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''ff2~ ir' Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-~111'F000`90014l ,$d 4-2 RESTRICTED Security Information CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Washington, D. C. SUBJECT: List of Approved CIA Forms 15 January 1953 1. Attached hereto is the revised list of forms for use within the Agency. 2. This list supersedes list published with CIA Noticel ated 1 July 1952. FOR THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE: WALTER REID WOLF Deputy Director/ (Administration) RESTRICTED Security Information Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 ll~LL /~ III 9U0rYt~ 1ad~C,` Approved For Release 2006/ R T1 'lti 1RDP70-00411f O9001400b4-2 Ful CTIO .'LL LISTIe'eO OF APPtiGI J CIL, FORMS FuRU! NO. TITLE C u RRr,Tv T LITIUN DATh acco,,.nting, Accounts and Audits (1) 33-9 Notification of Transfer of Funds or Accounts SEPT 19t 6v' 33-16 !`Accounting by Individual for Advance JUN 19497 33-18 Post Allowance Audit Card FEB 1948v' 33-26 Capital Transfers Affecting fVas:--ington ,'4AR 1952/' 33-36 Recapitulation of Oversec.s accountings OCT 1950' 33-37 Adjustments to Monthly Report OCT 1950- 33-41 Advance Ledger JUL l951r1M5 N,33 -41A Statement of Advance JUL 1951- 33-43 No Title - Agents Cashier Request for Advance of Funds JUN 1952- -.33-45- Statement of Accouu:t DEC 1952\ X34-13 Postage Stamp ra.ily Summary Sheet APR 1952 34-38 Bill and Collection Register JUN 195011' 34-102 No Title - Request to Carrier for Rehilling of Transportation APR 1952 34-103 No Title - Re t f Cl ifi ti P ques or ar ca on to ermit Prompt Settlement of Filling (Manifold) SEPT 1950/ 34-104 Request for Information Relative to Disposition of Certified Vouch._r Covering i.ccount OCT 1948 36-111 Transfer of Property ~.ccounta.bility APR 1950 ? 36-126, Claim and Receipt Form for Reimbursement for Trans: ortation Lxpnse JUL 1951" 09-19 . Obligation Register JAR 1952 59-25 Project Financial Data JUN 1952c Action (2) 33-39 Project T/0 Control MAX 1951: 36-206 Contract Approval sction Record Nov 1951X 56-81 Notification of Personnel Action JAN 1952 760-113 Document ction Form JUN 1952=. ->:llotments and Allocations (3) 32-5 Advice of ;>llotment Authorization JUL 19521/ 32-7 Request for Cha re in Allotment NOV 19147' 32-21 Budget Analysis and Allotment Request JJL 19522' 32-26 Allotment Ledger DEC 1952L 33-20 Report on Expenditures and Budget Allocations APR 1950--- 34-39 _nalysis of Allotment Transactions - Unruled DEC 1950' 34-39L Analysis of Allotment Transactions - Ruled DEC 1950'" )i7-1)43 Field Referral Record JUL 1951,;"' 1,51-91 Project Sub-allotment FEB 1952r 51-122 Protect: Record Card FEB 1952-' 56-77 Analysis of Budget Allocations OCT 1950 ? 59-5 OPC Administrative Allotment advice (Manifold) NOV 1949 N 59-26 Project Vehicle Allocation AUG 1952,_ Approved For Release 2006/04/13: 6A-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 RcST.tICTLD Appointments, Personnel and Personal Data (4) 0 3-1 !Applicant Record Card SEPT 1950,/ 0-25 T/O Change Authorization SEPT i9521'- -- 33-2 Foreign Duty Data Sheet MAR 1949, 33-44 Contract Control DEC 1952 ' 3 7-6 Personnel Information Card - IBM JAN 1952/. ' 37-50 Personnel Data Form JUL 1948 37-73 Daily Log of Personnel Actions MAR 1952x" " 37-79 Residence and Dependency Report MAY 1950 " 3 7-82 Military Status Questionaire AUG 1950-/ 37-87 Morning Report Data - Army SEPT 1951" 3 7-87A .orning Report Data - Air Force SEPT 1951 37-88 Request for Indices Check SEPT 1951= 37-89 Field Recruitment Summary Test Report OCT 19517 ? X3 7-90 Statement of Federal Civilian and Military ' Service `' w` JAN 1952 ( 37-112 Letter of Availability JUN 1952 " 37-114 Entrance on Duty Notice NOV 195.2,v' 37-115 No Title - Request for Physical Examination MAY 190 / 3 7-117 Report of Interview OCT 1952---- 37-118 Lv,,-,d or Source Report SEPT 1952 1/ 37-119 Field t cruitment Cover Sheet JAN X950 g~, ";i 37-124 Stett:us Card MAR 1951 -= 37-125 Placement Officer (activity Report MAR 1951% 37-126 New Hire Routing Sheet APR 1951' (T(-, st) V7-129 Cancellation of :applicant Processing; FEB 1952' X37-130 Ro Title - Letter Advising Applicant of o -~u v r ' Employment JUN 1952 c? 3 7-13?A No Title - Letter Advising Applicant of Employment JUN 19S2r" 3 