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Document Release Date: 
June 29, 2007
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Publication Date: 
October 14, 1982
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Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP84B00049R001604070003-6 SECRET MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence FROM SA/DCI/IA SUBJECT Meeting with Secretary Weinberger, 15 October 1982 1. The following subjects have been proposed for your discussion: Because o that and tomorrow afternoon's NSC meeting, Weinberger will probably be eager to explore your views on what's likely to happen. You have the latest reporting on the current situation inside Lebanon as well as some talking points from 25X1 on where we stand with regard to the withdrawals. You will have the most up to date reporting in tomorrow morning's publications. NIE on Soviet ABM Developments. This should be a good opportunity for you to brief Weinberger on our latest estimate of Soviet ballistic missile defense programs. I have provided some short talking points which should act as a reminder of some of the points you discussed today with Of particular importance is the 25X1 NFIB's recommendation that we and DOD initiate a joint net assessment of the impact that the Soviet ABM program is likely to have on the effectiveness of US offensive systems. SNIE on the Soviets and INF. You may wish to brief Weinberger also on our estimate of INF deployment in Europe and likely Soviet reactions. As with the ABM NIE, I have included the key judgments from this paper. CL BY Signer DECL OADR Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP84B00049R001604070003-6 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP84B00049ROO1604070003-6 SECRET - PFIAB Meetings. You may wish to discuss your meeting today with the PFIAB, which is attempting to stimulate a fresh look at START and the way we go about supporting negotiations. Weinberger was scheduled to have met with them yesterday. Clark and Shultz have also met with the PFIAB. 2. There may be a couple of other topics that you will want to mention to Weinberger that are on the agenda for your meeting with Shultz. These are not on the Weinberger agenda but may be of interest to him. -- Grenada. Weinberger mentioned in late August his concern about the situation in Grenada. You may want to tell him that you and Shultz will be discussing what might be done about Grenada's lean toward the Soviets and Cubans. Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP84B00049ROO1604070003-6