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Approved For Release 2007/031ti' CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 SURVEY OF THE SOVIET PRESS (104) Summary No 2177 11 May 1959 THIS REPORT IS DISSEMINATED FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD ONLY. IF FURTHER DISSEMINATION IS NECESSARY, THIS COVER SHEET MUST BE REMOVED AND CIA MUST NOT BE IDENTIFIED AS THE SOURCE. Foreign Documents Division CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 2430 E. St., N. W., Washington 25, D.C. Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 R0001 00150051-9 SURVEY OF THE SOVIET PRESS (104) This publication provides a 'weekly-'survey of, information on political and social developments in the USSR, published in the Soviet- central,republic-,'and specialized press. This issue contains'information published'through 18 April 1959, Unless otherwise indicated; to is appearing in-this-'publica- tion are condensed translations' designed-to-indicate only the substance and scope of the items selected. Table of Contents Page 1 Selections From the Press 4 A. Party Affairs 4 B. Trade Union Affairs 12 C. Administration of the Economy 12 D. Agriculture 15 E. Cultural Developments 21 F. Ideological Questions 24 G. Historiography 26 H. Education 27 1. Criminal and Antisocial Practices 27, J. Religion 28 Special Features 29 Chapter 11 of New Party History 29 Table of Contents of Khrushchev's Book on Foreign Affairs 34 Notes on Local Party Activities 40 NOTE. The headline of Item B-1 in the preceding Survey (Summary No 2171) should read: "Vezirov of Azer- baydzhan Elected Secretary of Komsomol Central Committee." Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 SOURCES The information contained in this summary is taken from the follow- ing sources: Bakinskiy Rabochiy Izvestiya Kazakhstanskaya Pravda Kommunist Komsomol'skaya Pravda Leningradskaya Pravda Narodna Kultura Pravda Pra4da Ukrainy Pravda Vostoka Sovetskaya Belorussiya Sovetskaya Estoniya Sovetskaya Latviya Sovetskaya Litva Sovetskaya Rossiya Turkmenskaya Iskra Vneocherednoy XXI S`?yezd Kommunist- icheskoy Partii Sovetskogo Soyuza: Stenograficheskiy Otchet, 1959, Vol 2 Voprosy Ekonomiki Place of Publication Baku Moscow Alma -Ata Yerevan Moscow Leningrad Sofia Moscow Kiev Tashkent Minsk Tallin Riga Vil'nyus Moscow Ashkhabad Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731R000100150051-9 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 TRENDS AND COMMENT Press Emphasis. The period 12-18 April opened with publication of the annual'May Day slogans. Other domestic topics were spring agricul- tural work, the new school law ratified by the Supreme Soviet RSFSR, the announced plan=fulfillment figures for the first quarter of 1959, and a new'decree aimed at invigorating the sale and distribution of books. " Al- though Khrushchev's birthday was 17 April, the expected congratulatory messages did not appear in the Soviet press until after 18 April'. Foreign affairs reporting included the meeting of the National As- sembly in Peiping, more Chinese releases on the Tibet situation, the visit of North Korean Premier Ch'oe Yong-gon,.exploitation of the con- ference on unemployment held in Washington on 8 April, steady propaganda on the Berlin situation (highlighted by the Soviet protests of US flights to Berlin at "illegally" high altitudes), and reports on Kurdish repatri- ates moving to Iraq. Important Books Published. Publication of the stenographic record of the 21st Congress was announced in Pravda on 12 April. The record is published in two volumes, the first signed to the press on 27 March and the second, on 1 April. Certain features of the stenographic record are noted below. On Khrushchev's birthday, 17 April, publication of a col- lection of his speeches was announced, all dealing with questions of foreign policy and the international situation. This book was signed to the press on 6 April. Most of the material in, it, evidently, has been published previously in the Soviet press, some of it in the English- language edition of International Affairs. The table of contents of this book is translated in a Special Feature of this Survey. Saburov's Speech at the 21st Congress. With the publication of the stenographic record of the congress, Saburov's "statement" became avail- able for the first time. A full translation of his speech appears in Item A-1. with additional material on Pravda's.earlier attempts to conceal the fact that the speech has been made. Chapter 11 of New Party History Text. The chapter is analyzed and compared with the correspondinchapter of the old text in a Special Feature of this Survey. Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 Chronology, 12=18 April 1959 [Note: The following is a selected review of domestic and inter m national affairs as reported by Soviet newspapers in the. period covered- by this Survey and is intended as background for material in these pages. Dates refer to the appearance of press items, all of which are from Pravda unless otherwise indicated.] 12 April May Day slogans published Release of stenographic record of 21st Congress announced Tass denies Arab press' allegations on movement of Soviet Kurds Hungarian delegation stops in Moscow on way to Far East 13 April Session of Supreme Soviet RSFSR opens Foreign Ministry statement on three-power nuclear test ban talks 14 April Results of USSR plan fulfillment for first quarter 1959 Albanian state delegation leaves Moscow for China All Union Congress of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Article attacks new book on poet Mayakovskiy (Izvesti ) Article on needed legislation for kolkhozes (Izvestiya 15 April All Union Conference of Cultural Universities ends Abridged texts of supreme soviet reports on education Two pages on unemployment conference in Washington African Freedom Day observed (Izvesti;Lal Soviet clerics go to Prague for Christian Conference in Defense of Peace (Izvestiya) 16 April Sudan and USSR exchange letters on technical aid Reprint of Chinese release on speeches by Chou and Panchen Lama Council of Ministers decree on sale and distribution of books New type of particle accelerator developed at Dubna Ukrainian Supreme Soviet session; opens Constituent conference of RSFSR sport societies union ends Dulles resignation and Herter appointment announced (Izvestiya) Text of RSFSR school law published (Izvestiya) Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 8000100150051-9 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 17 April Mkushchev's 65th birthday not mentioned- Khrushchev'-s 1958 foreign policy statements issued as book Ch'oe !ong-gon'of Korea meets Ktiziov`and Mukhitdinov in Kremlin Furtseva receives Czech'party 'group ih?ch`toured USSR Soviet-Iraqi agreement on technical and economic aid 18 April Presidium of Supreme Soviet USSR gives reception for Ch'oe Yong-gon Formation of USSR Iceland society Exhibition of Icelandic Art opens in Moscow All-Union Confereznce-1on-Transport Construction opens Coming visit of US Vice-President Nixon'announced Acclaim of Bol'shoy Ballet in New York reported Ukrainian Supreme Soviet session ends Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 SELECTIONS FROM THE PRESS A. Party Affairs 1. Saburov's "Statement" at 'the 21st Congress Kuusinen: The floor is given to Comrade Saburov for a statement (zayavleniye). M. Z. Saburov: Comrades' The report of Comrade N. S. Khrushchev "On the Control Figures for the Development of the Economy of the USSR for 1959-1965". which I approve fully and completely, contains the great results of the struggle of the Communist Party and the Soviet people for the building of a socialist 6ociety in our country under the banner of - the great Lenin. This report also represents the grand plan of the con- struction of Communist society and shows us the way for effecting that plan, a plan which serves as.a model for putting the ideas of Lenin into practice. This plan is the fruit of the collective work of the Central Committee CPSU and the whole party and is approved by the Soviet people. No doubt, comrades, the time is not far-off when our country will become the first in the world, not only in its absolute level of produc- tion,, but also in its per capita production of the more important types of products. This-will assure our people of the highest standard of living and will signify that the USSR will emerge victorious in its peace- ful competition with capitalism. In this way, the historic, task set by the great Lenin, to"match and overtake economically the more developed capitalist countries will be accomplished. The plan for the building of Communist society in our country, set forth for-the 21st Congress by N. S. Khrushchev, is the pride and triumph of the collective thinking of the party and the Soviet people and.of the idec.s of Marxism-Leninism; it is, at the same time, evidence of the bank- ruptcy of the antiparty group of Malenkov, Kaganovich, Molotov, Bulganin, and Shepilov, a group which attempted to revise the historical decisions of the 20th CPSU Congress. This group, which was divorced from life and had nothing positive to offer, came out against the most important under takings of our party. It is known, comrades, that I made a mistake and showed political instability in the struggle of the Central Committee CPSU against the antiparty group in dune 1957. Therefore, I consider it my duty to answer to the 21st Congress for that mistake. Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 R0001 00150051-9 when the party was fighting against the antiparty group? Of-what did my-mistake consist and what role did I play in the period I had long known, as had all the members of the Presidium of the Cen- tral Committee CPSU, that a group of-the members of the Presidium of the Central Committee'-- Malenkov,.%Molotov, Kaganovich, and'later'Bulganin-... and Shepilov-=_ within the Presidium_of the Central Committee'in all-the-- basic questions of domestic an foreign policy,jtook its own special_posi- tion and, under various pretexts,;strove to hinder the adoptioriof-deci- lions on these very'important questions. At'almost every sitting'of'the ' Presidium of the Central Committee`CPSU, this'gioup'spoke out with-its own opinions, remarks, and "corrections." In this 'matter, the Presidium_of the Central Committee was, for a long time`; very patient with the-group and often postponed final decisions on the"questions being discussed.' Among these most important questions on which the antiparty group conducted a struggle within the Presidium of the Central Committee were these: the question ofmastering the virgin land; the question of the new planning procedure in agriculture; the question of the slogan on catching up with the US-in production of milk, butter, and meat per capita; the question of raising prices on certain agricultural products given to the state; the question of abolishing arrears for economically weak kol- khozes; the question of freeing individual farms from the obligation of delivering milk; and a number of other questions raised in the Presidium of the Central Committee concerningdagriculture, especially those raised by Comrade Khrushchev. The members of the antiparty group also spoke out against, broadening the rights of the union republics, against reorganizing the administration of industry and construction, against reorganizing the work of Gosplan, against abolishing the loans, etc. I could list a number of other ques- tions against the decision of which this antiparty group consistently spoke out within the Presidium of the Central Committee. This group also spoke against, or tried by every means to delay the taking of decisions on,'very important questions of foreign policy. The group particularly spoke against the policy of the Central Committee CPSU in-such important questions as the necessity to develop our economic ties with countries of the people's democracies and to give them aid, to 'say' nothing of our aid to underdeveloped and dependent countries of Asia and the Near East. The members-of the group behaved like people blinded by narrow, national limitations; they showed`a lack of understanding of the policy of the party on very important questions. Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 R000100150051-9 Comrades! In all these and other important questions of the policy of the Communist Party, I never shared the views of~these antiparty-ele- ments who were divorced from life. On the contrary, during the entire time,of my membership in the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU, I firmly and consistently supported the line advanced by the healthy part of the Presidium, headed by Comrade Khrushchev._ In discussing the mastery of the virgin lands, the new forms of plan- ,ning in agriculture, the reorganization of the administration of industry-- and construction, or the broadening of the rights of the union republics in all these and in other questionsrcf the internal and foreign policy of the party.. I unwaveringly took correct positions and unconditionally sup- ported the healthy core of the Presidium of the Central Committee which was headed by N. S. Khrushchev,-who most actively and consistently im- plemented all these questions from Leninist positions. My error, comrades, consisted in that, before the June Plenum of the Central Committee CPSU, at a meeting of the Presidium of the Central Com- mittee, I criticized shortcomings in the'work of the Presidium, not from the position of the healthy section of the Presidium of the Central,Com- mittee CPSU, but from the position of the antiparty group which, using petty and easily-corrected shortcomings as a screen, attacked Comrade hev, striving for (dobivayas ') a change in the leadership of the Central Committee and, it follows, a change in the policy of the Central Committee, which occupied Leninist positions and positions indicated by the decisions of the 20th Party Congress. But at a meeting of the Presidium of the Central Committee CPSU, before the June Plenum, I held quite a different position; having pro- tested against the dirty attempts of Kaganovich and other members of the antiparty group to sully the name of N. S. Khrushchev, I declared that the line of the Presidium of the Central Committee was correct, that col- lective leadership was being effected in the Presidium of the Central Com- mittee, that it was necessary to "bury the hatchet" and abandon the policy of revenge, and that it was necessary to end the whole business by con- sidering and eliminating the unprincipled shortcomings that were noted. Of course, comrades, my mistake was that, while taking a correct position in the Central Committee on very important questions, I could have gone into the Central Committee and pointed out the existing insigni- ficant shortcomings, as N. S. Khrushchev quite correctly told me, but which I did not do at that time. While maintaining correct positions on basic questions of Party policy, after having discerned the true aim of the antiparty group, which amounted to changing the leadership of the Central Committee and changing the Len- inist policy which was being conducted by the Presidium of the Central -6 - Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 8000100150051-9 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 R0001 00150051-9 Committee and personally-by N.. S Khrubhchev,. I, with the aid-oP`several comrades from the healthy _section' of''the' Presidium oP 'the Central Com- mittee (Comrades Mikoyan and KiricYienko), quickly broke with the atiti- party group and,_ at the Plenum of the Central Committee inJune_I957, justly told all that'I- knew about the gioup'ts~intentions; in doing so, F, helped-the Plenum and the whole Party to expose the plans and the inten- tions of that group. The June Plenum of the Central Committee CPSU noted the political instability which I showed at that moment and, taking into consideration the fact that I had helped the Plenum in exposing the antiparty group, removed me from membership in the Presidium of the Central Committee but let me remain a member of the Central Committee. Later,,by decision of the Central Committee of the Party, I was sent to work as director of a plant in the city of Syzran'. I acknowledged this decision to be correct and, in working at the plant, I am devoting all my powers. to. correcting my mistake and justifying the trust of the Central Committee of the party and my people. Comrades! The great program-of building Communism in our country, the program set'forth in the report of Comrade Khrushchev, is"a program for effecting the Lenin plan in modern conditions. This program is` calculated to raise the standard of living of our people and the might oP our state, and it will undoubtedly be completed before the'allotted timer In putting this plan into effect, the Communist Party and the entire Sov- iet people, rallying closer around the great banner of Lenin, are advanc- ing with firm step on the road to Communism, sweeping everything decrepit out of its path, including the schismatic antiparty group. Comrades! An honest acknowledgement of my mistake gives me hope that the delegates of the--21st Congress will find it possible to forgive me my past and thus open for me the prospect of active participation in the building of Communist society under the leadership of our party and under the banner of the great Lenin. (Vneocherednoy XXI S'yeza Kommun- isticheskoy Partii Sovetskogo Soyuza: Stenograficheskiy Otchet, 1959, Vol 2y pp 289-292) [Comment: The publication of Saburov's statement again calls at- tention to Pravda's treatment of it during the 21st Congress. Although Tass is known to have broadcast a short summary of Saburov's statement, the Soviet press gave no indication that Saburov had spoken at all; not only was his speech not among the texts of the other speeches of that day or any day, but the running account of the day's proceedings (Pravda, 5 Feb 59) did not even mention his name, giving the impression that Nicolas Shawl of Lebanon had spoken immediately after I. K. Zhegalin, when, in fact, Saburov had taken the floor and delivered his statement after Zhegalin. Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 Pravda's version of other speeches probably'had"to be'doctored to elimina a references to Saburov's statement."'This is definitely true of G. A. Denisov's speech,` delivered at the evening session of 4 February, the same day Saburov'spoke. The followi,ng'is a passage, from Denis-Qv-'s speech. The first part includes references to Shepilov,'on which further comment will be made below. The second part illustrates the editing which Denisov?s speech has undergone. The underlined phrases were omitted from the Pravda version and the changes from plural to singular are indicated by parentheses.] G. A. Denisov's Remarks on Shepilov,. Pervukhin, and Saburov ...The more distant the memorable days of the June 1957 plenum become, the more fully disclosed is the picture before us of the abominable and base activities of the group of conspirators and factionalists, Malen- kov, Kaganovich, Molotov, Bulganin,~and Shepilov.... The conspirators were unmasked by the June plenum of the Central Committee and thrown aside.... But it is impossible to say that the schismatics and factional- ists of the antiparty group have now drawn the correct conclusions from the decisions of the Central Committee. For instance, Shepilov continues to slander Soviet reality and the Soviet intelligentsia; he declares that' instability is inherent in the intelligentsia, and even he, if you-please, ""as a Russian intellectual' is also not saved from this instability. Such statements are alien to our party; such accusations are alien to our Soviet intelligentsia'. There is no doubt that the present congress will approve the conclusions of the Central Committee on the antiparty group of Malen- kov, Kaganovich, Molotov, Bulganin, and Shepilov. Comrades it is impossible to ignore in silence the speech at this congress of 6omrade(s) Pervukhin and Saburov. Comrade Pervukhin stated. and Corirade Saburdv said the same t n~ g ut himself -- that the (he). help n ra Committee T To unmet e an party group; they ( e represented themselves (himself) to the congress as heroes (a hero . Is this so, Comrade(s) Pervukhin and Saburov? We members of the Central Com- mittee all remember how the matter was, and we remember your conduct. Was it not you who spoke against the reorganization of leadership of in- dustry and construction? Was it not,you who disagreed with the proposals of Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev on the most important questions of inter- national policy? Was it not you who deserted to the camp of the conspir- ators? And how can you say after this that you helped to unmask, the antiparty group of conspirators? You spoke to the congress insincerely. You then, Comrades Pervukhin and Saburov, were forced to tell the June plenum of the Central Committee of the activities of the antiparty group only after the members and candidate members of the Central Committee un- animously condemned the antiparty group. You began In speak only then, and not immediately even then. So this is not aid to the Central Committee Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 00150051-9 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 R0001 00150051-9 in unmasking the antiparty group; it is your confession. I subscribe to the speeches directed at you'by' the delegates to the congress, Comrade Spiridonov- and- 0omrade Iuz_'min. You.are conducting yourselves (yourself incorrectly, and you continue to speak to our party insincerely.... (Vne- ocherednoy XXI S'yezd Kommunisticheskoy Partii Sovetskogo Soyuza: Steno- graficheskiy Otchet, 1959, Vol 2, PP 314-315) [Comment: Saburov was the only speaker at the congress to make a "statement" instead of a "speech." Pravda evidently printed only the "speeches." This does not explain, however, why it was necessary to alter another speech, Denisov's, to conceal the fact that Saburov had spoken. was listed as a delegate to (Neither Pervukhin nor Saburov, incidentally the congress.) Soviet radio reports of meetings among Soviet troops in East ;Germany, held to discuss the congress, produced some interesting statements on Pravda's treatment of congress speeches and on Shepilov's remarks on the Soviet intelligentsia, statements which did not appear in the Soviet press. Yegor Mikhaylovich Nazarrov, a delegate but not a speaker at the con- gress, is reported to have specifically assured his listeners that the congress had concealed nothing from the party rank-and-file, that there had been no "closed" sittings at the congress, and that Pravda had pub- lished all but three of the congress speeches in full, the exceptions, he said,;having been slightly edited to safeguard state secrets. An earlier broadcast, of a'meeting of party activists from Soviet military units in East Germany, contained' speeches by Gen Arm Matvey Vas- il'yevich Zakharov and Lt Gen Semen Petrovich Vasyagin, both delegates to the congress. Vasyagin?'s remarks about Shepilov were very similar to those made by Denisov, above, but Vasyagin mentioned that Shepilov's as- sertions about himself and the Soviet intelligentsia were contained in a- statement to the Central Committee made on the eve of the congress. Vas- yagin also mentioned that both Pervukhin and Saburov had spoken at the congress. A Soviet press account of this meeting (Krasnaya,Zvezda, 19 February 1959) omitted the above remarks by Vasyagin; the newspaper quoted Vasyagin's general remarks about the congress, his approving com- ment about the congress speakers' condemnation of the antiparty group, and no more. Thus Soviet listeners who heard this broadcast could have acquired -- if they were interested -- information which had been ef- fectively suppressed in the press. An account of both these broadcasts, with quotations from the speeches by Vasyagin,,Zakharov, and Nazarov, ap- peared in the 29 March issue of Posev, a weekly newspaper published by Russian emigres in Frankfurt, West Germany.] Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 R0001 00150051-9 2. Bulgarian Newspaper Says CPSU Presidium Meets Every Week [Note: The following is an excerpt from'a Sofia newspaper article on the occasion of Khrushchev's 65th birthday. os.Plenums of the Central Committee CPSU are' convened quite regularly to discuss and resolve important. questions of.state and party policy,.and the Presidium of the Central Committee CPSU meets every week.... (Narodna Kultura, 18 Apr 59) 3. More Local Party Workers Must Have Practical Skills ...Socialist competition is'the creativity.of the masses, a form for the display of labor initiatives,' Innovations,' and inventions. That is why it cannot be recognized as correct that members of brigades at indi- vidual enterprises who wish to enter competition for the title :of Col lective of Communist Labor must give written statementsto the factory trade-union committee and Komsomol committee, and that in certain plants the composition of such brigades was even confirmed in party committees at one time..' It is also impossible to recognize as correct the practice, condemned long ago but rising anew here and there, of creating so-called model= indicator shops and sections. As experience showed, this does not lead to the desired results of pulling up laggards but only fosters the'appear- ance of several leading shops for the creation of which all 'efforts-'of - party and economic agencies are spent at the cost of weakening their at- tention to the enterprise as a whole.... Party organizations must concern themselves in all ways for raising the work skills of cadres, their mastery of economics of industrial and agricultural production, the growth of their Marxist-Leninist consciousness, and their ideological tempering. The importance of the task of systematic study by secretaries of primary party organizations is shown by the fol- lowing data. Of all secretaries of party organizations of enterprises of industry, construction sites transport, and communications, only 42 percent are workers (rabochiye) and engineers and technical workers (rabotniki) by occupation; the remaining 58 percent. of the secretaries are employees, occupied, as a rule, in secondary sections of work and not knowing the real character and peculiarities of industrial production. In. the primary party organizations of sovkhozes, 76.5 percent of. the secretaries are employees by occupation, and the figure is 39 percent for kolkhozes. Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 Thttoi~ fs lwe h.i hy,in addition-to the necessity-for teaching secretaries the ha the _'masses,_it is necessary to organize as well`as pos Bible ? organizational and political'_work;, it_ is "extremely important con- stantly to increase and improve their knowledge of the 'specific economics of industry and agriculture,'for_without this the'correct implementation of party leadership of the economy is impossible...o However, the facts show that.there is an insufficient degree of organization and system in study by leading party workers (rabotniki), especially of the rayon and lower levels. For instances a differentiated approach is often lacking toward organization' of ' instruction for experienced secretaries of primary party organizations and those recently promoted-to leadership, for those with special education `.and 'those without. -The ex- change of experience in party=political work is poorly organized in courses and seminars; the correspondence form of education is insufficiently used, etc. Elimination of these shortcomings will permit-significant improve- ment of training of party workers (employees).... a. V. Gorin (Pravda, 17 Apr 59) " 1..~.... Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 R0001 00150051-9 B. Trade Union Affairs 1. Officials Elected for RSFSR Sports Union The Constituent Conference of the Union of Sport Societies and Organ- zations RSFSR was held for 2 days in Moscow. It has now ended. Chairman K. Krupin of the Organizational Bureau of the union spoke at the conference on the state of physical cultural work and the tasks of the RSFSR union.... The conference elected the council of the RSFSR union. K. Krupin was elected chairman of the presidium of the council. Delegates were also elected to the All-Union Constituent Conference of the Union of Sport Societies and Organizations which opens in Moscow on 17 April 1959. (Pravda, 16 Apr 59) 2. USSR Sports Union Begins Constituent Conference The All Union Constitutent Conference of the Union of Sport Societies and Organizations USSR began its work on 17 April 1959 in Moscow.... P. N. Pospelov read the greetings of the Central Committee CPSU to the conference.... Chairman N. N. Romanov of the Organizational Bureau read a report on the tasks of the union.... The conference is continuing its work. (Pravda, 18 Apr 59) C. Administration of the Economy 1. RSFSR Supreme Soviet Effects Changes in State Posts [Summary and comment: The chief events of interest at the first session of the Supreme Soviet RSFSR were two personnel changes and adoption of a school law. N. G. Ignatov was elected chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet RSFSR. Stepan Viasovich Kal'chenko was named Minister of Agriculture RSFSR, replacing I. A. Benediktov, who has been appointed ambassador to India. The former ambassador, P. K. Ponomarenko, is reputedly in ill health.] (Sovetskaya Rossiya, 15-17 Apr 59) 2. Growth of''tzbek Science Centers Described ...The last 3 years has been a period of organizational strengthening for the Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR, major broadening of the system of scientific establishments and a certain improvement of their work.... The Institute of Nuclear Physics is in the process of construction. This is a great scientific city located near Tashkent. The first reactor in the East will be started in Uzbekistan in 1959. Construction has begun of buildings for three chemistry institutes, a calculating center, and a press and a botanical garden is being completed. Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 We were assigned 20 million rubles for equipment in 1959, compared with 3 million rubles in 1956, and about 60 million rubles for construction, as opposed to 1.5 million rubles in 1956. The great help which the USSR govern- ment is giving us is apparent from this. The number of science workers of the academy is growing rapidly. While 1,800 persons worked in our academy in 1956, the number now is 4,500. However, the growth of highly trained specialists is still insufficient. During this time, the number of doctors of science here has increased from 60 only to 87. Practice has shown that it is impossible to depend entirely on receiv- ing personnel from outside, that it is necessary primarily to train science cadres from the indigenous population. We are doing great work in training graduate students as candidates of science. More than 40 persons were accepted as graduate students (aspirantura) in 1956, but since 1958, we have begun to accept 150-200 persons. A large number of them are sent to central scientific-research establishments of Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Kharkov, and other cities. It seems to us that it is necessary to restore doctoral candidates (doktorantura) for training science cadres of national republics.... To fulfill the huge tasks which the 21st Party Congress assigned scholars and all workers of the republic, it is necessary not only to strengthen existing institutes, broaden their work:,.and provide trained personnel, but also to create several new science establishments. We are planning to organize a Mining and Metallurgical Institute, an Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, an Institute of Microbiology, and an Institute of Geophysics. It is proposed to create an Institute of Uzbek Literature and an Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography for the social sciences. The need has risen to organize in Kara-Kalpakiya an affiliate of our academy with an Institute of Language and Literature, and Institute of the History of the Karakalpak People, and several independent scientific departments -- economics., biology, the chemistry of construction materials, and fishing problems. A botanical garden will also be created here.... -- Kh. M. Abdullayev, president of the Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR (Pravda, 12 Apr 59) 3. Ukrainian Gosplan Head Urges More Local Planning and Designing Bureaus ..More than 200 scientific-research and planning institutes and special designing bureaus are now functioning in the Ukraine.... The successful activity of research and planning-designing organizations depends on their close and constant ties with production. One of the best forms of this work, one universally tested by experience., is the creation of planning-designing of planning-technological bureaus, departments, and laboratories directly at the largest leading enterprises. As a rule, these organizations supply the most effective decisions.... Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 R0001 00150051-9 The transfer of research and planning institutes to the jurisdiction of sovnarkhozes is of great significance. The new forms of administration of industry and construction have created more favorable conditions for providing an experimental production base for research organizations. How- ever, this questim still remains unsolved in several places. An urgent task faces the sovnarkhozes -- to seek out capabilit!es for the most rapid organization of this base with minimum capital expenditures. The question of coordination of the activities- of research and planning organizations also needs solution. We consider that it is expedient to implement this coordination through head (golovnyye) institutes which must be assigned for each branch of the economy.... Tasks for introduction of new equipment insistently demand the universal improvement and development of work, headed by the State Scientific Technical Committee USSR, for technical information, publication of references, catalogues, and other literature illuminating the leading experience of domestic and foreign science and technology.... -- I. Senin, chairman of Gosplan Ukrainian SSR (Izvestiya, 17 Apr 59) 4. Lithuanian Sovnarkhoz Official Removed By a ukase of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Lithuanian SSR, Comrade L. I. Matskevichyus was released from his duties as deputy chairman of the sovnarkhoz and Minister of the Lithuanian SSR in connection with a reduction of staff. (Sovetskaya Litva, 5 Apr 59) [Note- A+ktskevichyus held the rank of minister but did not actually head a ministry.] 5. Soviet Control Commission Imposes Fines on Officials The Soviet Control Commission of the Council of Ministers Azer- baydzhan SSR, having examined material of an auditing of the Azizbekovskiy Rayon Consumer Cooperative and the sanitation and hospital association of Kubatlinskiy Rayon, found irregular conduct on the part of officials. Thus, Comrade M. Shikhiyev, chairman of the board of the Azizbekovskiy Rayon Con- sumer Cooperative, and Comrade G. Aliyev, chief bookkeeper, maintained workers above the staff limit, sent their own representatives to other cities as "tolkachi" for shipping materials, and illegally spent funds on a feast for participants of a meeting. Comrade B. Aslanov, chief physician of Kubatlinskiy Rayon Sanitation and Hospital Association, and Comrade I. Ibragimov, senior bookkeeper of the same association, improperly remunerated medical workers and allowed excesses in expenditure of funds on business trips.... Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 8000100150051-9 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 The Soviet Control Commission punished the guilty persons, fining comrades M. Shikhiyev and G. Aliyev 2 months' salary and comrades B. Aslanov and I.Ibragimov one month's salary. (Bakinskiy Rabochiy, 1 Apr 59) D. Agriculture 1. Groundwork for Rural Reconstruction Program Outlined The architects of our country have many concerns during the current Seven-Year Plan period. But, nevertheless, if one analyzes well, their chief responsibility in future years will be not for city houses, squares, and boulevards but for village architecture, for the first time in the history of architecture. There are many reasons for believing this. First, there is the huge scope of construction work which has developed in the countryside. Second, rural construction is now embarking and, in the near future, will be firmly established on the path of industrialization. And, finally, third and most important, decisive steps will be taken during the Seven-Year Plan period on the abolition of the differences still existing between the city and the country, on the path of transformation of villages into those urban type kolkhoz settlements of which Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev spoke at the 21st Party Congress. The observations of all who happen to visit kolkhoz villages and even the dry language of statistics testify that a whole series of kolkhozes, and in certain oblasts the overwhelming majority of them, have already re- ceived the necessary economic capabilities and have in practice begun the solution of this task.... Rational determination of the system of future settlements is an important task of rural construction. Hardly anyone now doubts that enlargement of inhabited centers will proceed at rapid rates -- some in the near future and some at a later date. Therefore, these problems must be solved correctly from the very beginning for every specific rural rayon so that today's construction will help, not hinder, the future basic reconstruction of villages. Special attention must be given to compilation of schemes for rayon planning -- the bases of the entire future development of life in rural rayons. In this connection, the decision adopted by the Moskovskaya Oblast Executive Committee on the elaboration in 1959-1960 of these plans for all rayons of the oblast is of great importance. Formulation of the first of these schemes is being completed now, and the standard for rayon planning has already been compiled, which is especially important. Problems of resettling utilities of villages, and development of agriculture are being solved in close conjunction with problems of building cities.... 