7-130B No Title - Letter Advising Applicant of 3 7-130C Employment No Title - Letter Advising Applicant of Em- 1952 37-131 ployment No Title - Request for Interview ~TON APR 1952 1951 " 37-132 Change in Status Routing Sheet MAY 19516x 37-135 Memorandum of Agreement JUN 1951/ 37-148 Employee Summary Worksheet IJAR 19524 37-149 Recommended Prospect Referral APR 1952 37-150 Employee Qualification Code Sheet JUb 1952 ' 37-150._ {applicant Qualification Code Sheet JUL 1952:x ' 37-151 Personnel Evaluation Report MilY 1952" 3 7-152 Personnel Cualification Questionnaire ti~aY 1952/ 37-153 Area Card - White JUN 1952 r 37-153 ch, Gam, and moose of all of ie.:: or,-vniza:A anal components. < Set forth detailed plan lisprogra Agency-ice. (7) outline initial opemtLng pro- cet .s providing soecificafy for: (a) An inventory of all forms and col-' ecti.on of sa le conies. (b} . zbraisa >n of periodic pro- ports. (c) .sttabliait'ient. of basic. files. (d) :.ic. t nuing survey a-,d study r forms. Procedures for rcc;.,eatang approval of c: ns nolades devolopt: of new reuaest form). A cx:., per Analysis (Pre it system o: functLonal coding to be studi and possibly .' odifi ). (9) Establish ertt of sst aarde of forms design and cqplanation of technic Fes. Mars on typograspby, construc- tion,, prodac"1 ,n an$ coa osition met iocIs and 3 ecial.t.7-k-i pe fors. or ate any acceptable reco: ~~itnded gee and submit to Chief, G ISO., for ap- proval... C, 'alien approved by t;-ho Chief, GSO, reproduce sufficient copies for review and coordina- by the 1)1)/A, DWI and 1)13/P complexes as the several co a onents of the r=s Office 1, Trai:iLZ,, ':;orfvt: .catip:.-ns, Coordination to be, acco;lis:.ed under ni torship of the Area r ecords Of- ficers where designated a'd by the GSO For m& naCeit Branch In other areas. Approved For Release 2006/04/1 : CIA-RDP70-00211 ROT0900140004-2 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 (R0a cr or *0proV1 tied by the DDIA,, f orwar . to L: top-1.evel oval and is would be useful for 'd n ght be of maid ssiblk, difT:Icul ties at a later date in the incorporate any final as). e of contents and an e h i,'bits and cover for icat"'on. in oon june nn . ii W e Area i eco and based on periodic progress c1 , n iq:zes a,.id rooe0. "rc;z. tunas, etc.,, Agrnc require- I `or i a,,d in 7r=as r 3 ,e lent b. 07elop e ibits, practise, exercises,, Yue h and 35 , n a t .h s and o iw Visual $ : { .a. o. Th ve:Iop in. coUaborat .on w1 ahz t?:,.o TJi.rn, of i al ni , an e% ension course and/or and film strips for use :,r~ traa .,n ,.ng i nac- saible program arU ci,,)aats in overseas ,r proprietary pro vec to and vab&. diar, stations .'.Gust!. Coordinate all training s ateria1,.ao, course r .ro=. ent j, etc. With tho :"Y rector of ".; &Ining &;,d obtain a:provnl of ., e "'lief", . =~'o Indox or Catalog, ndpuct$ separata or under vazaLa is of instruotit . n ate. Ion with Area *-; cocas Officers, Decide between. Approved For`Release 2006/04/13: CIA-RDP70-00211R000900140004- y 4 r a pub1icatLOA~ de Of the '~e.+Iic operatir..g - ersen ei, determine Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 1dei'a {., k't"! ICS "'_ al a 1.phabe or fi nct:1ona showing ate, tit Le, unit of l s1 j, plaoe of st cage and e c ib?rig regul&t0X7 or ad- rdtdstra ve issuance, reference number) A catalog (aactuaa ,` depict a physical reproth "t do of the form in addition to furnisixing of ier information). f r echenizatLon of jnd : (b) "ost..index or *Udlar system. Vic } ubm y roco ten 1ation as to'on and =ethod of z c iza on to Thiefa ,, for anprova . (d) Based on frequency of c hae in `"or; s.s and addition of new items, doter dne frequency for issuing changes to the finder or catalog and pubes. sh sane as required on a con- t basiI6 On a day-to-day basis, des tine ality and finally s ?pprove or di s prova requests for new or revised foams, elia- , consolidating,, standardizing and f, ,jing where feasible. eview and quir me for initial disc .'cru on,, e and res rnply. develop production s pecificat onaa and roi coordinate on regulatory and a&,ii.nietrat!ve issuances prescribing ur roforencir forma, effecting complete correlation betar z form proved? s and ise cee. Assign nw ere, prepare preliminary and final-t"a, copy, Approved For Release 2006/04PF CIA-RDP70-00211 RO 0900140004-2 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 ~ y of ors; of other Government sgenciess- the Agency a app prove or di.oapprove'ft tnt requests. ltiec visa, e~Atrzi ' an operations and a diae a ad consult si' field and aftuart3rs officials on plaw dngs operas tonal and tecbniun t'hases of .