attack 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 1 3 3 7 1 3 0 23 (2.4) Hijacking b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 6 14 5 28 (2.9) Assassination 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 10 3 2 4 4 2 29 (3.0) Sabotage 0 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 (0.7) Threat 1 0 4 0 2 13 2 3 16 4 51 6 7 0 109 (11.4) Theft, break-in 0 2 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 0 6 1 0 0 16 (1.7) Conspiracy 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 (0.4) Hoax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 7 (0.7) Sniping 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 4 0 5 0 1 13 (1.4) Other actions 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 6 (0.6) Total 8 37 38 57 57 88 108 72 90 60 151 68 66 53 953 (0.8) (3.9) (4.0) (6.0) (6.0) (9.2) (11.3) (7.6) (9.4) (6.3) (15.8) (7.1) (6.9) (5.6) (100.0) terrorist attacks against 128 different businesses. The proportion of attacks against US business declined somewhat during the last few years. In 1975, 40 percent of all recorded attacks against Americans were against business interests, but by 1980 attacks against American business had decreased to 24 percent of the total. The annual number of attacks against US business has varied widely during the 14 years for which we have records, ranging from eight in 1968 to 151 in 1978. The number has been fairly stable, however, since early 1979, staying within a range of 50 to 70 attacks each year. As is true of international terrorist attacks in general, most attacks directed at US business do not cause casualties. Only about 15 percent of all attacks recorded between January 1968 and the end of December 1981 resulted in death or per- sonal injury. Over 40 percent of the attacks against US business interests occurred in Latin Amer- ica, with the remainder roughly divided among Western Europe, the Middle East, and North America. In all, US business interests have been attacked by interna- tional terrorists in 56 countries since Janu- ary 1968. In Latin America, businessmen are often victims of kidnapers attempting to collect ransom funds to support future terrorist operations. Fifty-three international terrorist attacks were directed against US business person- nel and facilities in 1981, including 36 bombings, two assassinations, three kid- napings, and a barricade and hostage attack. One kidnaped businessman, Clif- ford Bevins, of Goodyear Tire Company Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Table 2 Types of Terrorist Attacks on US Business, 1968-81, by Region Kidnaping 0 50 1 Barricade-hostage 0 4 0 Letter bombing 3 4 0 Incendiary bombing 37 36 33 Explosive bombing 82 221 108 Armed attack 0 12 4 Hijacking b 22 2 0 Assassination 0 21 2 Sabotage 0 0 1 Threat 7 35 16 Theft, break-in 0 13 2 Conspiracy 1 2 1 Hoax 1 0 5 Sniping 0 6 0 Other actions 0 1 3 Total 153 (16.1) 407 (42.7) 176 (18.5) a Figures in parentheses are percentages of the total. b Includes hijacking by land, air, and sea. Sub- Middle East Asia Pacific Total Saharan and North Africa Africa 0 0 12 (1.3) 5 2 2 0 170 32 (17.8) (3.4) was killed by leftist guerrillas in Guatemala on 13 August. The attacks occurred in 19 countries; 22 groups claimed credit for the attacks. International terrorists have used almost every type of violence against US business personnel and facilities, ranging from tele- phone threats to murder. We have record- ed 645 bombings, 61 kidnapings, 29 as- sassination attempts, and 23 armed attacks directed against US business inter- ests since January 1968 (see tables 1 and 2). Bombings. Bombings were the most com- mon type of attack, accounting for nearly 70 percent of all incidents recorded. Ter- rorists used incendiary or letter bombs as well as conventional explosives. The ma- jority of the bombings did not cause signifi- cant damage. Bombings against US busi- ness facilities occurred in 38 countries, 0 61 (6.4) 0 5 (0.5) 0 7 (0.7) 2 138 (14.5) 1 500 (52.5) 0 23 (2.4) 0 28 (2.9) 0 29 (3.0) 0 7 (0.7) 0 109 (11.4) 0 16 (1.7) 0 4 (0.4) 0 7 (0.7) 0 13 (1.4) 0 6 (0.6) 3 (0.3) 953 (100.0) with the greatest number occurring in Ar- gentina, Iran, Italy, and Mexico. Bombings are a preferred method in part because explosives are relatively easy to obtain and the attacks normally involve little risk to the perpetrators. Hostage Seizures. Since beginning 1968 there have been 94 attacks in which US business personnel were taken hostage against the satisfaction of monetary or political demands by international terror- ists. Almost two-thirds of these were kid- napings, but seizure incidents also includ- ed skyjackings and hostage and barricade situations. The largest annual total of kid- napings and hostage seizures was 21 in 1980, almost four times the annual aver- age for the 1968-81 period. Financial demands were most