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June 12, 1962
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Approved For Release 2002/08/2 ~~,-~D~8~B01676R000100140097-~= (CLASSIFICATION ) ACTION MEMORANDUM OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Action Memorandum No. ~ '~ I~ Date _ f 3unr~ ! 96C TO YI~?4. SUBJECT REFERENCE: Glxie~f, ,.?biif:stion anct Ajilita~r~ F'~rattna~ai L~iviaic~n 3~egu#y ~ir+actc+r (5up~sart}~ Diraactras of ~'ersc+nnel ~f#i~ien~~r R~;~rts ~m .l~flitax~y ~eraa~tt~el i . :~'rt~rx~. ~?v~* att waula yr~u plaaae a~ae t~xat efficiency re~aorta vn ~eva~xy~ zx~il~.tar~? s~ff~icesr detailed tc thg .Agency arcs suh~ittec! t+a General Garter sa revfe~7U~g e~ff`3cer. ~. Ire additian, ycau ~shot~id tre as~are of the !fact that Geynsral~ Caxter teeala ahc-vld bar littl+~ gra-dat3caxe ~-mang +aur aeaignaci officers -~ L3aat they ahvc~ld e~itdaer be aulaeror, c~~arnplsery, s-ttd outsta-n.ttiag flr vve a~ict~ld gat rixi. cif tbe~m> (signed) Lyman B. Kip?kpal.rick l..y;~rsasr ~s. IsirhjrAtx'iCl~, LBK/jrc Distribution: Orig & 1 -Addressee 1 -Exec. Dir 1 - ER ~./' SUSPENSE DATE: cuYive Dtrsctor Approved For Release 2002/08/21 ~~R~P~0~01 ~76Rfl0010014f~097-2 Approved For Rel~e 2002/08/21 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000100140097- l 31 May 1962 MEMORANDUM FOR: Execia.tive Director SUBJECT: Efficiency Reports Executive Re "- 9istry 1. As I have previously indicated, it is essential that we "do right" by the military personnel assigned to the Agency. I refer specifically to the Efficiency Reports rendered on them. As far as I personally am concerned, there can be little gradation amongst our assigned officers -- they are either unsatisfactory and we should get rid of them, or they are up i.n the superior, exemplary, and outstanding brackets. We have :no more room for mediocre military officers than we do for our own 'mediocre staff officers. 2. Accordingly, I wish you would take steps for me personally to review every Efficiency Report of every military officer., regardless of Branch, that is submitted from the Agency. It might well be that Mr. McCone and I should personally associate ourselves with the reports in some areas. If this becomes too burdensome, I will let you know. Marshall S. Carter Lieutenant General, USA Deputy Director Distribution: iC)rig - Adse 1-ER 1- Approved For Release 2002/08/21 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000100140097-2