- pro rasa. tidy euncta oua3. groups cif fora to mi nate# consolidate,,, st dsrdi, simpl i.fy,# and irprove existing forms end procedures. nd ct ep.oia , stadleg mad research prof- n fore syst"s a proccdura1 tation i rovesss .r ssege nt and iaa infor atL on for t6p Agency Ins where, progress rtay be up possible areas where publicity gj *Saint In scha t1.isG inspections) ita se schedule for each organizatioul segment of the Agency blrs (1) (2) Evaluating each series of records in terms of their admiaaistrative, legal, fise al, research or historical value. (3) Developing standards and obtaining co* - currence of operating peel.. c . Legal authorizations. Obtain legal authore'2s- a an to d ssposse p records is accordance with standards contained is the records control schedules. be Congress, requests for submit to the National to dispose of records, Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 d. . As the used. arises, collectively o viduaiily tr*in area raoords officers, staff es .oyeeses and other interested personnel in the techniques of records disposition. basic training tool viii be the records disposition hasdbook. It viii be supplemented ugb group discuse loos, reference to and study of statutes and regulations applicable to the disposition of *deral Records, sad reference to publicatio s of other Federal agencies . Schedule A lication !jj Review Procedure- Records onto c1e re evil approxi stely 1 year after original preper- ation and annually thereafter to $ continued application. (2) Revise then to include or delete items in connection with organizationall, or functional ck rs . Rtfectiveness illtlaMsmr I-Sts, ? ec vemees o so cling Surveys and pectiomrs. (2) Colleection, cor>pil,ation and submission of Information on records disposition activ..ti.s. Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 j{~~~?{~ ^,R 1 Ot'Lku 41) COL NCH io tz ::`- ,ap,,e lnt) ? Develo"3 a :ndbook ('she t e ports hMVmwt, iii) for =:; o o i danc e of Records f'icers inalei nting a ~T c within the1r o .s. The Eandbook -.,1111 eontin aform~atkn on 2zorTam scope, cb jectives, definitions, ?o: otion, instal" ation, and o rr tion. -arts Lanagpiaent, --'cop a. E>cem-c ,)or fission to insta7ll, and operat a b. Collaborate with the Office's officials -and the Area 4ecords Officer to deterir ne the cost realistic arocec'ures nd guides for a , n5 storing the To gram. evelop an initial draft of he rr nosed hand- !;ooh and clear through 0:30 and the Office in which the Program is to be o?serated. Toot the og-r ;and Lndbo; !. throw h actual o raer yticns in one or more Offices. e.licize content of itae handbook and what is b` . ing accoLiplished in Offices a6 -ministering the oram. f. Paced upon co nts from other areas., and experience gained in actur.l } ogra a ones tions, develcp a draft; containing guides ap ropiate to ad ,.,i, Asb rinC a - ?o r in and co!nlonent of t' _"e Agency. w C. Suit draft cc )iss through Roguiations Control Staff for working-level cl:r=-ranve. ha. lnc ,or? to =king-:L vol. reco endations into -a, final cr ft; cl e',r through Chief, 080, and ieguiations Con~rol Staf ; snd submit to e~ oduction for printing. 2, Coneurrantly : =ith accoml ping Cb j o L va I above, develop a --ro os > a-opox t n ; at cc junction with cress re rt,s on, then' se* sf`:10cords ; out. Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 Deterrn ne the c'c oira1le reporting (2) b. indieitor of -problem 1aintain record on -moo; methods w, ed by Area Records c. On the basis of findings froze au and b. above, develop a reporting procedure which Will best serve the needs of the 'Program yet Place the least burden on Area Records officers. . ?rote the eE:tablishmnt and operation of Programs Bch major organizationsl component to ensure that ie acrtsageient ?Tciples are applied throughout the Agency. oes information, h rasnect to: Sihher echelon's requirements for 'P he sirability of exchanging timely ire-.1- na the Area asocordr Officers, The noe ureo$3, nts which do not have a Pro; rr . Gain s. Confer with ofr` ici ? s of those cizo the accom ; -1sh nts of established accentance echelons. of Program d levels. the 'fir at the highest ble promo to the issuance ves at the De-- uty Director b. Upon acceptance of the Program 1n01vidual C)fi'aces, develop such guides as necessary for its instal ation and operation, and assist rea records Officers with the initial Pro_ AI gram. phases. . -rnterent a training proFrara designed to supplea rat the x"1 ports ? Pro? rs and other publisher dde-s, such a program to he of benefit to R: t t e ea Records :.fficers who may lac prn rra a m nis t motion and an y ience. Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 -- Start 'Ct eted a. Develo- exhibit-:, -ractjcal exercises, and -in 'rir l iteratexe .. m. teria1 obtained x Y-o, exf-,erlence,s --f Area Records train., ng .;ter jal on trr : basis of avail- . ` Ghc Tu z : '. r~c conduct training sessi ns for ird ` ' 5.u' l c? r,,u s, as ap'aro -'. ",c. 5. ?:ods ltrrY:: is woe: the Continued rfor.:?, other ut::es inc ;,tion of the 'Pro rc7. a, Sr rig .n continuin liaison with Am. i cords UfJi'iaers, ;i her I v- ~?zralxp or t wugh neriodie ,r=:aa di sct i^ , t or+uctaalscs Of re pow ~.nd reporting s tc~mus of tency-w I the sc_ or coordinate such studies -Involving two or more Offices. ~:ti a l w to .ir ,.~ . Lecor j ' s ?Vi.1ico s' ro j .ions re- xn.ts to deters .-ne uhor 7. o ;w perogm-ws is ass's: ta' nce or ro ' . Omotion - , .% :n c3 in that organiz ttion , elements intita." and adninis-"'er a Reports 1'1ar?enent in thi.:} ae ors iz t.ic I ele cnts not axe iced by Area records ff_icers. ments reported need f .icity on the basis of cccf nlish?- oa hecor& Officer , and, on the continuous interest in the Pr. ogr-am. a. i eview pro res-I re o,r is ?:tnd discuss *.cec plish-. may be require . by hither echelon.. such statistics and progress ?eports z th froa hecords bf icers to obtain information of '7ub icity value . Let' s give cre6it T.rhere credit is due. Dov slap orie ina i...handbills., d; !bits, s'- o aches, etc. for disre,ixr' tirn' records Hn,.Jo,t 1illetin. lications ' _ar possible Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 cm d. Iatae 5. Udn of.ti through the the Lc de for clew c e ices Office of req. Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 a, co a r +c and ism* jat .ona contro3. SUM Approved for Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R060900140004-2 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R060900140004-g Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 foru' i lization,, f'Office : 5 Offices esta .i5h an equip. imnt inventory including pertinent information , regarding complete ident fication# es di tion and utM atton of each osawa w A reader& Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-? Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 RQ00900140004-2 'e U"t3 o ` AIWO Staff. Si t Sh a cis. t sc-} Approved For. Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 F000900140004 2 exial con=-m: ce o d ak and Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R600900140004-2 Approved For Re a'e. 13 1 6 ~ ~1:'?d-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-* Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 PROGRAM .' R 1- IM C T,,..,ri; P ?iN'D''IICE T1ANAG 1 MICR Correspondence Develop -. handbook f ch - . provide procedures and style stzndards for the preparation and handlin, of al ond letters. (The Centr Ibte32i ersce LZIM C Corrs=-ndenee book a. Develop initial draft of Handbodt for review and approval at Cei sral Services Office level. b. , n review and approval of draft by Chief, fteral Services Wffice, Tabrit copy to repvo- i$on for printing of suf'f'icient copies for through Regulations Control Staff. If necessary, establish and chair an hoc editorial committee to review working--level recons^.:endntions on the Handbook, It is pro- posed that the coittee be composed of repre- sentatives from the major Agency components which submit xeca rendations. Convene the co m ttoe in suf"'.eient sessions to agree .eteiy on the H udbook: s content. evi.e the initial draft to incorporate find the editorial coai.ttee. Develop an ex raid prepare ter':, exlsibits, and cover submission to Reproduction. 