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July 9, 1954
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I - I b, "I, O ?_'7 Approved For Release 2007/11/16: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600240001-7 CLASSIF!CH TON . r crrI East Germany (aq'1D25X1 REFERENCES- PAGES 4 tNOLOSURES (NO. & TYPE). REMARKS- 25X1 ^4TE PREPARED 9 July 1954 25X1 1,. On 16 Juno 1954,.taa Krtogsech4e (B2$3), Potsdam, was occupied by about 600 to 1,000 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets with artillery, signal and motor transport insignia. on 12 June, about 40 trucks and about 40 x 120-mm mortars were seen: berraeke area. The vehicles were being. serviced by about 50 sole iers. 50 soldiers engaged in leveling work near the three new sheds east of the installation. 2~ On 17 June, the Kriegaschule was occupied as previously by about 2,000 soldiers wearingred-bordered bAsek epanlpts with tank and artillery insl gnia. The new vehicle "t .dp, w*h had a capacity of 30 to 40 vehicles each, had been 'About 40 to 50 trucks towing 160-mm mortars and 4C to 50 t.* -truce ked in the yard as previ ly. sea 4, On 2 June, the Kriegsachule was occupied. Sentries observed wore red-bordered black epaulepe with- motor transport insignia. The mortar unit was still stationed in the installation. Some of the trucks were on blocks On 20 and 24 ('ley; an undetermined number of sol ers 25X1 received ? tion on 3 to 5 x 120-mm mortars on Bornatedter Feld end, on 28 May, T-34 tanks and l armored personnel carries 25X1 entered the installation from the firing ranges on Amundsen Strasse.. Three T-34 tanks were seen in the'open sheds. 44 I R 3, On 26 May, the Kriegeachule was oooupise by about 1,200 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets with artillery and motor transport insignia, Between 22 and 26 May, about 35 x l20-mm mortars and about 45 trucks 25X1 were being serviced by about 30 soldiers in the barracks area. About 40 soldiers armed with carbines and carrying practice targets left the installtion toward Katharinenhols. About,25 soldiers engaged in physical training in the barracks yard Throe new sheds were seen east of the in- 25X1 25X1 ri rccif^A'ifl\.1 r.VCR%T Approved For Release 2007/11/16: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600240001-7 On 16 June, the Adolf Hitler Kaserne (2287), Potsdam, was occupied by about 1,000 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets with tank, artillery, signal and motor transport insignia. Three trucks towing 57-mm AT guns were seen in the barracks yard. No training other than physical training was observed. 7. On 17 June, the Adolf Hitler Kaserne was occupied as previously by about 1,500 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets, mostly with. tank insignia and, a few officers, with artillery insignia. Between 20 and 25 June, the previously observed personnel carriers and trucks were no longw seen. 3etween 20 May and 5 June, about 30 soldiers were rep with live ammunition at the Bornetedt firing ranges. Tracks engaged in #riving practices. Motor vehicles were seen on route to and treat the?inatallation.- 8. on 26 .4ay, the Adolf Hitler Kasernt, was occupied by about 800 to 1,000 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets with tank and motor transport insignia. On 25 May, about 60 soldiers engaged in physical training and about 40 soldiers received basic training in the barracks yard. About 60 soldiers faith carbines and ~oractice targets marched toward Katrarinenhols (woods). On 26 May, a T-3418'5 tanks was seen in the barracks area. t! 2res T-34/85 tanks practiced driving at Bornatedter Feld. Trucksfi 9, On 2 Jme3 the Adolf Hitler Kaserns was occupied. Sentries observed were red-bordered black epaulets with tank and artillery insignia, Two T-34 tanks Rere observed the yard. An undetermirad number of soldiers received instru.tion on a 76.2 mm field gun at the athletic ?ield. On 2 June, 6 trucks towing 76.2-mn field guns were seen in the barracks yard, ready for departure. 