often made for the release of business personnel, but other demands included the release of imprisoned terrorists, publicity for a politi- cal statement, or a safe getaway for the Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 terrorists. In over three-fourths of the hos- tage takings, the terrorists were able to achieve at least some of their demands. The seizure of US businessmen by interna- tional terrorists has occurred every year beginning with 1970. Almost 60 percent of all hostage takings of US business person- nel occurred in Latin America. We record- ed business personnel held hostage in 20 countries, with the greatest number of incidents in Argentina, Guatemala, and Colombia. Thirty-six terrorist groups have claimed credit for these attacks. Assassinations. Although handgun as- sassinations of US businessmen overseas are rare, they attract media attention, re- quire a response from the local govern- ment, and have a strong impact on local business operations. We recorded assassi- nations each year after 1974, with the largest number in 1976. Although assassi- nations occurred in nine countries, most were in Latin America, particularly in Ar- gentina and Guatemala. Types of Companies Targeted The US companies that have been the object of terrorist attacks run the gamut from well-known giants of world business to small enterprises. Oil firms, including Chevron, Mobil, Exxon, Gulf, and Texaco, have been frequent targets. International banks and financial enterprises, such as Chase Manhattan, the Chemical Bank of New York, Bankers Trust, Citibank, Bank of America, and American Express, are often hit-perhaps for symbolic as well as for more practical reasons. Another cate- gory of frequent victims includes compa- nies associated in the public mind with the "American way of life." Coca-Cola, Pepsi- Cola, Colgate-Palmolive, Ford, Chrysler, Macy's, Sears, and McDonald's fall in this group. Targets only slightly less popular with terrorists are airlines (Pan American, Braniff), engineering firms (Bechtel), agri- cultural equipment companies (John Deere), and high-technology enterprises (IBM, Burroughs, Honeywell). Incidents Resulting in Injuries or Deaths Attacks against US business personnel that cause casualties are almost always perpetrated by experienced terrorist orga- nizations, provoke a response from the highest levels of government and corpo- rate management, and command world- wide media attention. We recorded 144 international terrorist at- tacks on American business personnel be- tween January 1968 and the end of 1981 that caused death or injuries. The number of these attacks was highest during the mid-1970s when terrorist groups were ac- tive in Argentina, declined somewhat through 1979, increased slightly in 1980 due to attacks in Central America, and declined in 1981 (see figure 2). Since 1976 the number of attacks with casualties has fluctuated between 15 and 19 each year, with an annual average of 17 over the past five years. The rate during the first five months of 1982 indicates that this pattern is continuing. Attacks against US business personnel resulting in casualties have occurred in 31 countries, with most taking place in Argen- tina, Iran, the United States, the Philip- pines, Mexico, and Guatemala. Sixty ter- rorist groups claimed credit for these attacks. Bombings and assassinations ac- count for 75 percent of the attacks with casualties. Our records chronicle 27 assas- sination attacks and 82 bombings that caused casualties. Other categories of at- tacks-kidnapings, barricade and hostage situations, and skyjackings-account for only a small portion of the casualties. Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Figure 2 International Terrorist Attacks Against US Business That Caused Casualties January 1968-December 1981 25 20 15 10 5 0 1968 70 75 80 Total Attacks: 144 Since January 1968, incidents of interna- tional terrorism against US business per- sonnel and facilities have occurred in 56 countries (see appendix A). More than 40 percent of the attacks occurred in only six countries, however, and the greatest num- ber occurred in Argentina, primarily be- cause the Montoneros routinely targeted US business interests during the early and mid-1970s. Other countries where a large number of attacks occurred were the Unit- ed States, Iran, Mexico, Guatemala, and Italy. In the United States and Italy, the attacks were usually carried out by foreign rather than indigenous terrorists. In the United States, for example, terrorists from 10 countries carried out attacks against business facilities or personnel. In Italy, Italian terrorists were involved in only 30 percent of the 59 attacks. In Argentina, Iran, Mexico, and Guatemala, the incidents were almost always the work of indigenous groups. More than 60 percent of all incidents oc- curred in Latin America and Western Europe (see figure 3 and table 3). Most hostage takings and assassinations oc- curred in Latin America, and about one- third of the casualties were recorded there. Terrorist groups carried out attacks as symbolic action against US power, wealth, and influence in the region or in an attempt to undermine the local regime by attacking Americans. Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Figure 3 Locations of International Terrorist Attacks Against US Business, 1968-81 Middle East and North Africa Although 176 terrorist attacks were re- corded in Europe, only 9 percent resulted in casualties. As with all terrorist attacks, incidents involving US business are often carried out where they will receive the most publicity, and the large urban areas of Western Europe provide the perfect setting for such actions. Our records show that about one-third of all attacks in Western Europe involved European terrorists; ter- rorists from six non-European countries carried out most of the other attacks in the region. International Terrorist Groups A total of 98 terrorist groups (see appen- dix B) have claimed credit for attacks against US business personnel and facili- ties during the past 14 years. The Monton- eros, an Argentine terrorist group that con- ducted most of its operations during the mid-1970s, has claimed responsibility for more attacks than any other group. They conducted a wide range of operations against US businesses, including assassi- nations, kidnapings, and all types of bombings. The Peoples Revolutionary Army also con- ducted numerous attacks against US busi- ness personnel in Argentina during the mid-1970s. Our records show that this group has not carried out an attack against American business since 1976. Other groups that have carried out numer- ous operations include the 23 September Communist League in Mexico, a student association in Iran, and the Moro National Liberation Front in the Philippines. Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Geographic Distribution of International Terrorist Attacks Against US Business, 1968-81 North America 2 1 1 19 10 4 13 21 11 13 26 6 17 9 153 Latin America 1 36 30 26 34 43 55 20 51 26 24 14 22 25 407 Western Europe 5 0 3 4 9 31 28 17 20 10 17 9 8 15 176 Sub-Saharan Africa 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 3 0 2 1 2 0 1 12 Middle East and North Africa 0 0 3 6 3 10 9 8 7 6 81 32 4 1 170 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Appendix A Locations of International Terrorist Attacks Against US Business Abu Dhabi Indonesia Pakistan Angola Iran Peru Argentina Ireland Philippines Australia Israel Portugal Austria Italy Saudi Arabia Belgium Jordan Spain Bolivia Kuwait Sweden Brazil Lebanon Switzerland Chile Lesotho Syria Colombia Luxembourg Trinidad and Tobago Costa Rica Malaysia Tunisia Dominican Republic Martinique Turkey Egypt Mexico United Kingdom El Salvador Morocco United States Ethiopia Netherlands Uruguay France Netherlands Antilles Venezuela Greece Nicaragua West Germany Guatemala Norway Zimbabwe Honduras Hong Kong Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Appendix B Major Groups Claiming Responsibility for International Terrorist Attacks Against US Business Employees and Facilities This list includes names of organizations responsible either by claim or attribution for specific international terrorist actions noted in the statistics. The inclusion of any group should not be interpreted as an evaluation of that group's goals or motives. Some attacks may have been carried out without the approval, or even foreknowledge, of that organization's leaders. Also, claims of responsibility may be falsely made by opponents of the organization in an attempt to discredit it. Some of the names listed are cover names for organizations wishing to deny responsibil- ity for a particular action that may have yielded counterproductive results. Some names may have been used by common criminals to mislead police investigators or by psychotics seeking public recognition. Acilciler (Turkey) Alacran Scorpion (Cuba) Al Saiqa (Palestine) April 6th Liberation Movement (Philippines) Arab Communist Organization (Palestine) Arab National Action Organization (Worldwide) Arab Nationalist Youth Organization for Liberation of Palestine (Palestine) Argentine Liberation Front (Argentina) Armed Forces of National Liberation (Venezuela) Armed Revolutionary Party of the People (El Salvador) Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (Armenia) Bandera Roja (Venezuela) Basque Fatherland and Freedom (Spain) Basuto Land Congress Party (Lesotho) Black September (Palestine) Catalan Socialist Party for National Liber- ation (Spain) Cayetano Carpio Movement (El Salvador) Committee for Revolutionary Integration (Venezuela) Communist Labor Organization (Lebanon) Cuban Action Communists (Cuba) El Condor (Cuba) El