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rvnn my. 51-4AA FEB 1952 Approve&Ppr.Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R01120024044-1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CONTROL U. S. OFFICI'.AiIS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION REPORT REPORT NO. CONFIDENTIAL, COUNTRY cermany (;Russian: Zone) CD NO. DATE DISTR. 28 March 1952 25X1 SUBJECT Kl cellaneous Information from Carl Zeiss,, Jena NO. OF PAGES DO NOT C 25X1 4UPEMENTTO IICULA TE jEPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. Prod:.tion of spectrographs and difficulties in obtaining, quartz for them at Zeiss, J'e 2) Tyrol quartz is the most difficult of the raw materials for these instruments for Zeiss to obtain. 3) Zeiss intended to conduct tests of optical properties in Switzerland and to import through Italy and Hungary..(1) 25X1 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS b The quartz s ectreaph ' Qu 12f9 25X1 1) In August 1951 Zeiss considered starting manufacture of their pre w'ar spectrograph ''I u 12" again. "Qu 121 had been designed for light metal analysis. (There was also the "Qu: 21 for steel and a model "Qlz G 55111. with better dispersion). 2) It was decided that lack of quartz was a strong reason against starting manufacture again. Zeiss would have had enoug4-, of the necessary quartz for the production of',,only a very sm).ll number of ingtnment 952 .;_--:- Document No. -- --------- 2X1 com No Change In Class. ONFIDENTIAL No Change In Class. 0 Declassified CLASSIFICATION iOL - U. S. OFFIC GIa31Z-fhanged To: TS S HR E0-2.._- - Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200240004-1 25X1 : ~21) Approved For Release 200.6/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200240004-1 bN'1 ROL - U. S, OFFICIALS ONLY -2- CONFIDENTIAL New distribution section for d1. oad. dxawin: stones a. A new C' 1 Zeiss sales and distribution section was set up in October 1951. headed by one Peitsche, this section was to be primarily for the distribution of diambnd drawing stones, Lagersteine (sic),and. diamond. tools. b. This new section is to be called Abteilung fuer Sondererzeugnisse (Division for Special Products) (abbreviated to Seu). Possilsle further msnufacture of A-1 (2) In late October 1951, the direction of Carl Zeiss informed the departments concerned that delivery dates for the A-1 were to be given as soon as possible, so that an order for this apparatus could be placed with Zeiss. Chinese order for c. stal resonators Schwin Syarze) Chins.. recently placed a large order for chrystal resonators with DIA.., Carl Zeiss negotiated with DIA for this order, but by late October 1951 no orders had been placed with Zeiss. Carl. Zeiss roduction in 1952-1955 outlook for the division of total Zeiss production in the years to come. a division of 45% for the DDR,35% for eastern exports and 20% for western, exports could be foreseen for 1952. In the following year the proportion for the DDR, would have to sink - to 25% in 1955, the proportion for western export then remaining at 20% and that for the east rising to 55%. 6. P?oduction for the third quarter of 1951 planned overall production in Zeiss a een 90.% fulfilled for the third quarter of 1951. T.eodplites, for Rsman: theodslites for Rumania is among a most urgent orders at Zeiss, PrCrdnction of field. glasses for China 6,000 pairs of field- glasses are to be produced by Carl Zeiss in 1951: more than 5,000 of these have been ordered for China. For 1952, 13,000 glasses of Type 6 x 30 8 x 30 and 7 x 50 have been set aside for export to China. It is believed in Carl Zeiss that these glasses, supplied with cross-wires, are for army or naval use. (l.) Contz The meaning of the original German sentence is obscure. (,2) 1 ICommcent: The A-1 a operational purposes. ears be a bombsight used for both training CONFIDENTIAL OTC - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200240004-1