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A r edFor Release 2000/08/29: CIA-RDPi 8 OAK0 1 Q, 050008-3 Outline: 'bo; yiet peace Offens x. Since the death of 8talia; soviet g ove tit has modified many tactics characteristic of the Stalin in internal and foreign policy, the strategic objectives of the. US8 under Stalsi.n, y changed. These. euper%Qrity in ataxic recs. 3. The weakening and disz up t ion of the Western. coalition 3d the isolation of the US from its allies. elimin?:.stion of Western, part power and influence the Far East. NC cHi ANV,E IN CLAS 11 CiEC.Lff.SSTtc1 TS s0,:2,k, Approved For Rele&& 2#t!I!21A1RDP7913kn9~qA 50008-3 Ti'_ 4F^> App Dyed For elea' X000100050008-3 25X6A The achievement of Communist control of, or -a alur voice i i,Asjan gover ments. B. We consider, however, that curre st Soviet titctic,s, both in the ",,)eace offensive'' and in Soviet internal affairs, are more intell.igent.lyr devised to accoi.q; i.sh II these ob;jlectives and are being more subtly applied Than Stalin's tactics. II. Foreign policy A. In general, Soviet foreign tactics are morel cleverly desigfed to accomplish the weakenilg of Western alliances, reduction of US and dissipation c:>>""' Western; influence in Asia. v3.vwed thc; truce a a sic. -iua non B. Korea -- Vhe Kremlin apparte n to foster unity sentiment. There no indication of Soviet willirgne:,:-: 2 success of its outer tactics. C. Tactics in Germany at Approved For Release 200b 8/2 , UMj 1i P Y00.890A000100050008-3 Pproved For Release '',2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R0089OA000100050008-3 achkeve unity on terms acceptable to Lhe West. Developimient:: here are: 1. Aboiitiou of ttia Soviet Control Comrj~iss;_: 3 and appointment c? a civilian high ct; missioner parallel- ing the setup in West Germany. 12. Reversal of Sovietization drivo, including; a)Agreement with the church. b)IIalt in collectivization,. c)Promise to restore land to refugees who return. d)Lifting of restrictions on businessmen and teachers. e)Liberation of 4000 imprison- ed for economic crimes. D. Tactics in Austria are designed to offset Soviet refusal to negotiate a pact and to underline the Kremlin's new liberal approach. Developments here include:' 1. Appointment of Soviet Approved For Relgj%P.9 /29 : C!,4-RDP79R00890A000100050008-3 ll j ckl EC fi.11 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 DP7 ,ift.iti:; ! sCi'JCt1On S cats policy on Austrian 4. Sale of disputed hydroelectric plant at Ybhs, on the Danube west of Vienna, to Austria. E. Diplomatic moves in Balkans are designed to upport the peace offensive, nullify the Ialkan Pact, and undermine Tito Developments here are: l. Offer to exchange ambassadors With Greece. 2.1 Offer to exchange ambassadors with YujgosIav.ia. 3. Relinquishment of territoria claims agai.n.:t Turkey and of dei andp. for share in def -ise of the Straits. F. L! the Near Eat, there have been the following developments related to the "peace" cam#)aign : Approved For Releasb200JUO8/29 I 0008-3 Z : 9R00890A000100050008-3 TOP. SEC -Approved For-Release2001/I?W':qtr- a OBRO rI00050008-3 . iLh I'ran N I ndic.xtions of a 1orthcl;r.i r, ; f: ? oc t t - t: t ie. outstanding SovitAt- I.rani< 'Cit7}1, tennioi, and vitr'i.oli ,, aty wt? I.I Iiave been the product: h .gh.ly industrialized and better educated .country may feel that their approach will give them better stability, raise the morale of the people and achieve the primary objectives of Communism with greater ease and less cost. V. Satellites - Evidence from the I satellites reinforces the view that the new Soviet policies are tailored to accomplish specific objectives and do not indicate any significant change in basic aims. Ei ~ &) \U + a u kill. Approved, For .ReIeaPe 2000/0?129 CIA RDP79ROO89OA000100050008-3 Approved For ReleaseI`tP79R00890A000100010008-3 A. No m jor changes in he l cztder- ship of the satellite communist art3 s or gover ft .ha%o occurred. pressures Them has been no significant on satellite peoples. C. geastres to increae the popularity of the USSR and the orbit regimes are et- ,t e misting or on a weary minor scale; preaching I~.? anges.in security apparatus; at "vigilance" cQntjnues. nued military buildup. 0=tlus ions At tie World Peace Congress,; d up Soviet aims as: dmission of Comuuuuist China Currant situation illustpa.te$ increased flexihil$ty of the new regime in Approved For Relets, 1213' i0 RDP79R00890A000100050008-3 A 2. Creation of neutral Geruaany. 3. 'freak-oii of **all natjous. from NATO, and their negotiation of regional pacts with neighbors. A proved For Release C J4 9V rh 79R00890A000100050008-3 R;ZITY 3NF ?RM T1O$ ,rear>>