Poder Cubano (Cuba) Eritrean Liberation Forces (Eritrea) Farabundo Marti National Liberation Forces (El Salvador) Fatah (Palestine) First of October Group of Anti-Fascist Resistance (Spain) Forces Populares de April 25 (Portugal) Front for the Liberation of Aceh From Sumatra (Indonesia) Front for the Liberation of Angola (Angola) Front for the Liberation of Cabinda (Cabinda) Front Line (Italy) Greek Anti-Dictatorial Youth (Greece) Greek Military Resistance (Greece) Greek People (Greece) Guerrilla Army of the Poor (Guatemala) International Revolutionary Movement (Worldwide) Iranian Peoples Strugglers (Iran) January 31 Popular Front (Guatemala) Japanese Red Army (Japan) Jewish Armed Resistance (US) Kurdish Liberation Army (Iran) Latin American Anti-Communist Army (Cuba) Lebanese Revolutionary Guard (Lebanon) Left Acapulco Guerrillas (Mexico) Marxist-Leninist Armed Propaganda Unit (Turkey) Montoneros (Argentina) Moro National Liberation Front (Philippines) Movement Brothers of Palestine (France) Movement of the 19th of April (Colombia) Movement of the Revolutionary Left (Peru) National Front for the Liberation of the Congo (Congo) National Liberation Army (Bolivia) National Liberation Army (Colombia) Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 National Liberation Front (Brazil) Omega 7 (Cuba) Organization of Revolutionaries (Venezuela) Orly Organization (Armenia) Pedro R. Botero Command (Cuba) People's Resistance Army (Greece) Peoples Revolutionary Army (Argentina) Peoples Revolutionary Army (El Salvador) Peoples Revolutionary Front (Philippines) People's Sacrifice Guerrillas (Iran) Peronist Armed Forces (Argentina) Poor Peoples Army (Mexico) Popular Front for the Liberation of Pales- tine (Palestine) Popular Liberation Forces (El Salvador) Popular Revolutionary Bloc (El Salvador) Popular Revolutionary Struggle (Greece) Popular Revolutionary Vanguard (Brazil) Proletarian Justice (Worldwide) Proletarian Squad (Italy) Proletariat International (Italy) Provisional Irish Republican Army (North- ern Ireland) Red Army Faction (West Germany) Red Brigades (Italy) Red Guerrilla (Italy) Revolutionary Action Front (Honduras) Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Colombia) Revolutionary Armed Squads (Italy) Revolutionary Organization of the People in Arms (Guatemala) Revolutionary Party of Central American Workers (El Salvador) Sandinista National Liberation Front (Nicaragua) Self Defense Against All Authority (France) Terrorist Group of Badizardegun (Iran) Towhid (Iran) Tupamaros (Uruguay) Turkish Peoples' Liberation Army (Turkey) Turkish Revolutionary Youth Federation (Turkey) United Front Guerrilla Action (Colombia) Venezuelan Revolutionary Party (Venezuela) We Must Do Something (France) White Warriors (El Salvador) Worker's Direct Action (France) Workers Party of Guatemala (Guatemala) Workers Self Defense Movement (Colombia) Young Prolitarian Organization for Communism (Italy) Youth Action Group (France) 23 September Communist League (Mexico) 3 October (Armenia) Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 A Chronology of Significant Attacks Against US Business 1970-81 1 December Uruguay. Members of the Tupamaros bombed the Mon- tevideo offices of International Telephone and Telegraph, causing damage. 6 February Netherlands. Oil tanks belonging to Gulf Oil's gas-pump- ing station in Ravenstein were set on fire by explosions. Reports claimed that two Palestinians, a Jordanian, a Belgian, an Algerian, and a Frenchman were responsible for the sabotage. French authorities arrested the Algerian. In March the Belgian was caught and sentenced to three years' imprisonment, with 30 months of the sentence suspended. 16 October Argentina. Radical Peronists bombed the new US-owned 24-story Sheraton Hotel in Buenos Aires. An American tourist was killed, and two other Americans were injured. An anonymous telephone call to the newspaper La Prensa said the blast was the work of the Marxist Liberation Armed Forces, but hotel employees said pam- phlets signed by the "Maximo Mena Command" had been found in the hotel. The Command is an extremist group of Peron followers. A dozen bombs had exploded earlier in Buenos Aires and other Argentine cities, mostly at the homes of military officers. (On 17 October 1945 Peron was released from prison under the pressure of public demonstrations.) 27 December Argentina. Vicente Russo, Director General of Operations for Standard Electric of Argentina, a subsidiary of the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, was kidnaped in Buenos Aires by the Montoneros. He was released unharmed on 30 December. Company officials refused to comment on local newspaper accounts of a ransom payment of between $100,000 and $1 million. Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 1973 14 April Lebanon. Twenty members of the Lebanese Revolution- ary Guard overpowered a guard and set explosive charges on 20 oil storage tanks belonging to the US-owned Caltex- Mobil Company in the Sidon area. One of the tanks was destroyed, two were badly damaged, and a fourth was slightly damaged. An army demolitions team removed charges from 16 other tanks. The group was protesting American support of Israel and appears to have consisted of males wearing masks. 30 April Argentina. A bomb exploded in a Cordoba building owned by Goodyear, causing serious damage but no injuries. The Peoples Revolutionary Army later claimed credit for the attack. 18 June Argentina. US citizen John R. Thompson, President and General Manager of Firestone Tire and Rubber Com- pany's subsidiary in Buenos Aires, was kidnaped by several armed members of the Peoples Revolutionary Army. Thompson was abducted as he was being driven from the plant when the car was intercepted by about five autos carrying gunmen. The assailants smashed in the windows, seized Thompson, pushed the driver into a ditch, fired a few rounds in the air, and drove off. Thompson was released unharmed on 6 July after his company paid a $3 million ransom. 4 October Colombia. Fifty National Liberation Army guerrillas at- tacked a facility of Frontino Goldmines and kidnaped two US citizens who were employed there. In a letter received the next day by International Mining Company, the gold- mines' owner, the group demanded a ransom of 4 million pesos (US $168,990). The company attempted to pay the ransom, but Colombian authorities seized the money when the company representative tried to pay off the kidnapers. The Colombian Army rescued the two men on 7 March 1974 after surrounding the terrorists' hideout. 6 December Argentina. Victor E. Samuelson, 37, manager of the Esso Argentina Oil Refinery at Campana, was kidnaped at gunpoint by members of the Peoples Revolutionary Army while he was having lunch at the company club restaurant. The group demanded a ransom of $10 million to be paid in the form of food, clothing, and construction materials to poor neighborhoods across Argentina. The group later demanded an additional $4.2 million in supplies to victims of floods. The group also demanded that a Peoples Revolutionary Army communique be printed by 12 Bue- nos Aires newspapers and in 30 others throughout Argen- tina. However, all but three papers in the capital refused, Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 fearing government reprisal. Unspecified problems made the payment of the goods unfeasible, and the company made a direct cash payment to the group of $14.2 million on 11 March 1974, setting a record for political ransom payments as of that date. One military expert said the ransom money was enough to equip and maintain nearly 1,500 guerrillas for more than a year. Samuelson was released on 29 April and left for the United States on 12 June. The Peoples Revolutionary Army announced that it had donated $5 million of the ransom money to the Revolutionary Coordinating Junta, a group composed of the Peoples Revolutionary Army of Argentina, the Revolu- tionary Left Movement of Chile, the National Liberation Army of Bolivia, and the Tupamaros of Uruguay. 22 February Greece. The People's Resistance Army placed five bombs in the Dow Chemical Plant at Lavrion, about 65 kilometers outside Athens. Four of the bombs exploded, causing material damage. Two Greek demolition experts were killed attempting to defuse the fifth bomb. 21 November Peru. A bomb exploded in a Sears Roebuck store in Lima, causing $30,000 damage and injuring 11. Police received an anonymous call warning of the bomb 30 minutes before the blast. In June 1975 the Lima press reported that the Revolutionary Vanguard, an extreme leftist group, was responsible. 15 December France. Bombs exploded outside TWA offices in Paris. No injuries were reported in the attack. The Youth Action Group, an extreme rightwing organization, claimed credit saying that they were protesting the meeting in Martinique of the Presidents of France and the United States. 15 December France. Bombs exploded outside Coca-Cola offices in Paris. No injuries were reported in the attack. The extreme rightwing Youth Action Group claimed credit saying that they were protesting the meeting in Martinique of the Presidents of France and the United States. 16 December France. A bomb exploded at the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, shattering windows. No injuries were reported in the attack. The extreme rightwing Youth Action Group claimed credit saying that they were pro- testing the meeting in Martinique of the Presidents of France and the United States. Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 1975 11 April Kuwait. The American Life Insurance Company office in Kuwait sustained considerable damage by a bomb. Ku- waiti press credited the blast to the Communist Labor Organization of Lebanon, which may be the Arab Com- munist Organization. Three of the terrorists responsible were arrested in July and sentenced in late December 1975 to prison terms of from three to 15 years, to be followed by deportation. Several other group members were arrested in July 1975 in Syria and Lebanon. Those in Syria were sentenced shortly after their arrest, and some were executed. 19 July Mexico. Five armed terrorists claiming to be members of the 23 September League kidnaped an American Express executive outside his Mexico City house. He was released two days later after the payment of an $80,000 ransom in Mexican pesos. 23 August Ethiopia. Two Americans were killed when an Eritrean Liberation Forces mine exploded while they were driving on a road near Asmara on the way to the US transmitter facility. The duo were employed by Collins International Service Company, working under contract for the United States Navy at the facility. 30 August Philippines. Two US employees of Boise-Cascade were kidnaped by Moslem dissidents at a timber concession near Zamboanga. They were released less than 24 hours later. 22 December Ethiopia. Ronald Michalke, a US citizen employed by the Collins International Service Company at the Kagnew Communications base in Asmara, was kidnaped from his home, along with an Ethiopian servant, by five armed members of the Eritrean Liberation Forces. Osman Saleh Sabbi, Eritrean Liberation Forces Secretary General, claimed that he had persuaded the military group to drop a demand for a $5 million ransom for their hostages, which at the time included five Americans. Michalke was re- leased on 2 June 1976. 27 February Venezuela. William Niehous, 44, President of the Owens- Illinois Glassmaking operations in Venezuela, was kid- naped from his home by seven armed, uniformed men. The group tied up Mrs. Niehous and the couple's three teenage sons, and injected a sedative into Mr. Niehous. The group of Revolutionary Commandos-Operation Ar- gimiro Gabaldon-claimed credit for the attack. The Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Owens company agreed to pay a $116 bonus to each of its 1,600 employees in Venezuela and paid for publication of a leaflet, "Political Manifesto," in The New York Times, Times of London, and Le Monde. The Venezuelan Gov- ernment announced that it would expropriate Owens' holdings, which amounted to $25 million in its 18 years of operations in Venezuela. In March the guerrillas added a $2.3 million ransom demand to which Owens said it was willing to contribute. Mrs. Niehous collected $500,000 from her family and friends and offered it as a reward. The group holding Niehous said that he had been "arrested and imprisoned" and was to stand trial for "political and economic sabotage," being representative of a multina- tional corporation. It was alleged that the police intercept- ed the delivery of a ransom to the group's mailboxes. The negotiations with the kidnapers bogged down, and various reports claimed that the body of Niehous could be found in several locations. On 4 March 1977 a Venezuelan policeman was shot and killed while watching an apart- ment thought to be used by a suspect in the kidnaping. This followed a report that Niehous's wife had identified five of the guerrillas who had kidnaped her husband, including Carlos Rafael Rodriguez Lanz, also known as Commander Anibal, the leader of the Venezuelan Revolu- tionary Party-Armed Forces of National Liberation. Nearly 400 persons were detained in the case. The case continued unsolved in April 1978, when The Washington Post offered to serve as intermediary in negotiations. The terrorists responded with a communique asking whether the Post columnist would serve as negotiator anywhere in the world. Niehous was rescued by Venezuelan forces in June 1979. 31 March Colombia. The National Liberation Army exploded three bombs at the Bogota Sears store, causing minor damage, to commemorate the death of Alexis Umana, a university student killed during a confrontation with police in 1976. 11 October Iran. A pipe bomb exploded after being thrown through the window of a bus belonging to Bell Helicopter Interna- tional in Isfahan. The bus, on its regular route, was carrying men and women to the residential area from Bell offices when a motorcycle pulled alongside, and one of two men tossed the bomb through an open window. Three Americans sustained minor injuries and were treated and released from the local hospital. Damage to the bus was minor. Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85MOO363ROO0901960027-2 30 November Italy. A powerful time bomb exploded outside a ware- house of the International Business Machines Company in Bologna. The explosion smashed windows and a wall but caused no casualties. A group calling itself the Proletarian Squad later claimed responsibility. 