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Document Release Date: 
September 12, 2007
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Publication Date: 
August 24, 1982
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Approved For Release 2007/09/12 : CIA-RDP84M00395R000800060006-2 DCI/IC 82-3591 24 August 1982 2 4 AUG 1982 STAT Director, Intelligence Community Staff STAT Director, Office of Program and Budget Coordination SUBJECT: Personnel Augmentation ~\Yh ! 1. (in response to your question to Office Directors on the possible use of four additional personnel, I would propose to establish a Tactical Support Group consisting of four professionals and one secretary. One position (Dick is already available. STAT 2. The motivaton for this proposal is the obvious increase in interest in DoD with support to operating forces and the implementation of NSD 58. The growth of TIARA (especially the TCP and DRSP) and the proliferation of efforts in both the NFIP and TIARA to develop systems to task, process, and dissemi- nate information from the national community to operating forces has already exceeded our current capability to effectively monitor developments. The added emphasis on Continuity of Government and survivability also suffers from the absence of a central focal point for program and budget review. Finally, some functions previously performed in PAO and CT, such as monitoring exercise support, have atrophied and need renewed emphasis. A proposed mission and function statement is attached. 3. I would propose the TSG be headed by an SIS 1/2 and with two GS-15 and two GS-14 positions to be filled in laroely by military detailees and civilian detailees from Defense elements. 4. The aggressive stance taken by Defense on these issues must be dealt with soon or we will begin to lose control over some expensive initiatives with significant impacts on the NFIP. Since we are considering FY 1984 augmentations, I am looking at some possible internal adjustments to cope with the problem until relief is possible through the budgetary process. STAT Attachment: Tactical Support Group Statement (U) All portions of this memorandum are UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2007/09/12 : CIA-RDP84M00395R000800060006-2 Approved For Release 2007/09/12 : CIA-RDP84M00395R000800060006-2 SUBJECT: Personnel Augmentation DCI/ICS/OPBC 24 Aug. 1982) Distribution: Original - D/ICS 1 - D/OPBC 1 - OPBC Subject 1 - OPBC Chrono 1 - ICS Registry/ Approved For Release 2007/09/12 : CIA-RDP84M00395R000800060006-2 Approved For Release 2007/09/12 : CIA-RDP84M00395R000800060006-2 TACTICAL SUPPORT GROUP Mission: The Tactical Support Group (TSG) provides the resource management coordination under which the DCI, in concert with the DoD, will develop an integrated basis of NFIP systems' support for the needs of the tactical forces. The Group coordinates the evaluation of Services' Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities (TENCAP) Office assessments of current and planned capabilities of national systems to support military operations. They will carry out the appropriate planning with the DoD to ensure that the potential implications on tactical support programs' resource requirements are considered as part of the NFIP program and budget process. Similarly, the Group will evaluate the current and planned capabilities of the tactical system to support national intelligence requirements and will coordinate with DASD/C I to ensure these factors are considered in the DoD program and budget process. The TSG will ensure the coordinated participation of all the neces- sary NFIP staffs in evaluating of the effectiveness of the mutual support and interoperability of national and tactical intelligence systems, including the aspects of duplication, during cross-program reviews and system tradeoff studies as appropriate. Functions: The TSG will carry out functions in the main areas of tactical support planning, program and budget evaluations and studies as follow: -- Prepare inputs to the DCI's annual NFIP guidance with regard to Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities (TIARA) and their tactical support plans and needs. -- Prepare DCI inputs to annual DoD guidance with reference to those areas where TIARA activities provide valuable adjuncts to national intelligence capabilities. Participate in the annual update of the DoD Plan for Intelligence Support to the Operating Forces. Provide a ICS focus for TENCAP activities, including planning for the Services' military field exercises which test and evaluate the technical and operational feasibility of supporting military opera- tions with national intelligence systems. Act as a focus for cost/benefit evaluations of the TENCAP offices' proposals for systems modification that effect the NFIP capabilities. Identify and staff revisions to the plans of the Services and their program proposals for improvement of the national support to tactical forces. Act as program monitor for Continuity of Government and cross-program aspects of survivability. Approved For Release 2007/09/12 : CIA-RDP84M00395R000800060006-2 Approved For Release 2007/09/12 : CIA-RDP84M00395R000800060006-2 Ensure that planning capability between tactical intelligence plans and NFIP plans is considered as part of the DCI program and budget process. Participate in the 0SD functional reviews of the TIARA to assess the feasibility of using TIARA systems output for national intelligence and the feasibility of using national intelligence systems output for the TIARA warning. Assist C31, as appropriate, on TIARA issues during the TIARA functional reviews and program development, and to evaluate TIARA issues and PMD's effects upon NFIP systems and capabilities, and evaluate NFIP PDMs and BDMs effects on TIARA systems and capabilities. Act as a point of contact for the OJCS, U&S Commands and Services as to resource actions pending in the NFIP that could effect combat capabilities.. In conjunction with the DCI Collection Committees and OSD/C3I, provide comments and guidance on studies relating to national intelligence systems support to the tactical forces being performed by OSD, Defense Agencies and the Services. Support DUSD (P&R), ASD/C31, and the DCI in preparation of Congressional Budget Justification Books, congressional testimony, and answers to congressional queries relative to NFIP-TIARA related matters and directed actions. Participate in joint studies and congressionally directed actions related to national intelligence support to the tactical forces being performed by the DCI, OSD, Services and Defense Agencies. Act as a focus for reprogramming actions involving TIARA projects which have direct bearing on national intelligence capabilities. Approved For Release 2007/09/12 : CIA-RDP84M00395R000800060006-2