1Lnnrnircrl Pnr P IPaca 7nn7/nAm - C:1A-RnPPnR01731 R000100150051-9 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 R0001 00150051-9 Compilation of general plans or schemes for building kolkhoz settle- ments is another important task. However, the best designs will prove to be useless paper unless technical leadership for construction in villages and the appropriate architectural and construction checking are not supplied. But this can be supplied only if there amore to be people occupied in village architecture on the apparatuses of Oblast administra- tions for construction and architecture and in administrations for construc- tion in kolkhozes. But there are too few of them. There must be a rayon architect in every rayon or at least a technician well acquainted with problems in planning villages. One cannot ignore the fact that implementation of all these measures demands a very large number of architects and planners concerned only with problems of rural construction. Our country at present does not have the necessary number of architects of the necessary profile. But this difficulty can and must be overcome.... Experience in creation of special interkolkhoz planning organizations which has been disseminated in the Ukraine is interesting and must be used widely. Since there are still few planning specialists at present, it would be useful to open a permanently functioning seminar in this field under one of the leading planning organizations.... And, finally, probably the most principled question is that of the composition of the future village. It is clear to all that these must be settlements close to the urban type and supplied with all types of utilities. Simultaneously, the inhabitant of the future kolkhoz settlement, although he will not be burdened with a large personal plot,, still must have all the conveniences connected with life in rural areas, i.e., the opportunity to commune directly with nature, to rest in one's own orchard, to grow flowers and vegetables. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate general principles both for reconstruction of villages and new building to determine what the house and yard of a kolkhoznik will be like in the future and what the size of the plot must be. It is also important to indicate correctly the types of industrial houses for future kolkhoz homes. There are many opinions on this subject which have been expressed in specific designs. In particular, the single-story dwelling designed by the Administration of Local Industry of the Moskovskaya Oblast Executive Committee and the Designing Bureau of the In Administration of Construction Yeterials of Moskovskaya Oblast has gained great popularity. Of course, these organizations and the authors of the designs must be given due respect since they are among the first in the country to use precast ferroconcrete for rural housing. How- ever, these houses cannot be recommended for-mass building because bf the availability of utilities, their technical-economic indicators, and also their architectural appearance. - 16 - Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731R000100150051-9 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 In general, it is scarcely correct to orient ourselves on single-story houses for one family in building future villages. In this case, it is impossible to provide sufficient economieis in building. The settlement will occupy an excessively large area, in connection with which it loses a significant quantity of land and increases greatly the length of roads and engineering structures. Single-story houses are 1b20 percent more expensive than two-story houses. The best type of dwelling for mass construction in rural areas is the two-story house with a slab roof, with each apartment built on two levels, or a house with interlocking mansards.... Undoubtedly, many other theoretical and practical questions of rural construction will arise in the course of the creative discussion which we intend to open in newspapers.... -- A. Vasillyev, director of Planning Institute of Moskovskaya Oblast Planning Trust, and Engr P. Mikhalevich (Izvestiya, 12 Apr 59) 2. B9 Pravda" Scores Lag in Local Agricultural Procurements ?. The results of the first quarter show that not all party and soviet organizations are working persistently for fulfillment of obligations assumed by kolkhozes and sovkhozes. It was noted at a recent plenum of the Krasnodar- skiy Kray-Party Committee that, although the kray as a whole is coping with its task for the sale of animal products to the state, many of its kolkhozes and sovkhozes are fulfilling their socialist obligations unsatisfactorily. The obligations assumed by'the'kray stipulated the fattening of more than 3 million swine within a year. Only 157,000 swine have been fattened during the last 3 months. If things proceed in this manner, the obligations can be unfulfilled. In deciding to double the 1958 production and sale of meat to the state in 1959, the agricultural workers of Tullskaya Oblast assumed great obliga- tions. The task is difficult, but its fulfillment has not been organized properly. Competition often bears a formal character, and the necessary tension in work has not been created. As a result, the obligation for production and sale of meat was not fulfilled in the first quarter in Tul?- skaya Oblast. It should be noted that there are many rayons and individual farms which are still not fulfilling heir obligations in the republics, krays, and oblasts which are successfully fulfilling their quarterly plans. The kolkhozes and sovkhozes of Belorussia are not using their reserves for increasing animal husbandry. In coping with the first quarter task for the sale of meat, they did not fulfill their obligations for milk. Mogilev- skaya and lblodechnenskaya oblasts are lagging especially. The state was short thousands of tons of milk from kolkhozes and sovkhozes of Brestskaya, Vitebskaya, Gomellskaya, and Grodnenskaya oblasts. The milk yield in these oblasts not only did not rise in 1959 but has even fallen below 1958? Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 The Belorussian Central Committee adopted a special decree on this question in February 1959. The work of leaders of several rayons which are not ful- filling the plan was discussed at sessions of the Bureau of the Belorussian Central Committee. However, practical implementation of the indicated measures is still lacking.... Lead editorial (Pravda, 18 Apr 59) 3. Kolkhoz Chairmen Called Overconfident of Ability to Repair Tractors Repair work on tractors in the kolkhozes of Pyl'vaskiy Rayon is very poor. You can count the days until sowing begins, and a third of the tractor park is still not ready for field work.... No matter where you bring up the subject in Pyl'vaskiy Rayon -- in the rayon party or executive committee, the RTS of the kolkhoz -- you always get the same answer. No spare parts. Actually, there are not enough spare parts in the rayon now, and this does delay the completion of repairs on certain machines. But the lack of some spare parts is not the only reason for the delay. This is apparent from the example of the Kyul'vaya Kolkhoz which has a large tractor park consisting of 11 machines. Last fall, Comrade AlTyes, chairman of the board of the kolkhoz, stated presumptuously: "We do not need help. We will repair our tractors ourselves. This is no great problem!" The repair of tractors in the kolkhoz workshops proved to be a trouble- some matter. The unwarranted self-confidence of the leaders of this farm resulted in frustration of the repair plan. Now, only three machines are ready for sowing in the Kyul'vaya Kolkhoz.... Only two kolkhozes -- Yukhisyyud and imeni Lauristin -- are making capital repairs on their tractors with their own forces in a satisfactory manner.... A conclusion suggested by this is that the majority of the kolkhozes are not now capable of making capital repairs on tractors. Talk can often be heard in the kolkhozes to the effect that they can repair machinery with their own forces more cheaply than with the use of the RTS. But they forget about the quality of the repair work. If you start sowing with tractors that have been haphazardly patched up, then you lose much more. There is little time left before spring field work begins, and this neglect must be compensated for quickly. It is necessary to put an end to amateurish repair work in Pyl'vaskiy Rayon ahd hand all this work over to the RTS workshops.... -- S. Kuznetsov (Sovetskaya Estoniya, 24 Mar 59) Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 4. Latvian Sovkhoz and Kolkhoz Leaders Hold Conference A republic conference of kolkhoz chairmen and sovkhoz directors began work on 24+ March.... Ye. E. Kalnberzin,'candidate member of the Presidium of the Central Committee CPSU and first secretary of the Latvian Central Committee, reported on the 21st Party Congress on the tasks of the agri- cultural workers of Latvia in increasing the output of agricultural products and in lowering cost.... Current Production Rates Inadequate [Kalnberzin first quotes various agricultural production figures for the past year.] Such are the figures, comrades, which characterize our main achievements. They indicate some development in agriculture. But we must say frankly, hand on heart -- is this rate of development, this increase in production really adequate to attain the results stipulated by the Seven-Year Plan, to achieve the fulfillment of our obligations by 1965? No, this pace is inadequate.... At this rate, we would need 10 years 9 and then some, to fulfill the Seven-Year Plan.... Latvia?s Release From Grain Deliveries Misunderstood by Some Our work for the production of grain crops, which are the founda- tion of all agricultural production, is especially unsatisfactory. Some comrades have not correctly understood the decision of the party and govern- ment which released Latvia from obligatory grain deliveries. This was done to satisfy as fully as possible the needs of our republic for concentrated fodders and does not mean at all that it is not necessary'for us to grow grain. On the contrary, we are obliged to increase the area sown in barley, oats, and vetch-oat mixture.... Economically Weak Kolkhozes Need Guaranteed Wage System Guaranteed wages have been or will be introduced in many farms of Bauskiy, Dobel'skiy, and other rayons following the initiative of the Kolkhoz imeni Stalin of Ergllskiy Rayon. Money is paid to the kolkhozniks once a nonth. This wage system is very necessary in economically weak kolkhozes, where people do not take much part in the work because of low earnings. However, the leaders of such kolkhozes are too timid in intro- ducing new wage principles.... Territorial Administrations Set Up to Guide Sovkhozes I want to dwell separately on the work of our sovkhozes, whose relative share of the arable land in the republic is now 20 percent. During recent years, 72 new sovkhozes were organized on the base of back- ward kolkhozes. This measure has been proven correct by life itself. The former kolkhozniks, who received negligible profits working previously on a labor-day(trudoden?)basis, now receive satisfactory earnings and are content with their position working in the sovkhozes.... A..r.r"?r.rl C, P Ic cc Onf7/n'/n'z - liA-RnPRnpn17:i180001001 0051-9 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 R0001 00150051-9 Territorial administrations of sovkhozes have now been organized under the Ministry of Agriculture of the republic. They must see that there is not a single backward farm in the zone of their activity this year.... Indivisible Funds Should Be Considered National Property The sale of MPS equipment to the kolkhozes strengthened their economic status. We should recall the fact that, with the increase of cooperative property on kolkhozes, their indivisible funds grow, and this more closely approaches national property. More and more, our kolkhozes are building electric power stations, repairing roads, putting up clubs, and carrying out other measures which actually serve the interests of all the people with their indivisible funds. Economically strong kolkhozes in a number of Soviet republics are building schools and other projects with their own means. These are elements which characterize the development of cooperative property of kolkhozes into national property. In discussing the theses of the report by N. S. Khrush- chev at the 21st Party Congress, many kolkhozniks of Krasnodarskiy Kray, Moskovskaya Oblast, and Belorussia have expressed the opinion that the indivisible funds of kolkhozes should be considered national property.... (Sovetskaya Latviya, 25 Iar 59) Doroshenko Speaks ...Comrade Doroshenko, chief of the Agriculture Section of the Central Committee CPSU, delivered a lengthy speech at the conference.... (Sovetskaya Latviya, 26 Mar 59) Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 E. Cultural Developments 1. Liberalism in Cultural Affairs Charged to Shepilov [The following is