24 July Turkey. A bomb exploded in the Istanbul offices of the US Wells Fargo Bank, causing damage but no injuries. The Revolutionary Left claimed credit. The bank had been involved in a controversial loan of $125 million to Turkey, secured against various Turkish agricultural exports. The government was forced to repeal the agreement following accusations that it was mortgaging the country's products. 21 September El Salvador. Dennis McDonald, 37, US Engineer and General Manager of Aplar, a subsidiary of Beckman Instruments of California, and Fausto Buchelli, a Puerto Rican, were kidnaped in San Salvador as they left their factory at 5:00 p.m. Two vehicles intercepted their car. Jose Luis Paz Viera, their Salvadoran driver and body- guard, was machinegunned to death by the attackers who stopped the Aplar van in front of a women's prison. The Revolutionary Party of Central American Workers claimed responsibility. During the week of 7 October, Beckman ran ads in a dozen foreign newspapers to satisfy the kidnap- ers' demand. 28 October El Salvador. The Farabundo Marti National Liberation Forces claimed credit for a bomb which exploded and caused heavy damage but no injuries at the Bank of America branch office in San Salvador. According to a communique left at the scene, the attack was to support the demands of Popular Revolutionary Bloc members who had taken over government ministries. The bank's general manager claimed the explosion caused at least $120,000 in damage. According to a municipal policeman who witnessed the act, an automobile pulled up in front of the bank and four people jumped out of the car, leaving the driver. Two men guarded both sides of the bank, one planted the bomb, and one placed flyers under a rock. Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85MOO363ROO0901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 1980 7 December Guatemala. Clifford Bevins of Goodyear Tire Company was kidnaped by the Revolutionary Organization of the People in Arms. They demanded a ransom of $10 million and denounced US policies in Guatemala. Bevins was murdered by members of the Guerrilla Army of the Poor when government security forces raided a hideout on 13 August 1981. They were apparently holding Bevins for the Revolutionary Organization of the People in Arms. 10 December Turkey. A bomb"exploded at the Pan American Airlines office in Izmir. No injuries were reported. Damage to the building included broken windows and some structural damage. Windows were also broken in several nearby buildings. No group has claimed responsibility for the incident. 17 December El Salvador. The San Salvador office of the Bank of America was damaged by an explosion during the night of 17-18 December. The dynamite explosion also damaged nearby offices. The People's Liberation Forces claimed responsibility for the attack in a telephone call to a radio station. 29 December Spain. Two time bombs went off in Madrid, one at Trans World Airlines and one at Swissair offices. Seven people were reported injured. Police said the Armenian terrorist group, 3 October, claimed responsibility. An anonymous caller termed the attacks retaliation for "a scheme planned by American intelligence" against a defense lawyer for Armenians who had been assaulted in Geneva several days before. 30 April Guatemala. A bomb, which exploded at the Chevron Oil Products depot in Guatemala City, ripped a large hole in the side of a gasoline storage tank containing 165,000 gallons of regular gasoline. There was no explosion of the contents; losses were estimated at $500,000. Entrance to the facility was apparently gained by cutting through two chain link fences while the guards were changing shifts. Two full clips for an automatic rifle were found in the area after the fire was extinguished. A new organization, the January 31 Popular Front with connections to the Guerrilla Army of the Poor, claimed credit for the attack in a communique distributed to the media. Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 5 August Guatemala. The Pan American World Airways office in downtown Guatemala City was destroyed when a large bomb exploded in it and caused a fire which gutted it and most of the seven-story building in which it was located. No injuries were reported in the early morning attack. The January 31 Popular Front claimed responsibility for the attack. 15 November France. A late night explosion in Paris damaged a McDonald's restaurant. No injuries were reported from the blast that went off in the basement area. Two callers claiming membership in the September France and the Orly Organization notified the French press agency of the attack. Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2 Office for Combatting Terrorism Department of State Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP85M00363R000901960027-2