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Document Release Date: 
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Approved For Release 2008/03/31: CIA-RDP84B00049R000701750015-1 DrPARTMrNT OF STATE FIST: i NSC review completed SECRET PM PRA EUR S/S S/S-I UNA (Amb. /SENSITIVL. OSD review completed Kirkpatrick) 1?iEMORAKL'UM FOR tiiI.LTAf P. CLARK THE WHITE HOUSE Subject: Delivery of Soviet FlogoerS to Cuba An intecrFIcency meeting chaired today by Ambassador Stoessel concluded that (,)'.:r st_rat&CJy for responding to the additional shipment of Floq ers to Cuba should: ? build support for our onao i nq Aron raps to counter Cuba; ? avoid pr.oviclinn the Soviets with an opportunity to provoke a crisis in the Caribbean; and ? avoid accusations that we, like the previous Admini- stration, have: acquiesced to to a clear Soviet challenge to our interests in the Caribbean. Accordingly, we crop 5P the following course of action: . Press Statement. The State Department will issue a press statement (attached) drawing attention to the MIGs ane their serio%is implications for regional security and stabili tv, but in a way tbrt will attempt to avoid the development of crisis in the Caribbean that would divert attention from the crisis in Poland. Our iinrne5iate objectives are to: ? preempt possible leaks; ? put the issue in proper perspective and help eef i ne the terms of the public and Congressional debate; and ? avoid having the Administration pressed into overreacting by exacgerated or distorted media reports. SECRET State Dept. review completed /SENSITIVE RnS- Approved For Release 2008/03/31: CIA-RDP84B00049R000701750015-1 Approved For Release 2008/03/31: CIA-RDP84B00049R000701750015-1 SECRET/SFN,c1lTIVE With these objectives in mind, we would anticipate releasina the proposed statement Tuesday. military M(?asu_rc--:.. We are cunt inuinn to examine a variety of possiT le steps. DnD believes that deployment of F-16 air- craft to Homestead AFU, Florida would be ineffective and would be regarded as entirely cosmetic. We are studyinq other possible measures including SR-7l surveillance fliqhts, and increased air and naval activity in the area. Our objective is to avoid creating a crisis atmosphere while, at the same time, distin- cuishinq our responses from the ineffective steps taken by the previous Administration when confronted with a similar situa- tion. We will be workina with the Defense Department on a dis- cussion paper for i nteraaaency consideration of possible US mili- tary responses. Diplomatic Strategy. We are developing an approach for raisins the issuewith the Soviets, including the question of its treatment in Secretary Nai(:'s meeting with Fornigtn Minister Gromyko later this month. We are preparing a discussion paper for interagency consideration of the diplomatic issues, includ- inq the question of whether and how to refine or supplement the 1962 Onderstindings. Conaressional Consultations Given our desire to avoid dramatics and to control the evolution of this situation, we suqqest no advance consultations with the Congress. We would draw on the same Q & A with the Congress as with the press, on an if-asked basis. L. Paul Bremer, III Executive Secretary Attachments: 1. Press Statement. 2. Contingency Questions and Answers. SECRET/SENSITIVE Approved For Release 2008/03/31: CIA-RDP84B00049R000701750015-1 Approved For Release 2008/03/31: CIA-RDP84B00049R000701750015-1 QUESTIO':S R.?:;. ANSWEi