10, On 17 June, the Kavallerieschule Krampnita (2161) was occupied by 6p')00 t-j 7,000 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets with tank, artillery, signal and motor transport insignia. On 12 June, about 80 soldiers received basic training and about 20 soldiers received instruction on 2 guns, presinably 122--mw, field howitzers in the western portion of the barracks area. On 14, June, 10 trucks carrying 9 pontoons, 1 motorboat, beams and logs left the quartering area for the northern shore of Krampnitz Lake, when the trucks At about 1900, troops started at the constriction of a pontoon bridge. On 16 June, at least 800 soieiers fired 11. On 12 June, the Kavalleriesohule Krampnitz was occupied by 10,000 to 12,,00 soldie-s wearing red-bordered black epaulets with tank, arti]3ery, motor transport and signal insignia. Training in the barracks yard ar.d the training area was very intensive. There were no indications of a transfer of the units. Between 1 and 10 June, about 100 to 200 soldiers repeatedly received field training in the training area north of the installation.. On 3 June, drivin; school trucks left the installation. At about 1100, a unit of about battalion strength was seen in a simulated attack against a hill about 2,500 meters east of the former village of Ferbits. Twelve T-34/85 tanks, about 300 infantry man and several guns partieipatei in the exercise. About 80 to 100 soldiers were observed positions on the hill. On 4-June, 7 new armored personnel Barriers entered 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/11/16: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600240001-7 Approved For Release 2007/11/16: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600240001-7 the installation from the 0 6 June, 2 trucks, each occupied by 25 soldiers left the installation toward the trainlm are near F z. Between 8 and 12 June, 3 to 8 T-34/85 tanks ere repeatedly seenat driving practice in terrain. Supply vehicles seen an route between the Satzkorn railroad et+stion and Kavallerieechule Sraapnits 13. On 3 June, the Kavalleriesohule Krampnitz was occupied by 2,500 to 3,000 soldiers. Training Concentrated on advanced combat practices in the training area. Between 1 and 2 June a night exercise was conducted. The exercise involved T-34 tanks three armored personnel carriers sal tru ing 57-mm AT guns. On 21 May, 6 AA guns were still in the previous observed emplace- ment on Reiterdasm. A T-34 tank and 1 JS-3 tank left the sheds on Reiterdemm. Between 21 May and 1 June, 200 to 800 soldiers wearing red-bordered blacc epaulets repeatedly left for advanced combat practices. Eleven driving school trucks left the quartering area. Between 25 and 28 May, the individual buildings of the installation ware occupied as follower building No 13 by 120 to 150 artillery men; building No la by about 200 soldiers of the tank training battalion; building No 15 by 200 to 250 soldiers of a motor transport unit; building No 51 (south wing) by about 200 tank troopers and (north wing) 80 signal soldiers of a light tank unit; building No 52 (south wing) by about 200 tank troopers of a light teik unit; building No 50 by 100 to 150 soldiers of a heavy tank 3P gun unit; and. buildings Nos 4 and 7 possibly also by soldiers of this unit. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/11/16: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004600240001-7 rent. These are the first 160-can mortars reported with the 299th Ws--Fart Regt in the Kriagsschule, Potsdam, The equipping of this unit with 160-mn mortars appears possible. 2 .I IComment, 299th Ode 14ort Refit of the 10th Gds 'Ij Tank Div in Potsdam until 22 March 1954. tt. The departure of a unit the 10th Oda Tank Div was previously observed. 4.I Comment, 29th Ods Iltz Rifle Rs t of the 10th Gds Tank Div in Krampnits until 3 May 1954. 61st Gds Tank Regt of the 10th Gds Tank Div in Krampaits until 9 April 1954. Cho !neat, The occupation strength of this installation annears to be considerably underestimated, II IJ nt. 624 Ode Tank Refit of the lotti ads do Tank Div in XeWq)nLtz uuntil 28 May ; and 1524 (Y) 6kis Big Bn of the 10th- Oda, Ta=k Div.. in Tram nt, The information indicates t&at units a4 the loth a& Tank v concentrated on formation drill at the poet.tpaining area and, according to trdlning schedule started night egerdins of mixed unite at, SECRET) 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 ZOAI 25X1 25X1