an excerpt., from a speech by G. Kh. Margaryan, a secretary of'Central Committee, at the Sixth Congress of Artj sts" of Armenia,]: "..The'Communist Party and all the Soviet people nailed to the pil lory the activities of the antiparty group of Malenkov, Kaganovich, Molo- tov, Bulganin, and Shepilov; these'activities found expression also in the field of literature And art. Finding himself in a leading post of ideologi- cal work, enjoying the trust of the Central Committee CPSU, and speaking as representative of the Central Committee, Shepilov distorted the main party line in questionscr literature and art. Babbling about allowing creative freedom to representatives of the artistic intelligentsia, he:actually opposed the Leninist principle of party-mindedness in literature and art.... -- G,. Kh. Margaryan (Kommunist, 5 Apr 59) [Comment: Such charges were made against Shepilov in 1957 but have not been observed in the press for some-time.] 2. Editorial Notes Recent Party Decree on Book Distribution ...As is indicated in the Central Committee's recent decree entitled "On Measures for Improvement of the Distribution of Books,"there are serious shortcomings in the book trade. Book-trading` organizations of the Ministry of Culture USSR, Ministry of Communications USSR, Tsentrosoyuz (Central Union of Consumer Cooperatives) and other departments poorly study the popular demand for literature in various branches of knowledge, permit mistakes in orders for books, and develop insufficiently various forms of the book trade -- book sales, mobile'shops, book hawking,,.etc. Great re- mnants of unsold literature pile, up in warehouses and stores..:., The Council of Ministers USSR has established a new procedures for settling accounts among publishing houses and book-trading organizations. Book-trading organizations will now-pay publishing houses the. full cost of editions if the size.Qf the edition has been agreed on, Books published in excess of the edition'agreed will be accepted by the book dealers on a commission basis. This procedure for reckoning will demand dai3y work by book'dealers with readers and the correct estimate of demand for books. Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 It is also necessary to secure development of the book-trading system. There are at present somewhat more than 7,400 bookstores in the country. There is one bookstore for`40,000-50,000 inhabitants in many cities. This is completely insufficient-. The Council of Ministers USSR has suggested that the councils of ministers of union and autonomous republics, execu- tive committees of krays and oblasts, the Ministry of Culture USSR, and Tsentrosoyuz formulate and confirm plans for development of the retail book-trading system -- bookstores and bases in cities, workers settlements, and rural locations -- for the next 2-3 years so that a fuller and unbroken satisfaction of the dethands of the workers (trudyashchiyesya) for litera- ture be provided.... -- Second editorial (Pravda) 16 Apr 59) 1 3. Latvian Play Criticized for Depicting Humane Nazis' The story "Everywhere Grow the Roses"(Vsyudu'Rastsvetayut Rozy) by Miyervald Birze,-for which the author was awarded.a State Prize of the Latvian SSR, is'well known to the. reading public. Naturally, they awaited with great interest the appearance of the stage play of this story by playwright Valt Grevin in collaboration with the author. Now, this heroic drama is on the stage of the Liyepaya Musical and Dramatic Theater.... Some mistakes in directing were. strongly felt in the play. Thus, the desire to avoid the beaten paths in representing the atrocious'cruelty and inhumanity of the fascists resulted in the opposite extreme. The officers and some of their Latvian assistants appear to be extremely proper, and even humane. This is especially felt in the prison scene. Apeaceful atmosphere reigns in it which is not disturbed even when, at the end of Zenta's monologue, soldiers appear in the cell to take her away to be shot. They gallantly wait until she has finished talking and then exit calmly, letting her move out in front as if setting off for a stroll. The audi- ence does not feel the terrible breath of the Gestapo torture chamber; it does not hear the voices of the patriots condemned to death.... For the present, it is still impossible to consider the play "Every- where Grow the Roses" a finished theatrical work. The collective must devote great effort to achieving vitality in every image and in every situa- tion. It must embody the events of the terrible years of struggle'on the stage with the proper artistic force. Only if the play is greatly improved can the Liyepaya Theater claim the right to compete.. with other theatrical collectives in the Baltic Theatrical Spring, the'traditional review it has decided to enter with this production. - V. Elksnite (Sovetskaya Latviya, 3 Apr 59) Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R000100150051-9 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 1+. Leningrad Writers HQld Reports and Elections Party Meeting A reports and elections party meeting was held recently in the Lenin- grad Section of the Union of Writers RSFSR.... N. Lugovtsov,.secretary of the party bureau, who made the report and those who took part in the discussions talked about the place of the writer in the struggle of the Soviet people to build a Communist society Poem by N. Kutov Criticized ("Po Mostkam, Storonkoyu Zarechnoyu"),a poem by N. Kutov, was read at the meeting. How alien to our present reality is the life which the author depicts. Tedium, despondency, and inconsolability.are the principal motifs of the verse. Where do they come from?... Literary Criticism Must Help,. Not Confuse It has already been said and written time and again that the state of literary criticism does not satisfy the. needs of our literary movement.... Hasty or argumentive appraisals:~,of their creative works, done by a tongue- twister or without deep analysis,,do not help the writers. For several months, the workers of Detgiz (State Publishing House of Children'_s Literature) have twice expressed their opinion about A. . Golubeva's book, Zarya Vzoydet (Dawn Comes). But both reviews were dia- metrically opposed. What is. the writer to think and do? Zvezda Articles on Revisionism in Poland and Yugoslavia Cited Writers can do a great deal in unmasking modern revisionism. A clear example of this is the great response both here and abroad to the articles published last year in Zvezda by A. Gozenpud and Z. Gershkovich on cases of revisionism in Poland and on Yugoslav revisionism. A. Dyrnshits spoke about this at the meeting.... New Party Bureau Elected In its decree, the party meeting indicated ways of eliminating the shortcomings which had been disclosed and defined the immediate tasks which face the writers. A new party bureau of 11 persons, was elected. (Lenin- gradskaya Pravda,,. 26 Mar. 59) - 23 - Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 F. Ideological Questions 1. Estonian Theoretician Warns Against "Equal" Profit Distribution ...At one time, our party censured some left deviationists who tried to put into effect at once the Communist principle "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need," despite the instructions of Marx, Engels, and Lenin, and contrary to the policy of the party. It is also known that the ideas of petit bourgeois "Socialism" brought great harm to the kolkhoz movement at one time. [The petit bourgeois socialists wished] to divide all profits "equally" among the members of the kolkhoz, independent of the work done by each kolkhoznik,leaving nothing for the maintenance and expansion of the collective farm. What would have been the result, for example, had they divided all the. products among the mem- bers of the kolkhoz with no concern for the:expansion of production? The tools and machinery soon would have worn out, the soil would have grown impoverished, and the quantity.of livestock would have diminished. In short, such kolkhozniks would have eaten up their collective farm and been left with the collapse of their hopes. If the kolkhoz profits had been divided equally among all the kolkhozniks, regardless of the amount of work put in by each of them, then even those who had done no work at all would receive their share.,.. -- 0. Shteyn, head of the Department of Dialecti- cal and Historical Materialism, Tartu State university (Sovetskaya Estoniya, 24 Mar 59) 2. Theoreticians' Symposium on Building of Communism Published The Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences USSR has issued a collection entitled Vo ros Stroitel?stva Kommunisma v SSSR, (Problems of the Building of Communism in the USSR). The collection includes mater- ial from the session of departments of social sciences of the Academy of Sciences USSR which was devoted to questions of the transition of our country to Communism. The book opens with an introductory statement by A. V. Topchiyev. Next, there are reports by the following persons: K. V. Ostrovityanov, "Some Problems of Communist Construction in the USSR and the Tasks of the?Social Sciences"; M. B. Mitin, "The Role of Marxist-Leninist Ideology in the Building of Communism"; P. N. Fedoseyev, "The Development of Production Relations in the Transition from Socialism to Communism"; B. G. Gafurov, "The Building of Communism and the Nationality Question"; P. S. Romashkin, "The Development of the Functions of the Soviet State in the Process of Transition to Communism"; L. M. Gatovskiy, - 24 - Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 R0001 00150051-9 ."Money-Goods Relationships in the Period of Transition from Socialism to Communism'; A. .A. Arzumat yan, "The, Competing of Two World Systems"; and Y.: R. Shcherbiny, "$oviet Literature in the Struggle for the Building of Communism." The collection also contains speeches by the following persons; P. N. Pershin, "Raising Kolkhoz Cooperative Property to the Level of National Property"; S. P. Tolstov, "Some Problems of Ethnographic Science"; Ye. N. Pavlovskly, "The Cultural Growth'of the Peoples of Central Asia";,-T. S. Khachaturov, "Concerning the Role of Technical,Progress"; V. S. Nemchinov, "On the Development of Commodity-Money Relationships"; Ya. A.'Kronrod, "On Contradictions in the Development of the Socialist Economy and Ways of Resolving Them"; K. A..Meshkauskas, "On the Comprehensive (Kompleksnyy) Development of Economic Regions"; I. V. Pavlov, "On the Forms of Legal Regulation of Social Relations During the Transition to Communism"; V. V. Nikolayev, "On ,the Role of the Soviet State-in Communist Construction";. D. Kshibekov, "The Problem of the Development of the Kolkhoz System'; V. P. D'yacheriko, "Prospects in the Development of Commodity-Money Re- lationships"; M. S. Strogovich, "Some Questions of Soviet State and Law"; and T. A. Zhdanko, "On Ways of Transforming the Character of the Peoples of the USSR;" Also, G. A. Prudenskiy, "Concerning Reserves of Socialist Production"; I. I. Mints, "On Some Tasks of the Social Sciences"; Yu. D. Desheriyev, "On the Development of the Languages of the Peoples of the USSR"; G. T. Kovalevskiy, "On the Essential Economic Nature of the Indivisible Funds"; V. Ya. Aboltin, "On.Economic Relations With the Capitalist World"; A. M. Aminov, "Concerning the Particular Features of the Building of Communism in the Republics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan"; Ts. A. Stepanyan, "Con- cerning Contradictions in the Present Stage of Transition from Socialism- to Communism"; M. Ya.'Sonin, "On the Ways to a Rise in the Cultural- . Technical Level of the Working People"; K. A. Ivanov, "On the Importance of Architecture in the, Building of Communism"; V. F. Golosov, "On the Question of the Tasks of Philosophy in Connection With the Building of Communism"; A. I. Pashkov, "Concerning Several Questions of the Economic Theory of Socialism"; N. A. Tsagolov, "On the Two Forms of Socialist Prop- erty"; and S. N. Bratus', -"Concerning the,Iregal Regulation of Property Re- 'lations in the USSR." The book ends with concluding speeches by P. S. Romashkin, P. N. Fedoseyev, K. V. Ostrovityanov, and A. N. Nesmeyanov. (Voprosy Ekonomiki, No 2, Feb 59) - 25 - Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 R0001 00150051-9 G. Historiography Author of Kharkov Plant History Scored for Mistakes and Misinterpretations [The following paragraphs, are from the review of a book by A. A. Voskresenskiy on early revolutionary activities (1895-1917) among workers of the Kharkov Engine-Building Works.] ...In listing the participants of the social-democratic societies and workers of the Kharkov Committee [of the RSDRP (Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party)], the author, like an_impassive chronicler, names Mensheviks, conciliatbrs, and other opportunists right along with the Bolsheviks. Thus, without any