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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
February 20, 1952
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'? Approved Fpr R s 00 dD8Hl~..YGIA~ g2=0~1457R0112000600 COUN'1?R~,Lustr~a CSoviot Lone rr n:> (Soviet z one )~ ;'C}Rr Pdb.~ 25X1 i TOPICCrudo Oil 6hinrsents from "'istersdor 11,.zatriLa .DATE PREPAREE3 20 1'ebruaxr9~~ 3 S. ENCLOSURES (No. & TYPE)- REMARKS filled toe ,scat Tm (2) '-'urin" the ~x)riod. _rom 1 tlaro .z;~~ 21 January., 13.,003 tons of crude oil n ore shi3')ec' to t .'-c I,euna ''%orks, and 645 and ".592 tons storm facilities of the I-'ehlen and ;spenhain hydrogenation p~_onte zrer d~ inc.Zudin 3,,224 tons dispatclre(. to _ oehlon; 21 , 6 _ tons to ~?spenhain; and. .5 9623 tons to ''euna. _f ter 1 January 1952, crude oil was delivered exclusively to 3,caz.~aa because is iroau iaru Car D1str~ ~lttoa3 a a., Total delivcrics received prior to 31 .Docciaber? 1)5i amounted to 79,613 ton: The folloraing infor. ation on crude oil ; hion:aents from Z= a s tj' f, =iu.stria, to the Soviet Lone of Germany nas he Central 25X1 :aero di:u atchcd there on 22 and 23 January respoctivoly,, - to:7tal of 95,850 tons of crude oil. ,have be:n dol_ivere(I to the Soviet Gone of Germany since September 1951 (:3 ) cn On 214 and 25 January, 37 and Jh railroad tank carloads o-t crude oil resDectivcly mere shin )ed to ?..euna via Bad Bran ach, (14) 2. Trains of railroad tank cans wit'i crude oil uassin.c? throu.arh the Gera railroad station on route fro.-.a ldohenau (5) Lover [Illstria, nndd bound for Grosskorhethe included: Date Pd:7 of. 23 Deccrabor 24 December 25 i7ecombor 26 December I January A.xlo s 76m 86 72 06 6i 7+0 2 January 105; 4 Janua rYy 52 5 January 90 6 January 8; 7 January 60 8 Janurr y 76 in the opposite direction during the re::)orted period, corresporrlin number of trains of o?:roty railroad tanl- cars pasood through er n i '1,':'ICIAAL,} 0l :Y 25X1 G Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200060010-4 Approved For Release 2006/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200060010-4 it ~);-a,'I;i.~1Ti o:i y Cor.1.: eats. (1 or f mctions of the Control ?;?ailroa.l mask Car Distribution Points (2) The ui;~tillation plant in 'irnat:ockcothal also received minor crude oil shipments? 25X1 25X1 (3) a total o 23?30:) tan:: cars ta; crude oil - 5 n sc ec ii ea to .o sent to t 'IC Llovict "Zone of '3er_:sany? 25X1 25X1 the delivery of 14;),0CJ 'Cons of cri.175 311 was arra_1-;ed for in a trade F t ro ..,ient concluded lJC1 i eon the TJ S.:4 arid t hhc ~'oviot Zone of Gar--,,any. )n 2 l : C!~ it was -arranged in direct nc ;otiations with t?c 6oviot Naphta Adnnanistration in Austria that an ad.-itional 120,.O0:) tons of crude oil were to be ship )eel within three montlis. R presentatives of the Leuna ;k,rks acre sort to Austria and to t '-w Dad 5char?dau border cros.:i.n, point in order to direct the flog of crude all s.iioY:lr.:nt :Lister about 2.) ;t.;verlber l') 'l, an increased number of railroad tank cars loaded with crude oil bo :an to ness through Lad 6charldau1, come of t':h::se china