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Document Release Date: 
May 23, 2007
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Publication Date: 
April 23, 1981
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PDF icon CIA-RDP84B00148R000200450021-3.pdf44.46 KB
Approved For Release 2007/05/23: CIA-RDP84BOO148ROO0200450021-3 CHARLES E. SENNETT, FLA. SAMUEL S. STRATTON, N.Y. RICHARD C. WHITE. TEX. BILL NICHOLS. ALA. JACK BRINKLEY, GA. ROBERT H. MOLLOHAN, W.VA. DAN DANIEL, VA. G. V. (SONNY) MONTGOMERY, MISS. LES ASPIN. WIS. RONALD V. DELLUMS. CALIF. PATRICIA SCHROEDER, COLA. ABRAHAM KAZEN, JR., TEX. ANTONIO B. WON PAT, GUAM LARRY MCDONALD. GA. BOB STUMP, ARIZ. BEVERLY B. BYRON. MD. NICHOLAS MAVROULES. MASS. EARL HUTTO. FLA. IKE SKELTON. MO. MARVIN LEATH, TEX. DAVE MCCURDY, OKLA. THOMAS M. FOGLIETTA, PA. ROY DYSON, MD. DENNIS M. HERTEL. MICH. JOSEPH F. SMITH. PA. M.O. Souse of 3&epreSentatibeg COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES iIaZbington, D.C. 20515 NINETY-SEVENTH CONGRESS April 23, 1981 irector, External airs Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. 20545 WILLIAM L. DICKINSON, ALA. G. WILLIAM WHITEHURST, VA. FLOYD SPENCE. S.C. ROBIN BEARD, TENN. DONALD J. MITCHELL, N.Y. MARJORIE S. HOLT, MD. ROBERT W. DANIEL. JR., VA. ELWOOD HILLIS, IND. DAVID F. EMERY, MAINE PAUL TRIBLE, VA. ROBERT E. BADHAM. CALIF. CHARLES F. DOUGHERTY, PA. JIM COURTER. N.J. LARRY J. HOPKINS, KY. ROBERT W. DAVIS, MICH. KEN KRAMER, COLO. DUNCAN L. HUNTER, CALIF. JAMES L. NELLIGAN. PA. THOMAS F. HARTNETT, S.C. -eSTAT De Confirming a conversation with a member of your staff, effective March 15, 1982, Mr. Mark Redmond Anderson joined the professional staff of the House Armed Services Committee. Mr. Anderson already has a Top Secret Security which was granted through a Background Investigation performed on July 20, 1978. His Social Security Number isi land his date of birth If additional information is needed concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Brown of the committee staff on 225-4151. With kind regards, I remain Sincerely, Melvin Price Chairman STAT STAT STAT Approved For Release 2007/05/23: CIA-RDP84BOO148ROO0200450021-3