political appraisal, he lists Lipkin (Cherevanin), who, later, was one of the leaders of the Mensheviks~ Nikolayev; Shestakova; Isakovich; Chayevskiy; and other known Kharkov Mensheviks. The author does not show the character of Avilov,a member of the Kharkov Bolshevik group "Vpered," who was a conciliator and who, at the third congress of the RSDRP, opposed the. Leninist line on armed revolt and left the party entirely after the October Revolution. The author belittled the role and importance of many prominent Bol- sheviks. The names of S. V. Kosior, V. A. Karpinskiy, and Ts. Sh. Zelikson (Bobrovskoy) are only mentioned in the book, but their work in Kharkov is not explained. He also made no use of the many works of Soviet historians devoted to revolutionary events in Kharkov and, because of this, reduced the value of his research. The author incorrectly interprets the meeting of the Socialist groups of Petinskiy Rayon, Kharkov, on 8 April 1917, at which attempts were made to unite the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks into a single social-democratic organization. He did not appraise this event properly and set it forth as a positive plan when, in reality this was an erroneous step on the part of the Bolsheviks of the plant area, who soon realized their mistake and corrected it. The author does not mention a word about the fact that V. I. Lenin and the Central Committee of the party absolutely opposed the unification tendencies in 1917. The attempt of the author to revive the theory about so-called "triple power" which was allegedly established in the Ukraine after the February Revolution, a theory which was severely criticized and rejected at the beginning of the.l930s, is completely intolerable. He writes-. "Dual power was established in the country. The situation was even more complex in the Ukraine. Here, three powers appeared -- the Soviets, the provisional government of the Russian bourgeoisie, and the nationalist counterrevolu- tionary Central Rada." This statement of the author is greatly mistaken, for the Central Rada and the provisional government made up a single counterrevolutionary camp which resisted,the Soviets. - 26 - Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 R000100150051-9 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 R0001 00150051-9 These and:a number-,of . other. mistakes., which cannot be noted in a brief indicate that A. A. Voskresenskiy., the author of the book; P. G. Plugatyrev, responsible editor; and the Publishing House of Kharkov University did not approach this work in a serious manner.... -- P. Shmorgun, Candidate of Historical Sciences (Pravda Ukrainy, 3'Apr 59) H. Education Armenian Central Committee Secretary Deplores "Idlers With Diplomas" ..For some young people, obtaining a higher education is an end in itself. Such people do not worry about their future, the problem of how they will participate in the life of society. Thus, idlers with di- plomas sometimes appear. Among them are zootechnicians, veterinarians, agronomists, mechanizers. Their "activities" are aimless loafing on the streets, a tranquil life at the expense of parents.... -- Gr. Margaryan, Secretary, Armenian Central Committee (Kommunist, 28 Mar 59) I. Criminal and Antisocial Practices Juvenile Labor Colonies Discussed at Armenian Militia Conference Recently, a republic conference of militia workers was held.... Comrade G. Melkonyan, Minister'of Internal'Affairs Armenian SSR, gave a report on "Tasks of Militia Organs in the Light of the Decisions of the 21st Congress of the CPSU."... Comrade S. Martirosyan, deputy chief of a juvenile labor colony, said that the number of crimes by. minors has decreased''significantly in recent years; however, the results achieved are still not entirely sat- isfactory.... Serious criticism was aimed at the erroneous practice whereby various pedagogical staffs, educators, and Komsomol and public organizations stop being interested in the fate'of children who have been expelled from school for various offenses. - 27 - Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 Comrade A. Poladyan, chief of the Militia Administration of the Ex- ecutive Committee of Yerevan City Soviet, and Comrade I. Gazinyan, chief of the Kirovskiy Rayon Militia Department,... suggested that difficult children or those who have committed offenses not be expelled from school but, with the cooperation of public education divisions of the correspond- ing executive committees of rayon soviets, be sent to juvenile labor colonies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.... (Kommunist, ?5 Mar,59) J. Religion 1. Concrete Action Against Religious Sect Members Urged ...It is possible to cite dozens of examples of discrepancies between the convictions and actions of sectarians, but it is also evident that they "sin" at every step. At the same time, they "sin" only when it is convenient and profitable for them. When the matter concerns fulfilling social duties, they prefer not'to commit "sins." The question arises: Is it not time to',apply more effective measures then lectures, reports, and talks to these believing idlers? Is it not,.time to take an interest in what sort of incomes these and`"similar "people of God" live on, whether or not they hide behind the "sacred word" matters which are akin to the dark machinations of speculators, home-brewers, and beggars? Is it not time for the Komsomol to begin hot combat with various religious sects, which tear the less firm boys and girls from among our ranks, and struggle ruth- lessly with sectarians for each young person who-has fallen into their net? -- Yuriy Shvarev, an officer of Losevskiy Rayon Military Commissariat, Voronezhskaya Oblast (Komsomollskaya Pravda, 15 Apr 59) 2., "Atheist Study Rooms" Urged in Belorussia ...Unfortunately, it must be recognized that the dissemination, of scientific atheistic information is still poorly organized in a number of rayons'of_our republic. An obvious lack, of appreciation for the value, of ,antireligious propaganda is tolerated. This inevitably results in the activation of churchmen and intensifies the corrupt activity of various sects that do appreciable damage. Itinerant preachers and "servantsiof God" emerge to spread their reactionary ideas in the cities and villages.... City and rayon party committees should establish, atheist. study rooms at houses of political education and. atheist-..corners at,'political education study rooms.... -- Lead article (Sovetskaya Belorussiya , 7"Apr 59) - 28 - Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 CHAPTER 11 OF NEW PARTY HISTORY The following is a review of Chapter 11 of the new Istoriya KPSS (History of the CPSU). The review is based on a comparison with the corresponding Chapter 10 in Istoriya VKP(b)~ Kratkiy Kurs, better known as the Short Course. Publication Data. The present chapter and the ten preceding ones were published in V Pomoshch' Politicheskomu Samoobrazovaniyu (In Aid of Political Self-Education), the first ten appearing in issues 9,.10, and 11 of 1958, No 1 of 1959, and the present one in No 3 of 1959, signed to the press on-i6 March 1959. Events Covered by Chapter 11. The chapter covers events from January 1926 through November 1929, a period which included the 15th-and 16th party conferences and the 15th Party Congress, the expulsion of Trotskiy and Zinov'yev from the party, the beginning of collectivization in agri- culture, completion of the fight against the kulaks and Nepmen, and the introduction and implementation of the First Five-Year Plan. New Features of Chapter 11. Chapter'10 of the Short Course had three subheadings and dealt primarily with the struggle against Trotsky'and Zinov'yev, the beginning of collectivization, and adoption of the First Five-Year Plan. The new Chapter 11 has added two more subheadings. The first, in keeping with the new emphasis (in preceding chapters) on the significance of international events which took place during this period, gives the reader an idea of the international situation in 1926-1929 and the foreign policy of the Soviet government. fihe 'USSR's support of dis- armament in the League of Nations is emphasized. The Short Course blamed Great Britain for various "incidents" of 1927: raids on Soviet embassies and trade agencies in Berlin, Peiping, Shanghai, Tientsin, and London; the assassination of Soviet Ambassador Voykov in Warsaw; and the hurling of bombs into a party meeting in Leningrad. These charges are retained in the new text under the international affairs subheading. Also mentioned under this heading are the neutrality pacts concluded between the USSR and Germany, Turkey, Afghanistan, Iran, and Lithuania in 1925-1927, and there is new emphasis on Soviet aid to the international workers' move- ment and its efforts to promote international proletarian solidarity. The second new chapter subheading deals with the mobilization of forces for the industrialization of the nation, and the soviets, the trade unions, and the Komsomol, and the women of the nation are praised for the part they played. Mentioned here are the First All-Union Congress of Women Working in Industry and Agriculture and the old trade union of agri- cultural and forestry workers. - 29 - Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 Expurgation of Stalin Quotations. A striking feature of the new chapter is its use of quotations from Lenin to replace the rather exten- sive ones from Stalin used in the Short Course. This is done by harking back to Lenin?s plan on agricultural cooperatives, and by citing from articles written by Lenin but not published until after.his death. There is also a marked "toning down" of Stalin?s views; in the Short Course, Stalin, in discussing the expulsion of members of the Trotsky and Zinov?yev bloc and their efforts to "recant" their way back into the party, devoted almost a page to calling them political swindlers and political double- dealers "who were false and hypocritical from beginning to end." In the new chapter, that page has been reduced to one statement; it says simply that the party adopted a "guarded" approach to the recantations and,decided to deal individually with any member who sought readmittance to the party. "Foreign Espionage" Charge Against Trotsky-Zinov?yev Group Omitted. In the same section of the Short Course referred to above, that describing the expulsion of members of the Trotsky and Zinovgyev bloc at the 15th Party Congress in 1927, it was.said that "shortly after the 15th Party Congress, the expelled anti-Leninists began to hand in statements recanting Trotskyism and asking to be reinstated in the party. Of course, at that time, the party could not yet know that Trotsky, Rakovskiy, Radek, Krestin- skiy, Sokolnikov, and others had long been enemies of the people, spies recruited by foreign espionage services, and that Kamenev, Zinovlyev,' Pyatakov and others were already forming connections with enemies of the USSR in capitalist countries for the purpose of "collaboration" with them against the Soviet people." The new chapter says: "The majority of those excluded fulfilled the conditions,set by the party for readmittance and were restored to their rights as members of the party. But, as subsequent events were to demon- strate, the behavior of the leaders of the Trotsky-Zinovlyev opposition was one of double-dealing. They returned to the party with the same pro- vocative aim.