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September 4, 1981
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Approved For O497 90R0 00080059-5 25X1 I DDA Management Staff 7D-18 ilgs . TO: (Officer designation, room number, and 25X1 SU$JECT: (Optional) Minutes of "Buffer Zone" Colmittee Meeting F tOM- ADDA 7D-18 Hc-1 s. C/CSD/OC I DC/TSD/OS DC/PSD/OS ] OFFICER'S REaIVED [11-FORWARDED w--R- rnALS r--- 4 September 1981 COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment,) Attached for your information are the minutes from the "Buffer Zone" Committee meeting held on 28 August 1981. The next scheduled "Buffer Zone" Committee meeting will be held at 0930 hours in Room 7D-24 Hqs. (DDA Conference Room) on Friday, 18 September. Distribution: 0 - ADDA 1 - Ea Add'l adse ,Y"- DDA Subj 1 - MS Chrono - EO/DDA/ba(4Sep81) Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000300080059-5 Approved For Relse 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP84B00890R0'00080059-5 ".0uffer Zone" Cotrani:ttee Meeting A me et::i nc of the "Buffer Zone" Corranittee held on 28 August 1981. at 10:30 in 7D32. Atb ndees were: William N. Hart, ADDA, Chairman C/CSD/OC P OS/TSD (C) OS 'SD L/RE :D OSO The Agenda for the meeting included a discussion of the current standards and their history by Joe mentioned that the problem domestically is in defining the threat. In the foreign area, the threat is known, and thus the requirement for full TEMPEST equipment is known. His other significant problem lies in enforcing a decision to require full TEMPEST. Waiver requests are frequent, especially from Agency "state-of-the-art" corr~ponents. His conce= is also that we require our industrial contractors to follow one set of very rigid standards while Agency offices appear to have a relaxed set of standards. There was a discussion about external zones of control and their related physical security procedures. There also was a discussion on the perceived relaxation of TEMPEST requirements which. might occur when a zone-of-control requirement is instituted. The Committee was requested to consider: ---the use of a core area in buildings for non-TEMPEST equipment. --the use of an external 0 buffer zone. --the methods of controlling security in a =buffer zone. --the ramifications of a requirement for true TEMPEST. I agreed to bring some relative cost figures for shielding several building sizes. Goal of the group will be to draft a Headquarters Regulation on the subject. A second meeting will be scheduled during the week of September 14. WARNING NOTICE INITFLLMNU SOURCE AND h;ET (Ol S i'! l01L1"E D Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP84B0089 C-O--N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L