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Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 ? . 0 0 2 September 1981 MEMORANDUM FOR : See Distribution Executive Officer, Office of Information Services, DDA SUBJECT: Training for MI Careerists 1. With the recent incorporation of certain positions in your Office into the MI Career Sub-Group, there has been some understandable confusion regarding submission of requests for training. 2. As MI careerists, their training and career development are the responsibilities of the MI Career Sub-Group. We are attempting to meet these responsibilities by developing standards for all of our careerists and helping them meet these through specified training courses and rotational assignments designed to broaden their experience and give them the opportunity for career growth. 3. We also believe that supervisors, whether they are MI careerists or not, have a responsibility for reconniending training for people who are working for them that will meet specific job requirements. We do ask, however, that any such training requests be handled as outlined in paragraph 4 below. 4. To avoid some difficulties when requesting training, we need your cooperation. Whenever a request for internal or external training is submitted for an MI careerist assigned to your Office, we ask that the careerist's immediate supervisor initial on the form itself or on the routing sheet to indicate that the absence from the Office for the period of the course is agreeable and that the training is applicable to the individual's needs/duties. The request should be forwarded to the OIS Training Officer. It is then up to OIS to concur in the request and submit it to the Office of Training and Education or the Office of Data Processing, as appropriate. 5. Most careerists will also have training recommended by an MI Career Sub-Group evaluation panel. Failure to take this training because a supervisor cannot release the person could be detrimental to the individual. We recognize that there are Office responsibilities to be met, but we also ask that every consideration be given to training requests submitted. If there are circumstances which require repeated denial of a request, please advise the OIS Training Officer. UNCLASSIFIED when separated from attachments. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 Is 6. Attached are two updated OIS Notices. We hope they will. he helpful to our careerists in completing Forms 73 and 136. The Notices are also contained in the OIS Personnel Handbook. 7. A copy of this memorandum is being sent to MI careerists for their information., Should you have any questions or problems with this memorandum, please contact the undersigned personally on extension Attachments: A.. OIS Notice No. 11 B. OIS Notice No. 13 C. Answers to Questions Concerning Training Distribution: Associate Deputy General Counsel Chief, Legislative Liaison Branch, OPP Deputy Comptroller Deputy Executive Secretary Executive Assistant, OP Executive Officer, IC Staff Special Assistant, IG .Deputy Director for Policy E Management, OS Executive Assistant, OC Executive Assistant, OTE Executive Officer, ODP Executive Officer, OL Executive Officer, OMS Support Officer, OF Chief, Executive Staff, OSVJR Deputy Director, GSR Deputy Director, OCO Executive Officer, OER Executive Officer, OIA Executive Officer, OPLA Executive Officer, OSR Chief, Executive and Planning Staff, FBIS Deputy Director of Technical Service Executive Officer, ODU1E Executive Officer, ORD Executive Officer, OSO Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L OFFICE OF INFORMATION SERVICES OFFICE NOTICE NO. 11 25 February 1981 Guidelines for CoMletion of Form 73, Request for Internal Training 1. This Notice provides office of Information Services (OIS) guidelines for use in arranging internal training. It applies to all MI Sub-Group careerists. 2. All internal training desired by an MI Sub-Group careerist must be requested by submitting a Form 73, Request for Internal Training, and approved by the Executive Officer, Office of Information Services. 3. Form 73 is being revised by the Office of Training and Education (OTE) to include. information not requested on the present form. Until further guidance is provided by OTE, we ask that the following guidelines be used to complete Form 73 (exemplar attached): Section 1: Add Social Security Number.(SSN) Sections 2 through 9: Self-explanatory F Section 10: Fill in preferred date unless course is offered by the Office of Data ,Processing (ODP). Due to high demand for EDP courses, they use the "first come, first served" system with enrollment made from "hold files" according to date request received by them and space available. Section 11: Give adequate justification, including pertinent OTE codes (copy attached) on all requests. Include office mailing address. For ODP course, indicate that prerequisites (if any) have been met. If the training was recommended by the applicant's Career Panel, the following notation must be included: "Training. recommended by the MI Career Panel." Sections 12 and 13: Self-explanatory. 25X1 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 U ' J F-I-D-E-N-':I'-I-A-1, Section 14: Complete each section and include SCI access in "Other", if pertinent. Section 15: Section 16: Self-explanatory. Section 17: Self-explanatory. Section 18: 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 If there are any questions regarding completion of this form, contact the OIS Training Officer. 