-- to split the party from within, to overthrow the Leninist Central Committee, to take the leadership of the party into their own hands, and to disrupt the construction of socialism in the USSR." Treatment of Old Bolsheviks. Like previous chapters of the new text, the present one continues to give honorable mention to the Old Bolsheviks for the part played by them in the fight against Trotsky and in the begin- nings of-socialist construction. The following passage differs from its Short Course counterpart in that alphabetical order is used. "An active role in this struggle was played by such party figures and workers as A. A. Andreyev, K. Ye. Voroshilov, F. E. Dzerzhinskiy, A. A. Zhdanov, L. M. Kagarioaich, M. I. Kalinin, S. M. Kirov,, S. V. Kosior, V. V. Kuybyshev, A. I. Mikoyan, V. M. Molotov, G. I. Petrovskiy, P. P. Postyshev, G. K. Ordzhonikidze, Ya. F. Rudzutak, I. V. Stalin, M. V. Frunze, N. S. Khrushchev, N. M. Shvernik, and Yea M. Yaroslavskiy." (It is worth noting that the names of Kaganovieh and Molotov have not been editorially purged.) - 30 - Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 8000100150051-9 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 G. K. Ordzhonikidze rates a paragraph in the new text for his report entitled "Concerning the Opposition," delivered at the 15th Party Congress on behalf of a commission selected by that congress to investigate the antiparty activity of the Trotskyites. Blyukher's Name Omitted in Account of Soviet-Chinese Border Fight. Under its subheading on international events from 1926 to 1929, the chapter notes the seizure of the Chinese Eastern Railroad in the summer of 1929 and Soviet efforts to settle the conflict peacefully. But, it says, "troops of the Chinese militarists and Russian Whites began sys- tematic attacks on Soviet Territory, threatening the Far Eastern borders of the USSR.., Countermeasures against these provocateurs of war in the Far East were required. In August 1929, the Special Far East Army was organized. It soon began combat operations against these violators of the Soviet borders and routed the Chinese militarist troops. Soviet- Chinese talks followed, and in December 1929 an agreement was signed doing away with the conflict; the Chinese Eastern Railroad was restored to its previous status." There is no mention of Marshal of the Soviet Union Vasiliy Konstantinovich Blyukher, who died in the purge of 1938. According to.the Malaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya (Small Soviet Encyclo- pedia), Third Edition, Volume 1, 1958, Blyukher commanded the Far East Army. Other Praise of the Military. In a passage describing proletarian influence on the peasantry in the fight to industrialize the nation, this statement appears: "The party, in all ways possible, used the Red Army for the political education of the peasantry. Demobilized Red Army men had great influence in-the villages. One half the chairmen of vil- lage soviets and two thirds of the chairmen of volost executive com- mittees went through this Red Army school." More Deference Paid to Chinese. The new text mentions the Chinese Revolution twice. In its account of world events, it states that the Communist Party of China, educated in the ideas of Marxism-Leninism, led the First Civil Revolutionary War in China and claims. that "the first successes of the Chinese Revolution had considerable influence on the development of the liberation struggle throughout the entire ,zorld, particularly in India, Indonesia, Morocco, Egypt, and other colonial and dependent countries." The Chinese Revolution is mentioned again in a discussion of the Sixth. Comintern Congress in 1928; the revolution is called an event "of world-historical importance." - 31 - Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 New Treatment-of the "Platform of the 83." In 1927, the Trotsky- Zinoveyev'Bloc drew up a new party platform, labeled the "Platform of the 83," circulated it among party members, and demanded that the Central Committee open a new general party discussion. Stalin?s version of the event,,as presented in the Short Course, is.followed fairly closely by the new text. But Trotsky and Zinov?yev accused the Central Committee of not proceeding with either industrialization or collectivization fast enough, and this fact is omitted in the new text.- Development of Union Republics. The new text says that the party gradually achieved socialist industrialization "not only of the central regions, but of the backward national republics and oblasts also,." lists the construction of metallurgical, textile, and other enterprises in Soviet Central Asia, and describes the rise of national cadres of indus- trial workers in. that and other areas of the nation. That paragraph is followed by one which speaks of the party?s unrelenting struggle against bourgeois nationalism, great power chauvinism, and local nationalism, which "weakened the friendship of the peoples of the USSR in their strug- gle for socialism,, weakened the Soviet state, and undermined the Leninist unity of the Communist Party." Party Membership Statistics. According,-to the Short Course, the party had 643,000 members and +45,000 candidate members at-the time of the 14th Party Congress in December 1925. The new party history text ,refers to'the All-Union Party Census of 1927; according to the census, the party had 775,000 members and 372,000 candidate members, and that over 800,000 persons had been accepted into the party between 1924-1926. Yet, in its description of the 15th Party Congress, which was held in December 1927, the new text states that "the party then had 887,.000 members and 349,000 candidate members." Unless there is an error here, this means that, between the 1927 party census and the 1927 party congress, there was,a gain'of 112,000 members and'a loss of 23,000 candidates, a net gain of 89,000 persons. Other New Features. The Trotsky-Zinov?yev bloc, in the new text, is accused of doubting the possibility of the victory of socialism in the USSR, of seeking to increase the agricultural tax on the peasantry, of negating the need to defend the USSR from imperialist intervention, and of trying to split the Comintern. The new text, mentions the crop failure of 1928 in the southern Ukraine and northern Caucasus, with a loss 'of almost 300 million poods of grain crops; this is followed by a statement on the refusal of the kulaks to sell their grain reserves to the state at prices set by the state, and of kulak terrorism against the kolkhozes and against party and soviet workers. - 32 - Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 There is a marked decrease in the number of people actually named as members of the Trotsky, Zinoveyev, and Kamenev groups. The new text says, for example, that the 15th Party Congress expelled 75 members of those groups from the party but'names only nine -- Kamenev, Pyatakov, Radek, Rakovskiy, Safarov., Smilga, I. Smi.rnov, Lashevich, "and others," plus Sapronov and 23 of his "Democratic Centralism" group. The Short Course named 16 persons -- the nine listed above, plus Preobrazhenskiy, Serebryakov, Sarkis, Lifshitz, Mdivani, and three of the Democratic Centralists: V. Smirnov, Boguslavskiy, and Drobnis. Similarly, of the rightists in the Moscow Party organization who supported Bukharin and Rykov, the new text names only Uglanov, whereas the Short Course listed Uglanov, Kotov, Ukhanov, Ryutin, Yagoda, Poionskiy, and others." The new text also omits the names of such members of the Bukharin-Rykov group as Slepkov, Maretskiy, Eichenwald, Goldenberg, Melnichanskiy, Dogadov, A. Smirnov, Eismont, V. Schmidt, "and others." - 33 - Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 R0001 00150051-9 TABLE OF CONTENTS OF KHRUSHCHEV'S BOOK ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS [Note: For the convenience of those who wish to check on the original sources and the available English translations for this collection of Khrushchev's statements on foreign affairs and-the international situation, the following table of contents is provided. The title of the book is N. S. Khrushchev. K Pobede v Mirnom Sor- evnovanii s Kapitalismom (N. S. Khrushchev. Toward Victory in Peaceful Competition With Capitalism). It was published by Gospolitizdzt in Moscow and signed to the press on 6 April 1959; its release was announced in Pravda on.Khrushchev's birthday, 17 April. For some of the items, the book cites what are evidently regarded as the original published sources. These citations, where they exist, have been added, in parentheses, to the table of contents. Many of the items without such citations, however, are known`.to have been recorded in the Soviet press. Articles which appeared in Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizn' will have been translated in the English-language edition of that journal, International Affairs. Translations for the other items were sought in two sources, the Current Digest of the Soviet Press and the Soviet Information Bureau's Daily Review of the Soviet Press. Citations from these sources, in brackets, have been added to the table. No attempt has been-made to check the text against the translations or against the original published sources.] Exchange of letters between C. Rajagopalachari, Indian public and political worker, and N. S. Khrushchev. (MezhdunarodnayaZhizn', No 2, 1958) Answers to questions by V. Sindbaek, editor of Dansk Folkestyre, journal of the youth organization of the Danish Moderate Liberal Party. Pravda, 15 January 1958) [Current Digest, 19 Feb 58; Daily Review, 15 Jan 581 On several questions of the international situation. Speech at the conference of leading agricultural workers of the Belorussian SSR on 22 January 1958. [Current Digest, 5 Mar 58; Daily Review, 27 Jan 58] Talk with Axel Springer, West German publisher, and Hans Zehrer, chief editor of Die Welt, on 29 January 1958. (Pravda 8 February 1958) [Current Digest, 19 Mar 58; Daily Review, 8 Feb 583 -34 - Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 Talk with I. McDonald, editor of foreign division of British news- paper The Times, on 31 January 1958. (Pravda, 16 February 1958) [Current Digest, 25 Mar 58; Daily Review, 17 Feb 5$Ti Answers to questions by Manuel Mejido, correspondent of Mexican news- paper Excelsior, on 21 February 1958. (Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizn', No 4, 1958) Letter to Bertrand Russell on 5 March 1958. (Kommunist, No 5, 1958) [also Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizn', No 4, 1958] Answers to questions by editorial staff of newspaper Trybuna Ludu on 10 March 1958. (Pravda,. 12 March 1958) [Current Digest, 16 Apr 55; Daily Review, 12 Mar 5bJ Speech at meeting of electorate of Kalininskiy Electoral District of Moscow on 14 March 1958. [Daily Review, 15 Mar 58] Talk with correspondent of French newspaper Le Figaro on 19 March 1958. ( avda, 27 March 1958) [Current Digest, 7 May 58; Daily Review, 27 Mar 58] Talk with E. Ridder, owner and publisher and H. Luedicke, editor of US newspaper Journal of Commerce, on 22 March 1958. (Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizr_', No 5, 195 Answers to questions by G. Palozzi, correspondent of Italian newspaper I1 Tempo, on 24 March 1958. (Pravda, 2 April 1958) [Current Digest, 7 May 58; Daily Review, 2 Apr 58] Speech at airport in Budapest on arrival in Hungary of USSR party- government delegation, on 2 April 1958. [Daily Review, 3 Apr 58] Speech at festive meeting in Budapest, dedicated to 13th anniversary of liberation of Hungary, on 3 April 1958. [Current Digest, 14 May 58; Daily Review, 4 Apr 58] Speech at meeting in Budapest during visit to Hungary of USSR party- government delegation, on 4 April 1958. [Current Digest, 14 May 58; Daily Review, 5 Apr 58] Speech at meeting in Cegled, during visit to Hungary of USSR party- government delegation, on 7 April 1958. [Current Digest, 14 May 58; Daily Review, 8 Apr 58] Speech at meeting in Tatabanya during visit to Hungary of USSR party- government delegation, on 8 April 1958. [Current Digest, 14 May 58; Daily Review, 9 Apr 58] - 35 - Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80ROl731 R0001 00150051-9 Speech at Soviet Embassy reception in Budapest during visit to Hungary of USSR party-government delegation, on 8 April 1958. [Daily Review, 9 Apr 581 Speech at Academy of Sciences of Hungarian People's Republic during visit to Hungary of USSR party-government delegation, on 9 April 1958. [Current Digest, 28 May 58; Daily Review, 10 Apr 58, Part II] Speech at meeting with workers of Csepel Metallurgical Combine during visit to Hungary of USSR party-government delegation, on 9 April 1958. Speech at departure of Soviet Union's party-government delegation from Budapest, on 10 April 1958. [Brief excerpts in Daily Review, 11 Apr 58] Speech at meeting on return of USSR party-government delegation from Hungarian People's Republic, on 10 April 1958. [Current Digest, 28 May 58; Daily Review, 11 Apr 58] Speech at reception in Embassy of Polish People's Republic on occasion of 13th anniversary of Treaty on Friendship, Mutual Aid, and Postwar Colla- boration between USSR and Polish People's Republic, on 21 April 1958. [Daily Review, 22 Apr 581 Speech at luncheon given in honor of President of United Arab Re- public, Jamal Abd-an-Nasir, on 30 April 1958. [Current Digest, 11 Jun 58] Answers to questions by C. Lambrakis, publisher of Greek newspapers. (Pravda, 4 May 1958) [Current Digest, 11 Jun 58; Daily Review, 5 May 58] Speech at reception in Embassy of United Arab Republic in honor of President of United Arab Republic, Jamal, on 14+ May 1958. Speech at meeting of friendship of peoples of Soviet Union and United Arab Republic, a 15 May 1958. [Current Digest, 25 Jun 58; Daily Review, 16 May 58] Speech at luncheon given in honor of president of Finland, Urho K. Kekkonen, on 23 May 1958. [Current Digest, 2 Jul 581 Speech at conference of Political Consultative Committee of states participating in Warsaw Pact, on 24 May 1958. [Current Digest, 2 Jul 58; Daily Review, 27 May 58, Part II] Letter to Central Committee of Italian Communist Party, on 31 May 1958. (Pravda, 1 June 1958) - 36 - Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 Speech at Seventh Congress of Bulgarian Communist Party, on 3 June 1958. [Current Digest, 9 Jul 58; Daily Review, 4 Jun 