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Approved For Release 2006/12/04: CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300140027-3 INSTRUCTION NO. LI 43-100-1 SUBJECT: Forms Management Program REFERENCES: Agency Regulation Agency Regulation LI 43-100-1 RECORDS 30 November 1954 CONTENTS Page Page General.. . . . . . . . . . 1 Responsibility and Background . . . . . . . . 1 Authority . . . . . . . . 2,3 Policy . . . . . . . . . 2 Submission of.Requests Security Classification of for Approval of Forms . . 3 Forms 2 a. This Instruction supplements referenced Regulations and establishes a continuing forms management program for the Logistics Office. Procedures are prescribed for requesting new, revised or reprint orders for forms or form letters which are of primary interest to, initiated by, or for sole consumption of the Logistics Office. b.: This Instruction does not apply to other forms stocked for general: Agency consumption or forms produced in the Printing and Reproduc - tion Division for other components of the Agency. BACKGROUND The Agency adopted a revised forms numbering system effective 1 July 1954 This revised system will eventually eliminate the numerical prefix. used to designate the office of primary interest and will es- tablish.a straight numerical sequence for forms. Recognition will be made of this change in referencing numbered forms in regulatory and procedural matter by listing the old and new form numbers. EXAMPLE: Form No. 36-280 (to be redesignated Form No, 183), or Form No. 30 (replaces obsolete Form No, 30-11). The proper form number to be referenced may be obtained from the Forms Management Branch, Management Staff, extension CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2006/12/04: CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300140027-3 Approved For Release 2006/12/04: CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300140027-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 3. POLICY a.' Logistics office components will make maximum use of forms and form letters where it is demonstrably more efficient and economical to do so. b. Existing standardized forms of this Agency or of other Government agencies will be adopted to use wherever feasible to do so. c. The procurement, production or use of all forms by Logistics Office components will be strictly in accordance. with applicable Agency and Logistics Office regulatory issuances. 4. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF FORMS Where completed forms will bear a uniform security classification, such classification may be preprinted on the form. The preclassifi- cation of printed forms, however, necessitates the application of prescribed security measures for the handling and safekeeping of such forms as classified documents.' To avoid such_needlesssecurity measures in cases where blank preclassified forms are not inherently classifiable as CONFIDENTIAL or higher, the words When Filled In" will be printed below the classification considered appropriate to the form when it is filled in, Accordingly, forms so identified are unclassified documents until entries are made. Forms not so identified must be assumed to be classified as indicated thereon and will be handled accordingly. 5. RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY a. Where preclassification of a form is requested., the initiator of a "Request for Approval of Form" will coordinate as necessary with the Security Staff, Logistics Office. b. Division and Staff Chiefs or their designees will initially approve or disapprove all requests for new, revised, or reprint order forms and form letters primarily or solely used within their component, and for other forms whose development falls within their sphere of responsibility. They will also ensure that appropriate concurrences have been obtained from other components of the Logistics Office or of the Agency which are concerned with the form and the procedure involved. c. The Chief, Administrative Staff will provide for a review of all "Requests for Approval of Forms" (Form No. 30 - see Attachment) and for the following: (1) Proper completion of Form No. 30; CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2006/12/04: CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300140027-3 Approved For Release 2006/12/04: CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300140027-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY (2) Ensuring that necessary concurrences have been obtained; (3) Preventing duplication of forms; (4) Correlating forms, procedures and issuances; (5) Preventing the creation of unnecessary forms and record copies of forms. d. The Chief, Records and Services Branch, Administrative Staff, who has been designated as the Logistics Office Area Records Officer,.will act as coordinator between the requesting-com- ponent of the Logistics Office and the Management Staff, Forms Management Branch, and will provide staff assistance as re- quired, 6. SUBMISSION OF RE rSTS FOR APPROVAL OF FORM "Requests for Approval of'Forms" (Form No. 30) will be completed in all practicable detail, signed by the Division Chief or his designee, and submitted in duplicate to the Area Records Officer, together with the following materials (1) Reproduction Requisition (Form N. 36..2) signed by an authorized individual (see LI 40-140-1); (2) Sample or draft of the requested form; (3) Two copied of any proposed prooedure regarding the use of the new or revised form. Chief of Logistics Attachment Form No. 30 LO/AS/R&S/GM a mel cos Forms Management Branch (30) -3- CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2006/12/04: CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300140027-3