25X1 4. All requests for training from careerists assigned to OIS must have the concurrence of their Division Chief. For those MI careerists assigned to other components, the concurrence of the applicant's supervisor will be required. Concurrence and pertinent commen additional justification should be noted on the routing 25X1 slip. 5. Requests not prepared in accordance with guidance provided in paragraohs 2 through 4 above will be returned to the originating 25X1 office. 6. All Form 73s should be sent to the OIS Training Officer, Room 1206 Ames Building. 25X1 7. The OIS Training Officer will notify all employees approved by OTE for training. Employees will receive notification of course time, date, and location through their area supervisor. Employees should not attend a course unless so notified. 25X1 8. Withdrawal from a course once enrollment has been confirmed is strongly discouraged and should only be considered in rare cases and under truly extenuating circumstances. To help avoid cancellations, applicants should select training dates carefully and before approving, supervisors should ensure that the office will be adequately staffed during the proposed training period. 25X1 9. If for some reason an emplo e s unable to attend training, the OIS Training Officer, extension should be immediately 25X1 notified. According to OTE policy, if a requester is enrolled in an internal course by OTE and for some reason cannot attend, the request is automatically cancelled and a new Form 73 must be submitted by the employee if future attendance is desired. ODP will Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 SN-f-I-L)-E-N-T-I-11-L honor a Form 73 request through one cancellation; however, in the event of a second cancellation forib-ame course, a new Form 73 must be submitted by the applicant. Attachments: 1. OTE Codes 2. Form 73 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 10 July 1980 MEMORANDUM FOR: Agency Training Officers Chief, Training Support Division, OTR SUBJECT: Input Requirements for Agency Training Record System 1. The Office of Data Processing (ODP) has designed a training record system for all Agency training activities. Components who conduct many courses will have direct input capabilities. Offices who conduct only a few classes each year will continue to send class rosters to the Office of Training (OTR) for inclusion in the system. 2. The new system is scheduled to begin on 21 July 1980. It will require the Social Security Number of the student and the justification for enrollment code, in order to enter the system. New request forms for internal and external training have been designed but are not yet in the supply room. Until available, please add the above two items to the existing forms on all requests you submit to OTR. 3. Designate at least one, but not more than three, of the following numerical codes as your reason for requesting training sponsorship: Code 1 - This training included in the personnel development program. goal. Code 2 - This training is for long-range career development. Code 3 - This training is for an employee currently participating in the office's Upward Mobility Program. Code 4 - This training meets a specific job requirement. Code 5 - This training meets a cover requirement. Code 6 - This training is included in the component's submission for fiscal-year training requirements. 4. Your cooperation in this will be appreciated by OTR and ODP as an interim stP., to full ATRS implementation. STAT STAT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 STAT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 OFFICE NOTICE NO. 13 14 April 1981 External Training 1. The purpose of this Notice is to establish MI Career Sub-Group policy and procedures regarding external training. 2. External training includes Agency-funded programs conducted by other U.S. Government agencies, various military services, universities and colleges,. commercial firms, and correspondence courses. It also includes the Off-Campus Program which is sponsored by the Office of Training and Education (OTE) in cooperation with the University of Virginia School of Continuing Education. The procedures for enrollment in the Off-Campus Program vary depending on whether employees are under cover or are overt. 3. MI careerists are encouraged to participate in external training programs which will help to develop employee skills needed for current assignments and to enhance their value to the MI Sub-Group. External training will be approved as a supplement .to an employee's internal training within constraints imposed by OIS budgetary restrictions and Agency regulations. As a consequence, these limitations will not permit all MI careerists to share equally in external training opportunities. 4. The Agency external training program is administered by OTE in accordance with' Title 5, U.S. Code, Chapter 41, and according to Headquarters Regulations 7-1, 18-1, and 18-8. The following .are Agency and OIS criteria which must be met before training is approved at non-CIA facilities: a. The employee's qualifications meet the require- ments of the training facility and there is reasonable assurance that the course objectives will be achieved. b. Training may not be solely for the purpose of obtaining an academic degree nor for the purpose of obtaining an academic degree required to qualify for a particular position. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 c. Training may not be for the purpose of filling a position by promotion when there is already a qualified employee available. d. Performance of the employee in his or her official duties will be improved by the training, or the training will aid in preparing the employee for another planned assignment in the near future involving new or additional responsibilities. e. Benefits that would accrue to the Agency would be sufficient to justify costs incurred by the Agency. f. The employee has served one full year of current, continuous civilian service in the Government. This requirement is applicable only to training at non-Government facilities; it may be waived by the Director, OTE upon certification by the Deputy Director for Administration or his designee that the training is in the public interest. g. The employee has indicated his or her intention to continue Agency. employment after completion of the training and signs a Continued Service Agreement if required. h. Attendance at the non-CIA facility will not jeopardize past or present Agency operations or cover arrangements. i. Training at non-Government facilities is authorized only after a determination that adequate training is not reasonably available within the Government or_that use of Government facilities would be more expensive. j. The proposed training must have the prior approval of the Director or Deputy Director, OIS and OTE. 5. There are two types of external training: part-time and full-time. Part-time training is when the employee continues to perform all or part of his/her assigned duties. Full-time training is when the employee's only assignment is training during the training period. Part-time and full-time training must be approved by the Director or Deputy Director of Information Services and.the Director of Training and Education. Full-time academic training must be endorsed in advance by the Deputy Director for Administration, with the recommendation of the Director or Deputy Director of Information Services. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 6. The Director or Deputy Director of Information Services must approve any external training request in advance of the training. Retroactive approval will not be granted unless there are overwhelming extenuating circumstances. In these rare cases, the facts must be clearly explained when requesting reimbursement for a course. 7. The supervisor and the MI Sub-Group Career Management Officer will assist employees in selecting external courses which will-aid an employee in doing a more effective job. These officers will, as appropriate,, provide counsel and advice regarding the effectiveness and/or relative value of a particular course to the careerist. Consideration will be given to MI Career Sub-Group Panel recommendations, the employee's past performance, long-range potential and current Personnel staffing requirements. 8. Careerists are encouraged to discuss proposed training with their supervisor and the Career Management Officer prior to submission of a training request for approval. All employees. must comply with administrative, security and cover requirements established for the training. 9. Particular attention should be given to the course content. For example, seminars, meetings, and professional conferences with a general theme are unlikely to be as effective as a more defined course or program. There are, however, some benefits to he gained from this type of activity, and before approval, supervisors should .look carefully at the program and it should be mutually agreed that a general presentation of information will meet the objective desired. . 10. As previously noted in paragraph 4i, careerists must utilize internal training facilities before applying for external training of a similar nature. External training will be considered if the internal course is not available within the timetable required. 11. To request external training, a separate Form 136, Request for Training at Non-Agency Facility, should be completed for each course by the employee and forwarded via the supervisor, who will add concurrence and/or comments, to the OIS Tr.aininq Officer. It is important.that requests for training be submitted in sufficient time to allow an orderly and comprehensive review and administrative processing by OIS and OTE. It is also essential that concise justification be included. Background information, course descrip- tion, etc., should be attached. to each request. The appropriate sequence of routing is as follows: Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 Supervisor OIS Training Officer (Also include name in Sec. 14) Executive Officer (Also include name and title in Sec. 28) Deputy Director of Information Services (DDIS) (Also include name and title in Sec. 28) OIS Budget & Fiscal Officer (Include name in Sec. 20) Central Cover Staff (CCS) (if appropriate) 12. OTE will advise the OIS Training Officer of financial procedures/instructions when training has been approved. The Training Officer will then notify the employee. Enrollments are then made either by OTE, directly by the individual, or by Central Cover Staff. 