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Document Creation Date: 
December 20, 2016
Document Release Date: 
September 26, 2007
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Publication Date: 
February 23, 1981
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PDF icon CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450005-8.pdf48.8 KB
Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450005-8 ? 09 23 February 1981 MHQ-1035 MEMORANDUM FOR: Training Officer' P enema Bureau, FBIS Special Assistant. DRn Use of Questionnaire in Training Evaluation 1. I have passed your questionnaire powers that be in the DIU} and explanation around the discussed the and all are suitably impressed. We have e possibility of adopting this thro TDY'ers and have concluded that: ughout FBIS in evaluating since the monitor supervisor a) It may not work in all FBIS bureaus system is unique to Panama; b) Sen to all bureaus now that very few TDY'ers ding this in the whole thing being filed away and fo org god out nov easily result amount of paperwork c) In vie ew of the Paperwork in which bureaus are already involved, we do not feel now is the time to be generating more. here and discuss it with anw for this summer. I wi who is chiefs retain a copy for field bureaus that May by senior editors or de u' also Y involved in training P departing event of a trainee being assigned to a bureau tithe TDY's. In the unlikely for a TDY, I will pouch a co other than Panama or Okinawa the bureau ma want of Your system, presenting it as a Y ant to adopt in whole or part for the training ,,,,,,,,Pr'?P?S~ going to Okinawa as chi fs pass this package on to 2. What I will d has some swi Nwig It and for the useful explanation. e will discuss these witstion ssible improvements in your, questions. and he can pass them on to you. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450005-8 1-7 STAT Tee D~ 4