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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
February 15, 2006
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Publication Date: 
July 9, 1951
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R008200790008-1.pdf98.96 KB
I '--- ~ provea !-or t eiease zuub/us/u1 : c:IA-KUFtsz-uu45(I (j'(::~:rk;; ?vot uonc REPORT N TRY I'over.ionts via- Fra ;f'urt/odor, S o v i e t ifftt. } :::.;w: Biota ._~PLP;CE OBTAINS 1_I 25X1 W,111 OF )POT, OBTAINED_ ~EF[REF-CES EM RKS- 25X1 25X1 25X1A also learned that assemblage of boxcars for the evacuation of furni tire- bolonx in to Soviet officer fariilius averaged 10 to 12 per days G ?percent occv. )ied and the leave trains bets on 30 and 35 percent. at the Frankfurt/E) railroad station that., during the per'LoU xro a c to 9 June l9 1. ti1lnld, 6 the Liud Express -acre about Oder ra.ilroae station between 21 md 23 June ncluded*& 2, Li.:l_itawry shipments listed 25X1 C :;!.cattle--trz;i i of 53 boxcars wi s ers 25X1 25X1 mZoop train of 15i box- cars with soldiers tarearinC red-bordered. black epau 4 oxcars lTlth soldiers 19 boxcars with soldiers 25X1 C 25X1 25X1 II of 57 ecipt r boxcars 25X1 DATE PREPARED -9 Jul 191. _ENCLOSURES (No. & TYPE)e __25x1 From To and Date Kuestrin-border to Cuben 21 June Gerdauen to '.'a'olriirstedt and Colbitz 22 June Brost Litovsk to Lberstralde 22 June Brost L tob1 to - - Templin Cottbus to I:uestrin- border 22 June 2 flatcars R,r,th 2 x 35-ton ta:. :s ? CLASSI FICATII Brest Litovsk to Dooberitz 22 June NFIDE1 Ir ;I'R63L/U5 OFFICIALS 01 LY 25X1 25X1 25X1 C (2) 25X1 C (3) 25X1 C Document No. N. Chance In Class._______ [ J' Deciassifte:l Class. Changed To: TS Aut6,r NR 7C.2 e'' Approved For Release 2006/03/01 : CIA-RD 5 Rp000S-1 `2t 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/01 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008200790008-1 ION' R0L/US OF FI CIA a OTILY COMFt 2 25X1 25X1 25X1 C t .tears with 2 x 35tori i~enkus flatcar with 1 x 35 ton Brest Litovsk to ; ni Luckenw&lda 22 June Brest Litovsk to Lieberose 22 June 25X1A 25X1 C tcars with 2 tenks; of 53 empty boxcars Brest Litovsk to Dranse 22 June IiYankfurt/Oiler to aerdauen 23 June (it) 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/01 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008200790008-1