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May 2, 1978
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PDF icon CIA-RDP81M00980R002000100103-5.pdf91.15 KB
RTICLE APPI A proved For Release 2 W1?S: 51A b~OBY';ER002000100103-5 William F. Buckley Jr. Shchara sky's trial The trial of Anatoly Shcharansky nears, and un- fair though it is to the de- fendant to dwell on it, much hangs on the procedure and the outcome of extra-per- sonal interests. Shcharansky is,. we. can safely assume, innocent. But he is an important pawn`inwhom the Soviet Union has greatly invested. Perversely, the Commu- nists have been greatly aided by the astonishing behavior of President Car- tee and one'of his key se- curity assistants, David Aaron. Briefly on the matterJof . Shcharansky. He is a com- puter mathemetician whQ in ;April 1973 applied for per- mission to emigrate to Is- rael. Permission 'denied. Why? Because he "pos- sessed classified informa- tion," a. charge- at. which everyone in Moscow-who-is permitted to laugh, laughed. Shcaransky had, been em- ployed irr the. Moscow Re- search Institute for Oil' and Gas, which. is officially un- classified. Shcharansky's offense is that a) he is Jewish - the Soviet Union's frenzied campaign against the Jews is unabated; b) he sought. to leave the country; and c) by joining the forlorn com- mittee of Soviet citizens who endeavored ,to monitor Soviet compliance with. the Helsinki: pact, he insulted the people who signed'that pact. Thus far, routine Soviet The residual problem is stuff..But. then a. year ago, that if the Soviet Union having arrested Shcha- "proves" - i.e., presents ransky, the Soviet Union , hard evidence ,. that Li- announced that he would be pavsky was. in fact a CIA tried for treason, an offense agent - Carter is labeled a that not uncommonly brings liar. That is unpleasant, but a 'death - sentence. The not unendurable. What: is prosecutors -came up with truly damaging is the pros- one : Dr. Sanya Lipvasky pect that Soviet dissidents. who. had shared an apart- would stand; to forfeit much ment for a few months with of their sympathy outside Shcharansky during his Russia if one of their mem- bachelor days. bers was proved to be a Lipavsky, the Soviet '. U.S. agent. press reported, had con- ' . Never mind the mitigat- fessed to the Soviet Union in ing facts -- almost. cer- great remorse that during tainly, Lipavsky was a;dou- 1975 he had acted as a CIA ble agent, in this case hired agent and, as a repentant by the KGB.to approach the Jewish dissident, he was CIA to forge a synthetic link now presumably ready to.' expressly for the purpose of testify :against Shcha- disclosing that link in pub- ransky, again presumably a - licly useful circumstances. co-conspirator. It is not Almost -.lost in the clear what services Li- excitement of. Shcharansky pavskywas in 'position- to -are two other Soviet Jews, render the CIA since he was Grigory Goldstein and a doctor in a clinic that- Pavel Abramovich. They examined ;taxi, and bus are to be'tried for 'some- drivers. thing called "parasitism," which is the crime of being In .June .of last year, unemployed. It happens President Carter -an- that they are un mployed nounced at a press confer because, on -app4ying to ence that Shcharansky "has emigrate.from the Soviet never had any sort of rela- Union, they were promptly tionship, to our knowledge, fired from their jobs. Abra- with the CIA." But then last movich thereupon made a March, David Aaron, an frugal living by teaching important assistant to Brze- Hebrew. He did this openly, zinski', tipped -,off Time paying all the relevant magazine that in fact Li- taxes. But he was neverthe- pavsky had indeed been ac-. less, charged with. unem- tive with the CIA. Between, ployment inasmuch as He- them -' Carter and Aaron .brew is,'not an "official - about every.protocol in .-language." How can anyone the `spy, business was, vio be employed , teaching, a laced. non -existent language? Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81 M00980R002000100103-5