13. OTE must ensure that any approved training has been completed and appropriate documentation has been recorded. An Agency-sponsored student who does not complete a course may be required to reimburse the Agency for the cost of the training, unless special extenuating circumstances exist. The standards of .performance for academic sponsorship are those required by the facility for satisfactory. completion. If an employee fails to meet the satisfactory academic requirements for sponsored training, the eligibility of that employee for further academic sponsorship will be suspended until the same or a comparable course has been taken at the employee's expense, and evidence of satisfactory completion is submitted to OTE (via the OIS Training Officer). Employees must submit copies of grade reports for sponsored academic courses or evidence of completion or attendance certifi- cation for other sponsored external training. Documentation should also be provided in cases of non-sponsored external training for inclusion in the individual's OIS training file. STAT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 STAT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 1151 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS CONCERNING TRAINING Q: When training is requested, can.a follow-up procedure be established so that the requester be advised when he/she has not been selected for that particular course and the reason why he/she was not selected? A: If the requester is not notified by Central Registrations, CITE several days prior to the course start date, or in some cases by the component Training Officer, the course was oversubscribed and the requester's Form 73, Request for Internal Training, will be moved to the next scheduled course running. If the requester is not eligible for the course or the course is canceled, he/she will be notified by Central Registrations or the Training Officer. On quota courses (Mid-Career, Counseling, POavi) and courses requested on Form. 136, Request for Sponsorship of Training at Non-Agency Facility, the requester will be notified by the Training Officer whether or not he/she will be attending the training. A "quota course" is one where an Office or Directorate is allocated a given number of spaces per running, e.g., OIS has one space per year for the Mid-Career course. We are currently trying for at least two. Q: Often the Career Panels will recommend someone for training. When the person applies for the recommended training and is turned down, can there be something put in that person's file to indicate that at least he/she tried to get the training? A: The Office of Information Services (OIS) has a MI Training System (HITS) which shows what training each person in OIS has had and has been requested. The date of the request shows up on the MITS print-out. Additionally, those courses recommended by the Panel will also be entered on the MITS for given individuals. That portion covering said individual will be trimmed from the MITS and placed in his/her folder. This data is then available for the Panel members when they are reviewing the file. When you are turned down for a course, why is it necessary to fill out a new Form 73? A: If a requester does not get into a particular running of a course for . any reason other than turning down the training, e.g., oversubscription, canceled, res c hedulec, etc., the Form 73 is moved up to the next running of the course. If. the requester refuses to attend a running, his/her Form 73 is destroyed and a new one must be submitted if the requester is still interested. The policy of "rollovers" was discontinued about six months ago. The administrative problem of keeping up with a vast number of forms.was more than Central Registrations could or was willing to deal with. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9 Q; will be running a course on introducing registry careerists rt this course and info il s on to automated records. Can you give us deta us whether or not members of CRD are eligible for this course? A: If a member of CRD or any MI careerist has a need for this training, he/she will be welcome to attend the course. However, the principal candidates will be those working in the registries. The course is five days, full time (9:00-4:30), conducted on the sixth floor of the Chamber of Commerce Building, will be about 80 percent theory and 20 percent hands-on training with the chance to apply a Registry problem using the terminals, and will touch on various situations using OIS ADP applications. Q: When a Career Panel recommends someone for training, does that person get special consideration in terms of getting into the course? If they do not, why? A: The person recommended for training by the MI Career Panel does not get special consideration from OTE as the recommendation is an "in-house" T, OIS The erson A: The Chief of Central Registrations and the DDA Training officer were contacted and told of this situation. We have asked to be notified first when there are shortfalls in any course. They have responded in a very positive manner. It will now be up to each of us to do likewise if and when the chance to take training arises. please keep in mind that we are receiving preferential treatment. A late call for a course space is not to be construed as "getting to the bottom'of the barrel." If we respond positively to those course spaces we believe will be beneficial to our personnel, even on a short notice and in some cases having to "bite the bullet" for a few days, we will be able to get many more MI careerists into training. action. However, he/she is given special aLtention y p recommended for training should fill out the papers necessary to get into the course and this action will be taken into consideration by the Panel., We noticed that OIS and the DDA have few slots in 0TE training courses, yet many of the courses run short of capacity or of the minimum, figure they want. A recent course set for 25 had only 19 students. Can we make arrangements with OTE to be notified in such instances and have an opportunity of sending someone from OIS? STAT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450004-9