2. Collaborate with the training Office in publishing a guide for the assistance of s tenoaraphers and typists, such a ; aide to include inforaation on typing tech- :niquee, pitallzntion, punctuation, and other typing aids. (Zhe Steno rapper's and T s (} a. Discuss with Rer xlations Control. Staff and the Director of Training our recorwmend.ation that the Guide be published in the 4D-15O series as a handbook related to other isruances on Correspondence Manaement. b. Assist Training Of.fice personnel with the pro- ion of final copy for subr..ssion to P ucti an, to ensure that the Guide will confor in general apps `.r zee to the form of other handbooks on Correspondence Management being dev ped by b c a.i Approved For Release 2006/04/13.: CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 3. I ev for 4 hanjbae A for the assis#n-nee of crr'It,ars_ she use of for- =-nor and Ind letters pattern memo-. , rands and let,6ers, pattern paragraphs, ^n. other t ! in alas* (=ham '/r3.~? t r,nib zonvcne Records "7,'.cers sit request rarl the i entory ,f roq remente for repetitive-type correspondence within their In collabo ,ation vith Area. Records lye correspondence and develop foxy are, analyze the types and volume of or 1_atUern co:responr3ece for use ency-ode bb. Devclop an index (correspondez) of those form m randa and letters, pattern correspondence and pattern paragraphs fort en tde use, and az ist Area Recon!s Officers s ith the (development of corrcapondexee, appropriate to the needs of their areas. ?ture^on the subject of writing tech- e copies of available pamphlet-type, evelop a section on this subiect fron text books end other publications, c se ble material developed (or tro:cured) into a draft copy for review at tTsne ces Office level. draft copies to :gzzlations Control :for working-level cle"ranee: ncorpors.te workink -level rear r archives. t'xo -ds r0 10 -Ice sOr"ice on records in custody and bring 'r-f es records in custody under intel lectual control, and to provide .r acceessability for reference purposes, Develop prcic res for `,he expeditious .aging of aal records requestss, both tand verbal, and the operation of a document loan sake, c. Install and maintain ademate facil Tor a reference search mom in the Center that will Include tcrofl m readers. Establish and maintain r :crofi34n and phaoto-reproducing services for those records in cuttsr when such rep s .ict ions are not in conflict with Agency rcguUti.onsa sou. rity, requ rsment, or statutory or legal restrictions. Act an the official liaison with the National Archives concerning re requires its for records in that Agency's oastody, records in custody that are authorised tabl sh and maintain disposal fickler Maas covering those re rds aut crised for cii sposal j those di sposablee on a contingent basis and those Bch appear, disposable but for which A:;ency approval has not been obtained. Identify and those records custody for which disnosasl standards have been authorized and approved through the issuance of Records Control Scloduleg and Lists. a procedure for obtaining the concurrence of operating offices in the destruc .on of any of their records that thorized for disposal. App?oveae -Fier Fkelease 2006/04 $0 CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-~ s deterrir of IlOr tent or 1ongttx ret.. r vartlxy re: l.ertts necessary to : cordo in cup tod ` due z e t, excessive . ve dam, es , bnd tough Conduct analyses of the carious ways mans to z'ovide ` ,i nax? um s ' e or i reyeu t #F T tare det . records. stribu mipp1oi ;.on War co of o Produced intelligence tnfor. tion. and and to ? ' e : 4tta . and nuvple-,ental gym. ey re ,atLons and notices. d intain a cant .zing in- r all i.ncorzing and outgoing necossarr to b control. Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 e t of records disposed of Center. d. Provide for a s ; sten of rewJc op proocdos for the ;aper&'v .ac11li ties 3.'_n pIao tc.reproduc tion ,.ay be necessary to service 'or copies o" it1f`rxmation report . . od,#'r Release 2006/04/1 II"CIA-RDP70-00211 R0'00900140004-2 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000900140004-2 CLASSIFICATION: DATE: TO: FROM: SUMMARY: M RM NO x"151.. Approved F6.Wfkgk$gt)lMU1;PKITALI*BPTX-06g'FI OW0140004-2 (35)