581 Answer to Cyrus Eaton, (Pravda, 6 June 1958) [Daily Review, 6 Jun 58] Speech at meeting of workers of Sofia dedicated to conclusion of work of Seventh Congress of Bulgarian Communist Party, on 7 June 1958. Answers to questions by John Waters, editor of Australian newspaper The Herald, on 11 June 1958. (Pravda, 25 June 1958) [Current Digest, 30 Jul 56; Daily Review, 25 Jun 58] Speech at luncheon given by ambassadors of countries participating in Bandung Conference, given in honor of King and Queen of Nepal, on 23 June 1958. Speech at meeting with Comrade A. Novotny, first secretary of Central Committee of Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and President of Czechoslo- vakian Republic, on 2 July 1958. [Daily Review, 3 Jul 58] Speech at dinner in Great Kremlin Palace in honor of President of Czechoslovakia, Comrade A. Novotny, on 2 July 1958. (Daily Review, 3 Jul 58] Speech in Leningrad at meeting of friendship of peoples of USSR and Czechoslovakia, on 4 July 1958. LDaily Review, 5 Jul 58] Speech on arrival in Berlin of delegation of Communist Party of Soviet Union to Fifth Congress of Socialist Unity Party of Germany, on 8 July 1958. [Daily Review, 9 Jul 581 Speech at meeting in city of Halle during visit to German Democratic Republic by delegation of Communist Party of Soviet Union to Fifth Congress of Socialist Unity Party of Germany, on 8 July 1958. [Daily Review, 9 Jul 58] Speech at meeting in Palace of Culture of Electrochemical Combine in the city of Bitterfeld during visit to German Democratic Republic by delegation of Communist Party of Soviet Union to Fifth Congress of Social- ist Unity Party of Germany, on 9 July 1958. [Current Digest, 27 Aug 58; Daily Review, 22 Jul 58, supplement] Speech at Fifth Congress of Socialist Unity Party of Germany, on 11 July 1958. [Current Digest, 20 Aug 58; Daily Review, 12 Jul 581 Speech at workers' meeting in Moscow, dedicated to friendship of peoples of Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia, on 12 July 1958. [Current Digest, 20 Aug 58; Daily Review, 14 Jul 58, Part 11] -37-. Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 R0001 00150051-9 Speech at luncheon given in honor of government delegation of Austrian Republic, on 22 July 1958. [Daily Review, 23 Jul 581 Speech at Embassy of Polish People's Republic during reception on the occasion of 14th anniversary of Day of National Restoration of Poland, on 22 July 1958. [Daily Review, 23 Jul 58] Answers to questions by Kingsbury Smith, vice-president and general manager of United Press International, on 22 July 1958. (Pravda, 24 July 1958) [Current Digest, 27 Aug 58; Daily Review,-24 Jul 581 Speech at dinner in Embassy of Austrian Republic, on 23 July 1958. [Current Digest, 3 Sep 58; Daily Review, 24 Jul 581 Speech at reception in Kremlin-in honor of government delegation of Austrian Republic, on 24 July 1958. [Daily Review, 25 Jul 581 Speech on departure from Moscow of government delegation of Austrian Republic, on 28 July 1958. [Daily Review, 29 Jul 58] Talk with Indian journalists on 29 July 1958. (Pravda, 5 August 1958) [Current Digest, 10 Sep 58; Daily Review, 5 Aug 58] Answers to questions by Pravda correspondent regarding cessation of nuclear weapons tests. (Pravda, 30 August 1958) [Current Digest, 8 Oct 581 Answers to questions by A. E. Johann, West German writer and journal- ist, on 20 September 1958. Pravda, 24 September 1958) [Daily Review, 24 Sep 58] Answers to questions by Pravda editor on events in France. (Pravda, 22 September 1958) [Current Digest, 29 Oct 58; Daily Review, 22 Sep 531 Answers to questions by Murilo Marroquim de Souza, Brazilian jour- nalist, on 3 October 1958. (Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizn', No 11, 1958) Answer to question by Tass correspondent. (Pravda, 6 October 1958) [Current Digest, 12 Nov 58; Daily Review, 6 Oct 5`5T- Speech at reception given by Marshal.Abd-al-Hakim Ami ?, Vice-President of United Arab Republic, on 21 October 1958. [Current Digest, 26 Nov 581 Speech at reception in Great Kremlin Palace in honor of participants of Tashkent Conference of Writers of Countries of Asia and Africa, on 22 October 1958. [Daily Review, 23 Oct 58] _38_ Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R0001 00150051-9 Speech at reception in Kremlin in honor of Marshal,Abd-al-Hakim Amir, Vice-President of United Arab Republic, on 23 October 1958. [Current Digest, 3 Dec 58; Daily Review, 24 Oct 58] meeting in Moscow with delegation of Polish People's Republic, on 25 October 1958. [Daily Review, 27 Oct 58] Speech at dinner in Kremlin in honor of delegation of Polish People's Republic, on 25 October 1958. [Daily Review, 27 Oct 581 Speech at luncheon with Comrade W. Gomulka, chairman of delegation of Polish People's Republic, on 27 October 1958. [Daily Review, 28 Oct 581 Speech at meeting in Baltiyskiy Plant during visit to Leningrad by delegation of Polish People's Republic, on 3 November 1958. [Daily Review, 4 Nov 58] Speech at workers' meeting in Leningrad dedicated to friendship of peoples of Soviet Union and Polish People's Republic, on 4 November 1958. [Daily Review, 5 Nov 58] Speech at reception in Great Kremlin Palace on occasion of 41st anni- versary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, on 7 November 1958. [Daily Review, 10 Nov 58] Speech at meeting of friendship of peoples of Soviet Union and Polish People's Republic, on 10 November 1958. [Current Digest, 17 Dec 58; Daily Review, 11 Nov 581 Speech on departure from Moscow of delegation of Polish People's Republic, on 11 November 1958. [Daily Review, 12 Nov 58] Several questions on the international situation. From speech at reception for graduates of military academies, on 14 November 1958. [Daily Review, 15 Nov 58] Proposal,of Soviet Government on Berlin Question. Press confer- ence in Kremlin with Chairman of Council of Ministers USSR; N. S. Khrush- chev, on 27 November -1958. ( avd , 28 November 1958) [Current Digest, 7 Jan 59; Daily Review, 28 Nov 581 Answers to question by H. Kempsky, chief correspondent of Sueddeutsche Zeitung, newspaper of Federal Republic of Germany. (Pravda, 13 December 1958) Current Digest, 21 Jan 59; Daily Review, 13 Dec 581 39 Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 R0001 00150051-9 Plenum of Leningradskaya Oblast Party Committee discusses profit- ability and cost reduction of sovkhoz products; Chairman N. I. Smirnov of oblast executive committee gives report; leaders of oblast agriculture administration are severely criticized for lessening demands on directors and chief specialists of sovkhozes; plenum notes many sovkhozes still work unsatisfactorily, and production costs are still high. (Pravda, 13 Apr 59) Plenum of Krasnoyarskiy Kray Party Committee discusses ideological work among the masses. (Sovetskaya Rossiya, l4 Apr 59) Plenum of Tambovskaya Oblast Party Committee discusses ideological work among masses. (Sovetskaya Rossiya, 14 Apr 59) Plenum of Checheno-Ingushskaya Oblast Party Committee discusses intensifying political education work among youths. (Sovetskaya Rossiya, 14 Apr 59) Meeting of Leningrad party aktiv discusses tasks of party organiza- tions in intensifying ideological work; First Secretary N. N. Rodionov of Leningrad City Party Committee makes a report. (Pravda, 18 Apr 59) Ministers Latvian SSR. (Sovetskaya Latviaa, 9 Apr 59) cording to decree adopted by Central Committee Bureau and Council of Garden and Forest Month to be held in April and May in republic ac- Latvian SSR 9 Apr 59) Plenum of Kaunas City Party Committee discusses fulfillment of Cen- tral Committee CPSU decree "On Work'of Trade Unions of the USSR" by city party organization; Secretary Mankevichyus speaks. (Sovetskaya Litva, 8 Apr 59) Plenum of Leninskiy Rayon Party Committee, Vil'nyus, discusses tasks of rayon party organizations in strengthening public order; Gaylyavichyus, Minister of Internal Affairs Lithuanian SSR, speaks. (Sovetskaya Litva, Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80ROl731 R0001 00150051-9 Belorussian SSR Meeting of aktiv of Minsk City Party Organization hears report by Rudak, secretary of city party committee, on results of Plenum of Belo- russian Central Committee; Savel'yev, secretary of city party committee, reports on results of socialist competition; First Secretary K. T. Mazurov of the Belorussian Central Committee, participates. (Sovetskaya Belorus- siya, 7 Apr 59) Armenian SSR Bureau of Central Committee discusses preparation for celebration of 1+Oth Anniversary of Armenian SSR in 1960; jubilee commission set up, with S. A. Tovmasyan as chairman. (Kommunist, 29 Mar 59) Conference is held in republic Central Committee on fulfillment of decree on participation of workers in protection a public order; Secre- tary S. Voskanyan of Yerevan City Party Committee reports on creation of voluntary peoples guards in Yerevan; Central Committee Secretary B. Sar- kisov sums up work of conference. (Kommunist, 1 Apr 59) Regular plenum of Kirovakan City Party Committee discusses work of its newspaper, Kayts; Editor B. Bagdasaryan reports; First Secretary Ts. Badalyan speaks about concrete tasks of the paper in intensifying propa- ganda of 21st Congress decisions. (Kommunist, 3 Apr 59) Three-day seminar of ideological workers, called by Armenian Central Committee, is devoted to propaganda of 21st Congress materials; among speakers are republic Second Secretary Margaryan, Secretary Adonts, First Secretary Tovmasyan, local party leaders, and Central Committee CPSU lecturers. (Kommunist, 4 Apr 59) Two-day republic conference on ideological work, called by Azerbay- dzhan Central Committee, hears Secretary A. S. Bayromov report on tasks of ideological work of republic party organizations in light of 21st Congress decisions; P. A. Satyukov, editor-in-chief of Pravda, is among speakers during debate; republic First Secretary I. D. Mustafayev sums up work of conference. (Bakinskiy Rabochiy, 11 Apr 59) - 41 - Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 R0001 00150051-9 Kazakh SSR Plenum of Rudnyy City Party Committee discusses role of primary party organizations in fulfilling decisions of the 21st Party Congress; Secretary Shipulin speaks. (Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 4 Apr 59) Turkmen SSR Plenum of Tasbauzskaya Oblast Party Committee discusses speech,of First Secretary Atayev concerning use of tractors and farm machinery and preparation for spring sowing; resolutions to eliminate many serious shortcomings are passed. (Turkmenskaya Iskra,,7 Apr 59) Plenum of Ashkhabad City Party Committee discusses housing construc- tion in the city; Tayliyev, first secretary, speaks. (Turkmenskaya Iskra, 8 Apr 59) Uzbek SSR Plenum of Bukharskaya Oblast Party Committee'discusses shortcomings in fulfilling socialist obligations for cotton growing and spring sowing of other crops; First Secretary Rizayev, Bukharskaya Sovnarkhoz Chairman Nusratov, and republic Central Committee Secretary Mel'nikov speak; Ves- elov and Alasheyev released'as secretaries in connection with transfer to other work; Khudayberdyyev and Belousov elected secretaries. (Pravda Vostoka, 8 Apr 59) Plenum of Namangan City Party Committee discusses public education and the flew Uzbek law; Kadyrov; Minister of Education Uzbek SSR, speaks. (Pravda Vostoka, 8, Apr 59) Plenum of Tashkenskaya Oblast Party Committee sees serious implica- tions In failure of oblast to cope with machine harvest, in spite of fact th t a--few months ago Pravda scored Uzbek "antimechanization" attitude, which is still very much in-evidence; certain "Heroes of Socialist Labor" singled out as guilty in this matter; Rashidov, Uzbek First Secretary; Nasriddinov, chairman of the Presidium, Supreme Soviet Uzbek SSR;,arid others attend. (Pravda Vostoka, 10 Apr 59) -42- Approved For Release 2007/03/03: CIA-RDP80R01731 R000100150051- Approved For Release'2007/03103: CIARDP8DR01731 R0001 00150 SENDER WILL CHECK CLASSIFICATION TOP AND BOTTOM T _!UNCLASSIFIED -- CONFIDENTIAL SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP Executive Officer APPROVAL DISPATCH ACTION DIRECT REPLY COMMENT (I LEI FILE CONCURRENCE I INFORMATION Remarks : As per our telephone conversation) I attach FDD's "Survey of the Soviet Press" which on pages 34-39 gives the table of contents of Khrushchev's book. Each item in the table of contents sets forth the English language pub- lication in which the text can be found. Although FDD may not have all the English language texts available, they can be procured. CLASS. CHANCED TO: TS S CA'i NEXT REV1 VU DATE 96 AUTH: HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER D AME 6t~lA~IS ANDiddl'ci14E NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. ^ DECLASS-1 - ?iED Dep Asst. Dir. for Operations 26 May SECRET UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL (40) U. S. 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