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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
August 10, 2006
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Publication Date: 
October 31, 1951
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Approved. For Release 200 CLASSIFICATION ,,,ATE OF CON f'E OBTAIN T, ED ,,{ Es.,-... ,-- -, ENCLOSURES (No. & TYPE) 25X1 25X1 1,, The following orders governing the movement of empty railroad cars were Fifteen wintorized converted boxcars for carrying 'troops, 22 boxcars ,, , and 24 flatcars, all capable of long distance runs, were to be assembldd at the Rleuruppin railroad station by 6 a.m, on 12 October 1951, The'.fl at- cars had to be of the low type,, because the height of load would exceed the prescribed measurementA b., A special train of 37 boxcars and 22 flatcars was assembled at the Lichten- berg railroad station and dispatched to Nouruppin at 9x20 on 11 Octow ber 19G~,?1. 2.; Tyro-)p trains going to Brest Litovsk which were listed in the records Frankfurt/Odor railroad station included: Thito Composition of Troup Train 13.October 31 boxcars with soldiers and 31 flatcars with largo crates for jot planes Dispatching tenon Tleuruppin 13 October 30 bo,:cars and 19 flatcars Nouruppin with soldiers 1Zt October 26 boxcars and 26 flatcars Eberswalde with soldiers and large via 1'oppen containers 3y, I'lilltai-; shipments which passed the "diustermark railroad station on 3 0 r included a train of 17 boxcars and 33 flatcars with billeting equipment from Falkenberg to Ary, orrau? e ,, end a train ' of 6 boxcars , and, 12 flatcars with trucks from Halle to Angermuende, OC~EI 241 o1 j_ -- ------- ----- ~'~ 25X1 Tee IS S ? .2 App 7 h R nn ~ j 'ttel Yrq' Qy' . - 2-00457R009400480003: C1 SECiJE1TY XAw ~+gg gg PORT CO TROL/Us OFFSCTLS ONLY T;`~'~C0IMOLf S OMUC:dV,:. (XILY 25X1 2 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 A ic Comentfl The shipments were probably connected with the transfer t- Tee i ter regiment from Neuru in, On 14 October 1951, F a fighter unit from uruppin w;2s allzs errs a present repot dicates that the fighter p Robar ly left the Soviet Zone of Germany. Comn nt{, The reported shipments supparta the information n paragraph 1. It has not been determined whether one or two trains 1 ,.,ft Neuruppin on 13 October 19514 However,, it is believed that two trains vd:,re concerned since the trains reported consisted t number of c ^br a onment.. ''al conberg is the railroad station f=ir 1.t -Loonn z airfield. The reported shipment frcu Haile .toward Anger- m iende cannot be explained. s_ , /c; rRcL/~s OI r CIAL1 O LY Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009400480003-7